- Open the terminal application
- Paste this into the terminal appliation
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linode/manager/develop/scripts/getting_started.sh)"
- Press
to run the command - The script will ask you to enter your password. This is likely the same password you use to login to your computer.
- Follow the prompts the scripts presents.
Fork this repository.
Clone your fork to your local machine.
Go to cloud.linode.com/profile/clients and click "Add an OAuth App".
Enter a label and set the callback URL to
. -
After your OAuth App has been created, copy the ID (not the secret).
, copy the contents of.env.example
and paste them into a new file called.env
. -
to the ID from step 5. -
Install Node.js 18.14.1. We recommend using Volta:
$ curl https://get.volta.sh | bash ## Add volta to your .*rc file, or open a new terminal window. $ volta install [email protected] $ node --version ## v18.14.1
Install the latest version of Yarn:
$ npm install --global yarn --upgrade # 1.22.10
Navigate to the root directory of the repository, then start Cloud Manager and the JS client with
yarn up
. -
After installation, Cloud Manager should be running at
You can then serve these files however you prefer or use our included local http server.
yarn install:all
yarn workspace linode-manager build
yarn workspace linode-manager run start:ci
By default, Cloud Manager's dev server only listens on localhost
. If you need to
expose the Vite dev server, you can use the following command.
Note: This is useful for running Cloud Manager's dev server in Docker-like environments
yarn up:expose