Qrala • since 2021 •
Version: 1.0.0
All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2021 - 2022. Christoph Rohde
Licence: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
- loaded QR-Codes are now shown in the Qrala window.
- added QR-Code color settings.
- generated QR-Codes are now shown in the Qrala window.
- refactoring of the generated QR-Code buttons.
- added about window.
- File --> Save are now working ('.png' only at this time).
- Some PEP8-compliant changes and GUI improvements.
- added settings.xml.
- VCard QR-Codes are now working on Windows #3
- WIFI QR-Codes are now working on Windows #3
- some Windows improvements. #4
- VCard QR-Codes are now working on macOS #3
- added some code for VCard QR-Codes #3
- added some code for WIFI QR-Codes #3
- added some code for Settings which are follows in the future #5
- Settings are now outsourced to a separate window #1
- some performance and consistency improvements
- added some code for VCard QR-Codes #3
- added some code for translations
- some readability improvements and cleanups
- added new menu 'Qrala' for preferences and close the Qrala application
- added some code for customizing the QRCode
- enhanced file structure #1
- some readability improvements and cleanups
- WIFI QR-Codes are now working on macOS #3
- added better file structure. #1
- added some code for VCard QR-Codes
- added some code for WIFI QR-Codes
- some readability improvements and cleanups
- added .gitignore
- added some code for VCard QR-Codes
- added some code for WIFI QR-Codes
- some readability improvements
- makes application runnable