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3.0.0 Migration Guide

3.0.0 includes a massive list of exciting features and breaking changes. This document will serve as a guide for module authors updating their modules.

New Features


The most exciting new feature is Mixins! Module authors now have the ability to write Mixins in their modules. This replaces the old ASM system, which was clunky and hard to work with. Check out the Mixins wiki page to get started.

Automatic Remapping

For all code, both normal module code and Mixin code, Rhino (the JavaScript engine CT uses) will now automatically remap all MC names (fields, methods, and classes)! This means you no longer have to use obfuscated name at all when writing modules. This is a huge ergonomic win which will greatly increase readability for code which goes outside the built-in API that CT provides.

Custom Triggers

Libraries can now provide their own custom trigger types. Here is an example:

// MyLib/index.js
const customTrigger = createCustomTrigger('mylib:seconds');

let numSeconds = 0;
register('step', () => {

// MyModule/index.js
register('mylib:seconds', second => {`Second ${second}`);

MyModule of course needs to depend on MyLib so it runs first and registers its trigger. Custom trigger names must be unique, so it is a good idea to prefix them with a unique identifier (in the example, this is mylib:). They are also case-insensitive like builtin triggers.

If you need to allow users to use cancel, you should create a CancellableEvent and pass it in as the last parameter. After calling trigger, you can check event.isCancelled()

These custom triggers are designed to be used with Mixins to provide triggers for arbitrary MC functionality.

API Additions

  • Sound now supports playing sounds from Minecraft. To do this, set source to something like minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup
  • Added a new BossBars API
  • Added Client.copy(text: string)
  • Added Sound.setLoop() and Sound.setLoopDelay()
  • Added middle-click tracking to CPS

TODO: Add more things here?

Breaking Changes

This update includes many API changes that will break a wide range of modules. Some of this is due to the fact that the mod has been updated from 1.8.9, released in 2015, to 1.19, released in 2022. That's a 7-year jump and Minecraft changed a lot during that time, changing many APIs and concepts in their codebase. However, we are also taking this opportunity to update many of our APIs to be a bit more polished. Both of these result in quite the list of breaking changes

Large API Changes

These are API changes that typically involve consistency and affect multiple different APIs.

  • All MC wrapper classes (Entity, Player, etc.) now all have a .toMC() method that exposes the underlying Minecraft value. This change makes these APIs much more uniform, as previously some adhered to this scheme and others didn't.
  • We have removed all server-side methods, which wouldn't have done anything anyway if used outside of singleplayer. Specifically, the following methods have been removed:
    • Entity: setAir(), dropItem(), setIsOutsideBorder(), setPosition(), setAngles(), setOnFire(), extinguish(), move(), setIsSilent(), addVelocity(), setIsSneaking(), setIsSprinting(), and setIsInvisible()
    • LivingEntity: addPotionEffect(), clearPotionEffects(), setHP(), and setAbsorption()
    • Settings: setDifficulty()
    • World: getSeed() and getType()
    • Particle: multiplyVelocity()
  • Methods which use to return an enum as a string or number now return an enum

API-Specific Changes

Here is a list of targeted changes for various different APIs:

  • Triggers
    • The following less-used trigger have been removed: screenshotTaken, pickupItem, chatComponentClicked, chatComponentHovered, renderSlot, guiDrawBackground, renderBossHealth, renderDebug, renderCrosshair, renderHotbar, renderExperience, renderArmor, renderHealth, renderFood, renderMountHealth, renderAir, renderPortal, renderJumpBar, renderChat, renderHelmet, renderHand, renderScoreboard, renderTitle, preItemRender, renderItemIntoGui, noteBlockPlay, noteBlockChange, renderItemOverlayIntoGui, renderSlotHighlight, postRenderEntity, and postRenderTileEntity
      • All of these triggers had less than 10 uses over all releases on our website. If you maintain one of the few releases who used one of these triggers, they can be replaced with a custom Mixin.
    • The following triggers have been removed in favor of other triggers: attackEntity, hitBlock, and blockBreak (replaced by playerInteract); guiMouseRelease (replaced by a parameter in guiMouseClick)
    • playerInteract now passes the interacted-with object as the second argument instead of the object's position (which can be retrieved via a method on the object wrapper, which is either an Entity, Block, or Item). The list of events has also changed.
    • guiMouseClick now takes a boolean after the mouse button which indicates if the mouse button was pressed (true) or released (false)
    • guiMouseDrag now takes two mouse deltas as its first two arguments. The rest of the arguments are unchanged.
    • guiOpened now takes the opened Screen as its first argument.
    • renderTileEntity has been renamed to renderBlockEntity, and no longer passes in the position as an argument (access it by calling BlockEntity.getBlockPos())
    • ClassFilterTrigger: Removed setPacketClass and setPacketClasses. Use setFilteredClass and setFilteredClasses instead
    • The full message for chat triggers is no longer accessed with EventLib (which no longer exists). Instead, use event.message, which will return a TextComponent. This has the getFormattedText() and getUnformattedText() methods, which replace the second parameter of the old EventLib method
    • serverConnect and serverDisconnect no longer pass an event as the third parameter
    • scrolled now passes in the actual scroll amount, not just -1 or 1 to indicate a direction
    • dropItem takes different parameters:
      • It now takes the Item, a boolean to indicate whether the user is dropping just 1 (false) or the entire stack (true), and the event which can still be cancelled.
      • It previously took a PlayerMP (which was always the player since this is a client mod) and the item's position/motion, both of which can be obtained by methods on Item
    • renderEntity no longer takes the entity's position as an argument. Instead, call Entity.getPos()
    • spawnParticle no longer passes in the particle type (which no longer exists in the MC codebase). Instead, the class can be access from the particle wrapper's underlying MC type
    • renderOverlay no longer passes in the event, as it was unused previously
    • itemTooltip now receives a list of TextComponent objects instead of a list of strings
    • Removed all Trigger classes from the global namespace
    • Removed CancellableEvent from the global scope
  • Message/TextComponent
    • Message has been removed, and its primary functionality (i.e. chat()/actionBar()) has been added to TextComponent
    • TextComponent has been heavily changed such that it can be easily introspected. It now implements List<NativeObject>, and each object is of the form { text: '...', bold: true, underline: true, ... }. This form can also be used to construct and create new TextComponents
    • TextComponent is now immutable. Methods such as withText() can be used to return a modified TextComponent based on the original
  • The /ct command
    • Removed /ct copy. Replace this with Client.copy(text: String)
    • Removed the following aliases:
      • reload (an alias of load)
      • file (an alias of files)
      • settings and setting (an alias of config)
      • sim (an alias of simulate)
    • /ct files now opens the modules folder instead of its parent folder
    • /ct console now opens the JS console. Use /ct console general to open the general console
  • Entity
    • Removed getRider(). Entities can have multiple riders, so this method doesn't make sense. Replace all usages with the getRiders() method
    • Removed isAirborne(), which no longer exists in the MC API
    • getDimension() now returns an Entity.DimensionType enum value instead of an int
  • LivingEntity
    • Name changed from EntityLivingBase
    • Renamed getItemInSlot() to getStackInSlot(), which matches the method of the same name in Inventory
  • TileEntity is now BlockEntity
  • PotionEffect
    • This API has been completely reworked, and is now similar to the Block API. The PotionEffect object represents a specific instance of an effect, and will have a PotionEffectType, which represents the kind of effect it is. Check out the docs for more info on how to use this new API
    • Renamed isDurationMax() to isInfinite()
  • Item
    • This API has also been completely reworked, similarly to PotionEffect and Block. It has been split into an Item class which represents a single stack of items in an inventory, and an ItemType class which represents the type of the Item.
    • Renamed isDamagable() to isDamageable(), fixing the typo
    • Removed getRawNBT(), prefer using getNBT() which gives access to a wide range of powerful NBT-related APIs
    • You can no longer wrap empty ItemStacks. Creating an Item with an empty stack will throw an error. Use Item.fromMC instead.
  • NBTTagList.removeTag() now wraps the removed element in CT's NBT wrappers
  • NBTTagCompound.getTag() and NBTTagCompound.getTagList() now returns a wrapped version instead of the raw MC version
  • Chunk
    • Renamed getAllTileEntities() to getAllBlockEntities()
    • Renamed getAllTilesEntitiesOfType() to getAllBlockEntitiesOfType()
  • Block
    • Removed getMetadata() as blocks no longer have this in newer MC versions
    • Renamed isPowered() and getRedstoneStrength() to isReceivingPower() and getReceivingPower(), respectively, to differentiate them from the new methods isEmittingPower(BlockFace) and getEmittingPower(BlockFace)
  • BlockFace
    • Renamed fromMCEnumFacing() to fromMC()
    • Enum values are now UPPER_CASE
  • BlockType: Removed getDefaultMetadata() and getHarvestLevel()
  • Scoreboard
    • Remove Scoreboard.getScoreboardTitle() in favor of the less verbose Scoreboard.getTitle()
    • Scoreboard.getTitle() now returns TextComponent instead of String
    • Score
      • is now mutable. You can now edit the score, name, number format, and team
      • getPoints/setPoints are renamed to getScore/setScore
    • Added addLine(), createTeam(), removeIndex(), removeScores() methods
    • getLines now actually sorts by descending instead of ascending
  • Book now uses TextComponent instead of Message
  • Settings
    • Renamed all methods in the skin object to indicate they return whether the part is enabled, not the actual part themselves (i.e. getCape() -> isCapeEnabled())
    • Renamed video.getGraphics() to video.getGraphicsMode()
    • Removed video.get3dAnaglyph() (3D Anaglyph no longer exists in MC)
    • The following methods have had their return values changed to enums:
      • video.getGraphicsMode() now returns Settings.GraphicsMode instead of number
      • video.getClouds() now returns Settings.CloudRenderMode instead of number
      • video.getParticles() now returns Settings.ParticlesMode instead of number
      • chat.getVisibility() now returns Settings.ChatVisibility instead of string
  • ChatLib
    • clearChat() no longer takes any chat line IDs, and instead will always clear the chat. To selectively-delete message using their ID, use deleteChat(id: number)
    • Removed getChatMessage(). Instead, you can access the entire message as a TextComponent via event.message
  • Player
    • Removed getRawYaw() as it provided no extra value
    • getUUID() now returns the UUID object instead of a string
    • lookingAt() now returns null when looking at nothing instead of a BlockType
    • draw() now takes an object to align with Renderer.drawPlayer()
  • PlayerMP.draw() now takes an object to align with Renderer.drawPlayer()
  • World
    • Removed all Sound-related methods. Instead, use the Sound class
    • getDifficulty() now returns Settings.Difficulty?
    • Renamed getAllTileEntities() to getAllBlockEntities()
    • Renamed getAllTilesEntitiesOfType() to getAllBlockEntitiesOfType()
  • Sound
    • Removed priority
    • The attenuation field is now the distance. Added an attenuationType field which takes a Sound.AttenuationType
    • setCategory now takes a Sound.Category
  • KeyBind.register...() methods now return the KeyBind instead of the trigger. Use the respective unregister...() methods if necessary.
  • Display
    • Removed DisplayLine, lines are now instances of Text
    • The user must now call the draw() method manually. This allows it to be rendered in any arbitrary trigger
  • Text
    • Added background color and alignment to replace the functionality in DisplayLine
  • Image
    • Remove deprecated constructors. Instead, use the static helper methods: Image.fromFile(File), Image.fromFile(string), Image.fromAsset(string), and Image.fromUrl(String[, String])
  • Renderer/Tessellator
    • Tessellator has been renamed to Renderer3d. Some of its methods may have changed and/or moved to Renderer
    • Renderer.color() has been replaced with Renderer.getColor(). The new color() method is used to color the vertices instead
    • Removed drawShape. Instead, create a Shape and invoke its draw() method
    • begin() now no longer translates to the player's camera position. Instead, use Renderer.translateToPlayer()
    • begin() now takes a Renderer.VertexFormat as an optional second argument
    • drawString now takes an optional color parameter as its 4th argument
    • drawPlayer now takes an object, as even more parameters were added. Check the javadocs for a full description of the parameters
    • Removed drawLine()'s drawMode argument
    • Removed drawCircle()'s drawMode argument
    • Removed getDrawMode() and setDrawMode(). Pass the drawMode to begin
    • Removed retainTransforms()
    • Most of Renderer3d's rendering should be in postRenderWorld
    • Removed enableAlpha() and disableAlpha() as they do nothing on modern versions
  • Gui/GuiHandler
    • GuiHandler has been removed. It only had one relevant method (openGui()), which can be replaced by Client.currentGui.set()
    • Removed isControlDown(), isAltDown(), and isShiftDown(). Instead, use the method that already exist on Screen: hasControlDown(), hasAltDown(), and hasShiftDown()
    • The various register...() methods now return the Gui instance for method chaining. Use the unregister...() methods for unregistering the respective triggers.
    • The mouseDragged trigger no longer takes timeSinceLastClick. If you really need this, you can track it yourself
    • addButton now returns the ID instead of returning the Gui instance. This ID is used in various button APIs, primarily to indicate which button is clicked. This is a change in the MC API that we propogated to our API.
    • Removed a bunch of random draw method that didn't really belong in the class. They delegated to existing methods on Screen, so if you really want to, you can still call them, albeit with slightly different names and parameters.
  • TabList
    • Renamed getHeaderMessage() to getHeaderComponent(), and it now returns a TextComponent instead of a Message
    • Renamed getFooterMessage() to getFooterComponent(), and it now returns a TextComponent instead of a Message
    • Added addName(), getList(), and removeNames()
    • getNames() now returns a list of Name
    • Added Name
      • acts similarly to Scoreboard.Score, with the following methods
      • getLatency(), setLatency(), getName(), setName(), getTeam(), setTeam(), and remove()
  • Team
    • Team.getNameTagVisibility() and Team.getDeathMessageVisibility() now return a Team.Visibility instead of a string
    • Added setColor()
  • Client
    • getChatGUI was renamed to getChatGui to match the naming of getTabGui
  • Server.getPing() now returns -1 if not in a world
  • Removed Config.modulesFolder. Use ChatTriggers.MODULES_FOLDER or the string "./config/ChatTriggers/modules"
  • Renamed ChatTriggers.loadCT() and ChatTriggers.unloadCT() to load() and unload()
  • Provided JS API:
    • Split print into print and println. print will no longer emit a trailing newline

Misc Changes

  • The assets directory has changed from config/ChatTriggers/images to config/ChatTriggers/assets