##Relevant links
Parameter name | Type | Default | HTML Embodiement | Description |
e_lang | string | lat | input[type="text"] | Input language |
e_format | string | aldt | input[type="text"] | Grammar used for Treebank |
e_docuri | string | input[type="text"] | URI of the source document (For OA sourcing) | |
e_agenturi | string | http://services.perseids.org/llt/segtok | input[type="text"] | Agent of Tokenization |
e_appuri | string | input[type="text"] | Application used (OA related) | |
e_datetime | string | Anonymous function return current DateTime | input[type="hidden"] | Date/Time of creation |
e_collection | string | urn:cite:perseus:lattb | input[type="text"] | Output CTS collection for the treebank |
e_attachtoroot | boolean | false | input[type="checkbox"] | Attach unannotated tokens to the root |