Title | A short title of the proposal |
Status | Draft | Proposed | Accepted | Rejected | Deferred | Implemented |
Author(s) | Full Name <[email protected]> |
Created | Aug 30, 2016 |
Updated | Aug 30, 2016 |
Discussion | link to the PR where the CFEP is being discussed, NA is circulated initially |
Implementation | link to the PR for the implementation, NA if not availble |
A short description of the change being addressed.
Other relevant sections of the proposal. Common sections include:
* Specification -- The technical details of the proposed change.
* Motivation -- Why the proposed change is needed.
* Rationale -- Why particular decisions were made in the proposal.
* Backwards Compatibility -- Will the proposed change break existing
packages or workflows.
* Alternatives -- Any alternatives considered during the design.
* Sample Implementation -- Links to prototype or a sample implementation of
the proposed change.
* FAQ -- Frequently asked questions (and answers to them).
* Resolution -- A short summary of the decision made by the community.
* Reference -- Any references used in the design of the CFEP.
All CFEPs are explicitly CC0 1.0 Universal.