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Bones_API - A powerful API backend framework for Dart. It comes with a built-in HTTP Server, route handler, entity handler, SQL translator, and DB adapters.


A simple BTC-USD API example:

import 'package:bones_api/bones_api_server.dart';
import 'package:mercury_client/mercury_client.dart';

/// APIs are organized in modules:
class MyBTCModule extends APIModule {
  MyBTCModule(APIRoot apiRoot) : super(apiRoot, 'btc');

  /// The default route for not matching routes:
  String? get defaultRouteName => '404';

  /// A configuration property from `apiConfig`.
  String get notFoundMsg => apiConfig['not_found_msg'] ?? 'Unknown route!';

  void configure() {
    routes.get('usd', (request) => fetchBtcUsd());

    routes.any('time', (request) => APIResponse.ok(;

    routes.any('404', notFound);

  /// A HTTP client for `fetchBtcUsd`:
  static final coinDeskClient = HttpClient("");

  /// Fetches the BTS-USD price.
  Future<APIResponse<num>> fetchBtcUsd() async {
    var response = await coinDeskClient.get('currentprice.json');
    if (response.isNotOK) {
      return APIResponse.notFound();

    var btcUsd = response.json['bpi']['USD']['rate_float'] as num?;
    return btcUsd != null ? APIResponse.ok(btcUsd) : APIResponse.notFound();

  /// Not found route (`404`):
  FutureOr<APIResponse> notFound(request) {
    // The requested path:
    var path = request.path;

    var body = '''
    <b>PATH:<b> $path

    // `APIResponse` with `content-type` and `cache-control`:
    return APIResponse.notFound(payload: body)
      ..payloadMimeType = 'text/html'
      ..headers['cache-control'] = 'no-store';

/// The `APIRoot` defines the API version and modules to use:
class MyAPI extends APIRoot {
  MyAPI({dynamic apiConfig}) : super('example', '1.0', apiConfig: apiConfig);

  // Load the modules used by this API:
  Set<APIModule> loadModules() => {MyBTCModule(this)};

/// Starts an [APIServer] and calls the routes through [HttpClient]:
void main() async {
  // A JSON to configure the API:
  var apiConfigJson = '''
    {"not_found_msg": "This is 404!"}

  var api = MyAPI(apiConfig: apiConfigJson);

  int? serverPort = await startAPIServer(api);

  var httpClient = HttpClient("http://localhost:$serverPort/");

  var btcUsd = (await httpClient.get('/btc/usd')).bodyAsString;
  print('BTC-USD: $btcUsd');

  var time = (await'/btc/time')).bodyAsString;
  print('TIME: $time');

  var foo = (await httpClient.get('/btc/foo')).bodyAsString;

  await stopAPIServer();

late final APIServer apiServer;

/// Starts the [APIServer] (HTTP Server) and returns the port.
/// - With Hot Reload if `--enable-vm-service` is passed to the Dart VM.
Future<int?> startAPIServer(MyAPI api) async {
  var serverPort = 8088;

  print('Starting APIServer...\n');

  apiServer = APIServer(api, '*', serverPort, hotReload: true);
  await apiServer.start();

  print('URL: ${apiServer.url}\n');

  return serverPort;

/// Stops the [APIServer].
Future<bool> stopAPIServer() async {
  await apiServer.stop();
  return true;


Starting APIServer...

2021-10-08 02:15:17.924328 [CONFIG]  (main) APIHotReload > pkgConfigURL: ~/workspace/bones_api/.dart_tool/package_config.json
2021-10-08 02:15:17.959068 [CONFIG]  (main) APIHotReload > Watching [~/workspace/bones_api] with [MacOSDirectoryWatcher]...
2021-10-08 02:15:18.185128 [INFO]    (main) APIHotReload > Created HotReloader
2021-10-08 02:15:18.185624 [INFO]    (main) APIHotReload > Enabled Hot Reload: true
2021-10-08 02:15:18.185852 [INFO]    (main) APIServer    > Started HTTP server:

APIServer{ apiType: MyAPI, apiRoot: example[1.0]{btc}, address:, port: 8088, hotReload: true, started: true, stopped: false }

BTC-USD: 53742.76
TIME: 2021-10-08 02:15:18.294076
    <b>PATH:<b> /btc/foo
    <i>This is 404!</i>


You can use the built-in command-line interface (CLI) bones_api.

To activate it globally:

 $> dart pub global activate bones_api

Now you can use the CLI directly:

  $> bones_api --help

To serve an API project:

  $> bones_api serve --directory path/to/project --class MyAPIRoot --config api-prod.conf --port 80 --address --build --hotreload --domain

To create an API project file tree:

  $> bones_api create -o /path_to/workspace/foo_api -p project_name_dir=foo_api -p "project_name=Foo API" -p "project_description=API for Foo stuffs." -p homepage=

Hot Reload

APIServer supports Hot Reload when the Dart VM is running with --enable-vm-service:

void main() async {
  var apiServer = APIServer(api, 'localhost', 8080, hotReload: true);
  await apiServer.start();

The CLI bones_api, when called with --hotreload, will launch a new Dart VM with --enable-vm-service (if needed) to allow Hot Reload.

To serve an API project with Hot Reload enabled:

  $> bones_api serve --directory path/to/project --class MyAPIRoot --hotreload

Using Reflection

You can use the package reflection_factory to automate some declarations.

For example, you can map all routes in a class with one line of code:

File: module_account.dart:

import 'package:bones_api/bones_api.dart';
import 'package:reflection_factory/reflection_factory.dart';

// See Repositories sections below in this README:
import 'repositories.dart';

// The generated reflection code by `reflection_factory`:
part 'module_account.reflection.g.dart';

class AccountModule extends APIModule {
  AccountModule(APIRoot apiRoot) : super(apiRoot, 'account');

  final AddressAPIRepository addressRepository = AddressAPIRepository();

  final AccountAPIRepository accountRepository = AccountAPIRepository();

  void configure() {
    // Maps the POST routes by reflection of any method in this class
    // that returns `APIResponse` or accepts `APIRequest`.

  // The request parameters will be mapped to the correct
  // method parameter by name:
  Future<APIResponse> auth(String? email, String? password) async {
    if (email == null) {
      return APIResponse.error(error: 'Invalid parameters!');

    if (password == null) {
      return APIResponse.unauthorized();

    var sel = await accountRepository.selectAccountByEmail(email);

    if (sel.isEmpty) {
      return APIResponse.unauthorized();

    var account = sel.first;

    // The object `account` will be automatically converted
    // to JSON when the response is sent through HTTP.
    return account.checkPassword(password)
        ? APIResponse.ok(account)
        : APIResponse.unauthorized();

Declaring Entities & Reflection

You can declare entities classes in portable Dart code (that also works in the Browser).

To easily enable toJSon and fromJson, just add @EnableReflection() to your entities.

File: entities.dart:

import 'dart:convert';

import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:reflection_factory/reflection_factory.dart';

part 'entities.reflection.g.dart';

class Account {
  int? id;

  String email;
  String passwordHash;
  Address? address;

  Account(, String passwordOrHash, this.address, {})
      : passwordHash = hashPassword(passwordOrHash);

  Account.create() : this('', '', null);

  bool checkPassword(String password) {
    return passwordHash == hashPassword(password);

  static final RegExp _regExpHEX = RegExp(r'ˆ(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{2})+$');

  static bool isHashedPassword(String password) {
    return password.length == 64 && _regExpHEX.hasMatch(password);

  static String hashPassword(String password) {
    if (isHashedPassword(password)) {
      return password;

    var bytes = utf8.encode(password);
    var digest = sha256.convert(bytes);
    var hash = digest.toString();

    return hash;

class Address {
  int? id;

  String countryCode;
  String state;
  String city;
  String address1;
  String address2;

  String zipCode;

  Address(this.countryCode, this.state,, this.address1, this.address2,

  Address.create() : this('', '', '', '', '', '');

See reflection_factory for more Reflection documentation.

Repositories & Database

To stored entities in Databases and manipulate them you can set up an EntityRepositoryProvider:

File: repositories.dart

import 'package:bones_api/bones_api.dart';

// Import the PostgreSQL Adapter:
import 'package:bones_api/bones_api_adapter_postgre.dart';

// Import the above entities file:
import 'entities.dart';

/// The API `EntityRepositoryProvider`:
class APIEntityRepositoryProvider extends EntityRepositoryProvider {
  static final APIEntityRepositoryProvider _instance =

  // Singleton:
  factory APIEntityRepositoryProvider() => _instance;

  // Returns the current `APIRoot`:
  APIRoot? get apiRoot => APIRoot.get();

  APIEntityRepositoryProvider._() {
    // The current APIConfig:
    var apiConfig = apiRoot?.apiConfig;

    var postgreAdapter = PostgreSQLAdapter.fromConfig(
      apiConfig?['postgres'], // The connection configuration
      parentRepositoryProvider: this,

    // Join the `PostgreSQLAdapter` and the Address/Account
    // `EntityHandler` (from reflection) to set up an
    // `EntityRepository` that uses SQL:
    // Entity `Address` in table `address`:
        postgreAdapter, 'address', Address$reflection().entityHandler);

    // Entity `Account` in table `account`:
        postgreAdapter, 'account', Account$reflection().entityHandler);

/// The [Address] APIRepository:
class AddressAPIRepository extends APIRepository<Address> {
  AddressAPIRepository() : super(provider: APIEntityRepositoryProvider());

  /// Selects an [Address] by field `state`:
  FutureOr<Iterable<Address>> selectByState(String state) {
    return selectByQuery(' state == ? ', parameters: {'state': state});

/// The [Account] APIRepository:
class AccountAPIRepository extends APIRepository<Account> {
  AccountAPIRepository() : super(provider: APIEntityRepositoryProvider());

  /// Selects an [Account] by field `email`:
  FutureOr<Iterable<Account>> selectAccountByEmail(String email) {
    return selectByQuery(' email == ? ', parameters: {'email': email});

  /// Selects an Account by field `address` and sub-field `state`:
  FutureOr<Iterable<Account>> selectAccountByAddressState(String state) {
    // This condition will be translated to a SQL with INNER JOIN (when using an SQLAdapter):
    return selectByQuery(' address.state == ? ', parameters: [state]);

The config file used above:

File: api-local.yaml

  database: yourdb
  username: postgres
  password: 123456


To use a SQL database with your EntityRepository you need a SQLAdapter:

  • PostgreSQLAdapter: a PostgreSQL adapter.
  • MySQLAdapter: A MySQL adapter.
  • MemorySQLAdapter: a portable SQLAdapter that stores entities in memory.

The SQLAdapter is responsible to connect to the database, manage the connection pool and also to adjust the generated SQLs to the correct dialect.


See also the package Bones_UI, a simple and easy Web User Interface Framework for Dart.

Features and bugs

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.


Any help from the open-source community is always welcome and needed:

  • Found an issue?
    • Please fill a bug report with details.
  • Wish a feature?
    • Open a feature request with use cases.
  • Are you using and liking the project?
    • Promote the project: create an article, do a post or make a donation.
  • Are you a developer?
    • Fix a bug and send a pull request.
    • Implement a new feature.
    • Improve the Unit Tests.
  • Have you already helped in any way?
    • Many thanks from me, the contributors and everybody that uses this project!


Graciliano M. Passos: gmpassos@GitHub.


Artistic License - Version 2.0