is used to extract eReefs time series data at the MMP monitoring sites.
run_stat_reanalysis_old_new_model.m, p0_reanalysis_polished_control_only_old_site_old_new_model.m, skill_analysis_2018.m and hdrload.m are used for model assessment.
plot_emergent.R is used to plot emergent relationships.
gbr4_surface_extraction.R is used to extract surface variables within the GBR.
mean_variables_extraction.R is used to extract spatially resolved variables.
mean_variables_visualisation.R is used to visualise spatially resolved variables
verticle_profile.R is used to extract and visualise the depth profile of Trichodesmium N, Trichodesmium Chl a, Trichodesmium PUB and Trichodesmium PEB rate over time.
The simulated eReefs datasets can be obtained upon request.