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770 lines (534 loc) · 36.1 KB

File metadata and controls

770 lines (534 loc) · 36.1 KB

1.7.0 (Common, Node.js, Web)

Bug fixes

  • (Web only) Fixed an issue where streaming large datasets could provide corrupted results. See #333 (PR) for more details.

New features

  • Added JSONEachRowWithProgress format support, ProgressRow interface, and isProgressRow type guard. See this Node.js example for more details. It should work similarly with the Web version.

  • (Experimental) Exposed the parseColumnType function that takes a string representation of a ClickHouse type (e.g., FixedString(16), Nullable(Int32), etc.) and returns an AST-like object that represents the type. For example:

    for (const type of [
      `Map(Int32, DateTime64(9, 'UTC'))`,
    ]) {
      console.log(`##### Source ClickHouse type: ${type}`)

    The above code will output:

    ##### Source ClickHouse type: Int32
    { type: 'Simple', columnType: 'Int32', sourceType: 'Int32' }
    ##### Source ClickHouse type: Array(Nullable(String))
      type: 'Array',
      value: {
        type: 'Nullable',
        sourceType: 'Nullable(String)',
        value: { type: 'Simple', columnType: 'String', sourceType: 'String' }
      dimensions: 1,
      sourceType: 'Array(Nullable(String))'
    ##### Source ClickHouse type: Map(Int32, DateTime64(9, 'UTC'))
      type: 'Map',
      key: { type: 'Simple', columnType: 'Int32', sourceType: 'Int32' },
      value: {
        type: 'DateTime64',
        timezone: 'UTC',
        precision: 9,
        sourceType: "DateTime64(9, 'UTC')"
      sourceType: "Map(Int32, DateTime64(9, 'UTC'))"

    While the original intention was to use this function internally for Native/RowBinaryWithNamesAndTypes data formats headers parsing, it can be useful for other purposes as well (e.g., interfaces generation, or custom JSON serializers).

    NB: currently unsupported source types to parse:

    • Geo
    • (Simple)AggregateFunction
    • Nested
    • Old/new experimental JSON
    • Dynamic
    • Variant

1.6.0 (Common, Node.js, Web)

New features

Bug fixes

  • Fixed unhandled exceptions produced when calling ResultSet.json if the response data was not in fact a valid JSON. (#311)

1.5.0 (Node.js)

New features

  • It is now possible to disable the automatic decompression of the response stream with the exec method. See ExecParams.decompress_response_stream for more details. (#298).

1.4.1 (Node.js, Web)


  • ClickHouseClient is now exported as a value from @clickhouse/client and @clickhouse/client-web packages, allowing for better integration in dependency injection frameworks that rely on IoC (e.g., Nest.js, tsyringe) (@mathieu-bour, #292).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a potential socket hang up issue that could happen under 100% CPU load (#294).

1.4.0 (Node.js)

New features

  • (Node.js only) The exec method now accepts an optional values parameter, which allows you to pass the request body as a Stream.Readable. This can be useful in case of custom insert streaming with arbitrary ClickHouse data formats (which might not be explicitly supported and allowed by the client in the insert method yet). NB: in this case, you are expected to serialize the data in the stream in the required input format yourself.

1.3.0 (Common, Node.js, Web)

New features

  • It is now possible to get the entire response headers object from the query/insert/command/exec methods. With query, you can access the ResultSet.response_headers property; other methods (insert/command/exec) return it as parts of their response objects as well. For example:

    const rs = await client.query({
      query: 'SELECT * FROM system.numbers LIMIT 1',
      format: 'JSONEachRow',

    This will print: application/x-ndjson; charset=UTF-8. It can be used in a similar way with the other methods.


  • Re-exported several constants from the @clickhouse/client-common package for convenience:

    • SupportedJSONFormats
    • SupportedRawFormats
    • StreamableFormats
    • StreamableJSONFormats
    • SingleDocumentJSONFormats
    • RecordsJSONFormats

1.2.0 (Node.js)

New features

  • (Experimental) Added an option to provide a custom HTTP Agent in the client configuration via the http_agent option (#283, related: #278). The following conditions apply if a custom HTTP Agent is provided:

    • The max_open_connections and tls options will have no effect and will be ignored by the client, as it is a part of the underlying HTTP Agent configuration.
    • keep_alive.enabled will only regulate the default value of the Connection header (true -> Connection: keep-alive, false -> Connection: close).
    • While the idle socket management will still work, it is now possible to disable it completely by setting the keep_alive.idle_socket_ttl value to 0.
  • (Experimental) Added a new client configuration option: set_basic_auth_header, which disables the Authorization header that is set by the client by default for every outgoing HTTP request. One of the possible scenarios when it is necessary to disable this header is when a custom HTTPS agent is used, and the server requires TLS authorization. For example:

    const agent = new https.Agent({
      ca: fs.readFileSync('./ca.crt'),
    const client = createClient({
      url: 'https://server.clickhouseconnect.test:8443',
      http_agent: agent,
      // With a custom HTTPS agent, the client won't use the default HTTPS connection implementation; the headers should be provided manually
      http_headers: {
        'X-ClickHouse-User': 'default',
        'X-ClickHouse-Key': '',
      // Authorization header conflicts with the TLS headers; disable it.
      set_basic_auth_header: false,

NB: It is currently not possible to set the set_basic_auth_header option via the URL params.

If you have feedback on these experimental features, please let us know by creating an issue in the repository.

1.1.0 (Common, Node.js, Web)

New features

  • Added an option to override the credentials for a particular query/command/exec/insert request via the BaseQueryParams.auth setting; when set, the credentials will be taken from there instead of the username/password provided during the client instantiation (#278).
  • Added an option to override the session_id for a particular query/command/exec/insert request via the BaseQueryParams.session_id setting; when set, it will be used instead of the session id provided during the client instantiation (@holi0317, #271).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the incorrect ResponseJSON<T>.totals TypeScript type. Now it correctly matches the shape of the data (T, default = unknown) instead of the former Record<string, number> definition (#274).

1.0.2 (Common, Node.js, Web)

Bug fixes

  • The command method now drains the response stream properly, as the previous implementation could cause the Keep-Alive socket to close after each request.
  • Removed an unnecessary error log in the method if the request was aborted or the result set was closed (#263).


  • logs an error via the Logger instance, if the stream emits an error event instead of a simple console.error call.
  • Minor adjustments to the DefaultLogger log messages formatting.
  • Added missing rows_before_limit_at_least to the ResponseJSON type (@0237h, #267).

1.0.1 (Common, Node.js, Web)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the regression where the default HTTP/HTTPS port numbers (80/443) could not be used with the URL configuration (#258).

1.0.0 (Common, Node.js, Web)

Formal stable release milestone with a lot of improvements and some breaking changes.

Major new features overview:

From now on, the client will follow the official semantic versioning guidelines.

Deprecated API

The following configuration parameters are marked as deprecated:

  • host configuration parameter is deprecated; use url instead.
  • additional_headers configuration parameter is deprecated; use http_headers instead.

The client will log a warning if any of these parameters are used. However, it is still allowed to use host instead of url and additional_headers instead of http_headers for now; this deprecation is not supposed to break the existing code.

These parameters will be removed in the next major release (2.0.0).

See "New features" section for more details.

Breaking changes in 1.0.0

  • compression.response is now disabled by default in the client configuration options, as it cannot be used with readonly=1 users, and it was not clear from the ClickHouse error message what exact client option was causing the failing query in this case. If you'd like to continue using response compression, you should explicitly enable it in the client configuration.
  • As the client now supports parsing URL configuration, you should specify pathname as a separate configuration option (as it would be considered as the database otherwise).
  • (TypeScript only) ResultSet and Row are now more strictly typed, according to the format used during the query call. See this section for more details.
  • (TypeScript only) Both Node.js and Web versions now uniformly export correct ClickHouseClient and ClickHouseClientConfigOptions types, specific to each implementation. Exported ClickHouseClient now does not have a Stream type parameter, as it was unintended to expose it there. NB: you should still use createClient factory function provided in the package.

New features in 1.0.0

Advanced TypeScript support for query + ResultSet

Client will now try its best to figure out the shape of the data based on the DataFormat literal specified to the query call, as well as which methods are allowed to be called on the ResultSet.

Live demo (see the full description below):


Complete reference:

Format ResultSet.json<T>()<T>() Stream data Row.json<T>()
JSON ResponseJSON<T> never never never
JSONObjectEachRow Record<string, T> never never never
All other JSON*EachRow Array<T> Stream<Array<Row<T>>> Array<Row<T>> T
CSV/TSV/CustomSeparated/Parquet never Stream<Array<Row<T>>> Array<Row<T>> never

By default, T (which represents JSONType) is still unknown. However, considering JSONObjectsEachRow example: prior to 1.0.0, you had to specify the entire type hint, including the shape of the data, manually:

type Data = { foo: string }

const resultSet = await client.query({
  query: 'SELECT * FROM my_table',
  format: 'JSONObjectsEachRow',

// pre-1.0.0, `resultOld` has type Record<string, Data>
const resultOld = resultSet.json<Record<string, Data>>()
// const resultOld = resultSet.json<Data>() // incorrect! The type hint should've been `Record<string, Data>` here.

// 1.0.0, `resultNew` also has type Record<string, Data>; client inferred that it has to be a Record from the format literal.
const resultNew = resultSet.json<Data>()

This is even more handy in case of streaming on the Node.js platform:

const resultSet = await client.query({
  query: 'SELECT * FROM my_table',
  format: 'JSONEachRow',

// pre-1.0.0
// `streamOld` was just a regular Node.js Stream.Readable
const streamOld =
// `rows` were `any`, needed an explicit type hint
streamNew.on('data', (rows: Row[]) => {
  rows.forEach((row) => {
    // without an explicit type hint to `rows`, calling `forEach` and other array methods resulted in TS compiler errors
    const t = row.text
    const j = row.json<Data>() // `j` needed a type hint here, otherwise, it's `unknown`

// 1.0.0
// `streamNew` is now StreamReadable<T> (Node.js Stream.Readable with a bit more type hints);
// type hint for the further `json` calls can be added here (and removed from the `json` calls)
const streamNew =<Data>()
// `rows` are inferred as an Array<Row<Data, "JSONEachRow">> instead of `any`
streamNew.on('data', (rows) => {
  // `row` is inferred as Row<Data, "JSONEachRow">
  rows.forEach((row) => {
    // no explicit type hints required, you can use `forEach` straight away and TS compiler will be happy
    const t = row.text
    const j = row.json() // `j` will be of type Data

// async iterator now also has type hints
// similarly to the `on(data)` example above, `rows` are inferred as Array<Row<Data, "JSONEachRow">>
for await (const rows of streamNew) {
  // `row` is inferred as Row<Data, "JSONEachRow">
  rows.forEach((row) => {
    const t = row.text
    const j = row.json() // `j` will be of type Data

Calling is not allowed for certain data formats, such as JSON and JSONObjectsEachRow (unlike JSONEachRow and the rest of JSON*EachRow, these formats return a single object). In these cases, the client throws an error. However, it was previously not reflected on the type level; now, calling stream on these formats will result in a TS compiler error. For example:

const resultSet = await client.query('SELECT * FROM table', {
  format: 'JSON',
const stream = // `stream` is `never`

Calling ResultSet.json also does not make sense on CSV and similar "raw" formats, and the client throws. Again, now, it is typed properly:

const resultSet = await client.query('SELECT * FROM table', {
  format: 'CSV',
// `json` is `never`; same if you stream CSV, and call `Row.json` - it will be `never`, too.
const json = resultSet.json()

Currently, there is one known limitation: as the general shape of the data and the methods allowed for calling are inferred from the format literal, there might be situations where it will fail to do so, for example:

// assuming that `queryParams` has `JSONObjectsEachRow` format inside
async function runQuery(
  queryParams: QueryParams,
): Promise<Record<string, Data>> {
  const resultSet = await client.query(queryParams)
  // type hint here will provide a union of all known shapes instead of a specific one
  // inferred shapes: Data[] | ResponseJSON<Data> | Record<string, Data>
  return resultSet.json<Data>()

In this case, as it is likely that you already know the desired format in advance (otherwise, returning a specific shape like Record<string, Data> would've been incorrect), consider helping the client a bit:

async function runQuery(
  queryParams: QueryParams,
): Promise<Record<string, Data>> {
  const resultSet = await client.query({
    format: 'JSONObjectsEachRow',
  // TS understands that it is a Record<string, Data> now
  return resultSet.json<Data>()

If you are interested in more details, see the related test (featuring a great ESLint plugin expect-types) in the client package.

URL configuration

  • Added url configuration parameter. It is intended to replace the deprecated host, which was already supposed to be passed as a valid URL.
  • It is now possible to configure most of the client instance parameters with a URL. The URL format is http[s]://[username:password@]hostname:port[/database][?param1=value1&param2=value2]. In almost every case, the name of a particular parameter reflects its path in the config options interface, with a few exceptions. The following parameters are supported:
Parameter Type
pathname an arbitrary string.
application_id an arbitrary string.
session_id an arbitrary string.
request_timeout non-negative number.
max_open_connections non-negative number, greater than zero.
compression_request boolean. See below [1].
compression_response boolean.
log_level allowed values: OFF, TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR.
keep_alive_enabled boolean.
clickhouse_setting_* or ch_* see below [2].
http_header_* see below [3].
(Node.js only) keep_alive_idle_socket_ttl non-negative number.

[1] For booleans, valid values will be true/1 and false/0.

[2] Any parameter prefixed with clickhouse_setting_ or ch_ will have this prefix removed and the rest added to client's clickhouse_settings. For example, ?ch_async_insert=1&ch_wait_for_async_insert=1 will be the same as:

  clickhouse_settings: {
    async_insert: 1,
    wait_for_async_insert: 1,

Note: boolean values for clickhouse_settings should be passed as 1/0 in the URL.

[3] Similar to [2], but for http_header configuration. For example, ?http_header_x-clickhouse-auth=foobar will be an equivalent of:

  http_headers: {
    'x-clickhouse-auth': 'foobar',

Important: URL will always overwrite the hardcoded values and a warning will be logged in this case.

Currently not supported via URL:

  • log.LoggerClass
  • (Node.js only) tls_ca_cert, tls_cert, tls_key.

See also: URL configuration example.


  • (Node.js only) Improved performance when decoding the entire set of rows with streamable JSON formats (such as JSONEachRow or JSONCompactEachRow) by calling the ResultSet.json() method. NB: The actual streaming performance when consuming the hasn't changed. Only the ResultSet.json() method used a suboptimal stream processing in some instances, and now ResultSet.json() just consumes the same stream transformer provided by the method (see #253 for more details).


  • Added http_headers configuration parameter as a direct replacement for additional_headers. Functionally, it is the same, and the change is purely cosmetic, as we'd like to leave an option to implement TCP connection in the future open.

0.3.1 (Common, Node.js, Web)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where query parameters containing tabs or newline characters were not encoded properly.

0.3.0 (Node.js only)

This release primarily focuses on improving the Keep-Alive mechanism's reliability on the client side.

New features

  • Idle sockets timeout rework; now, the client attaches internal timers to idling sockets, and forcefully removes them from the pool if it considers that a particular socket is idling for too long. The intention of this additional sockets housekeeping is to eliminate "Socket hang-up" errors that could previously still occur on certain configurations. Now, the client does not rely on KeepAlive agent when it comes to removing the idling sockets; in most cases, the server will not close the socket before the client does.

  • There is a new keep_alive.idle_socket_ttl configuration parameter. The default value is 2500 (milliseconds), which is considered to be safe, as ClickHouse versions prior to 23.11 had keep_alive_timeout set to 3 seconds by default, and keep_alive.idle_socket_ttl is supposed to be slightly less than that to allow the client to remove the sockets that are about to expire before the server does so.

  • Logging improvements: more internal logs on failing requests; all client methods except ping will log an error on failure now. A failed ping will log a warning, since the underlying error is returned as a part of its result. Client logging still needs to be enabled explicitly by specifying the desired log.level config option, as the log level is OFF by default. Currently, the client logs the following events, depending on the selected log.level value:

    • TRACE - low-level information about the Keep-Alive sockets lifecycle.
    • DEBUG - response information (without authorization headers and host info).
    • INFO - still mostly unused, will print the current log level when the client is initialized.
    • WARN - non-fatal errors; failed ping request is logged as a warning, as the underlying error is included in the returned result.
    • ERROR - fatal errors from query/insert/exec/command methods, such as a failed request.

Breaking changes

  • keep_alive.retry_on_expired_socket and keep_alive.socket_ttl configuration parameters are removed.
  • The max_open_connections configuration parameter is now 10 by default, as we should not rely on the KeepAlive agent's defaults.
  • Fixed the default request_timeout configuration value (now it is correctly set to 30_000, previously 300_000 (milliseconds)).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug with Ping that could lead to an unhandled "Socket hang-up" propagation.
  • Ensure proper Connection header value considering Keep-Alive settings. If Keep-Alive is disabled, its value is now forced to "close".

0.3.0-beta.1 (Node.js only)

See 0.3.0.

0.2.10 (Common, Node.js, Web)

New features

  • If InsertParams.values is an empty array, no request is sent to the server and ClickHouseClient.insert short-circuits itself. In this scenario, the newly added InsertResult.executed flag will be false, and InsertResult.query_id will be an empty string.

Bug fixes

  • Client no longer produces Code: 354. inflate failed: buffer error exception if request compression is enabled and InsertParams.values is an empty array (see above).

0.2.9 (Common, Node.js, Web)

New features

  • It is now possible to set additional HTTP headers for outgoing ClickHouse requests. This might be useful if, for example, you use a reverse proxy with authorization. (@teawithfruit, #224)
const client = createClient({
  additional_headers: {
    'X-ClickHouse-User': 'clickhouse_user',
    'X-ClickHouse-Key': 'clickhouse_password',

0.2.8 (Common, Node.js, Web)

New features

  • (Web only) Allow to modify Keep-Alive setting (previously always disabled). Keep-Alive setting is now enabled by default for the Web version.
import { createClient } from '@clickhouse/client-web'
const client = createClient({ keep_alive: { enabled: true } })
  • (Node.js & Web) It is now possible to either specify a list of columns to insert the data into or a list of excluded columns:
// Generated query: INSERT INTO mytable (message) FORMAT JSONEachRow
await client.insert({
  table: 'mytable',
  format: 'JSONEachRow',
  values: [{ message: 'foo' }],
  columns: ['message'],

// Generated query: INSERT INTO mytable (* EXCEPT (message)) FORMAT JSONEachRow
await client.insert({
  table: 'mytable',
  format: 'JSONEachRow',
  values: [{ id: 42 }],
  columns: { except: ['message'] },

See also the new examples:

0.2.7 (Common, Node.js, Web)

New features

  • (Node.js only) X-ClickHouse-Summary response header is now parsed when working with insert/exec/command methods. See the related test for more details. NB: it is guaranteed to be correct only for non-streaming scenarios. Web version does not currently support this due to CORS limitations. (#210)

Bug fixes

  • Drain insert response stream in Web version - required to properly work with async_insert, especially in the Cloudflare Workers context.

0.2.6 (Common, Node.js)

New features

0.2.5 (Common, Node.js, Web)

Bug fixes

  • pathname segment from host client configuration parameter is now handled properly when making requests. See this comment for more details.

0.2.4 (Node.js only)

No changes in web/common modules.

Bug fixes

  • (Node.js only) Fixed an issue where streaming large datasets could provide corrupted results. See #171 (issue) and #204 (PR) for more details.

0.2.3 (Node.js only)

No changes in web/common modules.

Bug fixes

  • (Node.js only) Fixed an issue where the underlying socket was closed every time after using insert with a keep_alive option enabled, which led to performance limitations. See #202 for more details. (@varrocs)

0.2.2 (Common, Node.js & Web)

New features

  • Added default_format setting, which allows to perform exec calls without FORMAT clause.

0.2.1 (Common, Node.js & Web)

Breaking changes

Date objects in query parameters are now serialized as time-zone-agnostic Unix timestamps (NNNNNNNNNN[.NNN], optionally with millisecond-precision) instead of datetime strings without time zones (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS[.MMM]). This means the server will receive the same absolute timestamp the client sent even if the client's time zone and the database server's time zone differ. Previously, if the server used one time zone and the client used another, Date objects would be encoded in the client's time zone and decoded in the server's time zone and create a mismatch.

For instance, if the server used UTC (GMT) and the client used PST (GMT-8), a Date object for "2023-01-01 13:00:00 PST" would be encoded as "2023-01-01 13:00:00.000" and decoded as "2023-01-01 13:00:00 UTC" (which is 2023-01-01 05:00:00 PST). Now, "2023-01-01 13:00:00 PST" is encoded as "1672606800000" and decoded as "2023-01-01 21:00:00 UTC", the same time the client sent.

0.2.0 (web platform support)

Introduces web client (using native fetch and WebStream APIs) without Node.js modules in the common interfaces. No polyfills are required.

Web client is confirmed to work with Chrome/Firefox/CloudFlare workers.

It is now possible to implement new custom connections on top of @clickhouse/client-common.

The client was refactored into three packages:

  • @clickhouse/client-common: all possible platform-independent code, types and interfaces
  • @clickhouse/client-web: new web (or non-Node.js env) connection, uses native fetch.
  • @clickhouse/client: Node.js connection as it was before.

Node.js client breaking changes

  • Changed ping method behavior: it will not throw now. Instead, either { success: true } or { success: false, error: Error } is returned.
  • Log level configuration parameter is now explicit instead of CLICKHOUSE_LOG_LEVEL environment variable. Default is OFF.
  • query return type signature changed to is BaseResultSet<Stream.Readable> (no functional changes)
  • exec return type signature changed to ExecResult<Stream.Readable> (no functional changes)
  • insert<T> params argument type changed to InsertParams<Stream, T> (no functional changes)
  • Experimental schema module is removed

Web client known limitations

  • Streaming for select queries works, but it is disabled for inserts (on the type level as well).
  • KeepAlive is disabled and not configurable yet.
  • Request compression is disabled and configuration is ignored. Response compression works.
  • No logging support yet.


New features

  • Expired socket detection on the client side when using Keep-Alive. If a potentially expired socket is detected, and retry is enabled in the configuration, both socket and request will be immediately destroyed (before sending the data), and the client will recreate the request. See ClickHouseClientConfigOptions.keep_alive for more details. Disabled by default.
  • Allow disabling Keep-Alive feature entirely.
  • TRACE log level.


Disable Keep-Alive feature

const client = createClient({
  keep_alive: {
    enabled: false,

Retry on expired socket

const client = createClient({
  keep_alive: {
    enabled: true,
    // should be slightly less than the `keep_alive_timeout` setting in server's `config.xml`
    // default is 3s there, so 2500 milliseconds seems to be a safe client value in this scenario
    // another example: if your configuration has `keep_alive_timeout` set to 60s, you could put 59_000 here
    socket_ttl: 2500,
    retry_on_expired_socket: true,


Breaking changes

  • connect_timeout client setting is removed, as it was unused in the code.

New features

  • command method is introduced as an alternative to exec. command does not expect user to consume the response stream, and it is destroyed immediately. Essentially, this is a shortcut to exec that destroys the stream under the hood. Consider using command instead of exec for DDLs and other custom commands which do not provide any valuable output.


// incorrect: stream is not consumed and not destroyed, request will be timed out eventually
await client.exec('CREATE TABLE foo (id String) ENGINE Memory')

// correct: stream does not contain any information and just destroyed
const { stream } = await client.exec(
  'CREATE TABLE foo (id String) ENGINE Memory',

// correct: same as exec + stream.destroy()
await client.command('CREATE TABLE foo (id String) ENGINE Memory')

Bug fixes

  • Fixed delays on subsequent requests after calling insert that happened due to unclosed stream instance when using low number of max_open_connections. See #161 for more details.
  • Request timeouts internal logic rework (see #168)


  • Fix NULL parameter binding. As HTTP interface expects \N instead of 'NULL' string, it is now correctly handled for both null and explicitly undefined parameters. See the test scenarios for more details.


Bug fixes

  • Fix Node.JS 19.x/20.x timeout error (@olexiyb)


New features

  • Added support for JSONStrings, JSONCompact, JSONCompactStrings, JSONColumnsWithMetadata formats (@andrewzolotukhin).


New features

  • query_id can be now overridden for all main client's methods: query, exec, insert.


New features

  • ResultSet.query_id contains a unique query identifier that might be useful for retrieving query metrics from system.query_log
  • User-Agent HTTP header is set according to the language client spec. For example, for client version 0.0.12 and Node.js runtime v19.0.4 on Linux platform, it will be clickhouse-js/0.0.12 (lv:nodejs/19.0.4; os:linux). If ClickHouseClientConfigOptions.application is set, it will be prepended to the generated User-Agent.

Breaking changes

  • client.insert now returns { query_id: string } instead of void
  • client.exec now returns { stream: Stream.Readable, query_id: string } instead of just Stream.Readable

0.0.11, 2022-12-08

Breaking changes

  • log.enabled flag was removed from the client configuration.
  • Use CLICKHOUSE_LOG_LEVEL environment variable instead. Possible values: OFF, TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR. Currently, there are only debug messages, but we will log more in the future.

For more details, see PR #110

0.0.10, 2022-11-14

New features

  • Remove request listeners synchronously. #123

0.0.9, 2022-10-25

New features

  • Added ClickHouse session_id support. #121

0.0.8, 2022-10-18

New features

  • Added SSL/TLS support (basic and mutual). #52

0.0.7, 2022-10-18

Bug fixes

  • Allow semicolons in select clause. #116

0.0.6, 2022-10-07

New features

  • Add JSONObjectEachRow input/output and JSON input formats. #113

0.0.5, 2022-10-04

Breaking changes

  • Rows abstraction was renamed to ResultSet.
  • now, every iteration over yields Row[] instead of a single Row. Please check out an example and this PR for more details. These changes allowed us to significantly reduce overhead on select result set streaming.

New features

  • split2 is no longer a package dependency.