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Grafana dashboards

We provide two dashboards for Grafana, leveraging the exporter.

In addition to ha_cluster_exporter, these dashboards require Prometheus node_exporter to be configured on the target nodes.

They also assume that the target nodes in each cluster are grouped via the job label.

Multi-Cluster overview

This dashboard gives an overview of multiple clusters monitored by the same Prometheus server.

Multi-Cluster overview

HA Cluster details

This dashboard shows the details of a single cluster.

HA Cluster details



On openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise distributions, you can install the package via zypper in your Grafana host:

zypper in grafana-ha-cluster-dashboards
systemctl restart grafana-server

For the latest development version, please refer to the development upstream project in OBS, which is automatically updated everytime we merge changes in this repository.


Copy the provider configuration file in /etc/grafana/provisioning/dashboards and then the JSON files inside /var/lib/grafana/dashboards/sleha.

Once done, restart the Grafana server.

Dashboards will be soon available on

Development notes

  • Please make sure the version field in the JSON is incremented just once per PR.
  • Unlike the exporter, OBS Submit Requests are not automated for the dashboard package.
    Once PRs are merged, you will have to manually perform a Submit Request, after updating the version field in the _service file and adding an entry to the grafana-ha-cluster-dashboards.changes file.