Welcome to CSI DMCE! We appreciate your interest in contributing. Before you get started, please read and follow these guidelines.
Prior to beginning your contributions, please ensure the following:
- Possess a GitHub Account.
- Complete your contributor registration on the Hacktoberfest 2024 website.
Look for the issue you wish to solve on the project's issue tracker.
Comment on the issue: Please comment on the issue, indicating your interest in working on it. You can use a comment like: "Please assign me this issue."
Maintainer assignment: The project maintainer will review your request and may assign the issue to you. Assignments will be done on a "first-come, first-serve" basis.
Fork the repository to your GitHub account.
Clone your fork to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/your-repository.git
- If the same user has been assigned too many issues, the maintainer may assign the issue to the next person to ensure an equal chance for everyone.
- If the assigned contributor takes longer than expected to work on the issue, the maintainer may reassign the issue to the next person in the comment queue.
Make your changes or additions to the code, documentation, or any other improvements.
Test your changes thoroughly.
git commit -m "Add your message here"
git push origin main
Create a pull request (PR) to the main repository. Ensure that your PR includes [FIX] prefix, issue number, and issue title, like this: [FIX] #123: Issue Title.
Your PR will be reviewed, and any necessary feedback will be provided. Make sure to respond to any comments or requests for changes.
When your PR is approved and merged, it will be labeled "hacktoberfest-accept" and increase your PR merge count on your Hacktoberfest portfolio.
Please ensure your code and contributions align with the project's purpose and goals.
Follow the coding style and guidelines of the project.
Keep your commits and pull requests concise and clearly describe the changes you've made.
Do not submit spammy, trivial, or duplicate pull requests. Quality contributions are highly encouraged.
If you have questions or need support related to your contributions or the project, feel free to tag and ask your doubts to the repository maintainer.
Thank you for contributing to NotesApp-HacktoberFest-202! Your contributions are greatly appreciated.
Happy contributing! 🚀