Releases: Chlorie/Deenote
Changed the color of the charming glow effects. Now it is more of an orange color instead of yellow.
Now exception messages are shown and saved to file whenever an unhandled exception is caught. Bug reporting should be simpler.
Removed support for .ogg audio files.
If exception is caught during audio file loading, the user is forced to select another audio file.
现在若发现未经处理的异常则会弹出对话框提醒并保存到文件, 反馈bug会更容易一些。
若在读取音频时捕获到异常, 用户会被强制重新选择音频文件。
P.S. 这睿智NAudio要是再出其他问题的话我就考虑换库或者自己写MP3文件读取了,又是丢帧又是读取不了带封面的文件真的遭不住……
Added a preceding empty frame before the MP3 samples as a workaround for NAudio's problem. Now there won't be any weird 26-millisecond offset anymore, probably...
BUT I still recommend you to use professional applications such as Adobe Audition for offset measuring and as note placement assistance.
但是我还是建议你们用专业软件比如Adobe Audition来进行offset测定以及辅助对音。
Fixed the problem of beat lines disappearing when importing charts from JSON files.
Fixed the problem where inserting notes in a large project may cause stack overflow.
The update checking system has been broken for months since GitHub doesn't allow normal HTTP request(like those ones in Deenote) any more. Substitution methods have been used in currently developing versions.
File format is optimized, so that the project file won't take much space.
You don't have to do anything to upgrade the project files, they will be automatically updated after saving once.
Before this version of Deenote, audio data of the project is saved in float arrays, thus 32 bits per sample. That is the cause for big file sizes.
After the format conversion, audio data is saved by saving the whole audio file into the project file. So the project file won't be much bigger than the original audio file.
About the project version conversion, the audio data part will be converted to a 16-bit ".wav" file, so old file sizes will be halved. Replace the audio with ".mp3" files for smaller file sizes.
The version conversion takes time, so when you open old files it could be a bit slow. It will get faster after the conversion. Due to the file format change, file loading time will be a bit longer than before, but saving time will be shorter.