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Upload the programs name as program number and add a Comment line stating the Question.

  1. "Write a program to print the following pattern

    * * * *
      * * *
        * *
  2. The number of rows is entered by the user"

  3. Write a menu-driven program to implement a calculator. The user should have the option of performing multiple calculations without having to restart the program

  4. Write a program to print the first N Armstrong numbers

  5. Write a program to print all palindrome numbers from 1 to N

  6. Write a program to print all the factors of a number

  7. "Write a program to print the following pattern

    •    *
    •    *
    •    *

    Size of square to be entered by the user"

  8. Write a program to print the prime factorization of a number

  9. Write a program to display the roots of a quadratic equation. Even if the roots are complex, they should be displayed in the format A+iB

  10. Write a program to evaluate the sine series x-x^3/3!+x^5/5!-...

  11. Write a program to find the GCD and LCM of two numbers

  12. Write a program to print all prime numbers from 1 to N

  13. Write a program to find the digital root of a number. A digital root is obtained by adding the digits of a number till the sum reaches a single digit. For example, digital root of 36 = 1

  14. Write a program to sort a set of numbers using bubble sort

  15. Write a program to generate a sequence 0,1,1,2,4,7,13,24,44,... using an array

  16. Write a program to accept a set of numbers and identify the coprimes within that set. Coprimes are those numbers which have GCD = 1

  17. Write a program to perform binary searching in a set of numbers

  18. Write a program to add two polynomials. The coefficients are stored in separate arrays

  19. Write a program to accept the output values for a logic function F(x,y,z). Identify the function from those output values

  20. Write a program to accept a set of numbers. Then read a number and print the subsets which have a sum equal to this number

  21. Write a program to accept a set of numbers and reverse the order

  22. Write a program to subtract two polynomials. The coefficients are stored in separate arrays

  23. Write a program to accept a set of numbers. Then read a number and print the subsets which have a product equal to this number

  24. Write a program to print the second largest number among a set of numbers

  25. Write a program to compute the fibonacci series using an array

  26. Write a program to add two matrices

  27. Write a program to sort the values in a matrix row-wise

  28. Write a program to print the row sums and column sums of a matrix

  29. Write a program to sort the values in a matrix in row-major form

  30. Write a program to multiply two matrices "Consider a system for a Vigenere cipher system. The system consists of a matrix which is filled with a set of predefined values (even though it is normally considered for strings, we take it for numbers). The matrix is filled like: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Enter a number. Then take adjacent digits and lookup the table with 1st digit forming the row number and 2nd digit forming the column number. Then display the digit at that location. Repeat it for the rest of the number."

  31. Write a program to convert a matrix to a sparse matrix. A sparse matrix is a special notation where only non-zero values of the matrix are represented using the notation <row number , column number , value>

  32. Write a program to sort the values in a matrix column-wise

  33. Write a program to sort the values in a matrix in column-major form

  34. Write a program to find the transpose of a matrix

  35. Write a program to print the largest row sum and column sum in a matrix

  36. Write a program to print the upper triangle and lower triangle of a matrix

  37. Write a program to reverse a string without using any library functions

  38. Write a program to sort a set of strings using bubble sort

  39. Write a program to compare two strings irrespective of the case without using any library function

  40. Write a program to count the number of words in a string without using any library function

  41. Write a program to reverse the odd words in a string without using any library function

  42. Write a program to replace the occurrence of 'the' with 'a' in a string without using any library function. Replacement should occur even if 'the' occurs within a word

  43. Write a program to accept a string and count the number of digits, capital letters and small letters without using any library function

  44. Write a program to reverse the order of words in a string. You may use library functions

  45. Write a program to print the length of each word in a string without using library functions

  46. Write a program to count the occurrence of each vowel in a string without using any library functions

  47. Write a program to check if a given string is a valid email address without using any library function

  48. Write a program to accept a set of strings and sort them in the order of their lengths. Library functions are permitted

  49. Write a program to implement binary search recursively

  50. Write a program to print all factorials from 1 to N. Use recursion to check factorials

  51. Write a program to print the fibonacci series using recursion

  52. Write a program to implement any sorting system recursively

  53. Write a function implementation to reverse a string without using any library function

  54. Write a program to implement a sorting system for numbers using functions

  55. "Write a user-defined function that finds the square root of a number without using any library function. The square root can be found out like below. Consider 40. 36<40<49 So, square root lies between 6 and 7. Take the average. You get 6.5. The square is 42.25. So, the square root lies between 6 and 6.5. Again take average to get 6.25. The process repeats. Continue for a maximum of 6 iterations."56.

  56. "Write a program using macros to find the kernel value in the sine series expansion. The kernel value is defined as f(x,n)=(-1)^(n+1) x*n/n!

  57. Use recursive implementations wherever possible, and implement the equation using macros"

  58. Write a program to add two matrices. Separate functions should be written to read, add and print the matrices.

  59. Write a program to implement linear search recursively

  60. Write a function implementation for printing the first N prime numbers

  61. Write a program to multiply two matrices. Separate functions should be written to read, multiply and print the matrices.