- 2017-05-27 - Java, Getting Setup, and Your First Program
- What is Java?
- What can we do with Java?
- How do we run Java?
- Installing Java
- Setting environment variables
- Navigating command line
- Hello World - your first program
- 2017-06-03 - Variables and Methods
- Variables
- Data types
- What is a method?
- Calling methods
- Method signatures
- Method body
- Overloading
- 2017-06-10 - Conditions and Loops
- If, else if, else conditions
- Switch/case conditions
- For loops
- For each loops
- While loops
- 2017-06-17 - Build a Calculator!
- Accepting input - Scanner
- Build it!
- 2017-06-24 - Objects
- Let's start using an IDE! IntelliJ!
- What is a class? What is an object?
- Access modifiers
- Creating objects
- Constructors
- 2017-07-01 - Collections and Inheritance
- Arrays
- Lists
- Maps
- Inheritance
- 2017-07-08 - Interfaces and more on Inheritance
- Review inheritance
- Interfaces
- Override
- Polymorphism
- 2017-07-15 - Abstract and Static
- Static variables
- Static methods
- Abstract classes
- Final
- 2017-07-22 - Finish a game!
- We'll take a partially complete text game and finish it up
- 2017-07-29 -