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Linksets can be assembled for various reasons, including, but not limited to:
- a set of links between members of a single dataset
- a set of links between members of two specified datasets
Classes and properties for Loc-I linking statements and linksets are defined formally as part of the Loc-I Ontology.
A loci:Linkset
is composed of a set of loci:LinkingStatement
The membership predicate is loci:isMemberOf
Each loci:LinkingStatement
describes a relationship between a two features
- i.e. geospatial entities.
There are many potential linking predicates, but for the purposes of Loc-I the most important are the spatio-topological relationships:
and its inversegeo:sfWithin
The link is instantiated as an rdf:Statement
which 'reifies' the relationship, so that additional information can be associated with the link.
This should include provenance information, and may include a measurement of the amount of overlap (using geox:hasArea
as a property of the linking statement).
The direct relationship
<> geo:sfOverlaps <> .
is reified as
rdf:type loci:LinkingStatement ;
rdf:type rdf:Statement ;
# the features involved in the link
rdf:subject <> ;
rdf:predicate geo:sfOverlaps ;
rdf:object <> ;
# the amount of overlap
geox:hasAreaM2 567000.0 ;
# the provenance of the link
dcterms:creator <> ;
dcterms:created "2019-12-20"^^xsd:date ;
loci:hadGenerationMethod <> ;
# part of a registered Linkset
loci:isMemberOf <> ;
rdf:type loci:Linkset ;
dcterms:created "2019-12-20"^^xsd:date ;
dcterms:creator <> ;
rdf:type prov:Plan ;
dcterms:description "individual assignment through manual inspection" ;
The latter item is an entry from a set of standard link-generation methods. This is currently notional, but shoudl be regularized as part of ongoing Loc-I work.
To extract direct links from a set of reified linking-statements, a simple SPARQL CONSTRUCT query can be used:
CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o . }
?t a rdf:Statement ;
rdf:subject ?s ;
rdf:predicate ?p ;
rdf:object ?o .
The sample linkset was remediated using the following SPARQL
INSERT { ?l a loci:LinkingStatement , rdf:Statement . }
WHERE { ?l rdf:subject ?s . }
INSERT { ?l loci:isMemberOf ?ls . }
WHERE { ?l dcterms:isPartOf ?ls . }
DELETE { ?l dcterms:isPartOf ?ls . }
WHERE { ?l dcterms:isPartOf ?ls . }
INSERT { ?s rdf:predicate geo:sfOverlaps }
?s a loci:LinkingStatement ;
rdf:predicate geox:transitiveSfOverlap .
DELETE { ?s rdf:predicate geox:transitiveSfOverlap }
?s a loci:LinkingStatement ;
rdf:predicate geox:transitiveSfOverlap .