diff --git a/azure/templates/marketplace-gateway-load-balancer/createUiDefinition.json b/azure/templates/marketplace-gateway-load-balancer/createUiDefinition.json
index 54fd25cc..f4c53009 100644
--- a/azure/templates/marketplace-gateway-load-balancer/createUiDefinition.json
+++ b/azure/templates/marketplace-gateway-load-balancer/createUiDefinition.json
@@ -360,6 +360,10 @@
"label": "R81.20",
"value": "R81.20"
+ },
+ {
+ "label": "R82",
+ "value": "R82"
@@ -1066,6 +1070,345 @@
"count": "[steps('autoprovision').vmCount]"
+ {
+ "name": "R82vmSizeUiBYOL",
+ "type": "Microsoft.Compute.SizeSelector",
+ "visible": "[and(equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R82'), contains(steps('chkp').R80Offer, 'Bring Your Own License'))]",
+ "label": "Virtual machine size",
+ "toolTip": "The VM size of the Security Gateway",
+ "recommendedSizes": [
+ "Standard_D4ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D4d_v5"
+ ],
+ "constraints": {
+ "allowedSizes": [
+ "Standard_D4_v4",
+ "Standard_D8_v4",
+ "Standard_D16_v4",
+ "Standard_D32_v4",
+ "Standard_D48_v4",
+ "Standard_D64_v4",
+ "Standard_D4s_v4",
+ "Standard_D8s_v4",
+ "Standard_D16s_v4",
+ "Standard_D32s_v4",
+ "Standard_D48s_v4",
+ "Standard_D64s_v4",
+ "Standard_D2_v5",
+ "Standard_D4_v5",
+ "Standard_D8_v5",
+ "Standard_D16_v5",
+ "Standard_D32_v5",
+ "Standard_D2s_v5",
+ "Standard_D4s_v5",
+ "Standard_D8s_v5",
+ "Standard_D16s_v5",
+ "Standard_D2d_v5",
+ "Standard_D4d_v5",
+ "Standard_D8d_v5",
+ "Standard_D16d_v5",
+ "Standard_D32d_v5",
+ "Standard_D2ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D4ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D8ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D16ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D32ds_v5",
+ "Standard_DS2_v2",
+ "Standard_DS3_v2",
+ "Standard_DS4_v2",
+ "Standard_DS5_v2",
+ "Standard_F2s",
+ "Standard_F4s",
+ "Standard_F8s",
+ "Standard_F16s",
+ "Standard_D4s_v3",
+ "Standard_D8s_v3",
+ "Standard_D16s_v3",
+ "Standard_D32s_v3",
+ "Standard_D64s_v3",
+ "Standard_E4s_v3",
+ "Standard_E8s_v3",
+ "Standard_E16s_v3",
+ "Standard_E20s_v3",
+ "Standard_E32s_v3",
+ "Standard_E64s_v3",
+ "Standard_E64is_v3",
+ "Standard_F4s_v2",
+ "Standard_F8s_v2",
+ "Standard_F16s_v2",
+ "Standard_F32s_v2",
+ "Standard_F64s_v2",
+ "Standard_M8ms",
+ "Standard_M16ms",
+ "Standard_M32ms",
+ "Standard_M64ms",
+ "Standard_M64s",
+ "Standard_D2_v2",
+ "Standard_D3_v2",
+ "Standard_D4_v2",
+ "Standard_D5_v2",
+ "Standard_D11_v2",
+ "Standard_D12_v2",
+ "Standard_D13_v2",
+ "Standard_D14_v2",
+ "Standard_D15_v2",
+ "Standard_F2",
+ "Standard_F4",
+ "Standard_F8",
+ "Standard_F16",
+ "Standard_D4_v3",
+ "Standard_D8_v3",
+ "Standard_D16_v3",
+ "Standard_D32_v3",
+ "Standard_D64_v3",
+ "Standard_E4_v3",
+ "Standard_E8_v3",
+ "Standard_E16_v3",
+ "Standard_E20_v3",
+ "Standard_E32_v3",
+ "Standard_E64_v3",
+ "Standard_E64i_v3",
+ "Standard_DS11_v2",
+ "Standard_DS12_v2",
+ "Standard_DS13_v2",
+ "Standard_DS14_v2",
+ "Standard_DS15_v2"
+ ]
+ },
+ "osPlatform": "Linux",
+ "imageReference": {
+ "publisher": "checkpoint",
+ "offer": "check-point-cg-r82",
+ "sku": "sg-byol"
+ },
+ "count": "[steps('autoprovision').vmCount]"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "R82vmSizeUiNGTP",
+ "type": "Microsoft.Compute.SizeSelector",
+ "visible": "[and(equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R82'), contains(steps('chkp').R80Offer, '(NGTP)'))]",
+ "label": "Virtual machine size",
+ "toolTip": "The VM size of the Security Gateway",
+ "recommendedSizes": [
+ "Standard_D4ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D4d_v5"
+ ],
+ "constraints": {
+ "allowedSizes": [
+ "Standard_D4_v4",
+ "Standard_D8_v4",
+ "Standard_D16_v4",
+ "Standard_D32_v4",
+ "Standard_D48_v4",
+ "Standard_D64_v4",
+ "Standard_D4s_v4",
+ "Standard_D8s_v4",
+ "Standard_D16s_v4",
+ "Standard_D32s_v4",
+ "Standard_D48s_v4",
+ "Standard_D64s_v4",
+ "Standard_D2_v5",
+ "Standard_D4_v5",
+ "Standard_D8_v5",
+ "Standard_D16_v5",
+ "Standard_D32_v5",
+ "Standard_D2s_v5",
+ "Standard_D4s_v5",
+ "Standard_D8s_v5",
+ "Standard_D16s_v5",
+ "Standard_D2d_v5",
+ "Standard_D4d_v5",
+ "Standard_D8d_v5",
+ "Standard_D16d_v5",
+ "Standard_D32d_v5",
+ "Standard_D2ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D4ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D8ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D16ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D32ds_v5",
+ "Standard_DS2_v2",
+ "Standard_DS3_v2",
+ "Standard_DS4_v2",
+ "Standard_DS5_v2",
+ "Standard_F2s",
+ "Standard_F4s",
+ "Standard_F8s",
+ "Standard_F16s",
+ "Standard_D4s_v3",
+ "Standard_D8s_v3",
+ "Standard_D16s_v3",
+ "Standard_D32s_v3",
+ "Standard_D64s_v3",
+ "Standard_E4s_v3",
+ "Standard_E8s_v3",
+ "Standard_E16s_v3",
+ "Standard_E20s_v3",
+ "Standard_E32s_v3",
+ "Standard_E64s_v3",
+ "Standard_E64is_v3",
+ "Standard_F4s_v2",
+ "Standard_F8s_v2",
+ "Standard_F16s_v2",
+ "Standard_F32s_v2",
+ "Standard_F64s_v2",
+ "Standard_M8ms",
+ "Standard_M16ms",
+ "Standard_M32ms",
+ "Standard_M64ms",
+ "Standard_M64s",
+ "Standard_D2_v2",
+ "Standard_D3_v2",
+ "Standard_D4_v2",
+ "Standard_D5_v2",
+ "Standard_D11_v2",
+ "Standard_D12_v2",
+ "Standard_D13_v2",
+ "Standard_D14_v2",
+ "Standard_D15_v2",
+ "Standard_F2",
+ "Standard_F4",
+ "Standard_F8",
+ "Standard_F16",
+ "Standard_D4_v3",
+ "Standard_D8_v3",
+ "Standard_D16_v3",
+ "Standard_D32_v3",
+ "Standard_D64_v3",
+ "Standard_E4_v3",
+ "Standard_E8_v3",
+ "Standard_E16_v3",
+ "Standard_E20_v3",
+ "Standard_E32_v3",
+ "Standard_E64_v3",
+ "Standard_E64i_v3",
+ "Standard_DS11_v2",
+ "Standard_DS12_v2",
+ "Standard_DS13_v2",
+ "Standard_DS14_v2",
+ "Standard_DS15_v2"
+ ]
+ },
+ "osPlatform": "Linux",
+ "imageReference": {
+ "publisher": "checkpoint",
+ "offer": "check-point-cg-r82",
+ "sku": "sg-ngtp"
+ },
+ "count": "[steps('autoprovision').vmCount]"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "R82vmSizeUiNGTX",
+ "type": "Microsoft.Compute.SizeSelector",
+ "visible": "[and(equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R82'), contains(steps('chkp').R80Offer, '(NGTX)'))]",
+ "label": "Virtual machine size",
+ "toolTip": "The VM size of the Security Gateway",
+ "recommendedSizes": [
+ "Standard_D4ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D4d_v5"
+ ],
+ "constraints": {
+ "allowedSizes": [
+ "Standard_D4_v4",
+ "Standard_D8_v4",
+ "Standard_D16_v4",
+ "Standard_D32_v4",
+ "Standard_D48_v4",
+ "Standard_D64_v4",
+ "Standard_D4s_v4",
+ "Standard_D8s_v4",
+ "Standard_D16s_v4",
+ "Standard_D32s_v4",
+ "Standard_D48s_v4",
+ "Standard_D64s_v4",
+ "Standard_D2_v5",
+ "Standard_D4_v5",
+ "Standard_D8_v5",
+ "Standard_D16_v5",
+ "Standard_D32_v5",
+ "Standard_D2s_v5",
+ "Standard_D4s_v5",
+ "Standard_D8s_v5",
+ "Standard_D16s_v5",
+ "Standard_D2d_v5",
+ "Standard_D4d_v5",
+ "Standard_D8d_v5",
+ "Standard_D16d_v5",
+ "Standard_D32d_v5",
+ "Standard_D2ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D4ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D8ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D16ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D32ds_v5",
+ "Standard_DS2_v2",
+ "Standard_DS3_v2",
+ "Standard_DS4_v2",
+ "Standard_DS5_v2",
+ "Standard_F2s",
+ "Standard_F4s",
+ "Standard_F8s",
+ "Standard_F16s",
+ "Standard_D4s_v3",
+ "Standard_D8s_v3",
+ "Standard_D16s_v3",
+ "Standard_D32s_v3",
+ "Standard_D64s_v3",
+ "Standard_E4s_v3",
+ "Standard_E8s_v3",
+ "Standard_E16s_v3",
+ "Standard_E20s_v3",
+ "Standard_E32s_v3",
+ "Standard_E64s_v3",
+ "Standard_E64is_v3",
+ "Standard_F4s_v2",
+ "Standard_F8s_v2",
+ "Standard_F16s_v2",
+ "Standard_F32s_v2",
+ "Standard_F64s_v2",
+ "Standard_M8ms",
+ "Standard_M16ms",
+ "Standard_M32ms",
+ "Standard_M64ms",
+ "Standard_M64s",
+ "Standard_D2_v2",
+ "Standard_D3_v2",
+ "Standard_D4_v2",
+ "Standard_D5_v2",
+ "Standard_D11_v2",
+ "Standard_D12_v2",
+ "Standard_D13_v2",
+ "Standard_D14_v2",
+ "Standard_D15_v2",
+ "Standard_F2",
+ "Standard_F4",
+ "Standard_F8",
+ "Standard_F16",
+ "Standard_D4_v3",
+ "Standard_D8_v3",
+ "Standard_D16_v3",
+ "Standard_D32_v3",
+ "Standard_D64_v3",
+ "Standard_E4_v3",
+ "Standard_E8_v3",
+ "Standard_E16_v3",
+ "Standard_E20_v3",
+ "Standard_E32_v3",
+ "Standard_E64_v3",
+ "Standard_E64i_v3",
+ "Standard_DS11_v2",
+ "Standard_DS12_v2",
+ "Standard_DS13_v2",
+ "Standard_DS14_v2",
+ "Standard_DS15_v2"
+ ]
+ },
+ "osPlatform": "Linux",
+ "imageReference": {
+ "publisher": "checkpoint",
+ "offer": "check-point-cg-r82",
+ "sku": "sg-ngtx"
+ },
+ "count": "[steps('autoprovision').vmCount]"
+ },
"name": "adminShell",
"type": "Microsoft.Common.DropDown",
@@ -1489,7 +1832,7 @@
"availabilityZonesNum": "[coalesce(steps('autoprovision').availabilityZonesNum, int('0'))]",
"customMetrics": "[steps('autoprovision').customMetrics]",
"cloudGuardVersion": "[concat(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, ' - ', coalesce(steps('chkp').R80Offer, 'Bring Your Own License'))]",
- "vmSize": "[coalesce(steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiBYOL, steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiNGTP, steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiNGTX, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiBYOL, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiNGTP, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiNGTX)]",
+ "vmSize": "[coalesce(steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiBYOL, steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiNGTP, steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiNGTX, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiBYOL, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiNGTP, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiNGTX, steps('chkp').R82vmSizeUiBYOL, steps('chkp').R82vmSizeUiNGTP, steps('chkp').R82vmSizeUiNGTX)]",
"sicKey": "[steps('chkp').sicKeyUi]",
"bootstrapScript": "[steps('chkp').bootstrapScript]",
"allowDownloadFromUploadToCheckPoint": "[coalesce(steps('chkp').allowUploadDownload, 'true')]",
diff --git a/azure/templates/marketplace-gateway-load-balancer/mainTemplate.json b/azure/templates/marketplace-gateway-load-balancer/mainTemplate.json
index 12d29edc..e2307459 100644
--- a/azure/templates/marketplace-gateway-load-balancer/mainTemplate.json
+++ b/azure/templates/marketplace-gateway-load-balancer/mainTemplate.json
@@ -24,7 +24,10 @@
"R81.10 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)",
"R81.20 - Bring Your Own License",
"R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTP)",
- "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)"
+ "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)",
+ "R82 - Bring Your Own License",
+ "R82 - Pay As You Go (NGTP)",
+ "R82 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)"
"defaultValue": "R81.20 - Bring Your Own License",
"metadata": {
@@ -422,7 +425,10 @@
"R81.10 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "NGTX",
"R81.20 - Bring Your Own License": "BYOL",
"R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTP)": "NGTP",
- "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "NGTX"
+ "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "NGTX",
+ "R82 - Bring Your Own License": "BYOL",
+ "R82 - Pay As You Go (NGTP)": "NGTP",
+ "R82 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "NGTX"
"offer": "[variables('offers')[parameters('cloudGuardVersion')]]",
"osVersions": {
@@ -431,7 +437,10 @@
"R81.10 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "R8110",
"R81.20 - Bring Your Own License": "R8120",
"R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTP)": "R8120",
- "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "R8120"
+ "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "R8120",
+ "R82 - Bring Your Own License": "R82",
+ "R82 - Pay As You Go (NGTP)": "R82",
+ "R82 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "R82"
"osVersion": "[variables('osVersions')[parameters('cloudGuardVersion')]]",
"SerialConsoleGeographies": {
diff --git a/azure/templates/marketplace-ha/createUiDefinition.json b/azure/templates/marketplace-ha/createUiDefinition.json
index 886f864a..5061798d 100644
--- a/azure/templates/marketplace-ha/createUiDefinition.json
+++ b/azure/templates/marketplace-ha/createUiDefinition.json
@@ -75,6 +75,10 @@
"label": "R81.20",
"value": "R81.20"
+ },
+ {
+ "label": "R82",
+ "value": "R82"
@@ -781,6 +785,345 @@
"count": 2
+ {
+ "name": "R82vmSizeUiBYOL",
+ "type": "Microsoft.Compute.SizeSelector",
+ "visible": "[and(equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R82'), contains(steps('chkp').R80Offer, 'Bring Your Own License'))]",
+ "label": "Virtual machine size",
+ "toolTip": "The VM size of the Security Gateway",
+ "recommendedSizes": [
+ "Standard_D4ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D4d_v5"
+ ],
+ "constraints": {
+ "allowedSizes": [
+ "Standard_D4_v4",
+ "Standard_D8_v4",
+ "Standard_D16_v4",
+ "Standard_D32_v4",
+ "Standard_D48_v4",
+ "Standard_D64_v4",
+ "Standard_D4s_v4",
+ "Standard_D8s_v4",
+ "Standard_D16s_v4",
+ "Standard_D32s_v4",
+ "Standard_D48s_v4",
+ "Standard_D64s_v4",
+ "Standard_D2_v5",
+ "Standard_D4_v5",
+ "Standard_D8_v5",
+ "Standard_D16_v5",
+ "Standard_D32_v5",
+ "Standard_D2s_v5",
+ "Standard_D4s_v5",
+ "Standard_D8s_v5",
+ "Standard_D16s_v5",
+ "Standard_D2d_v5",
+ "Standard_D4d_v5",
+ "Standard_D8d_v5",
+ "Standard_D16d_v5",
+ "Standard_D32d_v5",
+ "Standard_D2ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D4ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D8ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D16ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D32ds_v5",
+ "Standard_DS2_v2",
+ "Standard_DS3_v2",
+ "Standard_DS4_v2",
+ "Standard_DS5_v2",
+ "Standard_F2s",
+ "Standard_F4s",
+ "Standard_F8s",
+ "Standard_F16s",
+ "Standard_D4s_v3",
+ "Standard_D8s_v3",
+ "Standard_D16s_v3",
+ "Standard_D32s_v3",
+ "Standard_D64s_v3",
+ "Standard_E4s_v3",
+ "Standard_E8s_v3",
+ "Standard_E16s_v3",
+ "Standard_E20s_v3",
+ "Standard_E32s_v3",
+ "Standard_E64s_v3",
+ "Standard_E64is_v3",
+ "Standard_F4s_v2",
+ "Standard_F8s_v2",
+ "Standard_F16s_v2",
+ "Standard_F32s_v2",
+ "Standard_F64s_v2",
+ "Standard_M8ms",
+ "Standard_M16ms",
+ "Standard_M32ms",
+ "Standard_M64ms",
+ "Standard_M64s",
+ "Standard_D2_v2",
+ "Standard_D3_v2",
+ "Standard_D4_v2",
+ "Standard_D5_v2",
+ "Standard_D11_v2",
+ "Standard_D12_v2",
+ "Standard_D13_v2",
+ "Standard_D14_v2",
+ "Standard_D15_v2",
+ "Standard_F2",
+ "Standard_F4",
+ "Standard_F8",
+ "Standard_F16",
+ "Standard_D4_v3",
+ "Standard_D8_v3",
+ "Standard_D16_v3",
+ "Standard_D32_v3",
+ "Standard_D64_v3",
+ "Standard_E4_v3",
+ "Standard_E8_v3",
+ "Standard_E16_v3",
+ "Standard_E20_v3",
+ "Standard_E32_v3",
+ "Standard_E64_v3",
+ "Standard_E64i_v3",
+ "Standard_DS11_v2",
+ "Standard_DS12_v2",
+ "Standard_DS13_v2",
+ "Standard_DS14_v2",
+ "Standard_DS15_v2"
+ ]
+ },
+ "osPlatform": "Linux",
+ "imageReference": {
+ "publisher": "checkpoint",
+ "offer": "check-point-cg-r82",
+ "sku": "sg-byol"
+ },
+ "count": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "R82vmSizeUiNGTP",
+ "type": "Microsoft.Compute.SizeSelector",
+ "visible": "[and(equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R82'), contains(steps('chkp').R80Offer, '(NGTP)'))]",
+ "label": "Virtual machine size",
+ "toolTip": "The VM size of the Security Gateway",
+ "recommendedSizes": [
+ "Standard_D4ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D4d_v5"
+ ],
+ "constraints": {
+ "allowedSizes": [
+ "Standard_D4_v4",
+ "Standard_D8_v4",
+ "Standard_D16_v4",
+ "Standard_D32_v4",
+ "Standard_D48_v4",
+ "Standard_D64_v4",
+ "Standard_D4s_v4",
+ "Standard_D8s_v4",
+ "Standard_D16s_v4",
+ "Standard_D32s_v4",
+ "Standard_D48s_v4",
+ "Standard_D64s_v4",
+ "Standard_D2_v5",
+ "Standard_D4_v5",
+ "Standard_D8_v5",
+ "Standard_D16_v5",
+ "Standard_D32_v5",
+ "Standard_D2s_v5",
+ "Standard_D4s_v5",
+ "Standard_D8s_v5",
+ "Standard_D16s_v5",
+ "Standard_D2d_v5",
+ "Standard_D4d_v5",
+ "Standard_D8d_v5",
+ "Standard_D16d_v5",
+ "Standard_D32d_v5",
+ "Standard_D2ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D4ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D8ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D16ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D32ds_v5",
+ "Standard_DS2_v2",
+ "Standard_DS3_v2",
+ "Standard_DS4_v2",
+ "Standard_DS5_v2",
+ "Standard_F2s",
+ "Standard_F4s",
+ "Standard_F8s",
+ "Standard_F16s",
+ "Standard_D4s_v3",
+ "Standard_D8s_v3",
+ "Standard_D16s_v3",
+ "Standard_D32s_v3",
+ "Standard_D64s_v3",
+ "Standard_E4s_v3",
+ "Standard_E8s_v3",
+ "Standard_E16s_v3",
+ "Standard_E20s_v3",
+ "Standard_E32s_v3",
+ "Standard_E64s_v3",
+ "Standard_E64is_v3",
+ "Standard_F4s_v2",
+ "Standard_F8s_v2",
+ "Standard_F16s_v2",
+ "Standard_F32s_v2",
+ "Standard_F64s_v2",
+ "Standard_M8ms",
+ "Standard_M16ms",
+ "Standard_M32ms",
+ "Standard_M64ms",
+ "Standard_M64s",
+ "Standard_D2_v2",
+ "Standard_D3_v2",
+ "Standard_D4_v2",
+ "Standard_D5_v2",
+ "Standard_D11_v2",
+ "Standard_D12_v2",
+ "Standard_D13_v2",
+ "Standard_D14_v2",
+ "Standard_D15_v2",
+ "Standard_F2",
+ "Standard_F4",
+ "Standard_F8",
+ "Standard_F16",
+ "Standard_D4_v3",
+ "Standard_D8_v3",
+ "Standard_D16_v3",
+ "Standard_D32_v3",
+ "Standard_D64_v3",
+ "Standard_E4_v3",
+ "Standard_E8_v3",
+ "Standard_E16_v3",
+ "Standard_E20_v3",
+ "Standard_E32_v3",
+ "Standard_E64_v3",
+ "Standard_E64i_v3",
+ "Standard_DS11_v2",
+ "Standard_DS12_v2",
+ "Standard_DS13_v2",
+ "Standard_DS14_v2",
+ "Standard_DS15_v2"
+ ]
+ },
+ "osPlatform": "Linux",
+ "imageReference": {
+ "publisher": "checkpoint",
+ "offer": "check-point-cg-r82",
+ "sku": "sg-ngtp"
+ },
+ "count": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "R82vmSizeUiNGTX",
+ "type": "Microsoft.Compute.SizeSelector",
+ "visible": "[and(equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R82'), contains(steps('chkp').R80Offer, '(NGTX)'))]",
+ "label": "Virtual machine size",
+ "toolTip": "The VM size of the Security Gateway",
+ "recommendedSizes": [
+ "Standard_D4ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D4d_v5"
+ ],
+ "constraints": {
+ "allowedSizes": [
+ "Standard_D4_v4",
+ "Standard_D8_v4",
+ "Standard_D16_v4",
+ "Standard_D32_v4",
+ "Standard_D48_v4",
+ "Standard_D64_v4",
+ "Standard_D4s_v4",
+ "Standard_D8s_v4",
+ "Standard_D16s_v4",
+ "Standard_D32s_v4",
+ "Standard_D48s_v4",
+ "Standard_D64s_v4",
+ "Standard_D2_v5",
+ "Standard_D4_v5",
+ "Standard_D8_v5",
+ "Standard_D16_v5",
+ "Standard_D32_v5",
+ "Standard_D2s_v5",
+ "Standard_D4s_v5",
+ "Standard_D8s_v5",
+ "Standard_D16s_v5",
+ "Standard_D2d_v5",
+ "Standard_D4d_v5",
+ "Standard_D8d_v5",
+ "Standard_D16d_v5",
+ "Standard_D32d_v5",
+ "Standard_D2ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D4ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D8ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D16ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D32ds_v5",
+ "Standard_DS2_v2",
+ "Standard_DS3_v2",
+ "Standard_DS4_v2",
+ "Standard_DS5_v2",
+ "Standard_F2s",
+ "Standard_F4s",
+ "Standard_F8s",
+ "Standard_F16s",
+ "Standard_D4s_v3",
+ "Standard_D8s_v3",
+ "Standard_D16s_v3",
+ "Standard_D32s_v3",
+ "Standard_D64s_v3",
+ "Standard_E4s_v3",
+ "Standard_E8s_v3",
+ "Standard_E16s_v3",
+ "Standard_E20s_v3",
+ "Standard_E32s_v3",
+ "Standard_E64s_v3",
+ "Standard_E64is_v3",
+ "Standard_F4s_v2",
+ "Standard_F8s_v2",
+ "Standard_F16s_v2",
+ "Standard_F32s_v2",
+ "Standard_F64s_v2",
+ "Standard_M8ms",
+ "Standard_M16ms",
+ "Standard_M32ms",
+ "Standard_M64ms",
+ "Standard_M64s",
+ "Standard_D2_v2",
+ "Standard_D3_v2",
+ "Standard_D4_v2",
+ "Standard_D5_v2",
+ "Standard_D11_v2",
+ "Standard_D12_v2",
+ "Standard_D13_v2",
+ "Standard_D14_v2",
+ "Standard_D15_v2",
+ "Standard_F2",
+ "Standard_F4",
+ "Standard_F8",
+ "Standard_F16",
+ "Standard_D4_v3",
+ "Standard_D8_v3",
+ "Standard_D16_v3",
+ "Standard_D32_v3",
+ "Standard_D64_v3",
+ "Standard_E4_v3",
+ "Standard_E8_v3",
+ "Standard_E16_v3",
+ "Standard_E20_v3",
+ "Standard_E32_v3",
+ "Standard_E64_v3",
+ "Standard_E64i_v3",
+ "Standard_DS11_v2",
+ "Standard_DS12_v2",
+ "Standard_DS13_v2",
+ "Standard_DS14_v2",
+ "Standard_DS15_v2"
+ ]
+ },
+ "osPlatform": "Linux",
+ "imageReference": {
+ "publisher": "checkpoint",
+ "offer": "check-point-cg-r82",
+ "sku": "sg-ngtx"
+ },
+ "count": 2
+ },
"name": "adminShell",
"type": "Microsoft.Common.DropDown",
@@ -1609,7 +1952,7 @@
"authenticationType": "[basics('auth').authenticationType]",
"sshPublicKey": "[basics('auth').sshPublicKey]",
"vmName": "[basics('clusterObjectNameUi')]",
- "vmSize": "[coalesce(steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiBYOL, steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiNGTP, steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiNGTX, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiBYOL, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiNGTP, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiNGTX)]",
+ "vmSize": "[coalesce(steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiBYOL, steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiNGTP, steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiNGTX, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiBYOL, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiNGTP, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiNGTX, steps('chkp').R82vmSizeUiBYOL, steps('chkp').R82vmSizeUiNGTP, steps('chkp').R82vmSizeUiNGTX)]",
"sicKey": "[steps('chkp').sicKeyUi]",
"virtualNetworkName": "[steps('network').virtualNetwork.name]",
"virtualNetworkAddressPrefixes": "[steps('network').virtualNetwork.addressPrefixes]",
diff --git a/azure/templates/marketplace-ha/mainTemplate.json b/azure/templates/marketplace-ha/mainTemplate.json
index 92ebdc45..cebd2dfb 100644
--- a/azure/templates/marketplace-ha/mainTemplate.json
+++ b/azure/templates/marketplace-ha/mainTemplate.json
@@ -17,7 +17,10 @@
"R81.10 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)",
"R81.20 - Bring Your Own License",
"R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTP)",
- "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)"
+ "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)",
+ "R82 - Bring Your Own License",
+ "R82 - Pay As You Go (NGTP)",
+ "R82 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)"
"defaultValue": "R81.20 - Bring Your Own License",
"metadata": {
@@ -367,7 +370,10 @@
"R81.10 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "NGTX",
"R81.20 - Bring Your Own License": "BYOL",
"R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTP)": "NGTP",
- "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "NGTX"
+ "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "NGTX",
+ "R82 - Bring Your Own License": "BYOL",
+ "R82 - Pay As You Go (NGTP)": "NGTP",
+ "R82 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "NGTX"
"offer": "[variables('offers')[parameters('cloudGuardVersion')]]",
"osVersions": {
@@ -376,7 +382,10 @@
"R81.10 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "R8110",
"R81.20 - Bring Your Own License": "R8120",
"R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTP)": "R8120",
- "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "R8120"
+ "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "R8120",
+ "R82 - Bring Your Own License": "R82",
+ "R82 - Pay As You Go (NGTP)": "R82",
+ "R82 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "R82"
"osVersion": "[variables('osVersions')[parameters('cloudGuardVersion')]]",
"SerialConsoleGeographies": {
diff --git a/azure/templates/marketplace-management/createUiDefinition.json b/azure/templates/marketplace-management/createUiDefinition.json
index fdb719a2..f35c7c0f 100644
--- a/azure/templates/marketplace-management/createUiDefinition.json
+++ b/azure/templates/marketplace-management/createUiDefinition.json
@@ -75,6 +75,10 @@
"label": "R81.20",
"value": "R81.20"
+ },
+ {
+ "label": "R82",
+ "value": "R82"
@@ -215,6 +219,64 @@
"count": 1
+ {
+ "name": "R82vmSizeUiBYOL",
+ "type": "Microsoft.Compute.SizeSelector",
+ "visible": "[and(equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R82'), contains(steps('chkp').R80Offer, 'Bring Your Own License'))]",
+ "label": "Virtual machine size",
+ "toolTip": "The VM size of the Management",
+ "recommendedSizes": [
+ "Standard_DS3_v2",
+ "Standard_D3_v2"
+ ],
+ "constraints": {
+ "excludedSizes": [
+ "Standard_A1_v2",
+ "Standard_D1_v2",
+ "Standard_DS1_v2",
+ "Standard_F1",
+ "Standard_F1s",
+ "Standard_G1",
+ "Standard_GS1"
+ ]
+ },
+ "osPlatform": "Linux",
+ "imageReference": {
+ "publisher": "checkpoint",
+ "offer": "check-point-cg-r82",
+ "sku": "mgmt-byol"
+ },
+ "count": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "R82vmSizeUiMGMT25",
+ "type": "Microsoft.Compute.SizeSelector",
+ "visible": "[and(equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R82'), contains(steps('chkp').R80Offer, '(MGMT25)'))]",
+ "label": "Virtual machine size",
+ "toolTip": "The VM size of the Management",
+ "recommendedSizes": [
+ "Standard_DS3_v2",
+ "Standard_D3_v2"
+ ],
+ "constraints": {
+ "excludedSizes": [
+ "Standard_A1_v2",
+ "Standard_D1_v2",
+ "Standard_DS1_v2",
+ "Standard_F1",
+ "Standard_F1s",
+ "Standard_G1",
+ "Standard_GS1"
+ ]
+ },
+ "osPlatform": "Linux",
+ "imageReference": {
+ "publisher": "checkpoint",
+ "offer": "check-point-cg-r82",
+ "sku": "mgmt-25"
+ },
+ "count": 1
+ },
"name": "SerialPasswordInfoBox",
"type": "Microsoft.Common.InfoBox",
@@ -673,7 +735,7 @@
"authenticationType": "[basics('auth').authenticationType]",
"sshPublicKey": "[basics('auth').sshPublicKey]",
"vmName": "[basics('gatewayNameUi')]",
- "vmSize": "[coalesce(steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiBYOL, steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiMGMT25, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiBYOL, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiMGMT25)]",
+ "vmSize": "[coalesce(steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiBYOL, steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiMGMT25, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiBYOL, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiMGMT25, steps('chkp').R82vmSizeUiBYOL, steps('chkp').R82vmSizeUiMGMT25)]",
"virtualNetworkName": "[steps('network').virtualNetwork.name]",
"virtualNetworkAddressPrefix": "[steps('network').virtualNetwork.addressPrefix]",
"Subnet1Name": "[steps('network').virtualNetwork.subnets.subnet1.name]",
diff --git a/azure/templates/marketplace-management/mainTemplate.json b/azure/templates/marketplace-management/mainTemplate.json
index eb3153c8..7c7d26cd 100644
--- a/azure/templates/marketplace-management/mainTemplate.json
+++ b/azure/templates/marketplace-management/mainTemplate.json
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@
"R81.10 - Bring Your Own License",
"R81.10 - Pay As You Go (MGMT25)",
"R81.20 - Bring Your Own License",
- "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (MGMT25)"
+ "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (MGMT25)",
+ "R82 - Bring Your Own License",
+ "R82 - Pay As You Go (MGMT25)"
"defaultValue": "R81.20 - Bring Your Own License",
"metadata": {
@@ -275,14 +277,18 @@
"R81.10 - Bring Your Own License": "BYOL",
"R81.10 - Pay As You Go (MGMT25)": "MGMT25",
"R81.20 - Bring Your Own License": "BYOL",
- "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (MGMT25)": "MGMT25"
+ "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (MGMT25)": "MGMT25",
+ "R82 - Bring Your Own License": "BYOL",
+ "R82 - Pay As You Go (MGMT25)": "MGMT25"
"offer": "[variables('offers')[parameters('cloudGuardVersion')]]",
"osVersions": {
"R81.10 - Bring Your Own License": "R8110",
"R81.10 - Pay As You Go (MGMT25)": "R8110",
"R81.20 - Bring Your Own License": "R8120",
- "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (MGMT25)": "R8120"
+ "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (MGMT25)": "R8120",
+ "R82 - Bring Your Own License": "R82",
+ "R82 - Pay As You Go (MGMT25)": "R82"
"osVersion": "[variables('osVersions')[parameters('cloudGuardVersion')]]",
"SerialConsoleGeographies": {
diff --git a/azure/templates/marketplace-mds/createUiDefinition.json b/azure/templates/marketplace-mds/createUiDefinition.json
index ad06592d..87e4004f 100644
--- a/azure/templates/marketplace-mds/createUiDefinition.json
+++ b/azure/templates/marketplace-mds/createUiDefinition.json
@@ -75,6 +75,10 @@
"label": "R81.20",
"value": "R81.20"
+ },
+ {
+ "label": "R82",
+ "value": "R82"
@@ -153,6 +157,35 @@
"count": 1
+ {
+ "name": "R82vmSizeUiBYOL",
+ "type": "Microsoft.Compute.SizeSelector",
+ "visible": "[and(equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R82'), contains(steps('chkp').R80Offer, 'Bring Your Own License'))]",
+ "label": "Virtual machine size",
+ "toolTip": "The VM size. Minimum of 16 cores and 64 GB RAM is required.",
+ "recommendedSizes": [
+ "Standard_DS15_v2",
+ "Standard_DS5_v2"
+ ],
+ "constraints": {
+ "excludedSizes": [
+ "Standard_A1_v2",
+ "Standard_D1_v2",
+ "Standard_DS1_v2",
+ "Standard_F1",
+ "Standard_F1s",
+ "Standard_G1",
+ "Standard_GS1"
+ ]
+ },
+ "osPlatform": "Linux",
+ "imageReference": {
+ "publisher": "checkpoint",
+ "offer": "check-point-cg-r82",
+ "sku": "mgmt-byol"
+ },
+ "count": 1
+ },
"name": "installationType",
"type": "Microsoft.Common.DropDown",
@@ -608,7 +641,7 @@
"authenticationType": "[basics('auth').authenticationType]",
"sshPublicKey": "[basics('auth').sshPublicKey]",
"vmName": "[basics('gatewayNameUi')]",
- "vmSize": "[coalesce(steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiBYOL, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiBYOL)]",
+ "vmSize": "[coalesce(steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiBYOL, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiBYOL, steps('chkp').R82vmSizeUiBYOL)]",
"virtualNetworkName": "[steps('network').virtualNetwork.name]",
"virtualNetworkAddressPrefix": "[steps('network').virtualNetwork.addressPrefix]",
"Subnet1Name": "[steps('network').virtualNetwork.subnets.subnet1.name]",
diff --git a/azure/templates/marketplace-mds/mainTemplate.json b/azure/templates/marketplace-mds/mainTemplate.json
index 98e056c2..7c1dca78 100644
--- a/azure/templates/marketplace-mds/mainTemplate.json
+++ b/azure/templates/marketplace-mds/mainTemplate.json
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
"type": "string",
"allowedValues": [
"R81.10 - Bring Your Own License",
- "R81.20 - Bring Your Own License"
+ "R81.20 - Bring Your Own License",
+ "R82 - Bring Your Own License"
"defaultValue": "R81.20 - Bring Your Own License",
"metadata": {
@@ -266,12 +267,14 @@
"location": "[parameters('location')]",
"offers": {
"R81.10 - Bring Your Own License": "BYOL",
- "R81.20 - Bring Your Own License": "BYOL"
+ "R81.20 - Bring Your Own License": "BYOL",
+ "R82 - Bring Your Own License": "BYOL"
"offer": "[variables('offers')[parameters('cloudGuardVersion')]]",
"osVersions": {
"R81.10 - Bring Your Own License": "R8110",
- "R81.20 - Bring Your Own License": "R8120"
+ "R81.20 - Bring Your Own License": "R8120",
+ "R82 - Bring Your Own License": "R82"
"osVersion": "[variables('osVersions')[parameters('cloudGuardVersion')]]",
"serialConsoleGeographies": {
diff --git a/azure/templates/marketplace-single/createUiDefinition.json b/azure/templates/marketplace-single/createUiDefinition.json
index 4df2533a..77059428 100644
--- a/azure/templates/marketplace-single/createUiDefinition.json
+++ b/azure/templates/marketplace-single/createUiDefinition.json
@@ -75,6 +75,10 @@
"label": "R81.20",
"value": "R81.20"
+ },
+ {
+ "label": "R82",
+ "value": "R82"
@@ -781,11 +785,350 @@
"count": 1
+ {
+ "name": "R82vmSizeUiBYOL",
+ "type": "Microsoft.Compute.SizeSelector",
+ "visible": "[and(equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R82'), contains(steps('chkp').R80Offer, 'Bring Your Own License'))]",
+ "label": "Virtual machine size",
+ "toolTip": "The VM size of the Security Gateway",
+ "recommendedSizes": [
+ "Standard_D4ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D4d_v5"
+ ],
+ "constraints": {
+ "allowedSizes": [
+ "Standard_D4_v4",
+ "Standard_D8_v4",
+ "Standard_D16_v4",
+ "Standard_D32_v4",
+ "Standard_D48_v4",
+ "Standard_D64_v4",
+ "Standard_D4s_v4",
+ "Standard_D8s_v4",
+ "Standard_D16s_v4",
+ "Standard_D32s_v4",
+ "Standard_D48s_v4",
+ "Standard_D64s_v4",
+ "Standard_D2_v5",
+ "Standard_D4_v5",
+ "Standard_D8_v5",
+ "Standard_D16_v5",
+ "Standard_D32_v5",
+ "Standard_D2s_v5",
+ "Standard_D4s_v5",
+ "Standard_D8s_v5",
+ "Standard_D16s_v5",
+ "Standard_D2d_v5",
+ "Standard_D4d_v5",
+ "Standard_D8d_v5",
+ "Standard_D16d_v5",
+ "Standard_D32d_v5",
+ "Standard_D2ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D4ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D8ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D16ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D32ds_v5",
+ "Standard_DS2_v2",
+ "Standard_DS3_v2",
+ "Standard_DS4_v2",
+ "Standard_DS5_v2",
+ "Standard_F2s",
+ "Standard_F4s",
+ "Standard_F8s",
+ "Standard_F16s",
+ "Standard_D4s_v3",
+ "Standard_D8s_v3",
+ "Standard_D16s_v3",
+ "Standard_D32s_v3",
+ "Standard_D64s_v3",
+ "Standard_E4s_v3",
+ "Standard_E8s_v3",
+ "Standard_E16s_v3",
+ "Standard_E20s_v3",
+ "Standard_E32s_v3",
+ "Standard_E64s_v3",
+ "Standard_E64is_v3",
+ "Standard_F4s_v2",
+ "Standard_F8s_v2",
+ "Standard_F16s_v2",
+ "Standard_F32s_v2",
+ "Standard_F64s_v2",
+ "Standard_M8ms",
+ "Standard_M16ms",
+ "Standard_M32ms",
+ "Standard_M64ms",
+ "Standard_M64s",
+ "Standard_D2_v2",
+ "Standard_D3_v2",
+ "Standard_D4_v2",
+ "Standard_D5_v2",
+ "Standard_D11_v2",
+ "Standard_D12_v2",
+ "Standard_D13_v2",
+ "Standard_D14_v2",
+ "Standard_D15_v2",
+ "Standard_F2",
+ "Standard_F4",
+ "Standard_F8",
+ "Standard_F16",
+ "Standard_D4_v3",
+ "Standard_D8_v3",
+ "Standard_D16_v3",
+ "Standard_D32_v3",
+ "Standard_D64_v3",
+ "Standard_E4_v3",
+ "Standard_E8_v3",
+ "Standard_E16_v3",
+ "Standard_E20_v3",
+ "Standard_E32_v3",
+ "Standard_E64_v3",
+ "Standard_E64i_v3",
+ "Standard_DS11_v2",
+ "Standard_DS12_v2",
+ "Standard_DS13_v2",
+ "Standard_DS14_v2",
+ "Standard_DS15_v2"
+ ]
+ },
+ "osPlatform": "Linux",
+ "imageReference": {
+ "publisher": "checkpoint",
+ "offer": "check-point-cg-r82",
+ "sku": "sg-byol"
+ },
+ "count": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "R82vmSizeUiNGTP",
+ "type": "Microsoft.Compute.SizeSelector",
+ "visible": "[and(equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R82'), contains(steps('chkp').R80Offer, '(NGTP)'))]",
+ "label": "Virtual machine size",
+ "toolTip": "The VM size of the Security Gateway",
+ "recommendedSizes": [
+ "Standard_D4ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D4d_v5"
+ ],
+ "constraints": {
+ "allowedSizes": [
+ "Standard_D4_v4",
+ "Standard_D8_v4",
+ "Standard_D16_v4",
+ "Standard_D32_v4",
+ "Standard_D48_v4",
+ "Standard_D64_v4",
+ "Standard_D4s_v4",
+ "Standard_D8s_v4",
+ "Standard_D16s_v4",
+ "Standard_D32s_v4",
+ "Standard_D48s_v4",
+ "Standard_D64s_v4",
+ "Standard_D2_v5",
+ "Standard_D4_v5",
+ "Standard_D8_v5",
+ "Standard_D16_v5",
+ "Standard_D32_v5",
+ "Standard_D2s_v5",
+ "Standard_D4s_v5",
+ "Standard_D8s_v5",
+ "Standard_D16s_v5",
+ "Standard_D2d_v5",
+ "Standard_D4d_v5",
+ "Standard_D8d_v5",
+ "Standard_D16d_v5",
+ "Standard_D32d_v5",
+ "Standard_D2ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D4ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D8ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D16ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D32ds_v5",
+ "Standard_DS2_v2",
+ "Standard_DS3_v2",
+ "Standard_DS4_v2",
+ "Standard_DS5_v2",
+ "Standard_F2s",
+ "Standard_F4s",
+ "Standard_F8s",
+ "Standard_F16s",
+ "Standard_D4s_v3",
+ "Standard_D8s_v3",
+ "Standard_D16s_v3",
+ "Standard_D32s_v3",
+ "Standard_D64s_v3",
+ "Standard_E4s_v3",
+ "Standard_E8s_v3",
+ "Standard_E16s_v3",
+ "Standard_E20s_v3",
+ "Standard_E32s_v3",
+ "Standard_E64s_v3",
+ "Standard_E64is_v3",
+ "Standard_F4s_v2",
+ "Standard_F8s_v2",
+ "Standard_F16s_v2",
+ "Standard_F32s_v2",
+ "Standard_F64s_v2",
+ "Standard_M8ms",
+ "Standard_M16ms",
+ "Standard_M32ms",
+ "Standard_M64ms",
+ "Standard_M64s",
+ "Standard_D2_v2",
+ "Standard_D3_v2",
+ "Standard_D4_v2",
+ "Standard_D5_v2",
+ "Standard_D11_v2",
+ "Standard_D12_v2",
+ "Standard_D13_v2",
+ "Standard_D14_v2",
+ "Standard_D15_v2",
+ "Standard_F2",
+ "Standard_F4",
+ "Standard_F8",
+ "Standard_F16",
+ "Standard_D4_v3",
+ "Standard_D8_v3",
+ "Standard_D16_v3",
+ "Standard_D32_v3",
+ "Standard_D64_v3",
+ "Standard_E4_v3",
+ "Standard_E8_v3",
+ "Standard_E16_v3",
+ "Standard_E20_v3",
+ "Standard_E32_v3",
+ "Standard_E64_v3",
+ "Standard_E64i_v3",
+ "Standard_DS11_v2",
+ "Standard_DS12_v2",
+ "Standard_DS13_v2",
+ "Standard_DS14_v2",
+ "Standard_DS15_v2"
+ ]
+ },
+ "osPlatform": "Linux",
+ "imageReference": {
+ "publisher": "checkpoint",
+ "offer": "check-point-cg-r82",
+ "sku": "sg-ngtp"
+ },
+ "count": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "R82vmSizeUiNGTX",
+ "type": "Microsoft.Compute.SizeSelector",
+ "visible": "[and(equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R82'), contains(steps('chkp').R80Offer, '(NGTX)'))]",
+ "label": "Virtual machine size",
+ "toolTip": "The VM size of the Security Gateway",
+ "recommendedSizes": [
+ "Standard_D4ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D4d_v5"
+ ],
+ "constraints": {
+ "allowedSizes": [
+ "Standard_D4_v4",
+ "Standard_D8_v4",
+ "Standard_D16_v4",
+ "Standard_D32_v4",
+ "Standard_D48_v4",
+ "Standard_D64_v4",
+ "Standard_D4s_v4",
+ "Standard_D8s_v4",
+ "Standard_D16s_v4",
+ "Standard_D32s_v4",
+ "Standard_D48s_v4",
+ "Standard_D64s_v4",
+ "Standard_D2_v5",
+ "Standard_D4_v5",
+ "Standard_D8_v5",
+ "Standard_D16_v5",
+ "Standard_D32_v5",
+ "Standard_D2s_v5",
+ "Standard_D4s_v5",
+ "Standard_D8s_v5",
+ "Standard_D16s_v5",
+ "Standard_D2d_v5",
+ "Standard_D4d_v5",
+ "Standard_D8d_v5",
+ "Standard_D16d_v5",
+ "Standard_D32d_v5",
+ "Standard_D2ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D4ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D8ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D16ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D32ds_v5",
+ "Standard_DS2_v2",
+ "Standard_DS3_v2",
+ "Standard_DS4_v2",
+ "Standard_DS5_v2",
+ "Standard_F2s",
+ "Standard_F4s",
+ "Standard_F8s",
+ "Standard_F16s",
+ "Standard_D4s_v3",
+ "Standard_D8s_v3",
+ "Standard_D16s_v3",
+ "Standard_D32s_v3",
+ "Standard_D64s_v3",
+ "Standard_E4s_v3",
+ "Standard_E8s_v3",
+ "Standard_E16s_v3",
+ "Standard_E20s_v3",
+ "Standard_E32s_v3",
+ "Standard_E64s_v3",
+ "Standard_E64is_v3",
+ "Standard_F4s_v2",
+ "Standard_F8s_v2",
+ "Standard_F16s_v2",
+ "Standard_F32s_v2",
+ "Standard_F64s_v2",
+ "Standard_M8ms",
+ "Standard_M16ms",
+ "Standard_M32ms",
+ "Standard_M64ms",
+ "Standard_M64s",
+ "Standard_D2_v2",
+ "Standard_D3_v2",
+ "Standard_D4_v2",
+ "Standard_D5_v2",
+ "Standard_D11_v2",
+ "Standard_D12_v2",
+ "Standard_D13_v2",
+ "Standard_D14_v2",
+ "Standard_D15_v2",
+ "Standard_F2",
+ "Standard_F4",
+ "Standard_F8",
+ "Standard_F16",
+ "Standard_D4_v3",
+ "Standard_D8_v3",
+ "Standard_D16_v3",
+ "Standard_D32_v3",
+ "Standard_D64_v3",
+ "Standard_E4_v3",
+ "Standard_E8_v3",
+ "Standard_E16_v3",
+ "Standard_E20_v3",
+ "Standard_E32_v3",
+ "Standard_E64_v3",
+ "Standard_E64i_v3",
+ "Standard_DS11_v2",
+ "Standard_DS12_v2",
+ "Standard_DS13_v2",
+ "Standard_DS14_v2",
+ "Standard_DS15_v2"
+ ]
+ },
+ "osPlatform": "Linux",
+ "imageReference": {
+ "publisher": "checkpoint",
+ "offer": "check-point-cg-r82",
+ "sku": "sg-ngtx"
+ },
+ "count": 1
+ },
"name": "installationType",
"type": "Microsoft.Common.DropDown",
"label": "Installation type",
- "visible": "[or(equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R81.10'), equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R81.20'))]",
+ "visible": "[or(equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R81.10'), equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R81.20'), equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R82'))]",
"defaultValue": "Gateway only",
"toolTip": "Select the type of deployment",
"constraints": {
@@ -831,10 +1174,10 @@
"name": "standaloneValidation",
"type": "Microsoft.Common.InfoBox",
- "visible": "[and(equals(steps('chkp').installationType, 'standalone'), not(and(equals(steps('chkp').R80Offer, 'Bring Your Own License'),or(equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R81.10'), equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R81.20')))))]",
+ "visible": "[and(equals(steps('chkp').installationType, 'standalone'), not(and(equals(steps('chkp').R80Offer, 'Bring Your Own License'),or(equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R81.10'), equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R81.20'), equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R82')))))]",
"options": {
"icon": "Error",
- "text": "Standalone deployment is ONLY supported for CloudGuard versions R81.10 and R81.20 Bring Your Own License."
+ "text": "Standalone deployment is ONLY supported for CloudGuard versions R81.10, R81.20 and R82 Bring Your Own License."
@@ -847,7 +1190,7 @@
"regex": "^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\\/([0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2]))$",
"validationMessage": "Enter a valid IPv4 network CIDR"
- "visible": "[and(or(equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R81.10'), equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R81.20')), equals(steps('chkp').installationType, 'standalone'))]"
+ "visible": "[and(or(equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R81.10'), equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R81.20'), equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R82')), equals(steps('chkp').installationType, 'standalone'))]"
"name": "sicKeyUi",
@@ -1321,7 +1664,7 @@
"authenticationType": "[basics('auth').authenticationType]",
"sshPublicKey": "[basics('auth').sshPublicKey]",
"vmName": "[basics('gatewayNameUi')]",
- "vmSize": "[coalesce(steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiBYOL, steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiNGTP, steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiNGTX, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiBYOL, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiNGTP, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiNGTX )]",
+ "vmSize": "[coalesce(steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiBYOL, steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiNGTP, steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiNGTX, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiBYOL, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiNGTP, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiNGTX, steps('chkp').R82vmSizeUiBYOL, steps('chkp').R82vmSizeUiNGTP, steps('chkp').R82vmSizeUiNGTX )]",
"sicKey": "[coalesce(steps('chkp').sicKeyUi, 'notused')]",
"virtualNetworkName": "[steps('network').virtualNetwork.name]",
"virtualNetworkAddressPrefix": "[steps('network').virtualNetwork.addressPrefix]",
diff --git a/azure/templates/marketplace-single/mainTemplate.json b/azure/templates/marketplace-single/mainTemplate.json
index 6085d845..d3216bf3 100644
--- a/azure/templates/marketplace-single/mainTemplate.json
+++ b/azure/templates/marketplace-single/mainTemplate.json
@@ -24,7 +24,10 @@
"R81.10 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)",
"R81.20 - Bring Your Own License",
"R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTP)",
- "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)"
+ "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)",
+ "R82 - Bring Your Own License",
+ "R82 - Pay As You Go (NGTP)",
+ "R82 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)"
"defaultValue": "R81.20 - Bring Your Own License",
"metadata": {
@@ -314,7 +317,10 @@
"R81.10 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "NGTX",
"R81.20 - Bring Your Own License": "BYOL",
"R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTP)": "NGTP",
- "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "NGTX"
+ "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "NGTX",
+ "R82 - Bring Your Own License": "BYOL",
+ "R82 - Pay As You Go (NGTP)": "NGTP",
+ "R82 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "NGTX"
"offer": "[variables('offers')[parameters('cloudGuardVersion')]]",
"osVersions": {
@@ -323,7 +329,10 @@
"R81.10 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "R8110",
"R81.20 - Bring Your Own License": "R8120",
"R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTP)": "R8120",
- "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "R8120"
+ "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "R8120",
+ "R82 - Bring Your Own License": "R82",
+ "R82 - Pay As You Go (NGTP)": "R82",
+ "R82 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "R82"
"osVersion": "[variables('osVersions')[parameters('cloudGuardVersion')]]",
"serialConsoleGeographies": {
@@ -541,7 +550,7 @@
"customData": "[concat('#!/usr/bin/python3 /etc/cloud_config.py\n', '\n', 'installationType=\"', variables('installationType'), '\"', '\n', 'allowUploadDownload=\"', variables('allowUploadDownload'), '\"', '\n', 'osVersion=\"', variables('osVersion'), '\"', '\n', 'templateName=\"', variables('templateName'), '\"', '\n', 'isBlink=\"', variables('isBlink'), '\"', '\n', 'templateVersion=\"', variables('templateVersion'), '\"', '\n', 'bootstrapScript64=\"', variables('bootstrapScript64'), '\"', '\n', 'location=\"', variables('location'), '\"', '\n', 'sicKey=\"', variables('sicKey'), '\"', '\n', 'managementGUIClientNetwork=\"', variables('managementGUIClientNetwork'), '\"', '\n', 'customMetrics=\"', variables('customMetrics'), '\"', '\n', 'adminShell=\"', parameters('adminShell'), '\"', '\n', 'smart1CloudToken=\"', parameters('smart1CloudToken'), '\"', '\n', 'MaintenanceModePassword=\"', parameters('MaintenanceModePasswordHash'), '\"', '\n', 'passwordHash=\"', parameters('SerialConsolePasswordHash'), '\"', '\n')]",
"imageOffer": "[concat('check-point-cg-', toLower(variables('osVersion')))]",
"imagePublisher": "checkpoint",
- "imageSku": "[if(and(equals(parameters('installationType'), 'standalone'), or(equals(variables('osVersion'),'R8110'), equals(variables('osVersion'),'R8120'))), 'mgmt-byol', 'sg-byol')]",
+ "imageSku": "[if(and(equals(parameters('installationType'), 'standalone'), or(equals(variables('osVersion'),'R8110'), equals(variables('osVersion'),'R8120'), equals(variables('osVersion'),'R82'))), 'mgmt-byol', 'sg-byol')]",
"imageReferenceBYOL": {
"offer": "[variables('imageOffer')]",
"publisher": "[variables('imagePublisher')]",
diff --git a/azure/templates/marketplace-vmss/createUiDefinition.json b/azure/templates/marketplace-vmss/createUiDefinition.json
index cf04efcd..3228cb59 100644
--- a/azure/templates/marketplace-vmss/createUiDefinition.json
+++ b/azure/templates/marketplace-vmss/createUiDefinition.json
@@ -571,6 +571,10 @@
"label": "R81.20",
"value": "R81.20"
+ },
+ {
+ "label": "R82",
+ "value": "R82"
@@ -1277,6 +1281,345 @@
"count": "[steps('autoprovision').vmCount]"
+ {
+ "name": "R82vmSizeUiBYOL",
+ "type": "Microsoft.Compute.SizeSelector",
+ "visible": "[and(equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R82'), contains(steps('chkp').R80Offer, 'Bring Your Own License'))]",
+ "label": "Virtual machine size",
+ "toolTip": "The VM size of the Security Gateway",
+ "recommendedSizes": [
+ "Standard_D4ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D4d_v5"
+ ],
+ "constraints": {
+ "allowedSizes": [
+ "Standard_D4_v4",
+ "Standard_D8_v4",
+ "Standard_D16_v4",
+ "Standard_D32_v4",
+ "Standard_D48_v4",
+ "Standard_D64_v4",
+ "Standard_D4s_v4",
+ "Standard_D8s_v4",
+ "Standard_D16s_v4",
+ "Standard_D32s_v4",
+ "Standard_D48s_v4",
+ "Standard_D64s_v4",
+ "Standard_D2_v5",
+ "Standard_D4_v5",
+ "Standard_D8_v5",
+ "Standard_D16_v5",
+ "Standard_D32_v5",
+ "Standard_D2s_v5",
+ "Standard_D4s_v5",
+ "Standard_D8s_v5",
+ "Standard_D16s_v5",
+ "Standard_D2d_v5",
+ "Standard_D4d_v5",
+ "Standard_D8d_v5",
+ "Standard_D16d_v5",
+ "Standard_D32d_v5",
+ "Standard_D2ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D4ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D8ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D16ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D32ds_v5",
+ "Standard_DS2_v2",
+ "Standard_DS3_v2",
+ "Standard_DS4_v2",
+ "Standard_DS5_v2",
+ "Standard_F2s",
+ "Standard_F4s",
+ "Standard_F8s",
+ "Standard_F16s",
+ "Standard_D4s_v3",
+ "Standard_D8s_v3",
+ "Standard_D16s_v3",
+ "Standard_D32s_v3",
+ "Standard_D64s_v3",
+ "Standard_E4s_v3",
+ "Standard_E8s_v3",
+ "Standard_E16s_v3",
+ "Standard_E20s_v3",
+ "Standard_E32s_v3",
+ "Standard_E64s_v3",
+ "Standard_E64is_v3",
+ "Standard_F4s_v2",
+ "Standard_F8s_v2",
+ "Standard_F16s_v2",
+ "Standard_F32s_v2",
+ "Standard_F64s_v2",
+ "Standard_M8ms",
+ "Standard_M16ms",
+ "Standard_M32ms",
+ "Standard_M64ms",
+ "Standard_M64s",
+ "Standard_D2_v2",
+ "Standard_D3_v2",
+ "Standard_D4_v2",
+ "Standard_D5_v2",
+ "Standard_D11_v2",
+ "Standard_D12_v2",
+ "Standard_D13_v2",
+ "Standard_D14_v2",
+ "Standard_D15_v2",
+ "Standard_F2",
+ "Standard_F4",
+ "Standard_F8",
+ "Standard_F16",
+ "Standard_D4_v3",
+ "Standard_D8_v3",
+ "Standard_D16_v3",
+ "Standard_D32_v3",
+ "Standard_D64_v3",
+ "Standard_E4_v3",
+ "Standard_E8_v3",
+ "Standard_E16_v3",
+ "Standard_E20_v3",
+ "Standard_E32_v3",
+ "Standard_E64_v3",
+ "Standard_E64i_v3",
+ "Standard_DS11_v2",
+ "Standard_DS12_v2",
+ "Standard_DS13_v2",
+ "Standard_DS14_v2",
+ "Standard_DS15_v2"
+ ]
+ },
+ "osPlatform": "Linux",
+ "imageReference": {
+ "publisher": "checkpoint",
+ "offer": "check-point-cg-r82",
+ "sku": "sg-byol"
+ },
+ "count": "[steps('autoprovision').vmCount]"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "R82vmSizeUiNGTP",
+ "type": "Microsoft.Compute.SizeSelector",
+ "visible": "[and(equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R82'), contains(steps('chkp').R80Offer, '(NGTP)'))]",
+ "label": "Virtual machine size",
+ "toolTip": "The VM size of the Security Gateway",
+ "recommendedSizes": [
+ "Standard_D4ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D4d_v5"
+ ],
+ "constraints": {
+ "allowedSizes": [
+ "Standard_D4_v4",
+ "Standard_D8_v4",
+ "Standard_D16_v4",
+ "Standard_D32_v4",
+ "Standard_D48_v4",
+ "Standard_D64_v4",
+ "Standard_D4s_v4",
+ "Standard_D8s_v4",
+ "Standard_D16s_v4",
+ "Standard_D32s_v4",
+ "Standard_D48s_v4",
+ "Standard_D64s_v4",
+ "Standard_D2_v5",
+ "Standard_D4_v5",
+ "Standard_D8_v5",
+ "Standard_D16_v5",
+ "Standard_D32_v5",
+ "Standard_D2s_v5",
+ "Standard_D4s_v5",
+ "Standard_D8s_v5",
+ "Standard_D16s_v5",
+ "Standard_D2d_v5",
+ "Standard_D4d_v5",
+ "Standard_D8d_v5",
+ "Standard_D16d_v5",
+ "Standard_D32d_v5",
+ "Standard_D2ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D4ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D8ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D16ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D32ds_v5",
+ "Standard_DS2_v2",
+ "Standard_DS3_v2",
+ "Standard_DS4_v2",
+ "Standard_DS5_v2",
+ "Standard_F2s",
+ "Standard_F4s",
+ "Standard_F8s",
+ "Standard_F16s",
+ "Standard_D4s_v3",
+ "Standard_D8s_v3",
+ "Standard_D16s_v3",
+ "Standard_D32s_v3",
+ "Standard_D64s_v3",
+ "Standard_E4s_v3",
+ "Standard_E8s_v3",
+ "Standard_E16s_v3",
+ "Standard_E20s_v3",
+ "Standard_E32s_v3",
+ "Standard_E64s_v3",
+ "Standard_E64is_v3",
+ "Standard_F4s_v2",
+ "Standard_F8s_v2",
+ "Standard_F16s_v2",
+ "Standard_F32s_v2",
+ "Standard_F64s_v2",
+ "Standard_M8ms",
+ "Standard_M16ms",
+ "Standard_M32ms",
+ "Standard_M64ms",
+ "Standard_M64s",
+ "Standard_D2_v2",
+ "Standard_D3_v2",
+ "Standard_D4_v2",
+ "Standard_D5_v2",
+ "Standard_D11_v2",
+ "Standard_D12_v2",
+ "Standard_D13_v2",
+ "Standard_D14_v2",
+ "Standard_D15_v2",
+ "Standard_F2",
+ "Standard_F4",
+ "Standard_F8",
+ "Standard_F16",
+ "Standard_D4_v3",
+ "Standard_D8_v3",
+ "Standard_D16_v3",
+ "Standard_D32_v3",
+ "Standard_D64_v3",
+ "Standard_E4_v3",
+ "Standard_E8_v3",
+ "Standard_E16_v3",
+ "Standard_E20_v3",
+ "Standard_E32_v3",
+ "Standard_E64_v3",
+ "Standard_E64i_v3",
+ "Standard_DS11_v2",
+ "Standard_DS12_v2",
+ "Standard_DS13_v2",
+ "Standard_DS14_v2",
+ "Standard_DS15_v2"
+ ]
+ },
+ "osPlatform": "Linux",
+ "imageReference": {
+ "publisher": "checkpoint",
+ "offer": "check-point-cg-r82",
+ "sku": "sg-ngtp"
+ },
+ "count": "[steps('autoprovision').vmCount]"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "R82vmSizeUiNGTX",
+ "type": "Microsoft.Compute.SizeSelector",
+ "visible": "[and(equals(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, 'R82'), contains(steps('chkp').R80Offer, '(NGTX)'))]",
+ "label": "Virtual machine size",
+ "toolTip": "The VM size of the Security Gateway",
+ "recommendedSizes": [
+ "Standard_D4ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D4d_v5"
+ ],
+ "constraints": {
+ "allowedSizes": [
+ "Standard_D4_v4",
+ "Standard_D8_v4",
+ "Standard_D16_v4",
+ "Standard_D32_v4",
+ "Standard_D48_v4",
+ "Standard_D64_v4",
+ "Standard_D4s_v4",
+ "Standard_D8s_v4",
+ "Standard_D16s_v4",
+ "Standard_D32s_v4",
+ "Standard_D48s_v4",
+ "Standard_D64s_v4",
+ "Standard_D2_v5",
+ "Standard_D4_v5",
+ "Standard_D8_v5",
+ "Standard_D16_v5",
+ "Standard_D32_v5",
+ "Standard_D2s_v5",
+ "Standard_D4s_v5",
+ "Standard_D8s_v5",
+ "Standard_D16s_v5",
+ "Standard_D2d_v5",
+ "Standard_D4d_v5",
+ "Standard_D8d_v5",
+ "Standard_D16d_v5",
+ "Standard_D32d_v5",
+ "Standard_D2ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D4ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D8ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D16ds_v5",
+ "Standard_D32ds_v5",
+ "Standard_DS2_v2",
+ "Standard_DS3_v2",
+ "Standard_DS4_v2",
+ "Standard_DS5_v2",
+ "Standard_F2s",
+ "Standard_F4s",
+ "Standard_F8s",
+ "Standard_F16s",
+ "Standard_D4s_v3",
+ "Standard_D8s_v3",
+ "Standard_D16s_v3",
+ "Standard_D32s_v3",
+ "Standard_D64s_v3",
+ "Standard_E4s_v3",
+ "Standard_E8s_v3",
+ "Standard_E16s_v3",
+ "Standard_E20s_v3",
+ "Standard_E32s_v3",
+ "Standard_E64s_v3",
+ "Standard_E64is_v3",
+ "Standard_F4s_v2",
+ "Standard_F8s_v2",
+ "Standard_F16s_v2",
+ "Standard_F32s_v2",
+ "Standard_F64s_v2",
+ "Standard_M8ms",
+ "Standard_M16ms",
+ "Standard_M32ms",
+ "Standard_M64ms",
+ "Standard_M64s",
+ "Standard_D2_v2",
+ "Standard_D3_v2",
+ "Standard_D4_v2",
+ "Standard_D5_v2",
+ "Standard_D11_v2",
+ "Standard_D12_v2",
+ "Standard_D13_v2",
+ "Standard_D14_v2",
+ "Standard_D15_v2",
+ "Standard_F2",
+ "Standard_F4",
+ "Standard_F8",
+ "Standard_F16",
+ "Standard_D4_v3",
+ "Standard_D8_v3",
+ "Standard_D16_v3",
+ "Standard_D32_v3",
+ "Standard_D64_v3",
+ "Standard_E4_v3",
+ "Standard_E8_v3",
+ "Standard_E16_v3",
+ "Standard_E20_v3",
+ "Standard_E32_v3",
+ "Standard_E64_v3",
+ "Standard_E64i_v3",
+ "Standard_DS11_v2",
+ "Standard_DS12_v2",
+ "Standard_DS13_v2",
+ "Standard_DS14_v2",
+ "Standard_DS15_v2"
+ ]
+ },
+ "osPlatform": "Linux",
+ "imageReference": {
+ "publisher": "checkpoint",
+ "offer": "check-point-cg-r82",
+ "sku": "sg-ngtx"
+ },
+ "count": "[steps('autoprovision').vmCount]"
+ },
"name": "adminShell",
"type": "Microsoft.Common.DropDown",
@@ -1718,7 +2061,7 @@
"availabilityZonesNum": "[coalesce(steps('autoprovision').availabilityZonesNum, int('0'))]",
"customMetrics": "[steps('autoprovision').customMetrics]",
"cloudGuardVersion": "[concat(steps('chkp').cloudGuardVersion, ' - ', coalesce(steps('chkp').R80Offer, 'Bring Your Own License'))]",
- "vmSize": "[coalesce(steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiBYOL, steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiNGTP, steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiNGTX, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiBYOL, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiNGTP, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiNGTX)]",
+ "vmSize": "[coalesce(steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiBYOL, steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiNGTP, steps('chkp').R8110vmSizeUiNGTX, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiBYOL, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiNGTP, steps('chkp').R8120vmSizeUiNGTX, steps('chkp').R82vmSizeUiBYOL, steps('chkp').R82vmSizeUiNGTP, steps('chkp').R82vmSizeUiNGTX)]",
"sicKey": "[steps('chkp').sicKeyUi]",
"bootstrapScript": "[steps('chkp').bootstrapScript]",
"allowDownloadFromUploadToCheckPoint": "[coalesce(steps('chkp').allowUploadDownload, 'true')]",
diff --git a/azure/templates/marketplace-vmss/mainTemplate.json b/azure/templates/marketplace-vmss/mainTemplate.json
index 077e926c..d0159464 100644
--- a/azure/templates/marketplace-vmss/mainTemplate.json
+++ b/azure/templates/marketplace-vmss/mainTemplate.json
@@ -24,7 +24,10 @@
"R81.10 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)",
"R81.20 - Bring Your Own License",
"R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTP)",
- "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)"
+ "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)",
+ "R82 - Bring Your Own License",
+ "R82 - Pay As You Go (NGTP)",
+ "R82 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)"
"defaultValue": "R81.20 - Bring Your Own License",
"metadata": {
@@ -510,7 +513,10 @@
"R81.10 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "NGTX",
"R81.20 - Bring Your Own License": "BYOL",
"R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTP)": "NGTP",
- "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "NGTX"
+ "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "NGTX",
+ "R82 - Bring Your Own License": "BYOL",
+ "R82 - Pay As You Go (NGTP)": "NGTP",
+ "R82 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "NGTX"
"offer": "[variables('offers')[parameters('cloudGuardVersion')]]",
"osVersions": {
@@ -519,7 +525,10 @@
"R81.10 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "R8110",
"R81.20 - Bring Your Own License": "R8120",
"R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTP)": "R8120",
- "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "R8120"
+ "R81.20 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "R8120",
+ "R82 - Bring Your Own License": "R82",
+ "R82 - Pay As You Go (NGTP)": "R82",
+ "R82 - Pay As You Go (NGTX)": "R82"
"osVersion": "[variables('osVersions')[parameters('cloudGuardVersion')]]",
"SerialConsoleGeographies": {
diff --git a/azure/templates/vwan-managed-app/mainTemplate.json b/azure/templates/vwan-managed-app/mainTemplate.json
index 1856f822..eb3efcdc 100644
--- a/azure/templates/vwan-managed-app/mainTemplate.json
+++ b/azure/templates/vwan-managed-app/mainTemplate.json
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
"defaultValue": "R8120",
"allowedValues": [
- "R8120"
+ "R8120",
+ "R82"
"type": "String",
"metadata": {
@@ -200,7 +201,7 @@
"name": "vwan-app",
"product": "cp-vwan-managed-app",
"publisher": "checkpoint",
- "version": "1.0.14"
+ "version": "1.0.15"
"properties": {
"managedResourceGroupId": "[variables('managedResourceGroupId')]",
diff --git a/terraform/azure/high-availability-existing-vnet/README.md b/terraform/azure/high-availability-existing-vnet/README.md
index 2aa7468d..50753f21 100755
--- a/terraform/azure/high-availability-existing-vnet/README.md
+++ b/terraform/azure/high-availability-existing-vnet/README.md
@@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ This solution uses the following modules:
| | | | | |
| **vm_os_sku** | A sku of the image to be deployed | string | "sg-byol" - BYOL license;
"sg-ngtp" - NGTP PAYG license;
"sg-ngtx" - NGTX PAYG license; | n/a |
| | | | | |
- | **vm_os_offer** | The name of the image offer to be deployed | string | "check-point-cg-r81";
"check-point-cg-r81.20"; | n/a |
+ | **vm_os_offer** | The name of the image offer to be deployed | string | "check-point-cg-r81";
"check-point-cg-r82"; | n/a |
| | | | | |
- | **os_version** | GAIA OS version | string | "R81";
"R8120"; | n/a |
+ | **os_version** | GAIA OS version | string | "R81";
"R82"; | n/a |
| | | | | |
| **bootstrap_script** | An optional script to run on the initial boot | string | Bootstrap script example:
"touch /home/admin/bootstrap.txt; echo 'hello_world' > /home/admin/bootstrap.txt"
The script will create bootstrap.txt file in the /home/admin/ and add 'hello word' string into it | n/a |
| | | | | |
diff --git a/terraform/azure/high-availability-existing-vnet/variables.tf b/terraform/azure/high-availability-existing-vnet/variables.tf
index 4aa5ca72..319c945b 100755
--- a/terraform/azure/high-availability-existing-vnet/variables.tf
+++ b/terraform/azure/high-availability-existing-vnet/variables.tf
@@ -117,7 +117,8 @@ locals { // locals for 'vm_os_offer' allowed values
os_version_allowed_values = [
- "R8120"
+ "R8120",
+ "R82"
// will fail if [var.os_version] is invalid:
validate_os_version_value = index(local.os_version_allowed_values, var.os_version)
@@ -129,7 +130,7 @@ variable "vm_os_sku" {
variable "vm_os_offer" {
- description = "The name of the image offer to be deployed.Choose from: check-point-cg-r81, check-point-cg-r8110, check-point-cg-r8120"
+ description = "The name of the image offer to be deployed.Choose from: check-point-cg-r81, check-point-cg-r8110, check-point-cg-r8120, check-point-cg-r82"
type = string
@@ -138,6 +139,7 @@ locals { // locals for 'vm_os_offer' allowed values
+ "check-point-cg-r82"
// will fail if [var.vm_os_offer] is invalid:
validate_os_offer_value = index(local.vm_os_offer_allowed_values, var.vm_os_offer)
diff --git a/terraform/azure/high-availability-new-vnet/README.md b/terraform/azure/high-availability-new-vnet/README.md
index 15bfa197..a2dcb08b 100755
--- a/terraform/azure/high-availability-new-vnet/README.md
+++ b/terraform/azure/high-availability-new-vnet/README.md
@@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ This solution uses the following modules:
| | | | | |
| **vm_os_sku** | A sku of the image to be deployed | string | "sg-byol" - BYOL license;
"sg-ngtp" - NGTP PAYG license;
"sg-ngtx" - NGTX PAYG license;| n/a |
| | | | | |
- | **vm_os_offer** | The name of the image offer to be deployed | string | "check-point-cg-r81";
"check-point-cg-r8120"; | n/a |
+ | **vm_os_offer** | The name of the image offer to be deployed | string | "check-point-cg-r81";
"check-point-cg-r82"; | n/a |
| | | | | |
- | **os_version** | GAIA OS version | string | "R81";
"R8120"; | n/a |
+ | **os_version** | GAIA OS version | string | "R81";
"R82";| n/a |
| | | | | |
| **bootstrap_script** | An optional script to run on the initial boot | string | Bootstrap script example:
"touch /home/admin/bootstrap.txt; echo 'hello_world' > /home/admin/bootstrap.txt"
The script will create bootstrap.txt file in the /home/admin/ and add 'hello word' string into it | n/a |
| | | | | |
diff --git a/terraform/azure/high-availability-new-vnet/variables.tf b/terraform/azure/high-availability-new-vnet/variables.tf
index 15e5ee4e..b40d7e9f 100755
--- a/terraform/azure/high-availability-new-vnet/variables.tf
+++ b/terraform/azure/high-availability-new-vnet/variables.tf
@@ -117,7 +117,8 @@ locals { // locals for 'vm_os_offer' allowed values
os_version_allowed_values = [
- "R8120"
+ "R8120",
+ "R82"
// will fail if [var.os_version] is invalid:
validate_os_version_value = index(local.os_version_allowed_values, var.os_version)
@@ -129,7 +130,7 @@ variable "vm_os_sku" {
variable "vm_os_offer" {
- description = "The name of the image offer to be deployed.Choose from: check-point-cg-r81, check-point-cg-r8110, check-point-cg-r8120"
+ description = "The name of the image offer to be deployed.Choose from: check-point-cg-r81, check-point-cg-r8110, check-point-cg-r8120, check-point-cg-r82"
type = string
@@ -137,7 +138,8 @@ locals { // locals for 'vm_os_offer' allowed values
vm_os_offer_allowed_values = [
- "check-point-cg-r8120"
+ "check-point-cg-r8120",
+ "check-point-cg-r82"
// will fail if [var.vm_os_offer] is invalid:
validate_os_offer_value = index(local.vm_os_offer_allowed_values, var.vm_os_offer)
diff --git a/terraform/azure/management-existing-vnet/README.md b/terraform/azure/management-existing-vnet/README.md
index 41c772e4..8159b782 100755
--- a/terraform/azure/management-existing-vnet/README.md
+++ b/terraform/azure/management-existing-vnet/README.md
@@ -108,9 +108,9 @@ This solution uses the following modules:
| | | | | |
| **vm_os_sku** | A sku of the image to be deployed | string | "mgmt-byol" - BYOL license;
"mgmt-25" - PAYG; | n/a
| | | | | |
- | **vm_os_offer** | The name of the image offer to be deployed | string | "check-point-cg-r81";
"check-point-cg-r8120"; | n/a
+ | **vm_os_offer** | The name of the image offer to be deployed | string | "check-point-cg-r81";
"check-point-cg-r82"; | n/a
| | | | | |
- | **os_version** | GAIA OS version | string | "R81";
"R8120";| n/a
+ | **os_version** | GAIA OS version | string | "R81";
"R82"; | n/a
| | | | | |
| **bootstrap_script** | An optional script to run on the initial boot | string | Bootstrap script example:
"touch /home/admin/bootstrap.txt; echo 'hello_world' > /home/admin/bootstrap.txt"
The script will create bootstrap.txt file in the /home/admin/ and add 'hello word' string into it | ""
| | | | | |
diff --git a/terraform/azure/management-existing-vnet/variables.tf b/terraform/azure/management-existing-vnet/variables.tf
index ec9272a4..94436ce3 100755
--- a/terraform/azure/management-existing-vnet/variables.tf
+++ b/terraform/azure/management-existing-vnet/variables.tf
@@ -91,7 +91,8 @@ locals { // locals for 'vm_os_offer' allowed values
os_version_allowed_values = [
- "R8120"
+ "R8120",
+ "R82"
// will fail if [var.os_version] is invalid:
validate_os_version_value = index(local.os_version_allowed_values, var.os_version)
@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ variable "vm_os_sku" {
variable "vm_os_offer" {
- description = "The name of the image offer to be deployed.Choose from: check-point-cg-r81, check-point-cg-r8110, check-point-cg-r8120"
+ description = "The name of the image offer to be deployed.Choose from: check-point-cg-r81, check-point-cg-r8110, check-point-cg-r8120, check-point-cg-r82"
type = string
@@ -112,6 +113,7 @@ locals { // locals for 'vm_os_offer' allowed values
+ "check-point-cg-r82",
// will fail if [var.vm_os_offer] is invalid:
validate_os_offer_value = index(local.vm_os_offer_allowed_values, var.vm_os_offer)
diff --git a/terraform/azure/management-new-vnet/README.md b/terraform/azure/management-new-vnet/README.md
index bd14ac2d..d19866e5 100755
--- a/terraform/azure/management-new-vnet/README.md
+++ b/terraform/azure/management-new-vnet/README.md
@@ -108,9 +108,9 @@ This solution uses the following modules:
| | | | | |
| **vm_os_sku** | A sku of the image to be deployed | string | "mgmt-byol" - BYOL license;
"mgmt-25" - PAYG; | n/a
| | | | | |
- | **vm_os_offer** | The name of the image offer to be deployed | string | "check-point-cg-r81";
"check-point-cg-r8120"; | n/a
+ | **vm_os_offer** | The name of the image offer to be deployed | string | "check-point-cg-r81";
"check-point-cg-r82"; | n/a
| | | | | |
- | **os_version** | GAIA OS version | string | "R81";
"R8120";| n/a
+ | **os_version** | GAIA OS version | string | "R81";
"R82"; | n/a
| | | | | |
| **bootstrap_script** | An optional script to run on the initial boot | string | Bootstrap script example:
"touch /home/admin/bootstrap.txt; echo 'hello_world' > /home/admin/bootstrap.txt"
The script will create bootstrap.txt file in the /home/admin/ and add 'hello word' string into it | ""
| | | | | |
diff --git a/terraform/azure/management-new-vnet/variables.tf b/terraform/azure/management-new-vnet/variables.tf
index 3ed686e1..7097c647 100755
--- a/terraform/azure/management-new-vnet/variables.tf
+++ b/terraform/azure/management-new-vnet/variables.tf
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ locals { // locals for 'vm_os_offer' allowed values
+ "R82"
// will fail if [var.os_version] is invalid:
validate_os_version_value = index(local.os_version_allowed_values, var.os_version)
@@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ variable "vm_os_sku" {
variable "vm_os_offer" {
- description = "The name of the image offer to be deployed.Choose from: check-point-cg-r81, check-point-cg-r8110, check-point-cg-r8120"
+ description = "The name of the image offer to be deployed.Choose from: check-point-cg-r81, check-point-cg-r8110, check-point-cg-r8120, check-point-cg-r82"
type = string
@@ -110,7 +111,8 @@ locals { // locals for 'vm_os_offer' allowed values
vm_os_offer_allowed_values = [
- "check-point-cg-r8120"
+ "check-point-cg-r8120",
+ "check-point-cg-r82"
// will fail if [var.vm_os_offer] is invalid:
validate_os_offer_value = index(local.vm_os_offer_allowed_values, var.vm_os_offer)
diff --git a/terraform/azure/mds-existing-vnet/README.md b/terraform/azure/mds-existing-vnet/README.md
index 6980d7cc..5ab6f874 100755
--- a/terraform/azure/mds-existing-vnet/README.md
+++ b/terraform/azure/mds-existing-vnet/README.md
@@ -108,9 +108,9 @@ This solution uses the following modules:
| | | | | |
| **vm_os_sku** | A sku of the image to be deployed | string | "mgmt-byol" - BYOL license;
"mgmt-25" - PAYG; | n/a
| | | | | |
- | **vm_os_offer** | The name of the image offer to be deployed | string | "check-point-cg-r81";
"check-point-cg-r8120"; | n/a
+ | **vm_os_offer** | The name of the image offer to be deployed | string | "check-point-cg-r81";
"check-point-cg-r82"; | n/a
| | | | | |
- | **os_version** | GAIA OS version | string | "R81";
"R8120";| n/a
+ | **os_version** | GAIA OS version | string | "R81";
"R82"; | n/a
| | | | | |
| **bootstrap_script** | An optional script to run on the initial boot | string | Bootstrap script example:
"touch /home/admin/bootstrap.txt; echo 'hello_world' > /home/admin/bootstrap.txt"
The script will create bootstrap.txt file in the /home/admin/ and add 'hello word' string into it | ""
| | | | | |
diff --git a/terraform/azure/mds-existing-vnet/variables.tf b/terraform/azure/mds-existing-vnet/variables.tf
index 745c78c7..f870ad8d 100755
--- a/terraform/azure/mds-existing-vnet/variables.tf
+++ b/terraform/azure/mds-existing-vnet/variables.tf
@@ -111,7 +111,8 @@ locals { // locals for 'vm_os_offer' allowed values
os_version_allowed_values = [
- "R8120"
+ "R8120",
+ "R82"
// will fail if [var.os_version] is invalid:
validate_os_version_value = index(local.os_version_allowed_values, var.os_version)
@@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ variable "vm_os_sku" {
variable "vm_os_offer" {
- description = "The name of the image offer to be deployed.Choose from: check-point-cg-r81, check-point-cg-r8110, check-point-cg-r8120"
+ description = "The name of the image offer to be deployed.Choose from: check-point-cg-r81, check-point-cg-r8110, check-point-cg-r8120, check-point-cg-r82"
type = string
@@ -131,7 +132,8 @@ locals { // locals for 'vm_os_offer' allowed values
vm_os_offer_allowed_values = [
- "check-point-cg-r8120"
+ "check-point-cg-r8120",
+ "check-point-cg-r82"
// will fail if [var.vm_os_offer] is invalid:
validate_os_offer_value = index(local.vm_os_offer_allowed_values, var.vm_os_offer)
diff --git a/terraform/azure/mds-new-vnet/README.md b/terraform/azure/mds-new-vnet/README.md
index 8b3afc49..c1c7e9d3 100755
--- a/terraform/azure/mds-new-vnet/README.md
+++ b/terraform/azure/mds-new-vnet/README.md
@@ -108,9 +108,9 @@ This solution uses the following modules:
| | | | | |
| **vm_os_sku** | A sku of the image to be deployed | string | "mgmt-byol" - BYOL license;
"mgmt-25" - PAYG; | n/a
| | | | | |
- | **vm_os_offer** | The name of the image offer to be deployed | string | "check-point-cg-r81";
"check-point-cg-r8120"; | n/a
+ | **vm_os_offer** | The name of the image offer to be deployed | string | "check-point-cg-r81";
"check-point-cg-r82"; | n/a
| | | | | |
- | **os_version** | GAIA OS version | string | "R81";
"R8120";| n/a
+ | **os_version** | GAIA OS version | string | "R81";
"R82"; | n/a
| | | | | |
| **bootstrap_script** | An optional script to run on the initial boot | string | Bootstrap script example:
"touch /home/admin/bootstrap.txt; echo 'hello_world' > /home/admin/bootstrap.txt"
The script will create bootstrap.txt file in the /home/admin/ and add 'hello word' string into it | ""
| | | | | |
diff --git a/terraform/azure/mds-new-vnet/variables.tf b/terraform/azure/mds-new-vnet/variables.tf
index 45c2175a..57891273 100755
--- a/terraform/azure/mds-new-vnet/variables.tf
+++ b/terraform/azure/mds-new-vnet/variables.tf
@@ -110,7 +110,8 @@ locals { // locals for 'vm_os_offer' allowed values
os_version_allowed_values = [
- "R8120"
+ "R8120",
+ "R82"
// will fail if [var.os_version] is invalid:
validate_os_version_value = index(local.os_version_allowed_values, var.os_version)
@@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ variable "vm_os_sku" {
variable "vm_os_offer" {
- description = "The name of the image offer to be deployed.Choose from: check-point-cg-r81, check-point-cg-r8110, check-point-cg-r8120"
+ description = "The name of the image offer to be deployed.Choose from: check-point-cg-r81, check-point-cg-r8110, check-point-cg-r8120, check-point-cg-r82"
type = string
@@ -130,7 +131,8 @@ locals { // locals for 'vm_os_offer' allowed values
vm_os_offer_allowed_values = [
- "check-point-cg-r8120"
+ "check-point-cg-r8120",
+ "check-point-cg-r82"
// will fail if [var.vm_os_offer] is invalid:
validate_os_offer_value = index(local.vm_os_offer_allowed_values, var.vm_os_offer)
diff --git a/terraform/azure/modules/common/variables.tf b/terraform/azure/modules/common/variables.tf
index 33d85f45..99aa176a 100755
--- a/terraform/azure/modules/common/variables.tf
+++ b/terraform/azure/modules/common/variables.tf
@@ -138,7 +138,8 @@ locals { // locals for 'os_version' allowed values
os_version_allowed_values = [
- "R8120"
+ "R8120",
+ "R82"
// will fail if [var.installation_type] is invalid:
validate_os_version_value = index(local.os_version_allowed_values, var.os_version)
@@ -216,7 +217,7 @@ variable "publisher" {
//************** Storage image reference and plan variables ****************//
variable "vm_os_offer" {
- description = "The name of the image offer to be deployed.Choose from: check-point-cg-r81, check-point-cg-r8110, check-point-cg-r8120"
+ description = "The name of the image offer to be deployed.Choose from: check-point-cg-r81, check-point-cg-r8110, check-point-cg-r8120, check-point-cg-r82"
type = string
@@ -224,7 +225,8 @@ locals { // locals for 'vm_os_offer' allowed values
vm_os_offer_allowed_values = [
- "check-point-cg-r8120"
+ "check-point-cg-r8120",
+ "check-point-cg-r82"
// will fail if [var.vm_os_offer] is invalid:
validate_os_offer_value = index(local.vm_os_offer_allowed_values, var.vm_os_offer)
diff --git a/terraform/azure/nva-into-existing-hub/README.md b/terraform/azure/nva-into-existing-hub/README.md
index a2765298..6dca42ef 100644
--- a/terraform/azure/nva-into-existing-hub/README.md
+++ b/terraform/azure/nva-into-existing-hub/README.md
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ please see the [CloudGuard Network for Azure Virtual WAN Deployment Guide](https
| | | | | |
| **nva-rg-name** | The name of the resource group that will contain the NVA | string | Resource group names only allow alphanumeric characters, periods, underscores, hyphens and parenthesis and cannot end in a period | "tf-vwan-nva-rg"|
| | | | | |
- | **os-version** | The GAIA os version | string | "R8110"
"R8120" | "R8120" |
+ | **os-version** | The GAIA os version | string | "R8110"
"R82" | "R8120" |
| | | | | |
| **license-type** | The Check Point licence type | string | "Security Enforcement (NGTP)"
"Full Package (NGTX + S1C)"
"Full Package Premium (NGTX + S1C++)" | "Security Enforcement (NGTP)" |
| | | | | | | | | |
@@ -161,8 +161,9 @@ In order to check the template version refer to the [sk116585](https://supportce
| Template Version | Description |
-| 20240613 | Cosmetic fixes & default values |
-| 20240228 | Added public IP for ingress support | | |
+| 20241028 |Added R82 version support |
+| 20240613 | Cosmetic fixes & default values |
+| 20240228 | Added public IP for ingress support | | |
| 20231226 | First release of Check Point CloudGuard Network Security Virtual WAN Terraform deployment for Azure | |
diff --git a/terraform/azure/nva-into-existing-hub/main.tf b/terraform/azure/nva-into-existing-hub/main.tf
index 5987c76b..5580d250 100644
--- a/terraform/azure/nva-into-existing-hub/main.tf
+++ b/terraform/azure/nva-into-existing-hub/main.tf
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ data "http" "image-versions" {
locals {
- image_versions = tolist([for version in jsondecode(data.http.image-versions.response_body).properties.availableVersions : version if substr(version, 0, 4) == substr(lower(var.os-version), 1, 4)])
+ image_versions = tolist([for version in jsondecode(data.http.image-versions.response_body).properties.availableVersions : version if substr(version, 0, 4) == substr(lower(length(var.os-version) > 3 ? var.os-version : "${var.os-version}00"), 1, 4)])
routing_intent-internet-policy = {
"name": "InternetTraffic",
"destinations": [
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ resource "azurerm_managed_application" "nva" {
name = "vwan-app"
product = "cp-vwan-managed-app"
publisher = "checkpoint"
- version = "1.0.14"
+ version = "1.0.15"
parameter_values = jsonencode({
location = {
diff --git a/terraform/azure/nva-into-existing-hub/variables.tf b/terraform/azure/nva-into-existing-hub/variables.tf
index d00283d4..2d6c8e48 100644
--- a/terraform/azure/nva-into-existing-hub/variables.tf
+++ b/terraform/azure/nva-into-existing-hub/variables.tf
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ variable "os-version" {
type = string
default = "R8120"
validation {
- condition = contains(["R8110", "R8120"], var.os-version)
- error_message = "Allowed values for os-version are 'R8110', 'R8120'"
+ condition = contains(["R8110", "R8120", "R82"], var.os-version)
+ error_message = "Allowed values for os-version are 'R8110', 'R8120', 'R82'"
diff --git a/terraform/azure/nva-into-new-vwan/README.md b/terraform/azure/nva-into-new-vwan/README.md
index 17fa1ffe..b5d82afc 100644
--- a/terraform/azure/nva-into-new-vwan/README.md
+++ b/terraform/azure/nva-into-new-vwan/README.md
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ please see the [CloudGuard Network for Azure Virtual WAN Deployment Guide](https
| || | | |
| **nva-rg-name** | The name of the resource group that will contain the NVA | string | Resource group names only allow alphanumeric characters, periods, underscores, hyphens and parenthesis and cannot end in a period | tf-vwan-nva-rg |
| || | | |
- | **os-version** | The GAIA os version| string | "R8110"
"R8120" | "R8120" |
+ | **os-version** | The GAIA os version| string | "R8110"
"R82" | "R8120" |
| || | | |
| **license-type** | The Check Point licence type | string | "Security Enforcement (NGTP)"
"Full Package (NGTX + S1C)"
"Full Package Premium (NGTX + S1C++)" | "Security Enforcement (NGTP)" |
| || | | |
@@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ In order to check the template version refer to the [sk116585](https://supportce
| Template Version | Description |
+| 20241028 |Added R82 version support |
| 20240613 | Cosmetic fixes & default values |
| 20240228 | Added public IP for ingress support | | |
| 20231226 | First release of Check Point CloudGuard Network Security Virtual WAN Terraform deployment for Azure | | |
diff --git a/terraform/azure/nva-into-new-vwan/main.tf b/terraform/azure/nva-into-new-vwan/main.tf
index 43a409c3..627b0728 100644
--- a/terraform/azure/nva-into-new-vwan/main.tf
+++ b/terraform/azure/nva-into-new-vwan/main.tf
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ data "http" "image-versions" {
locals {
- image_versions = tolist([for version in jsondecode(data.http.image-versions.response_body).properties.availableVersions : version if substr(version, 0, 4) == substr(lower(var.os-version), 1, 4)])
+ image_versions = tolist([for version in jsondecode(data.http.image-versions.response_body).properties.availableVersions : version if substr(version, 0, 4) == substr(lower(length(var.os-version) > 3 ? var.os-version : "${var.os-version}00"), 1, 4)])
routing_intent-internet-policy = {
"name": "InternetTraffic",
"destinations": [
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ resource "azurerm_managed_application" "nva" {
name = "vwan-app"
product = "cp-vwan-managed-app"
publisher = "checkpoint"
- version = "1.0.14"
+ version = "1.0.15"
parameter_values = jsonencode({
location = {
diff --git a/terraform/azure/nva-into-new-vwan/variables.tf b/terraform/azure/nva-into-new-vwan/variables.tf
index 927592c9..b5ec36b9 100644
--- a/terraform/azure/nva-into-new-vwan/variables.tf
+++ b/terraform/azure/nva-into-new-vwan/variables.tf
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ variable "os-version" {
type = string
default = "R8120"
validation {
- condition = contains(["R8110", "R8120"], var.os-version)
- error_message = "Allowed values for os-version are 'R8110', 'R8120'"
+ condition = contains(["R8110", "R8120", "R82"], var.os-version)
+ error_message = "Allowed values for os-version are 'R8110', 'R8120', 'R82'"
diff --git a/terraform/azure/single-gateway-existing-vnet/README.md b/terraform/azure/single-gateway-existing-vnet/README.md
index b49b1886..47eb8a5c 100755
--- a/terraform/azure/single-gateway-existing-vnet/README.md
+++ b/terraform/azure/single-gateway-existing-vnet/README.md
@@ -112,9 +112,9 @@ This solution uses the following modules:
| | | | | |
| **vm_os_sku** | A sku of the image to be deployed | string | "sg-byol" - BYOL license;
"sg-ngtp" - NGTP PAYG license;
"sg-ngtx" - NGTX PAYG license | n/a
| | | | | |
- | **vm_os_offer** | The name of the image offer to be deployed | string | "check-point-cg-r81";
"check-point-cg-r8120"; | n/a
+ | **vm_os_offer** | The name of the image offer to be deployed | string | "check-point-cg-r81";
"check-point-cg-r82"; | n/a
| | | | | |
- | **os_version** | GAIA OS version | string | "R81";
"R8120"; | n/a
+ | **os_version** | GAIA OS version | string | "R81";
"R82"; | n/a
| | | | | |
| **bootstrap_script** | An optional script to run on the initial boot | string | Bootstrap script example:
"touch /home/admin/bootstrap.txt; echo 'hello_world' > /home/admin/bootstrap.txt"
The script will create bootstrap.txt file in the /home/admin/ and add 'hello word' string into it | ""
| | | | | |
diff --git a/terraform/azure/single-gateway-existing-vnet/variables.tf b/terraform/azure/single-gateway-existing-vnet/variables.tf
index f6f2da36..debd9b9d 100755
--- a/terraform/azure/single-gateway-existing-vnet/variables.tf
+++ b/terraform/azure/single-gateway-existing-vnet/variables.tf
@@ -104,7 +104,8 @@ locals { // locals for 'vm_os_offer' allowed values
os_version_allowed_values = [
- "R8120"
+ "R8120",
+ "R82"
// will fail if [var.os_version] is invalid:
validate_os_version_value = index(local.os_version_allowed_values, var.os_version)
@@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ variable "vm_os_sku" {
variable "vm_os_offer" {
- description = "The name of the image offer to be deployed.Choose from: check-point-cg-r81, check-point-cg-r8110, check-point-cg-r8120"
+ description = "The name of the image offer to be deployed.Choose from: check-point-cg-r81, check-point-cg-r8110, check-point-cg-r8120, check-point-cg-r82"
type = string
@@ -124,7 +125,8 @@ locals { // locals for 'vm_os_offer' allowed values
vm_os_offer_allowed_values = [
- "check-point-cg-r8120"
+ "check-point-cg-r8120",
+ "check-point-cg-r82"
// will fail if [var.vm_os_offer] is invalid:
validate_os_offer_value = index(local.vm_os_offer_allowed_values, var.vm_os_offer)
diff --git a/terraform/azure/single-gateway-new-vnet/README.md b/terraform/azure/single-gateway-new-vnet/README.md
index b9227c85..bfe2cfcc 100755
--- a/terraform/azure/single-gateway-new-vnet/README.md
+++ b/terraform/azure/single-gateway-new-vnet/README.md
@@ -112,9 +112,9 @@ This solution uses the following modules:
| | | | | |
| **vm_os_sku** | A sku of the image to be deployed | string | "sg-byol" - BYOL license;
"sg-ngtp" - NGTP PAYG license;
"sg-ngtx" - NGTX PAYG license | n/a
| | | | | |
- | **vm_os_offer** | The name of the image offer to be deployed | string | "check-point-cg-r81";
"check-point-cg-r8120"; | n/a
+ | **vm_os_offer** | The name of the image offer to be deployed | string | "check-point-cg-r81";
"check-point-cg-r82"; | n/a
| | | | | |
- | **os_version** | GAIA OS version | string | "R81";
"R8120"; | n/a |
+ | **os_version** | GAIA OS version | string | "R81";
"R82"; | n/a |
| | | | | |
| **bootstrap_script** | An optional script to run on the initial boot | string | Bootstrap script example:
"touch /home/admin/bootstrap.txt; echo 'hello_world' > /home/admin/bootstrap.txt"
The script will create bootstrap.txt file in the /home/admin/ and add 'hello word' string into it | ""
| | | | | |
diff --git a/terraform/azure/single-gateway-new-vnet/variables.tf b/terraform/azure/single-gateway-new-vnet/variables.tf
index 7b247e96..5a75c23d 100755
--- a/terraform/azure/single-gateway-new-vnet/variables.tf
+++ b/terraform/azure/single-gateway-new-vnet/variables.tf
@@ -103,7 +103,8 @@ locals { // locals for 'vm_os_offer' allowed values
os_version_allowed_values = [
- "R8120"
+ "R8120",
+ "R82"
// will fail if [var.os_version] is invalid:
validate_os_version_value = index(local.os_version_allowed_values, var.os_version)
@@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ variable "vm_os_sku" {
variable "vm_os_offer" {
- description = "The name of the image offer to be deployed.Choose from: check-point-cg-r81, check-point-cg-r8110, check-point-cg-r8120"
+ description = "The name of the image offer to be deployed.Choose from: check-point-cg-r81, check-point-cg-r8110, check-point-cg-r8120, check-point-cg-r82"
type = string
@@ -123,7 +124,8 @@ locals { // locals for 'vm_os_offer' allowed values
vm_os_offer_allowed_values = [
- "check-point-cg-r8120"
+ "check-point-cg-r8120",
+ "check-point-cg-r82"
// will fail if [var.vm_os_offer] is invalid:
validate_os_offer_value = index(local.vm_os_offer_allowed_values, var.vm_os_offer)
diff --git a/terraform/azure/vmss-existing-vnet/README.md b/terraform/azure/vmss-existing-vnet/README.md
index 73b83eb3..f19aa45a 100755
--- a/terraform/azure/vmss-existing-vnet/README.md
+++ b/terraform/azure/vmss-existing-vnet/README.md
@@ -109,9 +109,9 @@ This solution uses the following modules:
| | | | | |
| **vm_os_sku** | A sku of the image to be deployed | string | "sg-byol" - BYOL license;
"sg-ngtp" - NGTP PAYG license;
"sg-ngtx" - NGTX PAYG license; | n/a
| | | | | |
- | **vm_os_offer** | The name of the image offer to be deployed | string | "check-point-cg-r81";
"check-point-cg-r8120"; | n/a
+ | **vm_os_offer** | The name of the image offer to be deployed | string | "check-point-cg-r81";
"check-point-cg-r82"; | n/a
| | | | | |
- | **os_version** | GAIA OS version | string | "R81";
"R8120"; | n/a
+ | **os_version** | GAIA OS version | string | "R81";
"R82"; | n/a
| | | | | |
| **bootstrap_script** | An optional script to run on the initial boot | string | Bootstrap script example:
"touch /home/admin/bootstrap.txt; echo 'hello_world' > /home/admin/bootstrap.txt"
The script will create bootstrap.txt file in the /home/admin/ and add 'hello word' string into it | n/a
| | | | | |
diff --git a/terraform/azure/vmss-existing-vnet/variables.tf b/terraform/azure/vmss-existing-vnet/variables.tf
index 1ad5bb46..b95ee2e4 100755
--- a/terraform/azure/vmss-existing-vnet/variables.tf
+++ b/terraform/azure/vmss-existing-vnet/variables.tf
@@ -116,7 +116,8 @@ locals { // locals for 'vm_os_offer' allowed values
os_version_allowed_values = [
- "R8120"
+ "R8120",
+ "R82"
// will fail if [var.os_version] is invalid:
validate_os_version_value = index(local.os_version_allowed_values, var.os_version)
@@ -332,7 +333,7 @@ locals { // locals for 'frontend_load_distribution' allowed values
//********************** Scale Set variables *******************//
variable "vm_os_offer" {
- description = "The name of the offer of the image that you want to deploy.Choose from: check-point-cg-r81, check-point-cg-r8110, check-point-cg-r8120"
+ description = "The name of the offer of the image that you want to deploy.Choose from: check-point-cg-r81, check-point-cg-r8110, check-point-cg-r8120, check-point-cg-r82"
type = string
@@ -341,6 +342,7 @@ locals { // locals for 'vm_os_offer' allowed values
+ "check-point-cg-r82"
// will fail if [var.vm_os_offer] is invalid:
validate_os_offer_value = index(local.vm_os_offer_allowed_values, var.vm_os_offer)
diff --git a/terraform/azure/vmss-new-vnet/README.md b/terraform/azure/vmss-new-vnet/README.md
index 71857101..b9feac93 100755
--- a/terraform/azure/vmss-new-vnet/README.md
+++ b/terraform/azure/vmss-new-vnet/README.md
@@ -111,9 +111,9 @@ This solution uses the following modules:
| | | | | |
| **vm_os_sku** | A sku of the image to be deployed | string | "sg-byol" - BYOL license;
"sg-ngtp" - NGTP PAYG license;
"sg-ngtx" - NGTX PAYG license; | n/a
| | | | | |
- | **vm_os_offer** | The name of the image offer to be deployed | string | "check-point-cg-r81";
"check-point-cg-r8120"; | n/a
+ | **vm_os_offer** | The name of the image offer to be deployed | string | "check-point-cg-r81";
"check-point-cg-r82"; | n/a
| | | | | |
- | **os_version** | GAIA OS version | string | "R81";
"R8120"; | n/a
+ | **os_version** | GAIA OS version | string | "R81";
"R82"; | n/a
| | | | | |
| **bootstrap_script** | An optional script to run on the initial boot | string | Bootstrap script example:
"touch /home/admin/bootstrap.txt; echo 'hello_world' > /home/admin/bootstrap.txt"
The script will create bootstrap.txt file in the /home/admin/ and add 'hello word' string into it | n/a
| | | | | |
diff --git a/terraform/azure/vmss-new-vnet/variables.tf b/terraform/azure/vmss-new-vnet/variables.tf
index afc907c5..f59e7007 100755
--- a/terraform/azure/vmss-new-vnet/variables.tf
+++ b/terraform/azure/vmss-new-vnet/variables.tf
@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ locals { // locals for 'vm_os_offer' allowed values
+ "R82"
// will fail if [var.os_version] is invalid:
validate_os_version_value = index(local.os_version_allowed_values, var.os_version)
@@ -326,7 +327,7 @@ locals { // locals for 'frontend_load_distribution' allowed values
//********************** Scale Set variables *******************//
variable "vm_os_offer" {
- description = "The name of the offer of the image that you want to deploy.Choose from: check-point-cg-r81, check-point-cg-r8110, check-point-cg-r8120"
+ description = "The name of the offer of the image that you want to deploy.Choose from: check-point-cg-r81, check-point-cg-r8110, check-point-cg-r8120, check-point-cg-r82"
type = string
@@ -335,6 +336,7 @@ locals { // locals for 'vm_os_offer' allowed values
+ "check-point-cg-r82"
// will fail if [var.vm_os_offer] is invalid:
validate_os_offer_value = index(local.vm_os_offer_allowed_values, var.vm_os_offer)