- Lead creation screen now users metadata fields
- Updated Cloudy-Ubersmith to 0.2.20
- Fixed issues in ticket listing screen
- Corrected issue preventing new ticket from being sent to multiple users ISSUE-167
- Removed Hardcoded socket.io server hostname
- Added icon to allow for the deletion of a Stash
- Ubersmith module now called Helpdesk
- Menu system is now modular
- Authorization is handled via Actions -> Roles -> Users/Groups
- Sales module created
- New Menus
- Initial partials have been created, first page to be re-built is /helpdesk/device/:device
No Feature improvements, just test and build improvements
- Added additional unit tests
- Added code coverage testing
- Implemented Grunt, githooks and test are current tasks
- Changed urls in readme and package to point to community pages
- Configured travis-ci to only run against master
- linted all of src/lib, src/routes, src/app.js
- created puppet module
- added nock to test environment for puppet mockup
- updated cloudy-localsmith version
- added redismock for test environment
- updated dependencies, moment, passport, express, jade
- Moved code to src
- Added Grunt to run unit tests, linting and code coverage checks
- Removed UUID
- Added monModule, removed getSensu* from app.js
- Moved time format functions to utils
- Fixed bug where ticketID is set to 'none' when adding event to existing ticket
- Added sample system-credentials file
- Fixed various error handling paths, ensureing errors were passed and logged properly
- Added auto-refresh of events listing
- Fixe #57 #39
- Fixed missing data issue #98
- Removed references to '.contegix.mgmt', replaced with config.mgmtDomain reference
- Changed subject on new tickets created by the /sensu/event page from "Monitoring System Escalated Event" to something more useful.
- Several enhancements added to allow for wider development access:
- Updated to use a module that provides a mockup of Ubersmith data, allowing for rendering of pages in a development environment without access to a live Ubersmith instance.
- Added additional logic for development environment to decouple from auth.
- Several miscellaneous bugfixes, including fixes for #78 and #83.
- UberAuth parameter in config/system-credentials.js changed to crmAuth. The crmModule will fail to initalize if this is not updated in installations.