diff --git a/test/newImplementedFeatures/annonymousFeature.js b/test/newImplementedFeatures/annonymousFeature.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c8af957376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/newImplementedFeatures/annonymousFeature.js
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+'use strict';
+const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom');
+const { expect } = require('chai');
+const request = require('supertest');
+const app = require('../../app');
+const user = require('../../src/user');
+const topics = require('../../src/topics');
+const posts = require('../../src/posts');
+describe('Anonymous Feature - Share Post Anonymously', () => {
+ let studentToken;
+ let postId;
+ let topicId;
+ before(async () => {
+ // Create a student user
+ const student = await user.create({ username: 'student', password: 'password' });
+ // Log in as student to get token
+ studentToken = await loginUser('student', 'password');
+ // Create a topic and a post
+ const topic = await topics.post({
+ title: 'Test Topic',
+ content: 'Test Content',
+ uid: student.uid,
+ cid: 1,
+ });
+ topicId = topic.tid;
+ const post = await posts.create({
+ content: 'Test Post',
+ uid: student.uid,
+ tid: topic.tid,
+ annonymousType: 'student',
+ });
+ postId = post.pid;
+ });
+ async function loginUser(username, password) {
+ const res = await request(app)
+ .post('/api/v1/login')
+ .send({ username, password });
+ return res.body.token;
+ }
+ describe('UI Elements', () => {
+ it('should display the anonymous type dropdown', () => {
+ const dom = new JSDOM(`
+ `);
+ const { document } = dom.window;
+ const dropdown = document.getElementById('anonymousDropdown');
+ expect(dropdown).to.not.be.null;
+ expect(dropdown.options.length).to.equal(3);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('Form Submission', () => {
+ it('should include the anonymous type in the form submission', async () => {
+ const res = await request(app)
+ .post('/api/v1/topics')
+ .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${studentToken}`)
+ .send({
+ title: 'Anonymous Post',
+ content: 'This is an anonymous post.',
+ cid: 1,
+ annonymousType: 'student',
+ })
+ .expect(200);
+ expect(res.body.topic.annonymousType).to.equal('student');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('Backend Handling', () => {
+ it('should display the post anonymously based on the selected type', async () => {
+ const res = await request(app)
+ .get(`/api/v1/posts/${postId}`)
+ .expect(200);
+ const { post } = res.body;
+ if (post.annonymousType === 'none') {
+ expect(post.user.username).to.not.be.null;
+ } else {
+ expect(post.user.username).to.be.null;
+ }
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/test/newImplementedFeatures/estimatedTimeForReadingPost.js b/test/newImplementedFeatures/estimatedTimeForReadingPost.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aed3ce89cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/newImplementedFeatures/estimatedTimeForReadingPost.js
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+'use strict';
+const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom');
+const { expect } = require('chai');
+describe('Estimated Time for Reading Post', () => {
+ let document;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ const dom = new JSDOM(`
+ This is a test post content with a few words.
+ `);
+ document = dom.window.document;
+ });
+ it('should calculate the word count correctly', () => {
+ const postContentElement = document.getElementById('post-content-1');
+ const postContent = postContentElement.textContent;
+ const wordCount = postContent.trim().split(/\s+/).length;
+ expect(wordCount).to.equal(9); // Adjust the expected word count based on the content
+ });
+ it('should estimate the reading time correctly', () => {
+ const wordCount = 9; // Use the word count from the previous test
+ const wordsPerMinute = 200;
+ const readingTime = Math.ceil(wordCount / wordsPerMinute);
+ expect(readingTime).to.equal(1); // Adjust the expected reading time based on the word count
+ });
+ it('should display the estimated reading time in the DOM', () => {
+ const postContentElement = document.getElementById('post-content-1');
+ const readingTimeElement = document.getElementById('reading-time-1');
+ const postContent = postContentElement.textContent;
+ const wordCount = postContent.trim().split(/\s+/).length;
+ const readingTime = Math.ceil(wordCount / 200);
+ readingTimeElement.textContent = `Estimated reading time: ${readingTime} min`;
+ expect(readingTimeElement.textContent).to.equal('Estimated reading time: 1 min'); // Adjust the expected text based on the reading time
+ });
diff --git a/test/newImplementedFeatures/instructorApproved.js b/test/newImplementedFeatures/instructorApproved.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a078c844eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/newImplementedFeatures/instructorApproved.js
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+'use strict';
+const assert = require('assert');
+const request = require('supertest');
+const app = require('../../app');
+const db = require('../../src/database');
+const user = require('../../src/user');
+const topics = require('../../src/topics');
+const posts = require('../../src/posts');
+const categories = require('../../src/categories');
+describe('Instructor Approved Posts', () => {
+ let instructorToken;
+ let studentToken;
+ let postId;
+ let topicId;
+ before(async () => {
+ // Create an instructor user and a student user
+ const instructor = await user.create({ username: 'instructor', password: 'password', isAdmin: true });
+ const student = await user.create({ username: 'student', password: 'password' });
+ // Log in as instructor and student to get tokens
+ instructorToken = await loginUser('instructor', 'password');
+ studentToken = await loginUser('student', 'password');
+ // Create a category, topic, and a post
+ const category = await categories.create({
+ name: 'Test Category',
+ description: 'Test category created by testing script',
+ });
+ const topic = await topics.post({
+ title: 'Test Topic',
+ content: 'Test Content',
+ uid: student.uid,
+ cid: category.cid,
+ });
+ topicId = topic.tid;
+ const post = await posts.create({
+ content: 'Test Post',
+ uid: student.uid,
+ tid: topic.tid,
+ });
+ postId = post.pid;
+ });
+ async function loginUser(username, password) {
+ const res = await request(app)
+ .post('/api/v1/login')
+ .send({ username, password });
+ return res.body.token;
+ }
+ describe('PUT /api/v1/posts/:pid/approve', () => {
+ it('should allow an instructor to approve a post', async () => {
+ const res = await request(app)
+ .put(`/api/v1/posts/${postId}/approve`)
+ .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${instructorToken}`)
+ .expect(200);
+ assert.strictEqual(res.body.message, 'Post approved successfully');
+ // Verify the post is marked as approved in the database
+ const post = await posts.getPost(postId);
+ assert.strictEqual(post.isApproved, true);
+ });
+ it('should not allow a student to approve a post', async () => {
+ const res = await request(app)
+ .put(`/api/v1/posts/${postId}/approve`)
+ .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${studentToken}`)
+ .expect(403);
+ assert.strictEqual(res.body.error, 'You do not have permission to approve posts');
+ });
+ it('should return an error if the post does not exist', async () => {
+ const res = await request(app)
+ .put('/api/v1/posts/99999/approve')
+ .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${instructorToken}`)
+ .expect(404);
+ assert.strictEqual(res.body.error, 'Post not found');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('GET /api/v1/posts/:pid', () => {
+ it('should retrieve the post with approval status', async () => {
+ const res = await request(app)
+ .get(`/api/v1/posts/${postId}`)
+ .expect(200);
+ assert.strictEqual(res.body.post.isApproved, true);
+ });
+ });