- 版本: Arch Linux 2020.07.01以上版本
- 容器: VMware(还未在硬件进行测试)
- 启动模式: BIOS
- 网络状态: 在线
加载 arch linux live ISO 镜像, 然后 下载此脚本的发行版本:
curl -sL https://github.com/CloudSen/archlinux_installer_vm/archive/<release-version>.tar.gz -o <release-version>.tar.gz
解压 <release-version>.tar.gz
tar zxf <path to .tar.gz>
cd <path to shell>
find . -name "*.sh" -execdir chmod +x {} +
vim conf/config.sh
cd /archlinux_installer_vm
find . -name "*.sh" -execdir chmod +x {} +
查看日志文件: log/info.log
and log/error.log
- 新用户的用户名
- 新用户的密码
- root用户的密码
- 安装grub的路径
# Author: CloudS3n https://yangyunsen.com
# Description: Configuraion file
# 0:LAN 1:WIFI
# Host name, /etc/hostname
# User info
## new username
## new user password
## root password
# Where to install grub, u can check by "fdisk --list"
# Automically Partition
# Defalut partition:
# / 20G
# /home Remaining capacity
## Whether partition disk automatically
## Where to install arch, only work when enableAutoPartition is true
## Partition size
# Whether install graphic environment
# Essential soft, separated by space。
# If using Intel CPU, then specify "intel-ucode", If using AMD CPU, then specify amd-ucode
coreSoft="vim dialog wpa_supplicant ntfs-3g networkmanager network-manager-applet screenfetch intel-ucode grub"
# What u want to install, separated by space.
# If u want smallest system, then remove "kde-applications"
graphicEnvironment="xorg plasma kde-applications sddm"
vmTools="gtkmm3 open-vm-tools xf86-input-vmmouse xf86-video-vmware"
- Arch Linux: base base-devel linux linux-firmware
- vim
- dialog
- wpa_supplicant
- ntfs-3g
- networkmanager
- network-manager-applet
- screenfetch
- intel-ucode
- grub
- 配置文件中您指定的所有软件
[MODE-CHECK] --------------------
[ PRE-INSTALL ] Your Boot Mode is BIOS
[SET-NET] --------------------
[ PRE-INSTALL ] Enable LAN...
[ PRE-INSTALL ] Connect to www.baidu.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Cache-Control: private, no-cache, no-store, proxy-revalidate, no-transform
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 277
Content-Type: text/html
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2020 17:20:02 GMT
Etag: "575e1f72-115"
Last-Modified: Mon, 13 Jun 2016 02:50:26 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
Server: bfe/
[ PRE-INSTALL ] You are online
[SET-TIME] --------------------
[ PRE-INSTALL ] Before set system time:
Time zone: UTC (UTC, +0000)
[ PRE-INSTALL ] After set system time:
Time zone: Asia/Shanghai (CST, +0800)
[PARTITION] --------------------
[ PRE-INSTALL ] Automically partitioning /dev/sda...
[ PRE-INSTALL ] rootPartitionSize = +20G...
[ PRE-INSTALL ] Formating partitions...
mke2fs 1.45.6 (20-Mar-2020)
Creating filesystem with 5242880 4k blocks and 1310720 inodes
Filesystem UUID: c5aefc0a-38bc-46c8-860e-bcd78c192eaf
Superblock backups stored on blocks:
32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736, 1605632, 2654208,
Allocating group tables: 0/160������� �������done
Writing inode tables: 0/160������� �������done
Creating journal (32768 blocks): done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: 0/160������� �������done
mke2fs 1.45.6 (20-Mar-2020)
Creating filesystem with 2621184 4k blocks and 655360 inodes
Filesystem UUID: f4c39d29-2bdb-4f22-98b2-c354a967556f
Superblock backups stored on blocks:
32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736, 1605632
Allocating group tables: 0/80����� �����done
Writing inode tables: 0/80����� �����done
Creating journal (16384 blocks): done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: 0/80����� �����done
[ PRE-INSTALL ] Mounting partitions...
[MIRROR-LIST] --------------------
################# Arch Linux mirrorlist generated by Reflector #################
# With: reflector --verbose --country China --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
# When: 2020-07-26 17:24:11 UTC
# From: https://www.archlinux.org/mirrors/status/json/
# Retrieved: 2020-07-26 17:24:05 UTC
# Last Check: 2020-07-26 16:35:44 UTC
Server = https://mirrors.bfsu.edu.cn/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch
Server = http://mirrors.163.com/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch
Server = https://mirrors.sjtug.sjtu.edu.cn/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch
Server = https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch
Server = http://mirrors.zju.edu.cn/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch
Server = https://mirrors.cqu.edu.cn/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch
Server = rsync://mirrors.bfsu.edu.cn/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch
Server = http://mirrors.cqu.edu.cn/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch
Server = http://mirror.lzu.edu.cn/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch
Server = rsync://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch
Server = http://mirrors.neusoft.edu.cn/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch
Server = https://mirrors.neusoft.edu.cn/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch
Server = rsync://mirrors.neusoft.edu.cn/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch
[PACSTRAP] --------------------
# Static information about the filesystems.
# See fstab(5) for details.
# <file system> <dir> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
# /dev/sda1
UUID=c5aefc0a-38bc-46c8-860e-bcd78c192eaf / ext4 rw,relatime 0 1
# /dev/sda2
UUID=f4c39d29-2bdb-4f22-98b2-c354a967556f /home ext4 rw,relatime 0 2
[COPY-SCRIPT] --------------------
[ PRE-INSTALL ] Copy shell to /mnt/archlinux_installer_vm
[INSTALL-CORE-SOFT] --------------------
[ PRE-INSTALL ] Install core soft...
[CONFIG-SYSTEM] --------------------
[ PRE-INSTALL ] Setting localtime...
[ PRE-INSTALL ] Setting locale.gen...
Generating locales...
en_US.UTF-8... done
zh_CN.UTF-8... done
zh_HK.UTF-8... done
zh_TW.UTF-8... done
Generation complete.
[ PRE-INSTALL ] Setting hostname GLaDOS ...
[ PRE-INSTALL ] Setting hosts ... localhost
::1 localhost GLaDOS.localdomain GLaDOS
[CONFIG-USER] --------------------
[ PRE-INSTALL ] Changing root passwd to cloudsen ...
[ PRE-INSTALL ] Creating user clouds3n with passwod cloudsen ...
[CONFIG-GRUB] --------------------
Installing for i386-pc platform.
Installation finished. No error reported.
Generating grub configuration file ...
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-linux
Found initrd image: /boot/intel-ucode.img /boot/initramfs-linux.img
Found fallback initrd image(s) in /boot: initramfs-linux-fallback.img
[PRE-INSTALL-DONE] --------------------
�[0m�[1;36m -` �[0m
�[0m�[1;36m .o+` �[0m�[1;36m root�[0m�[1m@�[0m�[0m�[1;36marchiso�[0m
�[0m�[1;36m `ooo/ �[0m�[1;36m OS:�[0m Arch Linux �[0m
�[0m�[1;36m `+oooo: �[0m�[1;36m Kernel:�[0m x86_64 Linux 5.7.6-arch1-1�[0m
�[0m�[1;36m `+oooooo: �[0m�[1;36m Uptime:�[0m 9m�[0m
�[0m�[1;36m -+oooooo+: �[0m�[1;36m Packages:�[0m 262�[0m
�[0m�[1;36m `/:-:++oooo+: �[0m�[1;36m Shell:�[0m init�[0m
�[0m�[1;36m `/++++/+++++++: �[0m�[1;36m Disk:�[0m 2.8G / 34G (9%)�[0m
�[0m�[1;36m `/++++++++++++++: �[0m�[1;36m CPU:�[0m Intel Core i7-8700K @ 3.696GHz�[0m
�[0m�[1;36m `/+++o�[0m�[36moooooooo�[0m�[1;36moooo/` �[0m�[1;36m GPU:�[0m VMware SVGA II Adapter�[0m
�[0m�[36m �[0m�[1;36m./�[0m�[36mooosssso++osssssso�[0m�[1;36m+` �[0m�[1;36m RAM:�[0m 598MiB / 7931MiB�[0m
�[0m�[36m .oossssso-````/ossssss+` �[0m
�[0m�[36m -osssssso. :ssssssso. �[0m
�[0m�[36m :osssssss/ osssso+++. �[0m
�[0m�[36m /ossssssss/ +ssssooo/- �[0m
�[0m�[36m `/ossssso+/:- -:/+osssso+- �[0m
�[0m�[36m `+sso+:-` `.-/+oso: �[0m
�[0m�[36m `++:. `-/+/�[0m
�[0m�[36m .` `/�[0m
[PRE-INSTALL] You can check installation log in /archlinux_installer_vm/log/
[PRE-INSTALL] If everything is ok, then exit chroot and reboot system, and manually run install.sh
[INSTALL-DAILY-SOFT] --------------------
[ POST-INSTALL ] Install pop-soft...
[ POST-INSTALL ] Install graphic env...
[ POST-INSTALL ] Install vmware tools...
[CONFIG-SYSTEMD] --------------------
[ POST-INSTALL ] Enable dhcpcd
[ POST-INSTALL ] Enable sddm
[ POST-INSTALL ] Enable NetworkManager
[ POST-INSTALL ] Enable vmtools
[POST-INSTALL-DONE] --------------------
Unit dhcpcd.service could not be found.
● sddm.service - Simple Desktop Display Manager
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/sddm.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: inactive (dead)
Docs: man:sddm(1)
● NetworkManager.service - Network Manager
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Drop-In: /usr/lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager.service.d
Active: active (running) since Mon 2020-07-27 01:38:06 CST; 14min ago
Docs: man:NetworkManager(8)
Main PID: 8323 (NetworkManager)
Tasks: 3 (limit: 9495)
Memory: 12.0M
CGroup: /system.slice/NetworkManager.service
└─8323 /usr/bin/NetworkManager --no-daemon
Jul 27 01:38:07 GLaDOS NetworkManager[8323]: <info> [1595785087.4759] device (ens33): state change: ip-check -> secondaries (reason 'none', sys-iface-state: 'managed')
Jul 27 01:38:07 GLaDOS NetworkManager[8323]: <info> [1595785087.4769] device (ens33): state change: secondaries -> activated (reason 'none', sys-iface-state: 'managed')
Jul 27 01:38:07 GLaDOS NetworkManager[8323]: <info> [1595785087.4784] manager: NetworkManager state is now CONNECTED_LOCAL
Jul 27 01:38:07 GLaDOS NetworkManager[8323]: <info> [1595785087.4811] manager: NetworkManager state is now CONNECTED_SITE
Jul 27 01:38:07 GLaDOS NetworkManager[8323]: <info> [1595785087.4816] policy: set 'Wired connection 1' (ens33) as default for IPv4 routing and DNS
Jul 27 01:38:07 GLaDOS NetworkManager[8323]: <info> [1595785087.4846] device (ens33): Activation: successful, device activated.
Jul 27 01:38:07 GLaDOS NetworkManager[8323]: <info> [1595785087.4875] manager: startup complete
Jul 27 01:38:09 GLaDOS NetworkManager[8323]: <info> [1595785089.1422] manager: NetworkManager state is now CONNECTED_GLOBAL
Jul 27 01:48:28 GLaDOS NetworkManager[8323]: <info> [1595785708.7649] manager: NetworkManager state is now CONNECTED_SITE
Jul 27 01:48:29 GLaDOS NetworkManager[8323]: <info> [1595785709.3958] manager: NetworkManager state is now CONNECTED_GLOBAL
● vmtoolsd.service - Open Virtual Machine Tools (VMware Tools)
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/vmtoolsd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2020-07-27 01:52:28 CST; 2s ago
Main PID: 15969 (vmtoolsd)
Tasks: 3 (limit: 9495)
Memory: 2.2M
CGroup: /system.slice/vmtoolsd.service
└─15969 /usr/bin/vmtoolsd
Jul 27 01:52:28 GLaDOS systemd[1]: Started Open Virtual Machine Tools (VMware Tools).
● vmware-vmblock-fuse.service - Open Virtual Machine Tools (vmware-vmblock-fuse)
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/vmware-vmblock-fuse.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2020-07-27 01:52:29 CST; 2s ago
Main PID: 15994 (vmware-vmblock-)
Tasks: 3 (limit: 9495)
Memory: 780.0K
CGroup: /system.slice/vmware-vmblock-fuse.service
└─15994 /usr/bin/vmware-vmblock-fuse -d -f -o subtype=vmware-vmblock,default_permissions,allow_other /run/vmblock-fuse
Jul 27 01:52:31 GLaDOS vmware-vmblock-fuse[15994]: max_readahead=0x00020000
Jul 27 01:52:31 GLaDOS vmware-vmblock-fuse[15994]: max_write=0x00020000
Jul 27 01:52:31 GLaDOS vmware-vmblock-fuse[15994]: max_background=0
Jul 27 01:52:31 GLaDOS vmware-vmblock-fuse[15994]: congestion_threshold=0
Jul 27 01:52:31 GLaDOS vmware-vmblock-fuse[15994]: unique: 2, success, outsize: 40
Jul 27 01:52:31 GLaDOS vmware-vmblock-fuse[15994]: unique: 4, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 16098
Jul 27 01:52:31 GLaDOS vmware-vmblock-fuse[15994]: getattr /
Jul 27 01:52:31 GLaDOS vmware-vmblock-fuse[15994]: unique: 4, success, outsize: 120
Jul 27 01:52:31 GLaDOS vmware-vmblock-fuse[15994]: unique: 6, opcode: STATFS (17), nodeid: 1, insize: 40, pid: 16098
Jul 27 01:52:31 GLaDOS vmware-vmblock-fuse[15994]: unique: 6, success, outsize: 96
[POST-INSTALL] You can check installation log in /archlinux_installer_vm/log/
[POST-INSTALL] Enjoy your new system! ;)