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VSS Version Governance (Major Minor)

Erik Jaegervall edited this page Feb 9, 2024 · 4 revisions

This page intends to give guidelines on version governance

General Approach

  • We intend to have at least two releases per year, but unless there is a good reason not more than 1 major release per year.
  • The "master" branch is the default branch and contains the content for the next major release.
  • In addition to the "master" branch we may have one or more branches like "4.X" or "3.X" with content that potentially could be included in a minor release.
  • Pull Requests (PRs) shall by default be targeting the "master" branch
  • If a PR is considered "minor", then project maintainers shall after the PR has been merged to "master" do a cherry-pick or merge towards relevant minor-branches (like "4.X")
  • At least twice a year the VSS project shall make a decision on what to release (if anything)
    • A minor release shall typically be created if there is "anything" in the corresponding branch. It is no problem to release minor releases more than twice a year if needed/requested
    • A major release shall be created if there are significant changes in master branch, but there should be good reasons to release major releases more frequently than once a year (like high inflow of features)

Classification of major/minor changes

In general a major change is something that breaks backward compatibility, changes semantics or introduce a major set of new functionality.

List of changes that NOT shall be included in minor releases:

  • Changing unit of a signal
  • Changing name of a signal
    • But could in many cases be included in the minor release by using the "deprecated" approach, i.e. adding a signal with the new name and mark the old name as deprecated
    • TBD: Do we still want to use deprecation as concept? Or is it better to just change name in "master" and keep minor-branches unchanged?
  • Changing datatype of a signal, even for "simple ones" like uint8 to uint16
    • Rationale is that we do NOT know if downstream implementations can handle (simple) type mismatches, we have no recommendations that implementations shall be flexible on types, like accepting a response/request of type A if the value could be cast to type B.
  • Changing or adding "allowed" literals
  • Using new features that require that a new VSS-tools major version is used
  • Changing description/comment resulting in semantic change of signal
    • Example: If we change description of Vehicle.Speed to state "Vehicle speed measured at wheels" rather than just "Vehicle speed" then that could be considered as a semantic change
  • For vss-tools: *: Any changes resulting in changed output or require additional arguments. Exception is obvious error corrections.

List of changes that can be included in a minor release:

  • Adding a signal
    • A possible exception could be if the number of signals are significant
  • Adding/Improving/Changing description and comment, if it does not change semantic meaning of signal
  • Changes when current description contain obvious errors
    • Example: Changing type from int8 to uint8 may be OK if description or range says that negative values may be used
  • Upgrading vss-tools minor version.
  • For vss-tools: *: Adding a new tool or new arguments that does not affect (default/existing) behavior of existing tools.

General Branch Strategy

  • "master" branch is the default branch and will be used for the next major release
  • Whenever a major release is created a maintenance branch for minor releases shall be created
    • example: When v5.0 is released a branch 5.X shall be created, to be used for minor releases in the 5.X series
  • A release-branch (like release/5.0 or release/5.1) may be created already at feature freeze but shall be created at latest at release
    • The release branch shall never be deleted (see discussion in Issue 704)
    • After release the branch may only be used for low risk changes intended for patches. Larger changes shall be added to the maintenance branch (like 5.Xinstead)
  • A patch branch, like "5.0.X" may be created as well, but only if needed
  • The project ambition for maintenance branches is to maintain them:
    • For 1 year after the major release
    • But at least 6 months after next major release. This gives downstream projects a 6 months window to migrate to the newer version
    • TBD: Do we consider the time limits above reasonable?
    • Example: VSS 4.0 was released 2023-05-22. If we assume VSS 5.0 will be released 2024-05-01 then minor changes on master will be merged/cherry-picked to the 4.X branch until 2024-11-01.
    • A minor release shall be created before a branch is "closed"
    • If requested contributors may volunteer to maintain a maintenance-branch for a longer time