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executable file
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File metadata and controls

executable file
232 lines (186 loc) · 5.3 KB

Swift bootcamp

1. Console log, String Interpolation

  • print - print value
  • dump - print value + description property

String Interpolation - display value of variable in String

import Swift

let age: Int = 10
print("He is \(age) years old")

class Person { var name: String = dev }
let John: Person = Person()

He is 10 years old


- name: "dev"

2. Constant, variable

  • let - constant
  • var - variable
    let constant: String = "let for conatant"
    var variable: String = "var for variable"

3. Data types

  • Bool → ture, false
  • Int, UInt(Unsigned)
  • Float, Double
  • Character, String → Unicode

4. Any, AnyObject, nil

  • Any - can have any dtype
  • AnyObject - can have all class type
  • nill == null
    var someAny: Any = 100
    someAny = "any type"
    someAny = 123.12
    let someDouble: Double = someAny    // error
    class SomeClass {}
    var someAnyObject: AnyObject = SomeClass()
    someAnyObject = 123.12              // error
    someAny = nil         // error
    someAnyObject = nil   // error

5. Collection types

  • Array - order
    var intArr: Array<Int> = Array<Int>()
    // var intArr: Array<Int> = []
    intArr.append(10)    // intArr = [10]
    intArr.contains(1)   // true
    intArr[0] = 1        // intArr = [1]
  • Dictionary - key & value
    var dict: Dictionary<Sting, Any> = [String: Any]()
    dict["someKey"] = "value"    // ["someKey":"value"]
  • Set - unique, non order
    var Set: Set<Int> = Set<Int>()
    set.contains(1)       // true
    let setA: Set<Int> = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    let setB: Set<Int> = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
    let union: Set<Int> = setA.union(setB)    // [2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 3, 1]
    union.sorted()                            // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
    setA.intersection(setB)                   // [5, 3, 4]
    setA.subtracting(setB)                    // [2, 1]

6. Function

  • Basic form
    func function(){
    func function() -> Void{
    func sum(a:Int, b:Int) -> Int{
        return a + b
  • Parameter default value able to omit the parameter, default parameter placed at last
    func greeting(friend: String, me: String="Choi") { print("Hello \(friend) I'm \(me)")
    greeting(friend: "John")               // Hello John I'm Choi
    greeting(friend: "John", me: "Jane")   // Hello John I'm Jane
  • Argument Label Using different parameter name for function call
    func greeting(to friend: String, from me: String) { print("Hello \(friend) I'm \(me)")
    greeting(to: "John", from: "Jane")   // Hello John I'm Jane
  • Dynamic parameters Only one per function
    func greetingToFriends(frineds: String...) -> String{
        return "Hello \(friends)!"
    print(greetingToFriends(friends: "john", "jane")    // Hello ["john", "jane"]
  • Function as data type
    var greetFunction: (String, String) -> Void = greeting(to:from:)
    greetFunction("john", "jane")    // Hello jane, I'm john
    func runAnother(function: (String, String) -> Void) { function("john", "jane") }
    runAnother(greeting(friend:me:))       // Hello jane, I'm john
    runAnother(function: greetFucntion)    // Hello jane, I'm john

7. Conditional expressions

  • if - else can omit () but not {}, condition must be bool

    Bool contition

    if (contition) { }
    else if (condition) { }
    else contitinon {}
  • Switch can use most basic dtypes, default essential, automatically break fallthrough → makes expressions like switch without break in other language
    switch someInteger {
    case 0:
    case 1..<100:              // 1 <= someInteger < 100 
    case 100:
    case 101...Int.max:        // 101 <= someInteger <= Int.max
        print("over 100")
    switch "jane" {
    case "john":

8. Loop

  • for - in → same with Python
  • while → same with it in other language
  • repeat - while → same with do - while

9. Optional

represents either a wrapped value or nil or not, ? Why optional? → explicit expression, for safety

enum Optional<Wrapped>: ExpressibleByNiliteral {
         case none
         case some(Wrapped)

let optionalValue: Optional<Int> = nil
let optionalValue: Int? =nil
  • Implicitly Unwrapped Optional !
var implicitlyUnwrappedOptionalValue: Int! = 100

switch implicitlyUnwrappedOptionalValue {
case .none:
    print("This Optional variable is nil")
case .some(let value):
    print("Value is \(value)")
  • ! vs ?
var implicitlyUnwrappedOptionalValue: Int! = 100

// can be used like normal variable
implicitlyUnwrappedOptionalValue = implicitlyUnwrappedOptionalValue + 1

var optionalValue: Int? = 100

// cannot be used like normal variable
optionalValue = optionalValue + 1