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J F edited this page Feb 12, 2017 · 7 revisions

Route Name

Posts by Feedback

Route URL


Description & Usage

This route provides a list of posts that have a specified feedback type on them. Specify the type of feedback by passing a valid feedback type. These include tpu-, fp-, naa-, or ignore-, but there are other valid types.

You can use the per_page query string parameter to adjust how many results you get, up to a maximum of 100.

The has_more field in the response indicates if there are more results available than have been returned in this result set; use the page query string parameter to get the next page of results. ?page=1 will return the first page; ?page=2 the second, and so on.



HTTP/1.1 GET /api/posts/feedback?type=tpu-


            "title":"Is \"fugazi\" an English word?",
            "title":"Is there any difference between Loan and Credit?",

Valid Type options

A summary of all types that Meta Smoke has ever seen was posted on Oct. 25, 2016. However, not all of these are really useful. The most common type values are (in descending order of usage, and anything seen over 100 times since the post linked above):

  • tpu-
  • tp
  • fp-
  • fp
  • naa-
  • trueu-
  • tpu
  • naa
  • tp-
  • ignore-
  • fpu-
  • trueu
  • Ambiguous
  • ignore