This Terraform module deploys Check Point CloudGuard Network Security Single Gateway solution into an existing Vnet in Azure. As part of the deployment the following resources are created:
- Resource group
- System assigned identity
This solution uses the following modules:
- /terraform/azure/modules/common - used for creating a resource group and defining common variables.
- Install and configure Terraform to provision Azure resources: Configure Terraform for Azure
- In order to use ssh connection to VMs, it is required to add a public key to the /terraform/azure/single-gateway-existing-vnet/azure_public_key file.
Choose the preferred login method to Azure in order to deploy the solution:
1. Using Service Principal:-
Create a Service Principal (or use the existing one)
Grant the Service Principal at least "Managed Application Contributor", "Storage Account Contributor", "Network Contributor", "Virtual Machine Contributor" permissions to the Azure subscription
The Service Principal credentials can be stored either in the terraform.tfvars or as Environment Variables
In case the Environment Variables are used, perform modifications described below:
a. The next lines in the file, in the provider azurerm resource, need to be deleted or commented:
provider "azurerm" { // subscription_id = var.subscription_id // client_id = var.client_id // client_secret = var.client_secret // tenant_id = var.tenant_id features {} }
b. In the terraform.tfvars file leave empty double quotes for client_secret, client_id , tenant_id and subscription_id variables:
client_secret = "" client_id = "" tenant_id = "" subscription_id = ""
2. Using az commands from a command-line:-
Run az login command
Sign in with your account credentials in the browser
Accept Azure Marketplace image terms by running:
az vm image terms accept --urn publisher:offer:sku:version, where:- publisher = checkpoint;
- offer = vm_os_offer (see accepted values in the table below);
- sku = vm_os_sku (see accepted values in the table below);
- version = latest
az vm image terms accept --urn checkpoint:check-point-cg-r8040:sg-byol:latest
In the terraform.tfvars file leave empty double quotes for client_secret, client_id and tenant_id variables.
Fill all variables in the /terraform/azure/single-gateway-existing-vnet/terraform.tfvars file with proper values (see below for variables descriptions).
From a command line initialize the Terraform configuration directory:
terraform init
Create an execution plan:
terraform plan
Create or modify the deployment:
terraform apply
Name | Description | Type | Allowed values | Default |
client_secret | The client secret value of the Service Principal used to deploy the solution | string | n/a | |
client_id | The client ID of the Service Principal used to deploy the solution | string | n/a | |
tenant_id | The tenant ID of the Service Principal used to deploy the solution | string | n/a | |
subscription_id | The subscription ID is used to pay for Azure cloud services | string | n/a | |
source_image_vhd_uri | The URI of the blob containing the development image. Please use noCustomUri if you want to use marketplace images | string | "noCustomUri" | |
resource_group_name | The name of the resource group that will contain the contents of the deployment | string | Resource group names only allow alphanumeric characters, periods, underscores, hyphens and parenthesis and cannot end in a period | n/a |
single_gateway_name | The name of the Check Point single GW Object | string | Only alphanumeric characters are allowed, and the name must be 1-30 characters long | n/a |
location | The region where the resources will be deployed at | string | The full list of Azure regions can be found at | n/a |
vnet_name | The name of virtual network that will be created | string | The name must begin with a letter or number, end with a letter, number or underscore, and may contain only letters, numbers, underscores, periods, or hyphens | n/a |
vnet_resource_group | Resource Group of the existing virtual network | string | The exact name of the existing vnet's resource group | n/a |
frontend_subnet_name | Specifies the name of the external subnet | string | The exact name of the existing external subnet | n/a |
backend_subnet_name | Specifies the name of the internal subnet | string | The exact name of the existing internal subnet | n/a |
subnet_frontend_1st_Address | First available address in frontend subnet | string | n/a | |
subnet_backend_1st_Address | First available address in backend subnet | string | n/a | |
management_GUI_client_network | Allowed GUI clients - GUI clients network CIDR | string | n/a | |
admin_password | The password associated with the local administrator account on the gateway | string | Password must have 3 of the following: 1 lower case character, 1 upper case character, 1 number, and 1 special character | n/a |
smart_1_cloud_token | Smart-1 Cloud token to connect automatically Gateway to Check Point's Security Management as a Service. Follow these instructions to quickly connect this member to Smart-1 Cloud - SK180501 |
string | A valid token copied from the Connect Gateway screen in Smart-1 Cloud portal | n/a |
sic_key | The Secure Internal Communication one time secret used to set up trust between the gateway object and the management server | string | Only alphanumeric characters are allowed, and the value must be 12-30 characters long | n/a |
vm_size | Specifies the size of Virtual Machine | string | "Standard_DS2_v2", "Standard_DS3_v2", "Standard_DS4_v2", "Standard_DS5_v2", "Standard_F2s", "Standard_F4s", "Standard_F8s", "Standard_F16s", "Standard_D4s_v3", "Standard_D8s_v3", "Standard_D16s_v3", "Standard_D32s_v3", "Standard_D64s_v3", "Standard_E4s_v3", "Standard_E8s_v3", "Standard_E16s_v3", "Standard_E20s_v3", "Standard_E32s_v3", "Standard_E64s_v3", "Standard_E64is_v3", "Standard_F4s_v2", "Standard_F8s_v2", "Standard_F16s_v2", "Standard_F32s_v2", "Standard_F64s_v2", "Standard_M8ms", "Standard_M16ms", "Standard_M32ms", "Standard_M64ms", "Standard_M64s", "Standard_D2_v2", "Standard_D3_v2", "Standard_D4_v2", "Standard_D5_v2", "Standard_D11_v2", "Standard_D12_v2", "Standard_D13_v2", "Standard_D14_v2", "Standard_D15_v2", "Standard_F2", "Standard_F4", "Standard_F8", "Standard_F16", "Standard_D4_v3", "Standard_D8_v3", "Standard_D16_v3", "Standard_D32_v3", "Standard_D64_v3", "Standard_E4_v3", "Standard_E8_v3", "Standard_E16_v3", "Standard_E20_v3", "Standard_E32_v3", "Standard_E64_v3", "Standard_E64i_v3", "Standard_DS11_v2", "Standard_DS12_v2", "Standard_DS13_v2", "Standard_DS14_v2", "Standard_DS15_v2", "Standard_D2_v5", "Standard_D4_v5", "Standard_D8_v5", "Standard_D16_v5","Standard_D32_v5", "Standard_D2s_v5", "Standard_D4s_v5", "Standard_D8s_v5", "Standard_D16s_v5", "Standard_D2d_v5", "Standard_D4d_v5", "Standard_D8d_v5", "Standard_D16d_v5", "Standard_D32d_v5", "Standard_D2ds_v5", "Standard_D4ds_v5", "Standard_D8ds_v5", "Standard_D16ds_v5", "Standard_D32ds_v5" | n/a |
disk_size | Storage data disk size size(GB) | string | A number in the range 100 - 3995 (GB) | n/a |
vm_os_sku | A sku of the image to be deployed | string | "sg-byol" - BYOL license; "sg-ngtp" - NGTP PAYG license; "sg-ngtx" - NGTX PAYG license |
n/a |
vm_os_offer | The name of the image offer to be deployed | string | "check-point-cg-r8040"; "check-point-cg-r81"; "check-point-cg-r8110"; "check-point-cg-r8120"; |
n/a |
os_version | GAIA OS version | string | "R8040"; "R81"; "R8110"; "R8120"; |
n/a |
bootstrap_script | An optional script to run on the initial boot | string | Bootstrap script example: "touch /home/admin/bootstrap.txt; echo 'hello_world' > /home/admin/bootstrap.txt" The script will create bootstrap.txt file in the /home/admin/ and add 'hello word' string into it |
"" |
allow_upload_download | Automatically download Blade Contracts and other important data. Improve product experience by sending data to Check Point | boolean | true; false; |
n/a |
authentication_type | Specifies whether a password authentication or SSH Public Key authentication should be used | string | "Password"; "SSH Public Key"; |
n/a |
enable_custom_metrics | Indicates whether CloudGuard Metrics will be use for gateways monitoring | boolean | true; false; |
true |
admin_shell | Enables to select different admin shells | string | /etc/; /bin/bash; /bin/csh; /bin/tcsh; |
"/etc/" |
installation_type | Enables to select installation type- gateway/standalone | string | gateway; standalone; |
n/a |
serial_console_password_hash | Optional parameter, used to enable serial console connection in case of SSH key as authentication type, to generate password hash use the command 'openssl passwd -6 PASSWORD' on Linux and paste it here | string | n/a | |
maintenance_mode_password_hash | Maintenance mode password hash, relevant only for R81.20 and higher versions, to generate a password hash use the command 'grub2-mkpasswd-pbkdf2' on Linux and paste it here | string | n/a | |
nsg_id | Optional ID for a Network Security Group that already exists in Azure, if not provided, will create a default NSG | string | Existing NSG resource ID | "" |
add_storage_account_ip_rules | Add Storage Account IP rules that allow access to the Serial Console only for IPs based on their geographic location, if false then accses will be allowed from all networks | boolean | true; false; |
false |
storage_account_additional_ips | IPs/CIDRs that are allowed access to the Storage Account | list(string) | A list of valid IPs and CIDRs | [] |
- To enable CloudGuard metrics in order to send statuses and statistics collected from the gateway instance to the Azure Monitor service:
enable_custom_metrics = true
client_secret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
client_id = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
tenant_id = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
subscription_id = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
source_image_vhd_uri = "noCustomUri"
resource_group_name = "checkpoint-single-gw-terraform"
single_gateway_name = "checkpoint-single-gw-terraform"
location = "eastus"
vnet_name = "checkpoint-single-gw-vnet"
vnet_resource_group = "existing-vnet-rg"
subnet_frontend_name = "frontend"
subnet_backend_name = "backend"
subnet_frontend_1st_Address = ""
subnet_backend_1st_Address = ""
management_GUI_client_network = ""
admin_password = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
smart_1_cloud_token = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
sic_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
vm_size = "Standard_D3_v2"
disk_size = "110"
vm_os_sku = "sg-byol"
vm_os_offer = "check-point-cg-r8110"
os_version = "R8110"
bootstrap_script = "touch /home/admin/bootstrap.txt; echo 'hello_world' > /home/admin/bootstrap.txt"
allow_upload_download = true
authentication_type = "Password"
enable_custom_metrics = true
admin_shell = "/etc/"
installation_type = "gateway"
serial_console_password_hash = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
maintenance_mode_password_hash = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
nsg_id = ""
add_storage_account_ip_rules = false
storage_account_additional_ips = []
In order to check the template version refer to the sk116585
Template Version | Description |
20240613 | - Updated Azure Terraform provider version - Cosmetic fixes & default values - Added option to limit storage account access by specify allowed sourcess - Added accelerated networking to SGW Terraform templates - Updated Public IP sku to Standard - Added validation for os_version & os_offer |
20230910 | - R81.20 is the default version |
20230629 | First release of Check Point CloudGuard Network Security Single GW Terraform deployment for Azure |
See the LICENSE file for details