- Added solder jumper so that we don't need to solder some ICs if we don't need ultrasonic and sound
- Moved some solder jumpers to the bottom of the board to keep them accessible even with IMU mounted.
- Moved most of the configuration to an external file
- Removed start and pause mowing from rosparams. This was just a hack to trigger it using rqt_reconfigure.
- Removed area_recorder and corresponding configs
- Added SensorFusion with imu_filter_madgwick, you need to set your mag biases in the global settings file now
- Added UI Board integration to LowLevel Firmware
- Added service to start and pause mowing as well as start area recording mode
- Added area recording behavior to main logic, so that we don't need an additional launch file for it
- Added a mower_logic/current_state topic which has the identifier of the current high level state.
- mower_comms now listens for UI button messages and calls the high level control service accordingly.
- Added support for LAT/LNG coordinates instead of relative coordinates. Set OM_USE_RELATIVE_POSITION to false for this and provide an origin for your local coordinate space using OM_DATUM_LAT and OM_DATUM_LONG in your local config file.
- Added the mag_calibration node to help magnetometer calibration without manually recording and copying files.
Changed planner logic, so that it starts with innermost outlines
We can now configure arbitrarily many outlines
Motor temperatures can be configured
Added safety offset parameter to the outline (i.e. shrink area without rerecording the areas)
Added vesc_msgs to mower_msgs to resolve a dependency issue