This is an implementation of a private permissioned blockchain in Java.
ResselChain depends on the following software:
- Java8
- Sqlite Jdbc 3.19.3
- Xom 1.2.10
Download the necessary dependencies and store them in ./lib.
Invoke the init, unjar_dependencies, jars, compile Ant Build targets in this order.
To implement your own consensus algorithm and state storage, see file ./src/statetable/
Place the configuration for all nodes in ./conf (see nodeExample.xml and all.xml). You may use in ./src/main to generate key pairs.
Run RC.jar from the build directory. (
java -jar RC.jar conf/nodeExample.xml conf/all.xml
)a) Use UtilityTxSender.jar to determine a default distribution of assets.
b) Use TxSender.jar to send assets to other participants.
c) Use Status.jar to observe the status of a node.
d) Use Amount.jar to see the distribution of assets.
e) Optionally use BlockList.jar and XMLSender.jar for debugging.
This code is licensed under a modified 3-Clause BSD License. See LICENSE file for details.