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Kacper Sokol edited this page Jan 24, 2017 · 5 revisions

Visualising terms and SLD trees with Graphviz

Graphviz is a collection of programs for visualising graphs. Here, we conveniently use it for visualising Prolog terms and SLD trees.

Download the file This file defines the two main predicates term/1 and sld/1. The query ?-term(Term), where Term is bound to a Prolog term, will produce a file, which defines a tree in Graphviz format. For example, the query ?-term([a,b,b,a]) produces the following Graphviz input:

digraph {
node [shape=plaintext, fontname=Courier, fontsize=12]
0 [label="."];
1 [label="a"];
0 -> 1;
2 [label="."];
0 -> 2;
3 [label="b"];
2 -> 3;
4 [label="."];
2 -> 4;
5 [label="b"];
4 -> 5;
6 [label="."];
4 -> 6;
7 [label="a"];
6 -> 7;
8 [label="[]"];
6 -> 8;

The command dot -T jpg -o term.jpg then produces a JPEG file with the following tree:

See here for more information about how to use Graphviz programs from the command line.

Similarly, the query ?-sld Goal, where Goal is bound to a Prolog goal, will produce a file, which defines a tree in Graphviz format (notice that sld/1 has been defined as a prefix operator and can thus be used without brackets). For example, the query ?-sld student_of(S,peter) produces the following tree when run through dot:

Now, try the example queries ?-term2 and ?-sld2 that have been pre-defined in

The Graphviz binaries can be found in /usr/local/ml/graphviz/2.6/bin/. You can add this to your path so that you can easily use the Graphviz commands from the command line.

Graphviz and SWISH

You can also execute the same code in SWISH. In order to do that run SWISH server and point your browser to http://localhost:3050/example/graphviz_intro.swinb.

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