diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/awk/script-01.sh b/individual-shell-tools/awk/script-01.sh index 8db4390..120c347 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/awk/script-01.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/awk/script-01.sh @@ -4,3 +4,12 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to output just the names of each player in `scores-table.txt`. # Your output should contain 6 lines, each with just one word on it. + +awk '{print $1}' scores-table.txt + +Ahmed +Basia +Mehmet +Leila +Piotr +Chandra diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/awk/script-02.sh b/individual-shell-tools/awk/script-02.sh index 5956be9..677fb6d 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/awk/script-02.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/awk/script-02.sh @@ -4,3 +4,10 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to output the names of each player, as well as their city. # Your output should contain 6 lines, each with two words on it, separated by a space. +awk '{print $1, $2}' scores-table.txt +Ahmed London +Basia London +Mehmet Birmingham +Leila London +Piotr Glasgow +Chandra Birmingham diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/awk/script-03.sh b/individual-shell-tools/awk/script-03.sh index af7c6e8..dfbc4af 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/awk/script-03.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/awk/script-03.sh @@ -5,3 +5,10 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to output just the names of each player along with the score from their first attempt. # Your output should contain 6 lines, each with one word and one number on it. # The first line should be "Ahmed 1". +awk '{print $1, $3}' scores-table.txt +Ahmed 1 +Basia 22 +Mehmet 3 +Leila 1 +Piotr 15 +Chandra 12 diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/awk/script-04.sh b/individual-shell-tools/awk/script-04.sh index bf15703..af2837b 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/awk/script-04.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/awk/script-04.sh @@ -5,3 +5,8 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to output just the names of each player in London along with the score from their last attempt. # Your output should contain 3 lines, each with one word and one number on it. # The first line should be "Ahmed 4". + +awk '/London/ { if (NF<5) print $1, $NF; else print $1, $5}' scores-table.txt +Ahmed 4 +Basia 6 +Leila 1 diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/awk/script-05.sh b/individual-shell-tools/awk/script-05.sh index d1680cb..0e36a1d 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/awk/script-05.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/awk/script-05.sh @@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to output just the names of each player along with the number of times they've played the game. # Your output should contain 6 lines, each with one word and one number on it. # The first line should be "Ahmed 3". +awk '{print $1, NF-2}' scores-table.txt diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/awk/script-06-stretch.sh b/individual-shell-tools/awk/script-06-stretch.sh index 0201e63..fbd9cd9 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/awk/script-06-stretch.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/awk/script-06-stretch.sh @@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to output the total of adding together all players' first scores. # Your output should be exactly the number 54. +awk '{sum += $3} END{print sum}' scores-table.txt diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/awk/script-07-stretch.sh b/individual-shell-tools/awk/script-07-stretch.sh index 3f71558..d441be8 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/awk/script-07-stretch.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/awk/script-07-stretch.sh @@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to output just the names of each player along with the total of adding all of that player's scores. # Your output should contain 6 lines, each with one word and one number on it. # The first line should be "Ahmed 15". The second line should be "Basia 37" +awk '{ for(i = 3; i <= NF; i++) sum += $i; print $1, sum; sum = 0 }' scores-table.txt diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/cat/script-01.sh b/individual-shell-tools/cat/script-01.sh index c85053e..8264d75 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/cat/script-01.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/cat/script-01.sh @@ -4,3 +4,5 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to output the contents of the helper-1.txt file inside the helper-files directory to the terminal. # The output of this command should be "Once upon a time...". + +cat ..helper-files/helper-1.txt diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/cat/script-02.sh b/individual-shell-tools/cat/script-02.sh index 01bbd5e..927e748 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/cat/script-02.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/cat/script-02.sh @@ -11,3 +11,5 @@ set -euo pipefail # It looked delicious. # I was tempted to take a bite of it. # But this seemed like a bad idea... + +cat ../helper-files/*.text # I got hungry when reading the output diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/cat/script-03.sh b/individual-shell-tools/cat/script-03.sh index 37573b0..8f673d8 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/cat/script-03.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/cat/script-03.sh @@ -9,3 +9,5 @@ set -euo pipefail # 1 It looked delicious. # 2 I was tempted to take a bite of it. # 3 But this seemed like a bad idea... + +cat ../helper-files/helper-3.txt | nl # ordered by numbers diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/cat/script-04-stretch.sh b/individual-shell-tools/cat/script-04-stretch.sh index 00fe3c4..aaca0e0 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/cat/script-04-stretch.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/cat/script-04-stretch.sh @@ -13,3 +13,8 @@ set -euo pipefail # 3 It looked delicious. # 4 I was tempted to take a bite of it. # 5 But this seemed like a bad idea... + +# i didn't get this phrase "we want line numbers not to reset at the start of each file." +# so there are two ways to do it +cat -n ../helper-files/*txt # -n number the blank lines and filled out lines +cat ../helper-files/*.txt | nl # skips the blank lines and comes only filled out lines diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/grep/script-01.sh b/individual-shell-tools/grep/script-01.sh index fb05f42..07361cf 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/grep/script-01.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/grep/script-01.sh @@ -4,3 +4,12 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to output every line in dialogue.txt said by the Doctor. # The output should contain 6 lines. + +grep ^Doctor dialogue.txt # i tried to use the "" quotes but my terminal didnt accept that + +Doctor: Hello +Doctor: What's wrong today? +Doctor: That sounds frustrating. When did this start? +Doctor: Say "Hi". +Doctor: You didn't say hello +Doctor: You're welcome, goodbye diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/grep/script-02.sh b/individual-shell-tools/grep/script-02.sh index df6f856..3d973e4 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/grep/script-02.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/grep/script-02.sh @@ -4,3 +4,15 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to output every line in dialogue.txt that contains the word Doctor (regardless of case). # The output should contain 9 lines. + +grep -i Doctor dialogue.txt + +Doctor: Hello +Patient: Hello Doctor +Doctor: What's wrong today? +Doctor: That sounds frustrating. When did this start? +Doctor: Say "Hi". +Doctor: You didn't say hello +Doctor: You're welcome, goodbye +Patient: I went to the doctor! +Spouse: I'm glad you saw the Doctor: did they cure you? diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/grep/script-03.sh b/individual-shell-tools/grep/script-03.sh index 5383fe5..e9271dc 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/grep/script-03.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/grep/script-03.sh @@ -4,3 +4,6 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to output the number of lines in dialogue.txt that contain the word Doctor (regardless of case). # The output should be exactly the number 9. + +rep Doctor -ic dialogue.txt +9 diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/grep/script-04.sh b/individual-shell-tools/grep/script-04.sh index 80ee047..a00152b 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/grep/script-04.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/grep/script-04.sh @@ -4,3 +4,16 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to output every line in dialogue.txt that does not contain the word "Hello" (regardless of case). # The output should contain 10 lines. + +grep hello -iv dialogue.txt + +Doctor: What's wrong today? +Doctor: That sounds frustrating. When did this start? +Doctor: Say "Hi". +Patient: Hi +Patient: I seem to be cured! +Doctor: You're welcome, goodbye + +Patient: I went to the doctor! +Spouse: I'm glad you saw the Doctor: did they cure you? +Patient: Yes! diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/grep/script-05.sh b/individual-shell-tools/grep/script-05.sh index 1eb5381..211e6dc 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/grep/script-05.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/grep/script-05.sh @@ -4,3 +4,11 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to output every line in dialogue.txt that contains the string "cure", as well as the line before that line. # The output should contain two pairs of two lines of text (with a separator between them). + +grep cure -B1 dialogue.txt + +Doctor: You didn't say hello +Patient: I seem to be cured! +-- +Patient: I went to the doctor! +Spouse: I'm glad you saw the Doctor: did they cure you? diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/grep/script-06.sh b/individual-shell-tools/grep/script-06.sh index 5670e3b..2761722 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/grep/script-06.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/grep/script-06.sh @@ -4,3 +4,9 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to output the name of every `.txt` file in this directory which contains a line of dialogue said by the Doctor. # The output should contain two filenames. + +grep Doctor -il *.txt + +dialogue.txt +dialogue-2.txt +dialogue-3.txt diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/grep/script-07.sh b/individual-shell-tools/grep/script-07.sh index 9670eba..3aa463f 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/grep/script-07.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/grep/script-07.sh @@ -4,3 +4,16 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to output, for each `.txt` file in this directory, how many lines of dialogue the Doctor has. # The output should show that dialogue.txt contains 6 lines, dialogue-2.txt contains 2, and dialogue-3.txt contains 0. + +grep ^Doctor -c *.txt # this command gaves the expected output + +dialogue.txt:6 +dialogue-2.txt:2 +dialogue-3.txt:0 + +grep ^ Doctor -c *.txt # however here i put a space between the carrot and the search name and it gave me a different output, and i dont know why + +grep: Doctor: No such file or directory +dialogue.txt:15 +dialogue-2.txt:4 +dialogue-3.txt:3 diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/ls/script-01.sh b/individual-shell-tools/ls/script-01.sh index 241b62f..21c0432 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/ls/script-01.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/ls/script-01.sh @@ -13,3 +13,6 @@ fi # TODO: Write a command to list the files and folders in this directory. # The output should be a list of names including child-directory, script-01.sh, script-02.sh, and more. + +ls # the commmand to list the files + diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/ls/script-02.sh b/individual-shell-tools/ls/script-02.sh index d0a5a10..6070711 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/ls/script-02.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/ls/script-02.sh @@ -4,3 +4,6 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command which lists all of the files in the directory named child-directory. # The output should be a list of names: helper-1.txt, helper-2.txt, helper-3.txt. + +# I first typed command ls -l which gives me the files list and then +ls child-directory diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/ls/script-03.sh b/individual-shell-tools/ls/script-03.sh index 781216d..f11a173 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/ls/script-03.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/ls/script-03.sh @@ -5,3 +5,5 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command which _recursively_ lists all of the files and folders in this directory _and_ all of the files inside those folders. # The output should be a list of names including: child-directory, script-01.sh, helper-1.txt (and more). # The formatting of the output doesn't matter. + +ls -R diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/ls/script-04.sh b/individual-shell-tools/ls/script-04.sh index 72f3817..c4db486 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/ls/script-04.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/ls/script-04.sh @@ -16,8 +16,11 @@ echo "First exercise (sorted newest to oldest):" # TODO: Write a command which lists the files in the child-directory directory, one per line, sorted so that the most recently modified file is first. # The output should be a list of names in this order, one per line: helper-3.txt, helper-1.txt, helper-2.txt. +ls -t child-directory # sorts from the newest to the oldest echo "Second exercise (sorted oldest to newest):" # TODO: Write a command which does the same as above, but sorted in the opposite order (oldest first). # The output should be a list of names in this order, one per line: helper-2.txt, helper-1.txt, helper-3.txt. + +ls -tr child- directory diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/sed/script-01.sh b/individual-shell-tools/sed/script-01.sh index 3eba6fa..5c6e365 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/sed/script-01.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/sed/script-01.sh @@ -5,3 +5,17 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to output input.txt with all occurrences of the letter `i` replaced with `I`. # The output should contain 11 lines. # The first line of the output should be: "ThIs Is a sample fIle for experImentIng with sed.". + +sed s/i/I/g input.txt + +ThIs Is a sample fIle for experImentIng wIth sed. + +It contaIns many lInes, and there are some thIngs you may want to do wIth each of them. + +We'll Include some score InformatIon: +37 AlIsha +15 Jacob +7 PIetro +3 Katya + +We also should remember, when we go shoppIng, to get 4 Items: oranges,cheese,bread,olIves. diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/sed/script-02.sh b/individual-shell-tools/sed/script-02.sh index abdd64d..c4bdd6a 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/sed/script-02.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/sed/script-02.sh @@ -5,3 +5,17 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to output input.txt with numbers removed. # The output should contain 11 lines. # Line 6 of the output should be " Alisha". + +sed 's/[0-9]*//g' input.txt # however Alisha is not on the 6 line + +This is a sample file for experimenting with sed. + +It contains many lines, and there are some things you may want to do with each of them. + +We'll include some score information: + Alisha + Jacob + Pietro + Katya + +We also should remember, when we go shopping, to get items: oranges,cheese,bread,olives. diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/sed/script-03.sh b/individual-shell-tools/sed/script-03.sh index dd284a2..91cffd9 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/sed/script-03.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/sed/script-03.sh @@ -4,3 +4,11 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to output input.txt removing any line which contains a number. # The output should contain 6 lines. + +sed -e '/[0-9]/d' input.txt # my output is only 4 lines instead of 6 + +This is a sample file for experimenting with sed. + +It contains many lines, and there are some things you may want to do with each of them. + +We'll include some score information: diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/sed/script-04.sh b/individual-shell-tools/sed/script-04.sh index 0052ac6..bb4e413 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/sed/script-04.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/sed/script-04.sh @@ -4,3 +4,17 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to output input.txt replacing every occurrence of the string "We'll" with "We will". # The output should contain 11 lines. + +sed "s/We'll/We will/g" input.txt + +This is a sample file for experimenting with sed. + +It contains many lines, and there are some things you may want to do with each of them. + +We will include some score information: +37 Alisha +15 Jacob +7 Pietro +3 Katya + +We also should remember, when we go shopping, to get 4 items: oranges,cheese,bread,olives. diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/sed/script-05.sh b/individual-shell-tools/sed/script-05.sh index 2dcc91a..cea5a53 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/sed/script-05.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/sed/script-05.sh @@ -6,3 +6,17 @@ set -euo pipefail # If a line starts with a number and a space, make the line instead end with a space and the number. # So line 6 which currently reads "37 Alisha" should instead read "Alisha 37". # The output should contain 11 lines. + +sed -E 's/^([0-9]+) (.*)$/\2 \1/' input.txt + +This is a sample file for experimenting with sed. + +It contains many lines, and there are some things you may want to do with each of them. + +We'll include some score information: +Alisha 37 +Jacob 15 +Pietro 7 +Katya 3 + +We also should remember, when we go shopping, to get 4 items: oranges,cheese,bread,olives. diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/sed/script-06.sh b/individual-shell-tools/sed/script-06.sh index 0b93901..4de1e0e 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/sed/script-06.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/sed/script-06.sh @@ -8,3 +8,17 @@ set -euo pipefail # The output should contain 11 lines. # Line 3 should be "It contains many lines, and there are some things you may want to do with each of them.". # Line 11 should be "We also should remember, when we go shopping, to get 4 items: oranges, cheese, bread, olives.". + +sed 's/, */, /g' input.txt + +This is a sample file for experimenting with sed. + +It contains many lines, and there are some things you may want to do with each of them. + +We'll include some score information: +37 Alisha +15 Jacob +7 Pietro +3 Katya + +We also should remember, when we go shopping, to get 4 items: oranges, cheese, bread, olives. diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/wc/script-01.sh b/individual-shell-tools/wc/script-01.sh index c9dd6e5..bf691c5 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/wc/script-01.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/wc/script-01.sh @@ -4,3 +4,5 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to output the number of words in the file helper-files/helper-3.txt. # The output should include the number 19. The output should not include the number 92. + +wc -w ../helper-files/helper-3.txt diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/wc/script-02.sh b/individual-shell-tools/wc/script-02.sh index 8feeb1a..59d0713 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/wc/script-02.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/wc/script-02.sh @@ -4,3 +4,5 @@ set -euo pipefail # TODO: Write a command to output the number of lines in the file helper-files/helper-3.txt. # The output should include the number 3. The output should not include the number 19. + +wc -l ../helper-files/helper-3.txt # it gives the 3 lines of the text in the file diff --git a/individual-shell-tools/wc/script-03.sh b/individual-shell-tools/wc/script-03.sh index 6b2e9d3..806e3a0 100755 --- a/individual-shell-tools/wc/script-03.sh +++ b/individual-shell-tools/wc/script-03.sh @@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ set -euo pipefail # 1 7 39 ../helper-files/helper-2.txt # 3 19 92 ../helper-files/helper-3.txt # 5 30 151 total +wc ../helper-files/*.txt # the same as with cat the star *