If you are interested in contributing, this page contains the golden rules to follow when contributing. Supplemental information can be found here. Do note that failing to comply with our guidelines may lead to a rejection of the contribution.
If you are confused by any of these rules, feel free to ask us in the #general channel in our Discord server.
1. Make great commits. Following PEP8, and it should be atomic, with a commit message explaining what and why. 2. Do not open a pull request if you aren't assigned to the issue. If someone is already working on it, consider offering to collaborate with that person. 3. Use assets licensed for public use. Whenever the assets are images, audio or even code, they must have a license compatible with our projects. 4. We are using Pascalcase for classes and underscore variable assignment (a_var_with_a_longer_name) for standard variables. 5. Follow [PEP8](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/ "PEP8 index").This file can get changed and update throughout updates, this will include coding styles and possibly more rules.