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+Ch0pin edited this page Mar 13, 2023 · 54 revisions

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Medusa Quick start

↘️ Summary

Screenshot 2023-03-02 at 08 54 02 Screenshot 2023-03-03 at 08 36 07 Screenshot 2023-03-03 at 09 33 53 Screenshot 2023-03-06 at 09 06 34

↘️ Searching for modules

Use the show command, followed one of the following options:

  • all to Display all available modules
  • mods to Display stashed modules
  • categories to Display the available module categories
  • mods [category] to Display the available modules for the selected category

Use the info [module name]to get help about a specific module

↘️ Stashing / Un-stashing

  • Use the use [module name]to add a module to the stashed ones:
medusa> use http_communications/multiple_unpinner
  • Use the rem [module name]to remove a module to the stashed ones
medusa> rem http_communications/multiple_unpinner
  • Use the add [full-path-to-module]to stash modules saved out of the default directory
medusa> add /full/path/to/
  • Use the reset to empty the list of stashed modules and clear the unified script

  • Use the swap to change the compilation order of the stashed modules:

medusa> swap [index 1] [index 2]

↘️ Compilation

  • Use the compile to compile your stashed modules to a unified one:
medusa> compile
  • Use the compile -t X (X is the delay value in milliseconds) to add a loading delay:
medusa> compile -t 1000

↘️ Starting a session

  • Use the run -f [package name] or to run -n [package number] to start or restart an application and attach to it (you can use the list command to get the package number).
medusa> run -f
  • Use the run [package name] to attach to an application.

In session menu

[in-session] |c:clear |e:exit |r:reload | | rs:reset scratchpad |i:info |t:trace |?:help |:

While 'in session' you can use one of the following commands:

    'c'  (c)lear the sreen
    'e'  (e)xit the session
    'r'  (r)eload the script in case it changed
    'rs' (r)e(s)et the scratchpad
    'i'  print (i)nformation about the application
    't'  (t)race a function and print the stack trace (e.g. t
    '?'  print this help message

↘️ Hooking beyond the modules

  • Use the hook command followed by one of the options bellow to intercept methods which are not present in the currently available modules:

-a [class name] : Set hooks for all the methods of the given class. Example:

medusa> hook -a

-f : Set hooks for a single method. Example

medusa> hook -f 

Enter the full name of the method(s) class:
Enter a method name (CTRL+C to Exit): fooMethod
Enable backtrace? (y/N) y
[+] Method: fooMethod hook added !
Enter a method name (CTRL+C to Exit): 

Same result can be achieved with the jtrace command: medusa> jtrace full_path_to_method

-n : Set hooks for a native method. Example

medusa> hook -n
Library name (e.g.:
Imported or exported function? (i/e) e
Function name or offset (e.g.: 0x1234): 0x1234
Number of function arguments (0 to disable trace): 3
Enable backtrace? (y/N) y
Enable memory read? (y/N) y
Read Buffer size (0-1024): 128
Module scratchpad already added !

-r: Reset the hooks set so far

  • Use the pad command to edit the scratchpad

↘️ Working with native libraries

  • Use the libs command followed by one of the options bellow to list the application's native libraries:

-a : List all the application's libraries. -s : List only the system's libraries. -j : List only the application's libraries.

Add the --attach to attach to an already running instance of the application (usually has better results)


medusa> libs -j --attach

↘️ Working with the application's memory

You can read/write/search/dump the application's memory by using the memops or memmap command. The former needs a library name to be attached to, while the later uses memory regions.

In both cases the application must already be running !

  • memops example:
medusa> memops package_name

If the attachment is successful, medusa will start a session where you have the following options:

|(E)xit |r@offset |w@offset |⏎ |scan |(h)elp| dump|:

To get more details about the functionality of each option, please refer to the Basic Usage section

  • memmap example:
medusa> memmap package_name 

Then choose a memory region from the submenu.

If the attachment is successful, medusa will start a session where you have the following options:

|(E)xit |r@offset |dump |:

To get more details about the functionality of each option, please refer to the Basic Usage section

↘️ Getting Class and Object snapshots

Use the describe_java_class to print a class's details, example:

medusa> describe_java_class

Use the get to print the value of a field of a class, assuming that the class has been instantiated.

medusa> get package_name  

↘️ Useful utilities

  • Run a shell command
medusa> c ls -al  
  • Run a shell command to the connected device
medusa> cc ls -al  

  • Clear the screen
medusa> clear
  • Open an interactive shell
medusa> clear

  • Dump the dex files of an app
medusa> dump
  • List the installed packages
medusa> list
  • List the paths of a package
medusa> list path
  • Load or reload a device:
medusa> loaddevice
  • Reload the medusa modules. This option is useful in case you made a change to a medusa module.
medusa> reload
  • Load a saved session
medusa> reload -r session-filename
  • Print the current session status
medusa> status
  • Log system calls
medusa> strace package_name
  • Send text to the device
medusa> type 'text'

↘️ Saving a session

  • Save the current session
medusa> export file-name

To load back this session use one of the following options:

  • ./medusa -r file-name

  • medusa> reload -r file-name

Mango Quick start