使用Ubertooth one扫描嗅探低功耗蓝牙
0x00 本机环境
Mac osx 10.15.5 |
0x01 环境搭建
1. 安装lib库
apt-get install python-software-properties |
2. 安装libbtbb
wget https://github.com/greatscottgadgets/libbtbb/archive/2015-09-R2.tar.gz -O libbtbb-2015-09-R2.tar.gz |
3. 安装ubertooth
sudo apt-get install ubertooth |
sudo apt-get install pkg-config
4. 安装wireshark
sudo apt-get install wireshark |
5. 安装kismet
a. 直接安装
sudo apt-get install ckermit |
+set line /dev/ttyUSB0 |
b. 编译安装
wget https://kismetwireless.net/code/kismet-2020-09-R1.tar.xz |
++ + +
sudo apt-get install ncurses-dev
sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev
sudo apt-get install libz-dev
sudo apt-get install libmicrohttpd-dev
sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
找到kismet的配置文件kismet.conf ,把”pcapbtbb”加入到kismet.conf的logtypes= 里边
+6. 安装BLE解密工具crackle
git clone https://github.com/mikeryan/crackle.git |
0x02 嗅探扫描
1. Spectool
sudo apt install spectools |
a. spectool_curses
b. spectool_gtk
+c. spectool_raw
+d. spectool_net
将Ubertooth One作为一台“硬件服务器”,并监听TCP:30569端口,局域网内任何可以跟主机建立通信的PC可通过Ubertoothe主机IP+30569共享设备。连接方式:在另外一台主机终端上执行:spectool_gtk
+—>选择Open Network Device —>输入ip、端口
+2. Hcitool
hcitool –help
+hcitool - HCI Tool ver 5.48 |
hcitool scan :扫描附近蓝牙设备
+hcitool lescan :扫描附近低功耗蓝牙设备
+3. Gatttool
gatttool -h
+Usage: |
gatttool -b EC:F3:42:B2:DF:24 -I
+4. Ubertooth-scan -s
sudo apt install ubertooth
+5. Ubertooth-ble
ubertooth-btle - passive Bluetooth Low Energy monitoring
+ -h this help
+ Major modes:
+ -f follow connections
+ -p promiscuous: sniff active connections
+ -a[address] get/set access address (example: -a8e89bed6)
+ -s<address> faux slave mode, using MAC addr (example: -s22:44:66:88:aa:cc)
+ -t<address> set connection following target (example: -t22:44:66:88:aa:cc)
+ Interference (use with -f or -p):
+ -i interfere with one connection and return to idle
+ -I interfere continuously
+ Data source:
+ -U<0-7> set ubertooth device to use
+ Misc:
+ -r<filename> capture packets to PCAPNG file
+ -q<filename> capture packets to PCAP file (DLT_BLUETOOTH_LE_LL_WITH_PHDR)
+ -c<filename> capture packets to PCAP file (DLT_PPI)
+ -A<index> advertising channel index (default 37)
+ -v[01] verify CRC mode, get status or enable/disable
+ -x<n> allow n access address offenses (default 32)
+If an input file is not specified, an Ubertooth device is used for live capture.
+In get/set mode no capture occurs.
++ubertooth-btle -f -c test.pcap抓包&保存到本地
+Edit → Preferences → Protocols → DLT_USER → Edit → New
+在payload protocol中输入btle
+使用规则过滤数据包:参考Capturing BLE in Wireshark
+btle.data_header.length > 0 || btle.advertising_header.pdu_type == 0x05 |
6. crackle
+crackle -i <file.pcap> |
从上图中我们可以看到我们不但破解了tk,还利用利用tk和其它一些数据成功的还原出了ltk。 |
+crackle -i <file.pcap> -o <output.pcap> |
+0x03 解决方案
1. 使用OOB
[email protected]:~/Desktop# crackle -i heart.pcap |
2. 支持bluetooth4.2以上的设备的出现(通过ECDH解决)
0x04 参考:
+路人甲@乌云drops:Bluetooth Low Energy 嗅探