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US Keylayout Cheatsheet

Note: This cheatsheet covers only the base and shift layers, which are consistent across all operating systems. The Alt/Option layer is excluded because both the required key combinations AND the resulting characters vary significantly between:

  • Windows (uses numeric Alt codes)
  • macOS (uses Option key combinations)
  • Linux (varies by distribution; uses Compose key or AltGr)

US Keyboard Layout with Base and Shift layers

Number Row

Key Base Layer Shift Layer
` ` ~
1 1 !
2 2 @
3 3 #
4 4 $
5 5 %
6 6 ^
7 7 &
8 8 *
9 9 (
0 0 )
- - _
= = +

Top Letter Row

Key Base Layer Shift Layer
Q q Q
W w W
E e E
R r R
T t T
Y y Y
U u U
I i I
O o O
P p P
[ [ {
] ] }
\ \ |

Home Row

Key Base Layer Shift Layer
A a A
S s S
D d D
F f F
G g G
H h H
J j J
K k K
L l L
; ; :
' ' "

Bottom Row

Key Base Layer Shift Layer
Z z Z
X x X
C c C
V v V
B b B
N n N
M m M
, , <
. . >
/ / ?

Space Row

Key Base Layer Shift Layer
Space (space) (space)

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