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File metadata and controls

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SmartServer is a console-application written with the Java programming language, intended to run on an a GNU/Linux system. Although it can perfectly run on Windows if all dependencies are installed, some features, relying on shell scripts, will not be functional.

SmartServer has been developed to run on an ARM single-board computer. The first development SBC (thereafter used for sales) was an Odroid U3 from HardKernel, able to run on many Linux distributions. This package (Application & SBC) aimed to replace the old solution using Windows XP PC's and SmartTracker.

Dependencies, System

At the application's level, the dependencies are:

  • Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 7
  • The Spacecode SDK (including the framework Netty and the YoctoAPI)
  • OrmLite and the supported DBMS connectors (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLServer)
  • The javax.mail API (used to send emails when an alert is raised)

The tests suit adds these additional dependencies:

  • The H2 database connector (for in-memory databases)
  • Powermock 1.5+ (with Mockito and JUnit 4.11+)

At the system's level, the required dependencies are:

  • The Update script "" (started by SmartServer with a dedicated command)

  • The Python runtime (2.7+) (used by the update script)

  • Socat (used by the serial-port forwarding feature)

  • The Serial Bridge script "" (using socat, see details below)

  • "binutils" package (JSSC uses "readelf" command to determine "soft" or "hard" float)

  • JAVA_HOME defined as an environment variable (used by JSSC to readelf on JAVA_HOME/bin/java)

  • The DigitalPersona libraries and module if fingerprint readers are used

  • Virtual Hub (Yoctopuce), if a temperature probe (PT100) is used



SmartServer relies on Netty, a NIO client-server framework. It uses an "Handler" to manage connection requests and messages sent by the clients (Spacecode SDK/API users). At the time this README is written (03/2015), SmartServer uses two handlers: one typical TCP/IP string-messages handler, and one WebSocket handler. Both handlers wait for messages composed of:

  • A "Request Code"
  • One or more parameters (optional)

Messages packets (request code and parameter(s)) are separated by a delimiter, and the end of messages is marked with another delimiter (both are defined in the Spacecode SDK).
Example: setprobesettings\x1C60\x1C\0.3\x1Ctrue\x04
Where setprobesettings is the request code, {60, 0.3, true} are the parameters, \x1C is the packet-delimiter, and \x04 is the EOF character.

When a Handler receives such a message, it simply splits the request code and the parameters, and forwards them to the "Client-Commands Register", which is responsible for executing the corresponding command with the given parameters. With the above example, the CmdSetProbeSettings with parameters 60 (delay in seconds), 0.3 (delta in degree celsius) and "true" (probe enabled).

Is an answer to the request is expected by the client who sent it, it takes the following format:
<request code>[<\x1C><packet>...]\0x04
Example: setprobesettings\x1Ctrue\x04

If no parameter is required, only the request code and the end of message delimiter need to be sent.

Services or "Helpers"

AlertCenter is in charge of listening to the device's events likely to require an alert notification. There are currently four types of alert:

  • Device disconnected (the connection to the RFID board is lost)
  • Door open delay (the device door has been open for too long)
  • Temperature out of bounds (the last measure was out of the limits defined by an alert)
  • "Thief finger" (the device has been opened with a fingerprint specially enrolled for cases of hold-up)

When an alert is likely to be raised (i.e. the device has been disconnected), the AlertCenter looks for any alert of the above type (i.e. "Device disconnected") and raises it. When raising an alert, three actions are made:

  • Send an "EventCode" to all clients, with (as parameter) the serialization of the alert which has been raised
  • Persist a corresponding "AlertHistoryEntity" in the database (pure logging)
  • Send an email to all recipients (to/cc/bcc) known in the Alert details, if an SMTP server is set/available.

DeviceHandler handles the (re)connection to the RFID device and manage its events. For instance, the DeviceHandler is responsible for sending an event "ScanStarted" to all clients when a scan starts.

TemperatureCenter is started when a temperature probe is used (and found). It only persists new measures in the database after rounding them to 2 decimal places.

SmartLogger is an internal implementation of the java.util.Logger class.

Last but not least, the DbManager is in charge of connecting to the DBMS, initializing the model (if it does not already exist), and providing an access to DAO's and Repositories.


The configuration of SmartServer is made in the file

# Database Settings

# Authentication Modules

# Temperature Probe

The first block contains the properties of the database: which DB and DBMS, on which host, with which privileges.
The second block contains the configuration of the Badge and Fingerprint readers. For Fingerprint Readers (fpr), the application is waiting for serial numbers, for example {4578AF-C78B45F-778FFC}. And for the badge readers, serial port names are expected: COM7 on Windows (for example), /dev/ttyUSB1 on Linux.
The last block allows defining the settings of the temperature probe. dev_temperature can contain "on" or "off", to be enabled or disabled. The delta is the minimum difference (in °C) desired to take the next measure into account (persisting/raising it). The delay is the time to wait before two measures.


Unit tests of Repositories use a lot of memory for H2 In-memory Databases, thus, in case of OutOfMemoryError when executing the test suit, add this additional parameter to the tests JVM: "-XX:MaxPermSize=256m".