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Kyle Tryon edited this page Oct 2, 2020 · 8 revisions

Slack Orb For CircleCI

Easily send customized Slack notifications as a part of your CI/CD pipeline, using rich templates.

What are Orbs?


The Slack orb makes use of OAuth to post messages to your Slack workspace. Follow our setup guide for authenticating with Slack.

For full usage guidelines, see the orb registry listing.


The Slack Orb comes with a number of included templates to get your started with minimal setup. Feel free to use an included template or create your own.

Template Preview Template Description
basic fail basic_fail_1 Should be used with the "fail" event.
successful tagged deploy success_tagged_deploy_1 To be used in the event of a successful deployment job. see orb usage examples
basic on hold basic_on_hold_1 To be used in the on-hold job. see orb usage examples

Custom Message Template

  1. Open the Slack Block Kit Builder:
  2. Design your desired notification message.
  3. Replace any placeholder values with $ENV environment variable strings.
  4. Set the resulting code as the value for your custom parameter.
- slack/notify:
    event: always
    custom: |
        "blocks": [
            "type": "section",
            "fields": [
                "type": "plain_text",
                "text": "*This is a text notification*",
                "emoji": true

Branch Filtering

Limit Slack notifications to particular branches with the "branch_pattern" parameter.

A comma separated list of regex matchable branch names. Notifications will only be sent if sent from a job from these branches. By default ".+" will be used to match all branches. Pattern must match the full string, no partial matches.

See usage examples.


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