All notable changes to gateway should be added to this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added uniswap routes:
- A uniswap service class.
- create an test script that uses all of the ethereum routes. Can be run with
yarn test-scripts
- /config/update to update the config file and reload the server
run gateway with https as default
hidden option to run in http. This is unsafe and should only be done in development mode.
manual/ to test routes while using https
Added ethereum routes:
Simple express error handler (to be improved in future PRs)
Add approvedSpenders to Ethereum.
Add getTokenBySymbol to Ethereum.
uniswap.config.ts with Uniswap addresses.
balancer.config.ts with Balancer addresses
- Tests for config-manager.ts.
Drop EthTransactionReceipt, use providers.TransactionReceipt for getTransactionReceipt.
Trade yaml for js-yaml because it has types.
Add a Config type to ConfigManager.
Ethereum extends EthereumBase and has custom behavior for the ethereum gas price.
Add src/services/gateway-config.ts based on the file from gateway-api, but much simpler and without file watching (the API should be responsible for restarting the service if there is a change to the config file).
Add src/services/base.ts to hold types and functions common to all services.
- Update src/services/ethereum-base.ts to be an implementation using what was in src/chains/ethereum/ethereum.ts.
- Delete all code in src/chains/ethereum/ethereum.ts since it was moved to ethereum-base.ts. In a future PR this will become a class that inherits from EthereumBase.
Initate a new repo for gateway. This will replace gateway-api and eventually be added to hummingbot to form a monorepo.
Add libraries for TypeScript, eslint, express and uniswap.
Create dirs and files according to Mike's architecture proposal.
Create a test dir with a single set of unit tests.
Create ethereum base class, config and service.