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Curriculum Vitae


Christophe Phillips, Ir., Ph.D., Prof.

Contact details are available in the University of Liège directory.



  • CRC = Cyclotron Research Centre;
  • ULiège = University of Liège, Belgium.

Current position

Appointment at the University of Liège, Belgium:

Honorary Research Associate, Machine Learning and neuroimaging Lab, Centre for Medical Image Computing, University College London, UK.

Research statement

My main interests consist in the development of techniques for the acquisition and processing of neuroimaging data. These include magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) but also electroencephalography and physiological signals such as actimetry and occulometry. The curation and management of neuroimaging data is also a focus of my activities.

Background information


  • October 2021 – now. FRS-FNRS Research Director, GIGA CRC in vivo imaging, ULiège.
  • October 2021 – now. Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, ULiège.
  • October 2015 – September 2021. Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, ULiège.
  • March 2012 – now. Honorary Research Associate, Machine Learning and Neuroimaging Lab, Department of Computer Science, University College London, UK.
  • October 2015 – September 2021. FRS-FNRS Senior Research Associate, GIGA CRC in vivo imaging, ULiège.
  • October 2008 – September 2015. Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, ULiège.
  • October 2006 – September 2015. FRS-FNRS Research Associate, CRC, ULiège.
  • October 2004 – September 2006. Postdoctoral research engineer, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, ULiège.
  • October 2001 – September 2004. FRS-FNRS Postdoctoral Researcher, CRC, ULiège.
  • October 2000 – September 2001. Scientific Officer, Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience (Prof. K. J. Friston), University College London, UK.
  • October 1998 – September 2000. Honorary researcher, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience (with Prof. M. D. Rugg) and Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience (with Prof. K. J Friston), University College London, UK.
  • September 1996 - September 2001. PhD Research Engineer, CRC, ULiège.
  • September 1994 - June 1996. Master in Electrical Engineering, ULiège.
  • September 1991 - June 1994. Bachelor in Engineering, ULiege.


  • January 2001, PhD in Applied Sciences (supervised by Prof. P. Maquet and Prof F.X. Litt), with “Summa cum laude”, ULiège. Title: Source estimation in EEG: Combining anatomical and functional constraints.
  • June 1996, Master in Electrical Engineering (or. Electronics), with “Summa cum laude”, ULiège. Title: “3D image reconstruction from cone-beam projections”.

Teaching experience

ULiege courses

Current duties

  • Medical imaging, master in biomedical engineering & electrical engineering (5 ECTS), School of Engineering, ULiège, since 2008.
  • Neuroimaging data analysis, masters in electrical (neural systems) and biomedical engineering (2 ECTS), School of Engineering, ULiège, since 2023.
  • Principles of Neuroengineering, master in biomedical engineering & electrical engineering (5 ECTS), with Profs G. Drion & P. Sacré, School of Engineering, ULiège, since 2022.
  • Eléments d'informatique médicale, master in nuclear medicine (2 ECTS), Faculty of Medicine, ULiège, since 2021.

Past duties

Local and national workshops

International workshops

Students and postdocs supervision

as main supervisor, otherwise stated

Master students

Since 2005, supervision of 26 students in (mostly biomedical) engineering for their master's project:


Since 2017, 4 internships at the CRC:

  • July-August 2017, Hao Hu, Polytech Nantes (Frances), "Sleep EEG visualisation";
  • May-August 2018, Aubin Ardois, Polytech Nantes (Frances), "Actigraphy data visualization and analysis", co-supervision with Dr. G. Hammad;
  • May-August 2019, Benjamin Leroy, Polytech Nantes (Frances), "Actigraphy data standardisation, description and storage", co-supervision with Dr. G. Hammad;
  • February-March 2020, Marwa Jiyar, Haute Ecole Léonard de Vinci, Bruxelles, "Apports et différence d'un champ magnétique 7 Tesla et 3 Tesla en IRM dans la recherche fondamentale", co-supervision with the MR Physics team;
  • June 2022, Pauline Noé, Télécom Physique Strasbourg (France), 4 week observation internship on neuroimaging lab activities (data acquisition, preocessing, interactions with colleagues, etc.);
  • June-August 2022, Emeline Pommier, Télécom Physique Strasbourg (France), 12 week internship, "Data BIDS-ification with BIDSme, tool development".

PhD students in applied sciences and biomedical science

Since 2008, supervision of 18 PhD students thesis in engineering and biomedical science.

Completed thesis (16)

Ongoing thesis (1)

  • S. de Haan, "Physiology-based mathematical modelling of sleep-wake regulation and it's association with hypothalamic subfield integrityin older adults". 2021-2025 (expected), co-sup. with Prof. C. Schmidt (GIGA-CRC in vivo imaging, ULiège), FRIA grant.

Interrupted thesis (2)

  • Y. Leclercq, “Development of an EEG-based brain-computer-interface working in a MRI scanner”, 2008-2010, FRIA grant.
  • P. Villar Gonzalez, “Linking cerebral microstructure, sleep-wake cycles and cognition with dementia risk” 2017-2019, co-sup. with Prof. C. Bastin, ARC grant.

Postdoctoral researchers

Since 2008:

  • Dr. Fermin Segovia, October 2012 till September 2014. ULiège Postdoc-in grant, “Multivariate data-driven diagnosis of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease using pattern recognition techniques”.
  • Dr. Nikita Beliy, October 2018 till September 2023. EoS "FNRS" Memodyn grant, “Data management and curation”.
  • Dr. Siya Sheriff, October 2019 till December 2022. Siemens grant for 7T MRI data acquisition and processing.

Other training, supervision & evaluation duties

These are listed on a separate page.

Scientific impact


All the publications are available in open access via Orbi@ULiège and here is my ORCID page. The list of publications and publication indexes are also available on the usual platforms such as Google Scholar and Scopus.

Some bibliographic indexes from, as of September 5, 2024:

Source H-index #citations #publications
Google Scholar 75 29010 -
Scopus 61 14665 193

A short selection of papers and talks is listed here.

Software developments

Contribution to existing toolboxes

Other bits of code produced at the CRC/GIGA-research are distributed under an open source license via the Cyclotron Research Centre's GitHub or GitLab platforms.
Note that the latter is hosted on the ULiege server.

National and international collaborations

(past and current)

  • 2018-2022, “Excellence of Science” grant, MEMODYN project, co-PI within the network of the University of Liège, Ghent, Brussels and Leuven, Belgium, and University College London, UK.
  • Prof. Dr. Tony Stöcker, Head of MR Physics team at the “Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen” (DZNE), Bonn, Germany
  • Prof. Dr Nikolaus Weiskopf, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, and an international team for the development of the “histological MRI” toolbox.
  • Prof. Dr Janaina Mourao-Miranda, Machine learning and Neuroimaging Lab, Department of Computer Science, University College London, UK.
  • Prof Dr Karl J. Friston and Prof Dr Martina Callaghan, Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, University College London, UK, for the development of SPM and “quantitative MRI methods”.
  • 2009-2015, ULiège representative for the Marie Curie International Training Network (MC-ITN) “Methods in Neuroimaging”. Along the CRC (ULiège), the network also involves: the Maastricht Brain Imaging Centre (Maastricht University, the Netherlands), the Research Centre Jülich (Germany) and GSK Clinical Imaging Centre, UK. Seven Ph.D. theses in ULiège-UMaastricht co-diplomation .

Scientific prizes

  • 2014, “Prix Janine et Jacques Delruelle” (from the “Fondation Médicale Reine Elisabeth”) with Prof. Maquet for our work on “Characterization of human sleep/wake regulation using multimodal functional imaging in population stratified on the polymorphism of PERIOD3 gene”.
  • 2005 “Marcel Linsman Prize” (from “l'Association des Ingénieurs sortis de l'Université de Liège a.s.b.l.”) for my work in biomedical engineering.
  • 2003, “Association of the university of Liège friends“ Prize, for the PhD thesis : “Source estimation in EEG: Combining anatomical and functional constraints”.
  • 1997, Siemens Belgium Prize in medical imaging for the Master project: “3D image reconstruction from cone-beam projections”.

Other activities

These are listed on a separate page.

Community support

Reviewing and editing

Service to the scientific community:

At ULiège

And former member of several commissions for the designation of new Academics, School of Engineering.

In Belgium


Service to the general public