From acb90114a05c0a139112b69fac25f8847bc48fa3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pezhman-Azizi <> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 10:15:00 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Implement Bash scripts to process scores.json and person.json, extracting names, scores, cities, and performing calculations. --- jq/ | 1 + jq/ | 2 ++ jq/ | 1 + jq/ | 1 + jq/ | 1 + jq/ | 1 + jq/ | 1 + jq/ | 1 + jq/ | 1 + jq/ | 1 + jq/ | 1 + 11 files changed, 12 insertions(+) diff --git a/jq/ b/jq/ index 95827f6..0d69705 100755 --- a/jq/ +++ b/jq/ @@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ set -euo pipefail # The input for this script is the person.json file. # TODO: Write a command to output the name of the person. # Your output should be exactly the string "Selma", but should not contain any quote characters. +jq -r '.name' person.json diff --git a/jq/ b/jq/ index 21544d6..e7c322d 100755 --- a/jq/ +++ b/jq/ @@ -5,3 +5,5 @@ set -euo pipefail # The input for this script is the person.json file. # TODO: Write a command to output the address of the person, all on one line, with a comma between each line. # Your output should be exactly the string "35 Fashion Street, London, E1 6PX", but should not contain any quote characters. +jq -r '.address | join(", ")' person.json + diff --git a/jq/ b/jq/ index 3566f03..d815788 100755 --- a/jq/ +++ b/jq/ @@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ set -euo pipefail # The input for this script is the person.json file. # TODO: Write a command to output the name of the person, then a comma, then their profession. # Your output should be exactly the string "Selma, Software Engineer", but should not contain any quote characters. +jq -r '[.name, .profession] | join(", ")' person.json diff --git a/jq/ b/jq/ index 015997e..e50f742 100755 --- a/jq/ +++ b/jq/ @@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to output just the names of each player, one per line. # Your output should contain 6 lines, each with just one word on it. # Your output should not contain any quote characters. +jq -r '.[].name' scores.json diff --git a/jq/ b/jq/ index 993fc9e..ab78fba 100755 --- a/jq/ +++ b/jq/ @@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ set -euo pipefail # The input for this script is the scores.json file. # TODO: Write a command to output the names of each player, as well as their city. # Your output should contain 6 lines, each with two words on it. +jq -r '.[] | "\(.name) \(.city)"' scores.json diff --git a/jq/ b/jq/ index 8b6e74c..47fee35 100755 --- a/jq/ +++ b/jq/ @@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to output just the names of each player along with the score from their first attempt. # Your output should contain 6 lines, each with one word and one number on it. # The first line should be "Ahmed 1" with no quotes. +jq -r '.[] | "\(.name) \(.scores[0])"' scores.json diff --git a/jq/ b/jq/ index d43f93d..f20ab3d 100755 --- a/jq/ +++ b/jq/ @@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to output just the names of each player along with the score from their last attempt. # Your output should contain 6 lines, each with one word and one number on it. # The first line should be "Ahmed 4" with no quotes. +jq -r '.[] | "\(.name) \(.scores[-1])"' scores.json diff --git a/jq/ b/jq/ index 6671fd1..165e67a 100755 --- a/jq/ +++ b/jq/ @@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to output just the names of each player along with the number of times they've played the game. # Your output should contain 6 lines, each with one word and one number on it. # The first line should be "Ahmed 3" with no quotes. +jq -r '.[] | "\(.name) \(.scores | length)"' scores.json diff --git a/jq/ b/jq/ index c2536a5..3ce4c2b 100755 --- a/jq/ +++ b/jq/ @@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to output just the names of each player along with the total scores from all of their games added together. # Your output should contain 6 lines, each with one word and one number on it. # The first line should be "Ahmed 15" with no quotes. +jq -r '.[] | "\(.name) \(.scores | add)"' scores.json diff --git a/jq/ b/jq/ index 8e9d75f..e133407 100755 --- a/jq/ +++ b/jq/ @@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ set -euo pipefail # The input for this script is the scores.json file. # TODO: Write a command to output the total of adding together all players' first scores. # Your output should be exactly the number 54. +jq '[.[].scores[0]] | add' scores.json diff --git a/jq/ b/jq/ index d2337a6..943b36a 100755 --- a/jq/ +++ b/jq/ @@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ set -euo pipefail # The input for this script is the scores.json file. # TODO: Write a command to output the total of adding together all scores from all games from all players. # Your output should be exactly the number 164. +jq '[.[].scores[]] | add' scores.json From 9fd22b2875ebd3a944cae34d57956cc02315a3cb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pezhman-Azizi <> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 15:11:11 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Enhanced shell pipeline exercises using ls, sort, uniq, head, tail, and tr for efficient text processing and command-line data manipulation. --- shell-pipelines/ls-grep/ | 1 + shell-pipelines/ls-grep/ | 1 + shell-pipelines/ls-grep/ | 1 + shell-pipelines/ls-grep/ | 1 + shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ | 1 + shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ | 1 + shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ | 1 + shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ | 1 + shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ | 1 + shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ | 2 ++ shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ | 1 + shell-pipelines/tr/ | 1 + shell-pipelines/tr/ | 1 + 13 files changed, 14 insertions(+) diff --git a/shell-pipelines/ls-grep/ b/shell-pipelines/ls-grep/ index 8c7d968..b77993b 100755 --- a/shell-pipelines/ls-grep/ +++ b/shell-pipelines/ls-grep/ @@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to output the names of the files in the sample-files directory whose name contains at least one upper case letter. # Your output should contain 11 files. +ls sample-files | grep '[A-Z]' diff --git a/shell-pipelines/ls-grep/ b/shell-pipelines/ls-grep/ index 16f5f71..4fa4206 100755 --- a/shell-pipelines/ls-grep/ +++ b/shell-pipelines/ls-grep/ @@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to output the names of the files in the sample-files directory whose name starts with an upper case letter. # Your output should contain 10 files. +ls sample-files | grep '^[A-Z]' diff --git a/shell-pipelines/ls-grep/ b/shell-pipelines/ls-grep/ index a302ab0..9b79f1c 100755 --- a/shell-pipelines/ls-grep/ +++ b/shell-pipelines/ls-grep/ @@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to output the names of the files in the sample-files directory whose name starts with an upper case letter and doesn't contain any other upper case letters. # Your output should contain 7 files. +ls sample-files | grep '^[A-Z][^A-Z]*$' diff --git a/shell-pipelines/ls-grep/ b/shell-pipelines/ls-grep/ index c000b7e..7ece87c 100755 --- a/shell-pipelines/ls-grep/ +++ b/shell-pipelines/ls-grep/ @@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to count the number of files in the sample-files directory whose name starts with an upper case letter and doesn't contain any other upper case letters. # Your output should be the number 7. +ls sample-files | grep -c '^[A-Z][^A-Z]*$' diff --git a/shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ b/shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ index 171e1f9..845ad89 100755 --- a/shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ +++ b/shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ @@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ set -euo pipefail # The input for this script is the scores-table.txt file. # TODO: Write a command to output scores-table.txt, with lines sorted by the person's name. # The first line of your output should be "Ahmed London 1 10 4" (with no quotes). And the third line should be "Chandra Birmingham 12 6". +sort scores-table.txt diff --git a/shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ b/shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ index 29c3c25..e028150 100755 --- a/shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ +++ b/shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ @@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ set -euo pipefail # The input for this script is the scores-table.txt file. # TODO: Write a command to output scores-table.txt, with lines sorted by the person's first score, descending. # The first line of your output should be "Basia London 22 9 6" (with no quotes). +sort -k3,3nr scores-table.txt diff --git a/shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ b/shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ index bcbaf34..01e6b4d 100755 --- a/shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ +++ b/shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ @@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ set -euo pipefail # Basia London 22 9 6 # Piotr Glasgow 15 2 25 11 8 # Chandra Birmingham 12 6 +sort -k3,3nr scores-table.txt | head -n 3 diff --git a/shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ b/shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ index 65a5cfb..a42bac9 100755 --- a/shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ +++ b/shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ @@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ set -euo pipefail # The input for this script is the scores-table.txt file. # TODO: Write a command to output scores-table.txt, with shows the line for the player whose first score was the second highest. # Your output should be: "Piotr Glasgow 15 2 25 11 8" (without quotes). +sort -k3,3nr scores-table.txt | sed -n '2p' diff --git a/shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ b/shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ index a93cd9f..8eba57e 100755 --- a/shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ +++ b/shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ @@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to show a list of all events that have happened, without duplication. # The order they're displayed doesn't matter, but we never want to see the same event listed twice. # Your output should contain 6 lines. +sort events.txt | uniq diff --git a/shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ b/shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ index 715c7ae..1c628aa 100755 --- a/shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ +++ b/shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ @@ -5,3 +5,5 @@ set -euo pipefail # The input for this script is the events.txt file. # TODO: Write a command to show how many times anyone has entered and exited. # It should be clear from your script's output that there have been 5 Entry events and 4 Exit events. + +grep -oE 'Entry|Exit' events.txt | sort | uniq -c diff --git a/shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ b/shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ index 7fd07e1..f65fed4 100755 --- a/shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ +++ b/shell-pipelines/sort-uniq-head-tail/ @@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to show how many times anyone has entered and exited. # It should be clear from your script's output that there have been 5 Entry events and 4 Exit events. # The word "Event" should not appear in your script's output. +awk '{print $3}' events-with-timestamps.txt | grep -E 'Entry|Exit' | sort | uniq -c diff --git a/shell-pipelines/tr/ b/shell-pipelines/tr/ index 8bb0211..fe2acd5 100755 --- a/shell-pipelines/tr/ +++ b/shell-pipelines/tr/ @@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ set -euo pipefail # The author got feedback that they're using too many exclamation marks (!). # # TODO: Write a command to output the contents of text.txt with every exclamation mark (!) replaced with a full-stop (.). +sed 's/!/./g' text.txt diff --git a/shell-pipelines/tr/ b/shell-pipelines/tr/ index cf3a503..8598e77 100755 --- a/shell-pipelines/tr/ +++ b/shell-pipelines/tr/ @@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ set -euo pipefail # so every Y should be a Z, and every Z should be a Y! # # TODO: Write a command to output the contents of text.txt with every Y and Z swapped (both upper and lower case). +tr 'yYzZ' 'zZyY' < text.txt