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-# Acknowledging Other Messages
-The ActivityStreams vocabulary includes several activities that can be used to
-indicate that a message or object has been read or acknowledged. These include:
-- `as:Read`
-- `as:View`
-- `as:Listen`
-Since most CVD cases are text-centric, we expect that the `as:Read` activity
-will be the most commonly used. However, we also expect that the `as:View` and
-`as:Listen` activities will be used in some cases, such as when a case
-participant views a video or listens to an audio recording.
-We specifically defined `RmReadReport` as a subclass of `as:Read` to indicate
-that a report has been read. This allows the receiver of a report to
-acknowledge receipt without indicating anything more than that the report has
-been read. That leaves `RmValidateReport` and `RmInvalidateReport` to indicate
-a more specific action on the part of the receiver.
-flowchart LR
- subgraph as:Offer
- RmSubmitReport
- end
- subgraph as:Read
- RmReadReport
- end
- subgraph as:Accept
- RmValidateReport
- end
- RmSubmitReport --> RmReadReport
- RmSubmitReport --> RmValidateReport
-!!! info "More Acknowledgements in the Ontology"
- The [Vultron AS ontology](../../../reference/ontology/vultron_as.md) defines a
- number of ActivityStreams activities that can serve as the various acknowledgements that are used in the Vultron
- protocol. These include messages that are specifically `as:inReplyTo` a
- message defined as one of the core protocol message types.
- For example, it is not necessary to send a separate `RmReadReport` message
- if the `RmValidateReport` message is sent as a reply to the `RmSubmitReport`
- message. The `RmValidateReport` message logically indicates that the
- report has been read in order to have been validated.
-!!! tip "Like, Dislike and Flag"
- ActivityStreams vocabulary also includes actions that indicate an opinion
- about a message or object, such as `as:Like`, `as:Dislike`, and `as:Flag`.
- While these may be relevant to implementations of the Vultron protocol, we
- do not have specific use cases for them at this time.
diff --git a/docs/howto/activitypub/activities/_error.md b/docs/howto/activitypub/activities/_error.md
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@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# Error Handling
-While the ActivityStreams vocabulary doesn't include any specific error messages,
-we can use the `as:Reject` activity to indicate that a message has been rejected
-for some reason. We specify a number of specific error messages that can be
-indicated based on what kind of message they are `as:inReplyTo`.
-flowchart LR
- vultron_proto:VultronMessageType --> VultronError
- vultron_proto:CsMessageType --> CsError
- vultron_proto:EmMessageType --> EmError
- vultron_proto:GmMessageType --> GmError
- vultron_proto:RmMessageType --> RmError
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--- a/docs/howto/activitypub/activities/_establish_embargo.md
+++ /dev/null
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-# Establishing an Embargo
-flowchart LR
- subgraph as:Invite
- EmProposeEmbargo
- end
- subgraph as:Question
- ChoosePreferredEmbargo
- end
- subgraph as:Accept
- EmAcceptEmbargo
- end
- subgraph as:Reject
- EmRejectEmbargo
- end
- subgraph as:Announce
- AnnounceEmbargo
- end
- subgraph as:Add
- ActivateEmbargo
- AddEmbargoToCase
- end
- EmProposeEmbargo --> EmAcceptEmbargo
- EmProposeEmbargo --> ChoosePreferredEmbargo
- ChoosePreferredEmbargo --> EmAcceptEmbargo
- EmProposeEmbargo --> EmRejectEmbargo
- ChoosePreferredEmbargo --> EmRejectEmbargo
- EmAcceptEmbargo --> ActivateEmbargo
- AddEmbargoToCase --> AnnounceEmbargo
- ActivateEmbargo --> AnnounceEmbargo
diff --git a/docs/howto/activitypub/activities/_initialize_case.md b/docs/howto/activitypub/activities/_initialize_case.md
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index 3cdb7a3..0000000
--- a/docs/howto/activitypub/activities/_initialize_case.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# Initializing a Case
-flowchart LR
- subgraph as:Create
- CreateCase
- end
- subgraph as:Add
- AddReportToCase
- AddParticipantToCase
- AddNoteToCase
- end
- CreateCase --> AddReportToCase
- CreateCase --> AddParticipantToCase
- CreateCase --> AddNoteToCase
diff --git a/docs/howto/activitypub/activities/_initialize_participant.md b/docs/howto/activitypub/activities/_initialize_participant.md
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index ca6582e..0000000
--- a/docs/howto/activitypub/activities/_initialize_participant.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# Initializing a CaseParticipant
-flowchart LR
- subgraph as:Create
- RmCreateParticipant
- end
- subgraph as:Add
- AddParticipantToCase
- end
- RmCreateParticipant --> AddParticipantToCase
diff --git a/docs/howto/activitypub/activities/_invite_actor.md b/docs/howto/activitypub/activities/_invite_actor.md
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--- a/docs/howto/activitypub/activities/_invite_actor.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# Inviting an Actor to a Case
-flowchart LR
- subgraph as:Invite
- RmInviteToCase
- end
- subgraph as:Accept
- RmAcceptInviteToCase
- end
- subgraph as:Reject
- RmRejectInviteToCase
- end
- subgraph as:Add
- AddParticipantToCase
- end
- RmInviteToCase --> RmAcceptInviteToCase
- RmInviteToCase --> RmRejectInviteToCase
- RmAcceptInviteToCase --> AddParticipantToCase
diff --git a/docs/howto/activitypub/activities/_manage_case.md b/docs/howto/activitypub/activities/_manage_case.md
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--- a/docs/howto/activitypub/activities/_manage_case.md
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@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-# Managing a Case
-Case management activities reflect the
-[Report Management](../../../topics/process_models/rm/index.md) process model.
-flowchart LR
- subgraph as:Offer
- RmSubmitReport
- end
- subgraph as:Accept
- RmValidateReport
- end
- subgraph as:Reject
- RmInvalidateReport
- end
- subgraph as:Join
- RmEngageCase
- end
- subgraph as:Leave
- RmCloseCase
- RmCloseReport
- end
- subgraph as:Ignore
- RmDeferCase
- end
- subgraph as:Undo
- RmReEngageCase
- end
- RmSubmitReport --> RmValidateReport
- RmSubmitReport --> RmInvalidateReport
- RmValidateReport --> RmEngageCase
- RmInvalidateReport --> RmValidateReport
- RmEngageCase --> RmCloseCase
- RmEngageCase --> RmDeferCase
- RmValidateReport --> RmDeferCase
- RmDeferCase --> RmEngageCase
- RmDeferCase --> RmCloseCase
- RmDeferCase --> RmReEngageCase
- RmInvalidateReport --> RmCloseCase
- RmInvalidateReport -.-> RmCloseReport
-!!! tip "Close Case vs Close Report"
- Closing a report is only relevant when the report is not valid, because
- valid reports should be converted to cases. Hence, we define the
- `RmCloseReport` activity as a an option for when a report is invalidated
- before a case is created. Both `RmCloseReport` and `RmCloseCase` are
- defined as subclasses of `as:Leave` to indicate that they are both
- activities that indicate that the actor's participation in the case or
- report has ended.
-!!! tip "Re-Engaging a Case"
- The `RmReEngageCase` activity is used to re-engage a case that has been
- deferred. Deferring a case is modeled as an `as:Ignore`
- activity, since it is indicating that a participant has not entirely left
- the case, but has instead deferred their participation for a period of
- time. Re-engaging a case is modeled as an `as:Undo` activity, since it is
- undoing the `as:Ignore` activity that was used to defer the case.
- Alternatively, we could have just used the same `RmEngageCase` (`as:Join`)
- activity. That might still be a better option, but we'll leave it as an
- implementation choice for now.
diff --git a/docs/howto/activitypub/activities/_manage_embargo.md b/docs/howto/activitypub/activities/_manage_embargo.md
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-# Managing an Embargo
-Once established, an embargo can be modified via a propose/accept/reject cycle.
-It can also be terminated or removed from a case.
-!!! tip "Announce Embargo"
- The `AnnounceEmbargo` activity is used to indicate that an embargo has been
- established or to remind participants of its status. It is used to announce
- the embargo to the case participants. It is also used to draw attention to
- significant changes to the embargo status over and above the corresponding
- CaseStatus messages, such as when an embargo is deactivated or removed from
- a case.
-flowchart LR
- subgraph as:Invite
- EmProposeEmbargo
- end
- subgraph as:Accept
- EmAcceptEmbargo
- end
- subgraph as:Reject
- EmRejectEmbargo
- end
- subgraph as:Add
- ActivateEmbargo
- AddEmbargoToCase
- end
- subgraph as:Remove
- RemoveEmbargoFromCase
- end
- subgraph as:Announce
- AnnounceEmbargo
- end
- EmAcceptEmbargo --> AddEmbargoToCase
- EmAcceptEmbargo --> ActivateEmbargo
- AddEmbargoToCase --> EmProposeEmbargo
- EmProposeEmbargo --> EmAcceptEmbargo
- EmProposeEmbargo --> EmRejectEmbargo
- EmRejectEmbargo --> EmProposeEmbargo
- ActivateEmbargo --> RemoveEmbargoFromCase
- ActivateEmbargo --> EmProposeEmbargo
- RemoveEmbargoFromCase --> EmProposeEmbargo
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-# Managing Case Participants
-Typically most cases involve multiple participants, having various roles
-within the case. While the most common activities are inviting and adding
-participants, we've also included activities for removing participants.
-create, add, remove, status updates
-flowchart LR
- subgraph as:Invite
- RmInviteToCase
- end
- subgraph as:Accept
- RmAcceptInviteToCase
- end
- subgraph as:Reject
- RmRejectInviteToCase
- end
- subgraph as:Create
- RmCreateParticipant
- RmCreateParticipantStatus
- end
- subgraph as:Add
- AddParticipantToCase
- AddStatusToParticipant
- end
- subgraph as:Remove
- RemoveParticipantFromCase
- end
- RmInviteToCase --> RmAcceptInviteToCase
- RmInviteToCase --> RmRejectInviteToCase
- RmAcceptInviteToCase --> RmCreateParticipant
- RmCreateParticipantStatus --> AddStatusToParticipant
- RmCreateParticipant --> AddParticipantToCase
- RmCreateParticipant --> RmCreateParticipantStatus
- AddParticipantToCase --> RemoveParticipantFromCase
- RemoveParticipantFromCase --> AddParticipantToCase
-!!! tip "Create or Add, once again"
- Again, there appears to be some logical interchangeability of `as:Create`
- with `as:Add` since both include a `target` property that can be used to
- specify the object to which the new object is being added. We chose to
- represent them separately here to acknowledge the difference between
- creating a new object and adding an existing object to another object, but
- in an actual implementation it may be acceptable to use either activity for
- both cases.
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--- a/docs/howto/activitypub/activities/_report_vulnerability.md
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@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# Reporting a Vulnerability
-flowchart LR
- subgraph as:Create
- RmCreateReport
- CreateCase
- end
- subgraph as:Read
- RmReadReport
- end
- subgraph as:Offer
- RmSubmitReport
- end
- subgraph as:Accept
- RmValidateReport
- end
- subgraph as:Reject
- RmInvalidateReport
- end
- subgraph as:Leave
- RmCloseReport
- end
- RmCreateReport --> RmSubmitReport
- RmSubmitReport --> RmReadReport
- RmSubmitReport --> RmValidateReport
- RmSubmitReport --> RmInvalidateReport
- RmInvalidateReport --> RmValidateReport
- RmValidateReport --> CreateCase
- RmInvalidateReport --> RmCloseReport
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--- a/docs/howto/activitypub/activities/_status_updates.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# Status Updates and Comments
-Here we have a number of activities that are used to update the status of a
-case, or to add a comment to a case.
-flowchart LR
- subgraph as:Add
- AddNoteToCase
- AddStatusToCase
- AddStatusToParticipant
- end
- subgraph as:Create
- CreateNote
- CreateParticipantStatus
- CreateStatus
- end
- CreateNote --> AddNoteToCase
- CreateStatus --> AddStatusToCase
- CreateParticipantStatus --> AddStatusToParticipant
- AddStatusToParticipant -.-> AddStatusToCase
- AddNoteToCase -.-> AddStatusToParticipant
- AddNoteToCase -.-> AddStatusToCase
-In addition to the Create/Add process for
-each of these, there are sometimes additional activities that are triggered in
-response to a status update or a comment:
-- A status update to a participant can trigger a status update to the case.
-- A note might trigger a status update to a case or a participant.
-!!! tip "A Note on Notes"
- The ActivityStreams vocabulary includes a `Note` object, which is
- used to represent a comment or short post. We use this object to represent
- comments on a case.
-!!! tip "Create *then* Add vs Create with a Target"
- In this documentation, we use the `as:Create` activity to represent the
- creation of a new object, such as a new note or a new status. We use the
- `as:Add` activity to represent the addition of an existing object to another
- object, such as adding a status to a case.
- However, it is likely acceptable within an ActivityPub implementation to
- use the `as:Create` activity for both cases, since the `as:Create` activity
- includes a `target` property that can be used to specify the object to
- which the new object is being added.
- Sinilarly, it may also be acceptable to use the `as:Add` activity to
- represent the creation of a new object, since the `as:Add` activity
- includes a `object` property that can be used to specify the object that
- is being created along with the `target` property that can be used to
- specify the object to which the new object is being added.
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@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# Suggesting an Actor for a Case
-flowchart LR
- subgraph as:Offer
- RecommendActor
- end
- subgraph as:Accept
- AcceptActorRecommendation
- end
- subgraph as:Reject
- RejectActorRecommendation
- end
- subgraph as:Invite
- RmInviteToCase
- end
- RecommendActor --> AcceptActorRecommendation
- RecommendActor --> RejectActorRecommendation
- AcceptActorRecommendation --> RmInviteToCase
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-# Transferring Case Ownership
-This was not part of the original Vultron protocol, but it seems like a
-reasonable extension that could be useful in some cases, such as transferring a
-- from a researcher to a vendor
-- from a vendor to an upstream vendor
-- from a vendor to a coordinator
-- from a coordinator to a vendor
-- between coordinators
-flowchart LR
- subgraph as:Invite
- OfferCaseOwnershipTransfer
- end
- subgraph as:Accept
- AcceptCaseOwnershipTransfer
- end
- subgraph as:Reject
- RejectCaseOwnershipTransfer
- end
- subgraph as:Update
- UpdateCase
- end
- OfferCaseOwnershipTransfer --> AcceptCaseOwnershipTransfer
- OfferCaseOwnershipTransfer --> RejectCaseOwnershipTransfer
- AcceptCaseOwnershipTransfer --> UpdateCase
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-# ISO/IEC 29147:2018 Crosswalk
-{% include-markdown "../includes/not_normative.md" %}
-[ISO/IEC 29147:2018](https://www.iso.org/standard/72311.html)
-**Information technology — Security techniques — Vulnerability disclosure**
-also overlaps with the Vultron Protocol.
-Perhaps unsurprisingly, clauses 5 through 9 of ISO/IEC 29147:2018 overlap significantly with the Vultron Protocol.
-!!! tip "Consistent Terminology"
- Our use of the following terms is consistent with ISO/IEC 29147:2018
- _§5.4 Systems, components, and services_: Systems, Components, Products, Services, Vulnerability, and Product interdependency.
- ISO/IEC 29147:2018 _§5.5 Stakeholder Roles_ includes _User_, _Vendor_, _Reporter_, and _Coordinator_.
- We generally use _Deployer_ instead of _User_, but the rest are consistent.
-See the table below for a thorough cross-reference.
Clause | Sub-Clause | Vultron Protocol Mapping |
-| 5.6 Vulnerability Handling Process Summary | 5.6.1 General
5.6.2 Preparation
5.6.3 Receipt
5.6.4 Verification
5.6.5 Remediation development
5.6.6 Release
5.6.7 Post-release | The first few subsections of ISO/IEC 29147:2018 §5.6 are recapitulated in [ISO/IEC 30111:2019](iso_30111_2019.md). Accordingly, see the corresponding rows on that page |
-| | 5.6.8 Embargo period | [EM Discussion](../topics/process_models/em/principles.md)
-| 5.7 Information exchange during vulnerability disclosure | send-report-to | [Message Types](formal_protocol/messages.md)
[Reporting Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/reporting_bt.md)
$q^{rm} \in A + RS$ sender
$q^{rm} \in S \xrightarrow{r} R + RS$ receiver |
-| | release-advisory-to | [Message Types](formal_protocol/messages.md)
[Prepare Publication Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/publication_bt.md)
$q^{rm} \in A + GI$ sender
$q^{rm} \in \{R,V,A,D\} + GI$ receiver |
-| 5.8 Confidentiality | | [Embargo Management Model](../topics/process_models/em/index.md)
[Transport Protocol](../howto/general_implementation.md#transport-protocol) |
-| 5.9 Vulnerability advisories | | the [Public Awareness](../topics/process_models/cs/index.md#the-public-awareness-substate-p-p) substate
[Publication Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/publication_bt.md) |
-| 5.10 Vulnerability exploitation | | the [Exploit Public](../topics/process_models/cs/index.md#the-exploit-public-substate-x-x) substate
the [Attacks Observed](../topics/process_models/cs/index.md#the-attacks-observed-substate-a-a) substate
[Monitor Threats Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/monitor_threats_bt.md) |
-| 5.11 Vulnerabilities and risk | | [Interactions between the Vultron Protocol and SSVC](ssvc_crosswalk.md)
-| 6 Receiving vulnerability reports | 6.1 General | the [Report Management Model](../topics/process_models/rm/index.md)
the [Vendor Awareness](../topics/process_models/cs/index.md#the-vendor-awareness-substate-v-v) substate
[Process RM Messages Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/msg_rm_bt.md) |
-| 6.2 Vulnerability reports | 6.2.1 General | the [Report Management Model](../topics/process_models/rm/index.md)
[Reporting Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/reporting_bt.md) |
-| | 6.2.2 Capability to receive reports | the [Received](../topics/process_models/rm/index.md#the-received-r-state) state
[Process RM Messages Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/msg_rm_bt.md) |
-| | 6.2.3 Monitoring | [Receiving and Processing Messages Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/msg_intro_bt.md) |
-| | 6.2.4 Report Tracking | the [Report Management Model](../topics/process_models/rm/index.md)
[Reporting Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/reporting_bt.md)
[Case Object](../howto/case_object.md) |
-| | 6.2.5 Report Acknowledgement | [RM Message Types](formal_protocol/messages.md#rm-message-types)
[Process RM Messages Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/msg_rm_bt.md) |
-| 6.3 Initial assessment | | [RM Message Types](formal_protocol/messages.md#rm-message-types)
[Report Prioritization Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/rm_prioritization_bt.md) |
-| 6.4 Further investigation | | [RM Message Types](formal_protocol/messages.md#rm-message-types)
[Do Work Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/do_work_bt.md) |
-| 6.5 On-going communication | | [Message Types](formal_protocol/messages.md) |
-| 6.6 Coordinator involvement | - | [RM Interactions Between CVD Participants](../topics/process_models/rm/rm_interactions.md)
[Inviting Others to and Embargoed Case](../topics/process_models/em/working_with_others.md)
[Coordination with a Coordinator](../topics/formal_protocol/worked_example.md#coordinating_with_coordinator)
[Notify Others Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/reporting_bt.md) |
-| 6.7 Operational security | - | [Transport Protocol](../howto/general_implementation.md#transport-protocol) |
-| 7 Publishing vulnerability advisories | all | [Publication Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/publication_bt.md)
[CVD Case Substates](../topics/process_models/cs/index.md#cvd-case-substates) |
-| | 7.3 Advisory publication timing | [Embargo Principles](../topics/process_models/em/principles.md) |
-| | 7.4 Advisory elements | [Message Formats](../howto/general_implementation.md#message-formats) |
-| | 7.5 Advisory communication | [Publication Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/publication_bt.md) |
-| | 7.6 Advisory format | [Message Formats](../howto/general_implementation.md#message-formats) |
-| | 7.7 Advisory authenticity | [Identity Management](../howto/general_implementation.md#identity-management) |
-| | 7.8 Remediations | [Deployment Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/deployment_bt.md) |
-| 8 Coordination | 8.1 General | the [Received](../topics/process_models/rm/index.md#the-received-r-state) state
the [Accepted](../topics/process_models/rm/index.md#the-accepted-a-state) state
[RM Interactions Between CVD Participants](../topics/process_models/rm/rm_interactions.md)
[Inviting Others to an Embargoed Case](../topics/process_models/em/working_with_others.md)
[Modeling an MPCVD AI Using Behavior Trees](../topics/behavior_logic/cvd_bt.md) |
-| | 8.2 Vendors playing multiple roles | the [Received](../topics/process_models/rm/index.md#the-received-r-state) state
the [Accepted](../topics/process_models/rm/index.md#the-accepted-a-state) state
the [Fix Readiness](../topics/process_models/cs/index.md#the-fix-readiness-substate-f-f) Substate
[Reporting Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/reporting_bt.md) |
-| 9 Vulnerability disclosure policy | 9.2.2 Preferred contact mechanism | [Receiving and Processing Messages Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/msg_intro_bt.md) |
-| | 9.3.2 Vulnerability report contents | [Case Object](../howto/case_object.md) |
-| | 9.3.3 Secure communication options | [Transport Protocol](../howto/general_implementation.md#transport-protocol) |
-| | 9.3.4 Setting communication expectations | [Default Embargoes](../topics/process_models/em/defaults.md)
[Transition Functions](formal_protocol/transitions.md)
[Report Management Behavior Tree](../topics/behavior_logic/rm_bt.md) |
-| | 9.3.6 Publication | [Publication Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/publication_bt.md) |
-| | 9.4.3 Disclosure timeline | [Embargo Management Model](../topics/process_models/em/index.md) |
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-# ISO/IEC 30111:2019 Crosswalk
-{% include-markdown "../includes/not_normative.md" %}
-Clause 7 of [ISO/IEC 30111:2019](https://www.iso.org/standard/69725.html)
-**Information technology — Security techniques — Vulnerability handling processes**
-closely relates to the Vultron Protocol.
-The table below provides a mapping of ISO/IEC 30111:2019 onto the relevant concepts and sections of this documentation.
Clause | Sub-Clause | Vultron Protocol Mapping |
-| 7.1.1 General | - | See details below |
-| 7.1.2 Preparation | - | See details below |
-| 7.1.3 Receipt | a) Internally Found Vulnerabilities | the [Received](../topics/process_models/rm/index.md#the-received-r-state) state
[RM Message Types](formal_protocol/messages.md#rm-message-types)
[Vulnerability Discovery Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/vuldisco_bt.md)
$q^{rm} \in S \xrightarrow{r} R$ |
-| | b) Externally Found Vulnerabilities | the [Received](../topics/process_models/rm/index.md#the-received-r-state) state
[RM Message Types](formal_protocol/messages.md#rm-message-types)
[Process RM Messages Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/msg_rm_bt.md)
$q^{rm} \in S \xrightarrow{r} R$ |
-| | c) Publicly Disclosed Vulnerabilities | the [Received](../topics/process_models/rm/index.md#the-received-r-state) state
[RM Message Types](formal_protocol/messages.md#rm-message-types)
[CS Message Types](formal_protocol/messages.md#cs-message-types)
[Monitor Threats Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/monitor_threats_bt.md)
[Process RM Messages Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/msg_rm_bt.md)
[Process CS Messages Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/msg_cs_bt.md)
$q^{rm} \in S \xrightarrow{r} R$
$q^{cs} \in \cdot\cdot\cdot p \cdot\cdot \xrightarrow{\mathbf{P}} \cdot\cdot\cdot P \cdot\cdot$ |
-| 7.1.4 Verification | a) Initial Investigation | the [Received](../topics/process_models/rm/index.md#the-received-r-state) state
[Report Validation Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/rm_validation_bt.md)
$q^{rm} \in R \xrightarrow{v} V$ if valid$q^{rm} \in R \xrightarrow{i} I$ if invalid |
-| | b) Possible Process Exit
1) Duplicate | attach to the original report |
-| | b) Possible Process Exit
2) Obsolete product | $q^{rm} \in I \xrightarrow{c} C$ if invalid
$q^{rm} \in V \xrightarrow{d} D \xrightarrow{c} C$ if valid |
-| | b) Possible Process Exit
3) Non-security | $q^{rm} \in I \xrightarrow{c} C$ |
-| | b) Possible Process Exit
4) Other vendor | [Reporting Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/reporting_bt.md)
$q^{rm} \in V \xrightarrow{a} A$ |
-| | c) Root Cause Analysis | [Do Work Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/do_work_bt.md)
$q^{rm} \in A$ |
-| | d) Further investigation | [Do Work Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/do_work_bt.md)
$q^{rm} \in A$ |
-| | e) Prioritization | the [Valid](../topics/process_models/rm/index.md#the-valid-v-state) state
[Report Prioritization Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/rm_prioritization_bt.md)
$q^{rm} \in V \xrightarrow{d} D$ on defer
$q^{rm} \in V \xrightarrow{a} A$ on accept |
-| | f) Inform reporter | [Report Validation Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/rm_validation_bt.md)
[Report Prioritization Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/rm_prioritization_bt.md)
Emit *RV*, *RI*, *RA*, *RD* messages as appropriate |
-| 7.1.5 Remediation Development | all| the [Accepted](../topics/process_models/rm/index.md#the-accepted-a-state) state
the [Fix Readiness](../topics/process_models/cs/index.md#the-fix-readiness-substate-f-f) substate
[Fix Ready](../topics/process_models/model_interactions/rm_em_cs.md#fix-ready)
[Fix Development Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/fix_dev_bt.md)
$q^{rm} \in A$
$q^{cs} \in Vfd\cdot\cdot\cdot \xrightarrow{\mathbf{V}} VFd\cdot\cdot\cdot$ |
-| 7.1.6 Release | - | the [Fix Readiness](../topics/process_models/cs/index.md#the-fix-readiness-substate-f-f) substate
[Publication Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/publication_bt.md)
$q^{cs} \in VFdp\cdot\cdot \xrightarrow{\mathbf{P}} VFdP \cdot\cdot$ |
-| 7.1.7 Post-release | all | [Report Closure Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/rm_closure_bt.md)
[Deployment Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/deployment_bt.md)
$q^{cs} \in VF\cdot P \cdot\cdot$
$q^{rm} \in \{A,D\}$ |
-| 7.2 Process Monitoring | all | [Deployment Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/deployment_bt.md) |
-| 7.3 Confidentiality | - | [Embargo Management Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/em_bt.md) |
-| 8 Supply chain considerations| - | [Reporting Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/reporting_bt.md) |
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-# ISO/IEC TR 5895:2022 Crosswalk
-{% include-markdown "../includes/not_normative.md" %}
-[ISO/IEC TR 5895:2022](https://www.iso.org/standard/81807.html)
-**Cybersecurity — Multi-party coordinated vulnerability disclosure and handling**
-intersects most directly with our topic.
-The table below contains our mapping of relevant sections of that technical report to our protocol model.
-| ISO/IEC TR 5895:2022 Clause | Sub-Clause | Vultron Protocol Model |
-| 4 Concepts | 4.2.3 Risk Reduction Effectiveness | [Early Termination](../topics/process_models/em/early_termination.md#early-termination)
[Adding Participants to an Embargoed Case](../topics/process_models/em/working_with_others.md) |
-| 5 MPCVD Scenarios in Scope | all | [Adding Participants to an Embargoed Case](../topics/process_models/em/working_with_others.md) |
-| 6 MPCVD Stakeholders | all | [Terms and Definitions](../topics/background/terms.md) |
-| 7 MPCVD Lifecycle | 7.2 Policy Development | the [Report Management Model](../topics/process_models/rm/index.md)
the [Received](../topics/process_models/rm/index.md#the-received-r-state) state
[Default Embargoes](../topics/process_models/em/defaults.md)
[CVD Directory](../topics/future_work/cvd_directory.md) |
-| | 7.3 Strategy development | [RM Interactions between CVD Participants](../topics/process_models/rm/rm_interactions.md)
[EM Discussion](../topics/process_models/em/principles.md) |
-| | 7.4 Know your customers | [RM Interactions between CVD Participants](../topics/process_models/rm/rm_interactions.md)
[Adding Participants to an Embargoed Case](../topics/process_models/em/working_with_others.md) |
-| | 7.5 Encrypted Communication Methods and Conference Calls | [Transport Protocol](../howto/general_implementation.md#transport-protocol) |
-| | 7.6 Processes and Controls | See NDA Note in [Embargo Management Model](../topics/process_models/em/index.md) |
-| 8 MPCVD lifecycle for each product | all | [Deployment Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/deployment_bt.md)
[Fix Development Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/fix_dev_bt.md)
[Reporting Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/reporting_bt.md)
[Publication Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/publication_bt.md)
$q^{rm} \in A$ |
-| 9 MPCVD lifecycle for each vulnerability | 9.1 Receipt | the [Start](../topics/process_models/rm/index.md#the-start-s-state) state
the [Received](../topics/process_models/rm/index.md#the-received-r-state) state
the [Vendor Awareness](../topics/process_models/cs/index.md#the-vendor-awareness-substate-v-v) substate
[Process RM Messages Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/msg_rm_bt.md)
[Reporting Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/reporting_bt.md)
$q^{rm} \in S \xrightarrow{r} R$
$q^{cs} \in vfd\cdot\cdot\cdot \xrightarrow{\mathbf{V}} Vfd\cdot\cdot\cdot$ |
-| | 9.2 Verification | the [Received](../topics/process_models/rm/index.md#the-received-r-state) state
the [Valid](../topics/process_models/rm/index.md#the-valid-v-state) state
the [Valid](../topics/process_models/rm/index.md#the-invalid-i-state) state
[Embargo Principles](../topics/process_models/em/principles.md)
[Report Validation Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/rm_validation_bt.md)
[Report Prioritization Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/rm_prioritization_bt.md)
[Reporting Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/reporting_bt.md)
$q^{rm} \in R \xrightarrow{v} V$ (valid)
$q^{rm} \in R \xrightarrow{i} I$ (invalid)
Emit *RV*. *RI*, *RA*, *RD* as appropriate |
-| | 9.3 Remediation development | the [Accepted](../topics/process_models/rm/index.md#the-accepted-a-state) state
the [Fix Readiness](../topics/process_models/cs/index.md#the-fix-readiness-substate-f-f) substate
[Fix Ready](../topics/process_models/model_interactions/rm_em_cs.md#sec:cs_f_em/index.md)
[Fix Development Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/fix_dev_bt.md)
$q^{rm} \in A$
$q^{cs} \in Vfd\cdot\cdot\cdot \xrightarrow{\mathbf{F}}VFd\cdot\cdot\cdot$ |
-| | 9.4 Release | the [Fix Readiness](../topics/process_models/cs/index.md#the-fix-readiness-substate-f-f) substate
[Publication Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/publication_bt.md)
$q^{cs} \in VFdp\cdot\cdot \xrightarrow{\mathbf{P}} VFDP\cdot\cdot$ |
-| | 9.5 Post-release | [Report Closure Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/rm_closure_bt.md)
[Deployment Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/deployment_bt.md)
$q^{rm} \in \{A,D\}$
$q^{cs} \in VF\cdot P \cdot\cdot$ |
-| | 9.6 Embargo Period | [RM Interactions between CVD Participants](../topics/process_models/rm/rm_interactions.md)
[EM Discussion](../topics/process_models/em/principles.md)
[Interactions Between the RM and EM Models](../topics/process_models/model_interactions/rm_em.md)
$q^{em} \not \in X$ |
-| 10 Information exchange | - | [RM Interactions between CVD Participants](../topics/process_models/rm/rm_interactions.md)
[Message Types](formal_protocol/messages.md)
[Reporting Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/reporting_bt.md) |
-| 11 Disclosure | - | [Adding Participants to an Embargoed Case](../topics/process_models/em/working_with_others.md)
[Coordination with a Coordinator](../topics/formal_protocol/worked_example.md#sec:coordinating_with_coordinator)
[Publication Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/publication_bt.md) |
-| 12 Use case for hardware and further considerations | - | [Adding Participants to an Embargoed Case](../topics/process_models/em/working_with_others.md)
[Interactions Between the RM and EM Models](../topics/process_models/model_interactions/rm_em.md)
[Reporting Behavior](../topics/behavior_logic/reporting_bt.md) |
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-# ISO Crosswalk
-Three ISO standards are relevant to the Vultron Protocol.
-We cross-reference them here to help readers understand how they relate to the Vultron Protocol.
-| ISO Document | ISO Title | Vultron Protocol Crosswalk |
-| --- | --- |--------------------------------|
-| [ISO/IEC 30111:2019](https://www.iso.org/standard/69725.html) | **Information technology — Security techniques — Vulnerability handling processes** | [ISO 30111](iso_30111_2019.md) |
-| [ISO/IEC 29147:2018](https://www.iso.org/standard/72311.html) | **Information technology — Security techniques — Vulnerability disclosure** | [ISO 29147](iso_29147_2018.md) |
-| [ISO/IEC TR 5895:2022](https://www.iso.org/standard/81807.html) | **Cybersecurity — Multi-party coordinated vulnerability disclosure and handling** | [ISO 5898](iso_5895_2022.md) |