It's docker for old legacy project with CMS DataLife Engine v.13.2 with php 5.6 Create
- Enter db container
docker exec -it db bash
mysql -u root -p"password"
create database exampledb character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
grant all privileges on exampledb.* to exampleuser@'%' identified by 'exampleuser_password';
For restoring db:
- paste your dump.sql into db/data/backup folder
- Enter db container
docker exec -it db bash
mysql -u exampleuser -p"exampleuser_password"
use exampledb
source /var/lib/mysql/backup/dump.sql
- Make copy from etc/nginx/conf.d/example.conf (name should be like *.conf) and change server_name for your domain name.
- restart nginx:
docker exec -it nginx nginx -s reload
- Copy paste dle files into app folder
- Rename db connection localhost to "db" (name of your docker service) in the app/engine/data/dbconfig.php