Flow Chart Left to Right
flowchart LR
A --> B --> C
E --> D
F --> H --> C
You can assign text to a rectangle and also reference that rectangle with just the letter. For example: A[Start analysis] --> B[Do The Analysis] where B[Do The Analysis] Displays "Do The Analysis" but you can refer to it with B).
A[Start analysis] --> B[Do The Analysis]
B --> C[Finish the analysis]
Complicated Flowchart:
flowchart LR
A[Start] --> B
B(Enter Your email address) --> C{Existing User?};
C -->|No| D(Enter Name)
C -->|Yes| E(Sign in)
D --> F(End)
E --> F
F --> A
Sequence Diagram
participant Associate
participant Manager
participant Managing Director
Associate ->> Manager: Present initial research
Manager ->> Associate: Provide edits
Associate ->> Manager: Provide Updated Draft
Associate ->> Managing Director: Provide Updated Draft and Present