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Reproducing the Plots Presented in Our Paper


This folder contains the code implementation for the plots presented in our paper.

Install Dependencies

  • Launch a docker image through the following commands:
# assume the current directory is the root of this repository
docker run --rm -it --gpus all --ipc=host -v ${PWD}:/app
# inside the docker container, run:
cd /app
  • Install conda, create a conda envrionment meow, and activate it:
conda create --name meow python=3.8 -y
source activate
conda activate meow
  • Install the dependencices for plotting:
pip install tbparse
pip install seaborn

Evaluation Results

Most of the evaluation results presented in the paper are provided in the following table:

# Experiment Position in the Paper Environment File
1 Return Comparison Fig. 3 MuJoCo
2 Return Comparison Fig. 4 Omniverse Isaac Gym
3 Ablation Analysis (LRS & SCDQ) Fig. 6 MuJoCo
4 Ablation Analysis (Deterministic) Fig. 7 MuJoCo
5 Ablation Analysis (Affine) Fig. A1 MuJoCo
6 Ablation Analysis (Parameterization) Fig. A2 MuJoCo
7 Ablation Analysis (SAC+LRS) Fig. A4 MuJoCo
  • Download and unzip it. You will obtain a directory called smoothed that contains the (smoothed) results evaluated in various environments. This directory has a nested structure organized by ${name_of_env} and ${name_of_algorithm}. For example, the results of the #1 experiment presented in the above table are arranged as follows:
    ├── Ant-v4/
    |    ├── meow/
    |    |    ├── 1/
    |    |    |   └── ${tfevents_log}
    |    |    ├── 2/
    |    |    ├── 3/
    |    |    ├── 4/
    |    |    └── 5/
    |    ├── ddpg/
    |    ├── ppo/
    |    ├── td3/
    |    ├── sql/
    |    └── sac/
    ├── HalfCheetah-v4/
    ├── Hopper-v4/
    ├── Humanoid-v4/
    └── Walker2d-v4/


  • Place the smoothed directory in the current folder and execute the plotting commands (i.e., plot_fig_${num}.py). For example, each subfigure of Fig. 3 in the paper can be reproduced using the following command:
  • You may obtain the following figures stored at a directory named fig_3.

meow meow meow meow meow

NOTE: The smoothing method for these curves is the same as that implemented in Tensorboard. Please open an issue if you need the code implementation for the smoothing method.

Cite this Repository

If you find this repository useful, please consider citing our paper:

    title={Maximum Entropy Reinforcement Learning via Energy-Based Normalizing Flow},
    author={Chao, Chen-Hao and Feng, Chien and Sun, Wei-Fang and Lee, Cheng-Kuang and See, Simon and Lee, Chun-Yi},
    booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)},

Contributors of the Code Implementation

meow meow meow

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