First off, thank you for considering contributing to the opensource project PyTelTools. It's people like you that make such great tools for Telemac post-processing tasks.
Requiring needs include: development, documentation, tests, ...
Please write an issue with: the error message (with traceback) and a minimal non-working example to reproduce it.
Ask for write access (e.g. per email at: l (dot) duron (at) cnr (dot) tm (dot) fr).
Screenshots should be upload on
- DAG: directed acyclic graph
- DFS: depth first search
Please do a pull request if you're ready to make your changes!
Feel free to ask for help; everyone is a beginner at first.
- Add it to Mono tab
: add a new class which derives from Node (e.g.TwoInOneOutNode
) in the corresponding file (depending on its category)mono_gui
: add a new entry in dictNODES
- Add it to Multi tab
: define a new class which derives from Node (e.g.MultiDoubleInputNode
) and defineload
method to capture optionsmulti_gui
: add a new entry in dictNODES
: define a function and add it in dictFUNCTIONS
Possible datatypes as input/output for workflow tools are currently:
- Serafin
slf reference
slf 3d
slf geom
slf out
- CSV output results
point csv
volume csv
flux csv
- Geometry data
point 2d
polyline 2d
polygon 2d