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Neovide [The no-nonsense IDE]

This is my custom configuration for Neovide which comes with a nice ColorScheme from Raphael's beautiful zephyr theme. If you wish to customize Neovide even more, you can visit the Neovide config page here, if you wish to install Neovide, you should visit the Neovide homepage to get a download for your preferred OS environment.

Installation may seem difficult sometimes so it is easier to follor the step-by-step installation guide to get things rolling.

This configuration is inspired by @Christian Chiarulli | Be sure to check him out, he is simply awesome!


  • Because of the ColorScheme, this config looks weird if you just want to use it on neovim, especially for the bufferline and comment highlights.
  • The previous note was ruled out because I noticed the color issue was as a result of my fish terminal using xterm-256color instead of screen-256color
  • Some plugins require other plugins which have not been included in the list as they are included in the plugin call. Hope you understand. :)
The below is an example of what the config looked like on raw neovim with xterm-256color default teerminal color.

Screenshot from 2023-01-16 10-05-54

This is how neovim looks on screen-256color

Screenshot from 2023-01-20 04-23-54

This is how it looks on Neovide.

Screenshot from 2023-01-16 10-07-32

Important Notices

  • Font used: FiraCode iScript.
  • Font ligatures and icons capability: NerdFonts.
  • Plugin manager used: Packer.
  • Neovim version: NVIM v0.9.0-dev-1355+gb2d10aa01
  • Neovim Build Type: RelWithDebInfo
  • LuaJit version: 2.1.0-beta3
  • This config runs neovide in fullscreen mode.

List of Plugins Used

Below is a list of the plugins used and their references (where you can find them on GitHub)

Plugin Name Owner(s) Plugin Name and Repository
Packer Wil Thomason packer.nvim
Telescope TJ DeVries, Simon Hauser, Fabian David Schmidt, Dicha Zelianivan Arkana, Raphael, kkharji, Dave Lage telescope.nvim
Popup TJ DeVries popup.nvim
Plenary TJ DeVries plenary.nvim
Zephyr Raphael zephyr-nvim
Treesitter Kiyan, ObserverOfTime, Santos Gallegos, Stephan Seitz, Thomas Vigouroux nvim-treesitter
Treesitter TextObjects Kiyan, ObserverOfTime, Santos Gallegos, Stephan Seitz, Thomas Vigouroux nvim-treesitter-textobjects
Treesitter Refactor Kiyan, ObserverOfTime, Santos Gallegos, Stephan Seitz, Thomas Vigouroux nvim-treesitter-refactor
Treesitter Context Kiyan, ObserverOfTime, Santos Gallegos, Stephan Seitz, Thomas Vigouroux nvim-treesitter-context
Treesitter Commonlisp Stephan Seitz nvim-treesitter-commonlisp
Treesitter Playground Kiyan, ObserverOfTime, Santos Gallegos, Stephan Seitz, Thomas Vigouroux playground
Undotree Ming, Bai undotree
Vim Reach Eric Lau Vim/Neovim Reach
Dap UI Rónán Carrigan nvim-dap-ui
FZF Junegunn Choi fzf
FD David Peter fd
VPolyglot Adam Stankiewicz vim-polyglot
Filetype Nathan Thomas filetype.nvim
Signify Marco Hinz vim-signify
Prettier Munif Tanjim prettier.nvim
Code Runner Diego Aguilar code_runner.nvim
Comment NumToStr Comment.nvim
Nvim Navic Smitesh Patil nvim-navic
Vim Devicons Ryan L McIntyre vim-devicons
Bufferline Akin bufferline.nvim
NvimTree Alexander Courtis, Kiyan nvim-tree
Nvim WebDevicons Alexander Courtis, Kiyan nvim-web-devicons
VS Code ES7+ React/Redux/React-Native/JS snippets ults-io vscode-react-javascript-snippets
Git Conflict Akin git-conflict.nvim
Dashboard Raphael dashboard.nvim
Auto-session Ronnie Magatti auto-session
Session-lens Ronnie Magatti session-lens
Gitsigns Lewis Russell gitsigns.nvim
Vim Repeat Tim Pope vim-repeat
Vim Teal euclidianAce, Hisham Muhammad, Patrick Desaulniers vim-teal
Vim Endwise Tim Pope vim-endwise
Git Blame Arshak Aghakaryan git-blame.nvim
Vim matchup Andy Massimino vim-matchup
Focus Beau focus.nvim
Scrollbar Xuyuan Pang scrollbar.nvim
Nvim Colorizer Ashkan Kiani nvim-colorizer.lua
Indent Blankline Lukas Reineke indent-blankline.nvim
Vim Asterisk haya14busa vim-asterisk
Lualine Shadman lualine.nvim
Vim Visual Multi mg979 vim-visual-multi
Hop Dimitri Sabadie hop.nvim
Lightspeed György Andorka lightspeed.nvim
Project Ahmed Khalf project.nvim
Noice Folke Lemaitre noice.nvim
Nvim JDTLS Mathias Fußenegger nvim-jdtls
JC Artur Shaik jc.nvim
LSPconfig neovim nvim-lspconfig
Vim Illuminate Adam P. Regasz-Rethy vim-illuminate
Telescope Media Files Simon Hauser, Dicha Zelianivan Arkana, Fabian David Schmidt, Raphael, kkharji, Dave Lage, J DeVries telescope-media-files.nvim
Telescope File Browser Simon Hauser, Dicha Zelianivan Arkana, Fabian David Schmidt, Raphael, kkharji, Dave Lage, J DeVries telescope-file-browser.nvim
Nvim Transparent wongxy nvim-transparent
Vim Rest Console (VRC) diepm vim-rest-console
Neotest Rónán Carrigan neotest
Neodev Folke Lemaitre neodev.nvim
Vim React Snippets Emmanuel Pilande vim-react-snippets
Nvim Cmp hrsh7th nvim-cmp
LuaSnip L3MON4D3 LuaSnip
Cmp LuaSnip saadparwaiz1 cmp_luasnip
Nvim Cmp LSP hrsh7th cmp-nvim-lsp
Telescope Emoji wongxy telescope-emoji.nvim
Trouble Folke Lemaitre trouble.nvim
LSP Kind Andrey Kuznetsov lspkind.nvim
Vista Liu-Cheng Xu vista.vim
Vim Prisma Harshit Pant vim-prisma
Navigator ray-x navigator.lua
Scratch Matthieu Monsch scratch.vim
Neovim Code Action Menu Thore Strassburg nvim-code-action-menu
LSP Saga Raphael lspsaga.nvim
Mason William Boman mason.nvim
Jupytext GCBallesteros jupytext.vim
Mason LSP Config William Boman mason-lspconfig.nvim
Nvim Lightbulb Kieran Siek nvim-lightbulb
Null-ls Jose Alvarez null-ls.nvim
Cmp Cmdline hrsh7th cmp-cmdline
Friendly Snippets Rafael Madriz friendly-snippets
Vim Eunuch Tim Pope vim-eunuch
Nvim Peekup Gennaro Tedesco nvim-peekup
Vim Translator 最上川 vim-translator
Nvim Autopairs Trieu Le nvim-autopairs
Nvim Autotag Trieu Le nvim-ts-autotag
Silicon Noah Too silicon.nvim
Surround Andy Shevchenko surround.nvim
Which Key Folke Lemaitre which-key.nvim
Toggleterm Akin toggleterm.nvim
Diffview Sindre T. Strøm diffview.nvim
Nvim GPS Smitesh Patil nvim-gps Archived but still used in this config
Nvim TS Rainbow Chinmay Dalal nvim-ts-rainbow Archived but still used in this config
TODO Comments Folke Lemaitre todo-comments.nvim
Vim Fugitive Tim Pope vim-fugitive
LSP Zero Heiker lsp-zero.nvim
VIM Be Good ThePrimeagen vim-be-good
Nvim Notify Rónán Carrigan nvim-notify
Sniprun Michael B sniprun
Vim Wordmotion Chaoren Lin vim-wordmotion
Pretty Fold Yuriy Artemyev pretty-fold.nvim
Markdown Preview iamcco markdown-preview.nvim