diff --git a/query-connector/src/app/assets/TEFCA_Query_Connector_API.postman_collection.json b/query-connector/src/app/assets/DIBBs_Query_Connector_API.postman_collection.json
similarity index 55%
rename from query-connector/src/app/assets/TEFCA_Query_Connector_API.postman_collection.json
rename to query-connector/src/app/assets/DIBBs_Query_Connector_API.postman_collection.json
index cadfb11e3..a9f24174f 100644
--- a/query-connector/src/app/assets/TEFCA_Query_Connector_API.postman_collection.json
+++ b/query-connector/src/app/assets/DIBBs_Query_Connector_API.postman_collection.json
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"info": {
- "_postman_id": "41c63eee-477f-402d-ab91-974b6c660833",
- "name": "TEFCA Query Connector API",
- "description": "# Overview\n\nThis document offers guidance for using the DIBBs TEFCA Query Connector service. It's intended to help you understand what the TEFCA Query Connector does (e.g., what use cases you can query for and what data is returned for each query) and how to make API requests to query for relevant case investigation data using this service.\n\n## What is the TEFCA Query Connector?\n\nThe TEFCA Query Connector is a tool for public health practitioners to quickly retrieve patient records and relevant case information from healthcare organizations. The tool works by connecting to Qualified Health Information Networks (QHINs) within the Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA), ensuring immediate access to essential health data and facilitating timely public health decisions and interventions. Public health staff can interact with the TEFCA Query Connector via API or manually by entering simple patient details \u2014 such as name, date of birth, or medical identifiers \u2014 into a web-based search form. The tool also allows for automated queries via integration engines like Rhapsody and Mirth.\n\n## Available Use Cases\n\nOur team has put together a collection of eleven API requests to demonstrate the functionality of the TEFCA Query Connector. Users can query for the following 6 use cases either directly or via the eHealth Exchange QHIN:\n\n- Cancer\n \n- Chlamydia\n \n- Gonorrhea\n \n- Newborn Screening\n \n- Social Determinants of Health\n \n- Syphilis\n \n\nEach of the requests is made up of the request's Body, which consists of the data sent to the API, and Documentation, which explains the possible use cases of the functionality demonstrated in the test. To view the documentation for a test, click the icon of a page with a folded corner near the top of the right-hand bar.\n\nAll data featured in these requests comes from synthetic FHIR data generated by J Michael Consulting and the Interoperability Institute.",
+ "_postman_id": "4b9fe84c-a61e-48f7-8df0-15e65e1919d0",
+ "name": "DIBBs Query Connector API",
+ "description": "# Overview\n\nThis document offers guidance for using the DIBBs Query Connector service. It's intended to help you understand what the Query Connector does (e.g., what use cases you can query for and what data is returned for each query) and how to make API requests to query for relevant case investigation data using this service.\n\n## What is it?\n\nThe Query Connector is a data collection tool that uses an intuitive querying process to help your staff quickly retrieve patient records and relevant case information from a wide range of healthcare providers — all without the need for a direct connection. It does this by leveraging your jurisdiction's existing data use agreements, like the Data Use and Reciprocal Support Agreement (DURSA), while also supporting innovative standards for data sharing, like the Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA).\n\n## How does it work?\n\nPublic health staff can interact with the Query Connector manually by entering simple patient details — such as name, date of birth, or medical identifiers — along with a query, into the web-based portal. The Query Connector API enables public health practitioners to retrieve patient records and case information directly from healthcare organizations via API requests to FHIR endpoints at health care organizations.\n\nTo make a request, users submit a patient resource in the body of the request. Users must also include the type of query they'd like to make, e.g., query for data related to chlamydia for this patient, and the endpoint that they'd like to retrieve the data from, e.g., a particular healthcare organization's EHR. Users can also make requests to Qualified Health Information Networks (QHINs) under TEFCA to query networks of healthcare organizations. For additional flexibility, the tool also supports integration with systems like Rhapsody and Mirth for automated queries. \n \nAvailable Use Cases\n\nOur team has put together a collection of eleven API requests to demonstrate the functionality of the Query Connector. Users can query for the following 6 use cases either directly or via the eHealth Exchange QHIN:\n\n- Cancer\n \n- Chlamydia\n \n- Gonorrhea\n \n- Newborn Screening\n \n- Social Determinants of Health\n \n- Syphilis\n \n\nEach of the requests is made up of the request's Body, which consists of the data sent to the API, and Documentation, which explains the possible use cases of the functionality demonstrated in the test. To view the documentation for a test, click the icon of a page with a folded corner near the top of the right-hand bar.\n\nAll data featured in these requests comes from synthetic FHIR data generated by J Michael Consulting and the Interoperability Institute.",
"schema": "https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.1.0/collection.json",
"_exporter_id": "35028120"
@@ -23,8 +23,13 @@
"url": {
"raw": "{{base_url}}/api/query?fhir_server=HELIOS Meld: Direct&use_case=cancer",
- "host": ["{{base_url}}"],
- "path": ["api", "query"],
+ "host": [
+ "{{base_url}}"
+ ],
+ "path": [
+ "api",
+ "query"
+ ],
"query": [
"key": "fhir_server",
@@ -36,7 +41,7 @@
- "description": "# Set Up\n\nThis API request demonstrates the TEFCA Query Connector's ability to directly query a server for a given patient and return data relevant to a case investigation. The direct query represents a point-to-point connection between a public health agency and a healthcare organization.\n\nThe **Body** tab shows FHIR patient resource to be submitted to the TEFCA Query Connector. In addition to the FHIR patient resource, the TEFCA Query Connector requires users to submit `fhir_server` and `use_case` parameters to specify where to make the query and to determine which relevant data should be returned to the user.\n\nFor this example API call, the user wants to make a direct query to the Helios Meld server. The request is for data relevant to a cancer query for a particular patient whose demographic data is sent in the Body of the request. To make this request, the API includes the following query parameters: `?fhir_server=HELIOS Meld: Direct&use_case=cancer`. This information is also viewable in the **Params** tab.\n\nAfter hitting **Send** on the request, we can check the **Response** at the bottom of the page to see the returned FHIR resources that are relevant to this patient's cancer follow-up. For example, the returned results include a Patient resource and relevant Observation resources.\n\n# Expected Response\n\nThe expected response of a query is a FHIR bundle containing a Patient resource and resources that are specific to the use case query as indicated by the presence of a relevant LOINC, SNOMED, and/or RxNorm code. For example, a cancer query will only return observation resources that contain SNOMED codes that are pertinent to a cancer follow-up. If a resource is not present, e.g., if there are no Encounter resources with cancer-relevant SNOMED codes, the response will not contain any Encounter resources.\n\n## Expected resources returned from cancer query\n\n- Patient\n \n- Conditions\n \n- Encounters\n \n- Medication Requests\n \n\n## LOINC codes included in cancer query\n\nNot applicable for this use case\n\n## SNOMED codes included in cancer query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 92814006 | Chronic lymphoid leukemia, disease |\n\n## RxNorm codes included in cancer query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 828265 | 1 ML alemtuzumab 30 MG/ML Injection |"
+ "description": "# Set Up\n\nThis API request demonstrates the Query Connector's ability to directly query a server for a given patient and return data relevant to a case investigation. The direct query represents a point-to-point connection between a public health agency and a healthcare organization.\n\nThe **Body** tab shows FHIR patient resource to be submitted to the Query Connector. In addition to the FHIR patient resource, the Query Connector requires users to submit `fhir_server` and `use_case` parameters to specify where to make the query and to determine which relevant data should be returned to the user.\n\nFor this example API call, the user wants to make a direct query to the Helios Meld server. The request is for data relevant to a cancer query for a particular patient whose demographic data is sent in the Body of the request. To make this request, the API includes the following query parameters: `?fhir_server=HELIOS Meld: Direct&use_case=cancer`. This information is also viewable in the **Params** tab.\n\nAfter hitting **Send** on the request, we can check the **Response** at the bottom of the page to see the returned FHIR resources that are relevant to this patient's cancer follow-up. For example, the returned results include a Patient resource and relevant Observation resources.\n\n# Expected Response\n\nThe expected response of a query is a FHIR bundle containing a Patient resource and resources that are specific to the use case query as indicated by the presence of a relevant LOINC, SNOMED, and/or RxNorm code. For example, a cancer query will only return observation resources that contain SNOMED codes that are pertinent to a cancer follow-up. If a resource is not present, e.g., if there are no Encounter resources with cancer-relevant SNOMED codes, the response will not contain any Encounter resources.\n\n## Expected resources returned from cancer query\n\n- Patient\n \n- Conditions\n \n- Encounters\n \n- Medication Requests\n \n\n## LOINC codes included in cancer query\n\nNot applicable for this use case\n\n## SNOMED codes included in cancer query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 92814006 | Chronic lymphoid leukemia, disease |\n\n## RxNorm codes included in cancer query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 828265 | 1 ML alemtuzumab 30 MG/ML Injection |"
"response": []
@@ -56,8 +61,13 @@
"url": {
"raw": "{{base_url}}/api/query?fhir_server=HELIOS Meld: eHealthExchange&use_case=cancer",
- "host": ["{{base_url}}"],
- "path": ["api", "query"],
+ "host": [
+ "{{base_url}}"
+ ],
+ "path": [
+ "api",
+ "query"
+ ],
"query": [
"key": "fhir_server",
@@ -69,7 +79,7 @@
- "description": "# Set Up\n\nThis API request demonstrates the TEFCA Query Connector's ability to query a Qualified Health Information Network (QHIN) for a given patient and return data relevant to a case investigation. The query represents a connection between a public health agency and a healthcare organization via a QHIN.\n\nThe **Body** tab shows FHIR patient resource to be submitted to the TEFCA Query Connector. In addition to the FHIR patient resource, the TEFCA Query Connector requires users to submit `fhir_server` and `use_case` parameters to specify where to make the query and to determine which relevant data should be returned to the user.\n\nFor this example API call, the user wants to make a query to the HELIOS Meld server via the eHealthExchange QHIN. The request is for data relevant to a cancer query for a particular patient whose demographic data is sent in the Body of the request. To make this request, the API includes the following query parameters: `?fhir_server=HELIOS Meld: eHealthExchange&use_case=cancer`. This information is also viewable in the **Params** tab.\n\nAfter hitting **Send** on the request, we can check the **Response** at the bottom of the page to see the returned FHIR resources that are relevant to this patient's cancer follow-up. For example, the returned results include a Patient resource and relevant Observation resources.\n\n# Expected Response\n\nThe expected response of a query is a FHIR bundle containing a Patient resource and resources that are specific to the use case query as indicated by the presence of a relevant LOINC, SNOMED, and/or RxNorm code. For example, a cancer query will only return observation resources that contain LOINC codes that are pertinent to a cancer follow-up. If a resource is not present, e.g., if there are no Encounter resources with cancer-relevant SNOMED codes, the response will not contain any Encounter resources.\n\n## Expected resources returned from gonorrhea query\n\n- Patient\n \n- Conditions\n \n- Encounters\n \n- Medication Requests\n \n\n## LOINC codes included in cancer query\n\nNot applicable for this use case\n\n## SNOMED codes included in cancer query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 92814006 | Chronic lymphoid leukemia, disease |\n\n## RxNorm codes included in cancer query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 828265 | 1 ML alemtuzumab 30 MG/ML Injection |"
+ "description": "# Set Up\n\nThis API request demonstrates the Query Connector's ability to query a Qualified Health Information Network (QHIN) for a given patient and return data relevant to a case investigation. The query represents a connection between a public health agency and a healthcare organization via a QHIN.\n\nThe **Body** tab shows FHIR patient resource to be submitted to the Query Connector. In addition to the FHIR patient resource, the Query Connector requires users to submit `fhir_server` and `use_case` parameters to specify where to make the query and to determine which relevant data should be returned to the user.\n\nFor this example API call, the user wants to make a query to the HELIOS Meld server via the eHealthExchange QHIN. The request is for data relevant to a cancer query for a particular patient whose demographic data is sent in the Body of the request. To make this request, the API includes the following query parameters: `?fhir_server=HELIOS Meld: eHealthExchange&use_case=cancer`. This information is also viewable in the **Params** tab.\n\nAfter hitting **Send** on the request, we can check the **Response** at the bottom of the page to see the returned FHIR resources that are relevant to this patient's cancer follow-up. For example, the returned results include a Patient resource and relevant Observation resources.\n\n# Expected Response\n\nThe expected response of a query is a FHIR bundle containing a Patient resource and resources that are specific to the use case query as indicated by the presence of a relevant LOINC, SNOMED, and/or RxNorm code. For example, a cancer query will only return observation resources that contain LOINC codes that are pertinent to a cancer follow-up. If a resource is not present, e.g., if there are no Encounter resources with cancer-relevant SNOMED codes, the response will not contain any Encounter resources.\n\n## Expected resources returned from gonorrhea query\n\n- Patient\n \n- Conditions\n \n- Encounters\n \n- Medication Requests\n \n\n## LOINC codes included in cancer query\n\nNot applicable for this use case\n\n## SNOMED codes included in cancer query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 92814006 | Chronic lymphoid leukemia, disease |\n\n## RxNorm codes included in cancer query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 828265 | 1 ML alemtuzumab 30 MG/ML Injection |"
"response": []
@@ -89,8 +99,13 @@
"url": {
"raw": "{{base_url}}/api/query?fhir_server=JMC Meld: Direct&use_case=chlamydia",
- "host": ["{{base_url}}"],
- "path": ["api", "query"],
+ "host": [
+ "{{base_url}}"
+ ],
+ "path": [
+ "api",
+ "query"
+ ],
"query": [
"key": "fhir_server",
@@ -102,7 +117,7 @@
- "description": "# Set Up\n\nThis API request demonstrates the TEFCA Query Connector's ability to directly query a server for a given patient and return data relevant to a case investigation. The direct query represents a point-to-point connection between a public health agency and a healthcare organization.\n\nThe **Body** tab shows FHIR patient resource to be submitted to the TEFCA Query Connector. In addition to the FHIR patient resource, the TEFCA Query Connector requires users to submit `fhir_server` and `use_case` parameters to specify where to make the query and to determine which relevant data should be returned to the user.\n\nFor this example API call, the user wants to make a direct query to the JMC Meld server. The request is for data relevant to a chlamydia case investigation for a particular patient whose demographic data is sent in the Body of the request. To make this request, the API includes the following query parameters: `?fhir_server=JMC Meld: Direct&use_case=chlamydia`. This information is also viewable in the **Params** tab.\n\nAfter hitting **Send** on the request, we can check the **Response** at the bottom of the page to see the returned FHIR resources that are relevant to this patient's chlamydia case. For example, the returned results include a Patient resource and relevant Observation, Condition, Medication Request, and Encounter resources.\n\n# Expected Response\n\nThe expected response of a query is a FHIR bundle containing a Patient resource and resources that are specific to the use case query as indicated by the presence of a relevant LOINC, SNOMED, and/or RxNorm code. For example, a chlamydia query will only return observation resources that contain LOINC codes that are pertinent to a chlamydia case investigation. If a resource is not present, e.g., if there are no Observation resources with chlamydia relevant LOINC codes, the response will not contain any Observation resources.\n\n## Expected resources returned from chlamydia query\n\n- Patient\n \n- Conditions\n \n- Diagnostic Reports\n \n- Encounters\n \n- Medication Requests\n \n- Observations\n \n\n## LOINC codes included in chlamydia query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 24111-7 | Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA \\[Presence\\] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection |\n| 72828-7 | Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA panel - Unspecified specimen |\n| 21613-5 | Chlamydia trachomatis DNA \\[Presence\\] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection |\n| 82810-3 | Pregnancy status |\n| 11350-6 | History of Sexual behavior Narrative |\n| 83317-8 | Sexual activity with anonymous partner in the past year |\n\n## SNOMED codes included in chlamydia query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 2339001 | Sexual overexposure |\n| 72531000052105 | Contraceptive counseling |\n| 102874004 | Possible pregnancy |\n| A74.9 | HLA-Aw74 antigen |\n\n## RxNorm codes included in chlamydia query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 434692 | azithromycin 1000 MG |\n| 82122 | levofloxacin |\n| 1649987 | doxycycline hyclate 100 MG |\n| 1665005 | ceftriaxone 500 MG Injection |"
+ "description": "# Set Up\n\nThis API request demonstrates the Query Connector's ability to directly query a server for a given patient and return data relevant to a case investigation. The direct query represents a point-to-point connection between a public health agency and a healthcare organization.\n\nThe **Body** tab shows FHIR patient resource to be submitted to the Query Connector. In addition to the FHIR patient resource, the Query Connector requires users to submit `fhir_server` and `use_case` parameters to specify where to make the query and to determine which relevant data should be returned to the user.\n\nFor this example API call, the user wants to make a direct query to the JMC Meld server. The request is for data relevant to a chlamydia case investigation for a particular patient whose demographic data is sent in the Body of the request. To make this request, the API includes the following query parameters: `?fhir_server=JMC Meld: Direct&use_case=chlamydia`. This information is also viewable in the **Params** tab.\n\nAfter hitting **Send** on the request, we can check the **Response** at the bottom of the page to see the returned FHIR resources that are relevant to this patient's chlamydia case. For example, the returned results include a Patient resource and relevant Observation, Condition, Medication Request, and Encounter resources.\n\n# Expected Response\n\nThe expected response of a query is a FHIR bundle containing a Patient resource and resources that are specific to the use case query as indicated by the presence of a relevant LOINC, SNOMED, and/or RxNorm code. For example, a chlamydia query will only return observation resources that contain LOINC codes that are pertinent to a chlamydia case investigation. If a resource is not present, e.g., if there are no Observation resources with chlamydia relevant LOINC codes, the response will not contain any Observation resources.\n\n## Expected resources returned from chlamydia query\n\n- Patient\n \n- Conditions\n \n- Diagnostic Reports\n \n- Encounters\n \n- Medication Requests\n \n- Observations\n \n\n## LOINC codes included in chlamydia query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 24111-7 | Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA \\[Presence\\] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection |\n| 72828-7 | Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA panel - Unspecified specimen |\n| 21613-5 | Chlamydia trachomatis DNA \\[Presence\\] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection |\n| 82810-3 | Pregnancy status |\n| 11350-6 | History of Sexual behavior Narrative |\n| 83317-8 | Sexual activity with anonymous partner in the past year |\n\n## SNOMED codes included in chlamydia query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 2339001 | Sexual overexposure |\n| 72531000052105 | Contraceptive counseling |\n| 102874004 | Possible pregnancy |\n| A74.9 | HLA-Aw74 antigen |\n\n## RxNorm codes included in chlamydia query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 434692 | azithromycin 1000 MG |\n| 82122 | levofloxacin |\n| 1649987 | doxycycline hyclate 100 MG |\n| 1665005 | ceftriaxone 500 MG Injection |"
"response": []
@@ -122,8 +137,13 @@
"url": {
"raw": "{{base_url}}/api/query?fhir_server=JMC Meld: eHealthExchange&use_case=chlamydia",
- "host": ["{{base_url}}"],
- "path": ["api", "query"],
+ "host": [
+ "{{base_url}}"
+ ],
+ "path": [
+ "api",
+ "query"
+ ],
"query": [
"key": "fhir_server",
@@ -135,7 +155,7 @@
- "description": "# Set Up\n\nThis API request demonstrates the TEFCA Query Connector's ability to query a Qualified Health Information Network (QHIN) for a given patient and return data relevant to a case investigation. The query represents a connection between a public health agency and a healthcare organization via a QHIN.\n\nThe **Body** tab shows FHIR patient resource to be submitted to the TEFCA Query Connector. In addition to the FHIR patient resource, the TEFCA Query Connector requires users to submit `fhir_server` and `use_case` parameters to specify where to make the query and to determine which relevant data should be returned to the user.\n\nFor this example API call, the user wants to make a query to the JMC Meld server via the eHealthExchange QHIN. The request is for data relevant to a chlamydia case investigation for a particular patient whose demographic data is sent in the Body of the request. To make this request, the API includes the following query parameters: `?fhir_server=JMC Meld: eHealthExchange&use_case=chlamydia`. This information is also viewable in the **Params** tab.\n\nAfter hitting **Send** on the request, we can check the **Response** at the bottom of the page to see the returned FHIR resources that are relevant to this patient's chlamydia case. For example, the returned results include a Patient resource and relevant Observation, Condition, Medication Request, and Encounter resources.\n\n# Expected Response\n\nThe expected response of a query is a FHIR bundle containing a Patient resource and resources that are specific to the use case query as indicated by the presence of a relevant LOINC, SNOMED, and/or RxNorm code. For example, a chlamydia query will only return observation resources that contain LOINC codes that are pertinent to a chlamydia case investigation. If a resource is not present, e.g., if there are no Observation resources with chlamydia relevant LOINC codes, the response will not contain any Observation resources.\n\n## Expected resources returned from chlamydia query\n\n- Patient\n \n- Conditions\n \n- Diagnostic Reports\n \n- Encounters\n \n- Medication Requests\n \n- Observations\n \n\n## LOINC codes included in chlamydia query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 24111-7 | Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA \\[Presence\\] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection |\n| 72828-7 | Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA panel - Unspecified specimen |\n| 21613-5 | Chlamydia trachomatis DNA \\[Presence\\] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection |\n| 82810-3 | Pregnancy status |\n| 11350-6 | History of Sexual behavior Narrative |\n| 83317-8 | Sexual activity with anonymous partner in the past year |\n\n## SNOMED codes included in chlamydia query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 2339001 | Sexual overexposure |\n| 72531000052105 | Contraceptive counseling |\n| 102874004 | Possible pregnancy |\n| A74.9 | HLA-Aw74 antigen |\n\n## RxNorm codes included in chlamydia query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 434692 | azithromycin 1000 MG |\n| 82122 | levofloxacin |\n| 1649987 | doxycycline hyclate 100 MG |\n| 1665005 | ceftriaxone 500 MG Injection |"
+ "description": "# Set Up\n\nThis API request demonstrates the Query Connector's ability to query a Qualified Health Information Network (QHIN) for a given patient and return data relevant to a case investigation. The query represents a connection between a public health agency and a healthcare organization via a QHIN.\n\nThe **Body** tab shows FHIR patient resource to be submitted to the Query Connector. In addition to the FHIR patient resource, the Query Connector requires users to submit `fhir_server` and `use_case` parameters to specify where to make the query and to determine which relevant data should be returned to the user.\n\nFor this example API call, the user wants to make a query to the JMC Meld server via the eHealthExchange QHIN. The request is for data relevant to a chlamydia case investigation for a particular patient whose demographic data is sent in the Body of the request. To make this request, the API includes the following query parameters: `?fhir_server=JMC Meld: eHealthExchange&use_case=chlamydia`. This information is also viewable in the **Params** tab.\n\nAfter hitting **Send** on the request, we can check the **Response** at the bottom of the page to see the returned FHIR resources that are relevant to this patient's chlamydia case. For example, the returned results include a Patient resource and relevant Observation, Condition, Medication Request, and Encounter resources.\n\n# Expected Response\n\nThe expected response of a query is a FHIR bundle containing a Patient resource and resources that are specific to the use case query as indicated by the presence of a relevant LOINC, SNOMED, and/or RxNorm code. For example, a chlamydia query will only return observation resources that contain LOINC codes that are pertinent to a chlamydia case investigation. If a resource is not present, e.g., if there are no Observation resources with chlamydia relevant LOINC codes, the response will not contain any Observation resources.\n\n## Expected resources returned from chlamydia query\n\n- Patient\n \n- Conditions\n \n- Diagnostic Reports\n \n- Encounters\n \n- Medication Requests\n \n- Observations\n \n\n## LOINC codes included in chlamydia query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 24111-7 | Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA \\[Presence\\] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection |\n| 72828-7 | Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA panel - Unspecified specimen |\n| 21613-5 | Chlamydia trachomatis DNA \\[Presence\\] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection |\n| 82810-3 | Pregnancy status |\n| 11350-6 | History of Sexual behavior Narrative |\n| 83317-8 | Sexual activity with anonymous partner in the past year |\n\n## SNOMED codes included in chlamydia query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 2339001 | Sexual overexposure |\n| 72531000052105 | Contraceptive counseling |\n| 102874004 | Possible pregnancy |\n| A74.9 | HLA-Aw74 antigen |\n\n## RxNorm codes included in chlamydia query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 434692 | azithromycin 1000 MG |\n| 82122 | levofloxacin |\n| 1649987 | doxycycline hyclate 100 MG |\n| 1665005 | ceftriaxone 500 MG Injection |"
"response": []
@@ -155,8 +175,13 @@
"url": {
"raw": "{{base_url}}/api/query?fhir_server=JMC Meld: Direct&use_case=gonorrhea",
- "host": ["{{base_url}}"],
- "path": ["api", "query"],
+ "host": [
+ "{{base_url}}"
+ ],
+ "path": [
+ "api",
+ "query"
+ ],
"query": [
"key": "fhir_server",
@@ -168,7 +193,7 @@
- "description": "# Set Up\n\nThis API request demonstrates the TEFCA Query Connector's ability to directly query a server for a given patient and return data relevant to a case investigation. The direct query represents a point-to-point connection between a public health agency and a healthcare organization.\n\nThe **Body** tab shows FHIR patient resource to be submitted to the TEFCA Query Connector. In addition to the FHIR patient resource, the TEFCA Query Connector requires users to submit `fhir_server` and `use_case` parameters to specify where to make the query and to determine which relevant data should be returned to the user.\n\nFor this example API call, the user wants to make a direct query to the JMC Meld server. The request is for data relevant to a gonorrhea case investigation for a particular patient whose demographic data is sent in the Body of the request. To make this request, the API includes the following query parameters: `?fhir_server=JMC Meld: Direct&use_case=gonorrhea`. This information is also viewable in the **Params** tab.\n\nAfter hitting **Send** on the request, we can check the **Response** at the bottom of the page to see the returned FHIR resources that are relevant to this patient's gonorrhea case. For example, the returned results include a Patient resource and relevant Observation, Condition, Medication Request, and Encounter resources.\n\n# Expected Response\n\nThe expected response of a query is a FHIR bundle containing a Patient resource and resources that are specific to the use case query as indicated by the presence of a relevant LOINC, SNOMED, and/or RxNorm code. For example, a gonorrhea query will only return observation resources that contain LOINC codes that are pertinent to a gonorrhea case investigation. If a resource is not present, e.g., if there are no Observation resources with gonorrhea-relevant LOINC codes, the response will not contain any Observation resources.\n\n## Expected resources returned from gonorrhea query\n\n- Patient\n \n- Conditions\n \n- Diagnostic Reports\n \n- Encounters\n \n- Medication Requests\n \n- Observations\n \n\n## LOINC codes included in gonorrhea query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 24111-7 | Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA \\[Presence\\] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection |\n| 11350-6 | History of Sexual behavior Narrative |\n| 21613-5 | Chlamydia trachomatis DNA \\[Presence\\] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection |\n| 82810-3 | Pregnancy status |\n| 83317-8 | Sexual activity with anonymous partner in the past year |\n\n## SNOMED codes included in gonorrhea query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 2339001 | Sexual overexposure |\n| 72531000052105 | Contraceptive counseling |\n| 102874004 | Possible pregnancy |\n| 15628003 | Gonorrhea |\n\n## RxNorm codes included in gonorrhea query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 434692 | azithromycin 1000 MG |\n| 1665005 | ceftriaxone 500 MG Injection |"
+ "description": "# Set Up\n\nThis API request demonstrates the Query Connector's ability to directly query a server for a given patient and return data relevant to a case investigation. The direct query represents a point-to-point connection between a public health agency and a healthcare organization.\n\nThe **Body** tab shows FHIR patient resource to be submitted to the Query Connector. In addition to the FHIR patient resource, the Query Connector requires users to submit `fhir_server` and `use_case` parameters to specify where to make the query and to determine which relevant data should be returned to the user.\n\nFor this example API call, the user wants to make a direct query to the JMC Meld server. The request is for data relevant to a gonorrhea case investigation for a particular patient whose demographic data is sent in the Body of the request. To make this request, the API includes the following query parameters: `?fhir_server=JMC Meld: Direct&use_case=gonorrhea`. This information is also viewable in the **Params** tab.\n\nAfter hitting **Send** on the request, we can check the **Response** at the bottom of the page to see the returned FHIR resources that are relevant to this patient's gonorrhea case. For example, the returned results include a Patient resource and relevant Observation, Condition, Medication Request, and Encounter resources.\n\n# Expected Response\n\nThe expected response of a query is a FHIR bundle containing a Patient resource and resources that are specific to the use case query as indicated by the presence of a relevant LOINC, SNOMED, and/or RxNorm code. For example, a gonorrhea query will only return observation resources that contain LOINC codes that are pertinent to a gonorrhea case investigation. If a resource is not present, e.g., if there are no Observation resources with gonorrhea-relevant LOINC codes, the response will not contain any Observation resources.\n\n## Expected resources returned from gonorrhea query\n\n- Patient\n \n- Conditions\n \n- Diagnostic Reports\n \n- Encounters\n \n- Medication Requests\n \n- Observations\n \n\n## LOINC codes included in gonorrhea query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 24111-7 | Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA \\[Presence\\] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection |\n| 11350-6 | History of Sexual behavior Narrative |\n| 21613-5 | Chlamydia trachomatis DNA \\[Presence\\] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection |\n| 82810-3 | Pregnancy status |\n| 83317-8 | Sexual activity with anonymous partner in the past year |\n\n## SNOMED codes included in gonorrhea query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 2339001 | Sexual overexposure |\n| 72531000052105 | Contraceptive counseling |\n| 102874004 | Possible pregnancy |\n| 15628003 | Gonorrhea |\n\n## RxNorm codes included in gonorrhea query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 434692 | azithromycin 1000 MG |\n| 1665005 | ceftriaxone 500 MG Injection |"
"response": []
@@ -188,8 +213,13 @@
"url": {
"raw": "{{base_url}}/api/query?fhir_server=JMC Meld: eHealthExchange&use_case=gonorrhea",
- "host": ["{{base_url}}"],
- "path": ["api", "query"],
+ "host": [
+ "{{base_url}}"
+ ],
+ "path": [
+ "api",
+ "query"
+ ],
"query": [
"key": "fhir_server",
@@ -201,18 +231,18 @@
- "description": "# Set Up\n\nThis API request demonstrates the TEFCA Query Connector's ability to query a Qualified Health Information Network (QHIN) for a given patient and return data relevant to a case investigation. The query represents a connection between a public health agency and a healthcare organization via a QHIN.\n\nThe **Body** tab shows FHIR patient resource to be submitted to the TEFCA Query Connector. In addition to the FHIR patient resource, the TEFCA Query Connector requires users to submit `fhir_server` and `use_case` parameters to specify where to make the query and to determine which relevant data should be returned to the user.\n\nFor this example API call, the user wants to make a query to the JMC Meld server via the eHealthExchange QHIN. The request is for data relevant to a gonorrhea case investigation for a particular patient whose demographic data is sent in the Body of the request. To make this request, the API includes the following query parameters: `?fhir_server=JMC Meld: eHealth Exchange&use_case=gonorrhea`. This information is also viewable in the **Params** tab.\n\nAfter hitting **Send** on the request, we can check the **Response** at the bottom of the page to see the returned FHIR resources that are relevant to this patient's gonorrhea case. For example, the returned results include a Patient resource and relevant Observation, Condition, Medication Request, and Encounter resources.\n\n# Expected Response\n\nThe expected response of a query is a FHIR bundle containing a Patient resource and resources that are specific to the use case query as indicated by the presence of a relevant LOINC, SNOMED, and/or RxNorm code. For example, a gonorrhea query will only return observation resources that contain LOINC codes that are pertinent to a gonorrhea case investigation. If a resource is not present, e.g., if there are no Observation resources with gonorrhea-relevant LOINC codes, the response will not contain any Observation resources.\n\n## Expected resources returned from gonorrhea query\n\n- Patient\n \n- Conditions\n \n- Diagnostic Reports\n \n- Encounters\n \n- Medication Requests\n \n- Observations\n \n\n## LOINC codes included in gonorrhea query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 24111-7 | Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA \\[Presence\\] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection |\n| 11350-6 | History of Sexual behavior Narrative |\n| 21613-5 | Chlamydia trachomatis DNA \\[Presence\\] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection |\n| 82810-3 | Pregnancy status |\n| 83317-8 | Sexual activity with anonymous partner in the past year |\n\n## SNOMED codes included in gonorrhea query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 2339001 | Sexual overexposure |\n| 72531000052105 | Contraceptive counseling |\n| 102874004 | Possible pregnancy |\n| 15628003 | Gonorrhea |\n\n## RxNorm codes included in gonorrhea query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 434692 | azithromycin 1000 MG |\n| 1665005 | ceftriaxone 500 MG Injection |"
+ "description": "# Set Up\n\nThis API request demonstrates the Query Connector's ability to query a Qualified Health Information Network (QHIN) for a given patient and return data relevant to a case investigation. The query represents a connection between a public health agency and a healthcare organization via a QHIN.\n\nThe **Body** tab shows FHIR patient resource to be submitted to the Query Connector. In addition to the FHIR patient resource, the Query Connector requires users to submit `fhir_server` and `use_case` parameters to specify where to make the query and to determine which relevant data should be returned to the user.\n\nFor this example API call, the user wants to make a query to the JMC Meld server via the eHealthExchange QHIN. The request is for data relevant to a gonorrhea case investigation for a particular patient whose demographic data is sent in the Body of the request. To make this request, the API includes the following query parameters: `?fhir_server=JMC Meld: eHealth Exchange&use_case=gonorrhea`. This information is also viewable in the **Params** tab.\n\nAfter hitting **Send** on the request, we can check the **Response** at the bottom of the page to see the returned FHIR resources that are relevant to this patient's gonorrhea case. For example, the returned results include a Patient resource and relevant Observation, Condition, Medication Request, and Encounter resources.\n\n# Expected Response\n\nThe expected response of a query is a FHIR bundle containing a Patient resource and resources that are specific to the use case query as indicated by the presence of a relevant LOINC, SNOMED, and/or RxNorm code. For example, a gonorrhea query will only return observation resources that contain LOINC codes that are pertinent to a gonorrhea case investigation. If a resource is not present, e.g., if there are no Observation resources with gonorrhea-relevant LOINC codes, the response will not contain any Observation resources.\n\n## Expected resources returned from gonorrhea query\n\n- Patient\n \n- Conditions\n \n- Diagnostic Reports\n \n- Encounters\n \n- Medication Requests\n \n- Observations\n \n\n## LOINC codes included in gonorrhea query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 24111-7 | Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA \\[Presence\\] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection |\n| 11350-6 | History of Sexual behavior Narrative |\n| 21613-5 | Chlamydia trachomatis DNA \\[Presence\\] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection |\n| 82810-3 | Pregnancy status |\n| 83317-8 | Sexual activity with anonymous partner in the past year |\n\n## SNOMED codes included in gonorrhea query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 2339001 | Sexual overexposure |\n| 72531000052105 | Contraceptive counseling |\n| 102874004 | Possible pregnancy |\n| 15628003 | Gonorrhea |\n\n## RxNorm codes included in gonorrhea query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 434692 | azithromycin 1000 MG |\n| 1665005 | ceftriaxone 500 MG Injection |"
"response": []
- "name": "Newborn Screening - CernerHelios: eHealthExchange",
+ "name": "Newborn Screening - HELIOS Meld: Direct",
"request": {
"method": "POST",
"header": [],
"body": {
"mode": "raw",
- "raw": "{\r\n \"resourceType\": \"Patient\",\r\n \"id\": \"12846634\",\r\n \"meta\": {\r\n \"versionId\": \"3\",\r\n \"lastUpdated\": \"2024-01-12T21:58:27.000Z\"\r\n },\r\n \"text\": {\r\n \"status\": \"generated\",\r\n \"div\": \"
Status: Active
DOB: Aug 29, 2023
Administrative Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
\"\r\n },\r\n \"extension\": [\r\n {\r\n \"extension\": [\r\n {\r\n \"valueCoding\": {\r\n \"system\": \"urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238\",\r\n \"code\": \"2106-3\",\r\n \"display\": \"White\",\r\n \"userSelected\": false\r\n },\r\n \"url\": \"ombCategory\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"valueString\": \"White\",\r\n \"url\": \"text\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"url\": \"http://hl7.org/fhir/us/core/StructureDefinition/us-core-race\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"extension\": [\r\n {\r\n \"valueCoding\": {\r\n \"system\": \"urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238\",\r\n \"code\": \"2186-5\",\r\n \"display\": \"Not Hispanic or Latino\",\r\n \"userSelected\": false\r\n },\r\n \"url\": \"ombCategory\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"valueString\": \"Not Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish Origin\",\r\n \"url\": \"text\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"url\": \"http://hl7.org/fhir/us/core/StructureDefinition/us-core-ethnicity\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"identifier\": [\r\n {\r\n \"id\": \"CI-490339975-0\",\r\n \"use\": \"usual\",\r\n \"type\": {\r\n \"coding\": [\r\n {\r\n \"system\": \"https://fhir.cerner.com/e8a84236-c258-4952-98b7-a6ff8a9c587a/codeSet/4\",\r\n \"code\": \"10\",\r\n \"display\": \"MRN\",\r\n \"userSelected\": true\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"system\": \"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203\",\r\n \"code\": \"MR\",\r\n \"display\": \"Medical record number\",\r\n \"userSelected\": false\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"text\": \"MRN\"\r\n },\r\n \"system\": \"urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.\",\r\n \"value\": \"18091\",\r\n \"_value\": {\r\n \"extension\": [\r\n {\r\n \"valueString\": \"MX00018091\",\r\n \"url\": \"http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/rendered-value\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n \"period\": {\r\n \"start\": \"2023-08-29T16:00:27.000Z\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"id\": \"CI-490339977-1\",\r\n \"use\": \"usual\",\r\n \"type\": {\r\n \"coding\": [\r\n {\r\n \"system\": \"https://fhir.cerner.com/e8a84236-c258-4952-98b7-a6ff8a9c587a/codeSet/4\",\r\n \"code\": \"2553236785\",\r\n \"display\": \"MIllennium Person Identifier\",\r\n \"userSelected\": true\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"text\": \"MIllennium Person Identifier\"\r\n },\r\n \"_system\": {\r\n \"extension\": [\r\n {\r\n \"valueCode\": \"unknown\",\r\n \"url\": \"http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/data-absent-reason\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n \"value\": \"6155\",\r\n \"_value\": {\r\n \"extension\": [\r\n {\r\n \"valueString\": \"6155\",\r\n \"url\": \"http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/rendered-value\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n },\r\n \"period\": {\r\n \"start\": \"2023-08-29T16:00:27.000Z\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"active\": true,\r\n \"name\": [\r\n {\r\n \"id\": \"CI-12846634-0\",\r\n \"use\": \"official\",\r\n \"text\": \"HILL, CUCUMBER\",\r\n \"family\": \"HILL\",\r\n \"given\": [\r\n \"CUCUMBER\"\r\n ],\r\n \"period\": {\r\n \"start\": \"2023-08-29T16:00:28.000Z\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"telecom\": [\r\n {\r\n \"id\": \"CI-PH-29877149-0\",\r\n \"extension\": [\r\n {\r\n \"valueUrl\": \"(816)111-2222\",\r\n \"url\": \"http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/iso21090-TEL-address\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"system\": \"phone\",\r\n \"value\": \"8161112222\",\r\n \"use\": \"home\",\r\n \"rank\": 1,\r\n \"period\": {\r\n \"start\": \"2023-08-29T16:13:51.000Z\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"gender\": \"female\",\r\n \"birthDate\": \"2023-08-29\",\r\n \"deceasedBoolean\": false,\r\n \"address\": [\r\n {\r\n \"id\": \"CI-24375992-0\",\r\n \"use\": \"home\",\r\n \"text\": \"551 MAIN ST\\nKANSAS CITY, MO 64003\\nUS\",\r\n \"line\": [\r\n \"551 MAIN ST\"\r\n ],\r\n \"city\": \"KANSAS CITY\",\r\n \"district\": \"Jackson\",\r\n \"state\": \"MO\",\r\n \"postalCode\": \"64003\",\r\n \"country\": \"US\",\r\n \"period\": {\r\n \"start\": \"2023-08-29T15:58:00.000Z\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"maritalStatus\": {\r\n \"coding\": [\r\n {\r\n \"system\": \"https://fhir.cerner.com/e8a84236-c258-4952-98b7-a6ff8a9c587a/codeSet/38\",\r\n \"code\": \"309239\",\r\n \"display\": \"Single\",\r\n \"userSelected\": true\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"system\": \"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-MaritalStatus\",\r\n \"code\": \"S\",\r\n \"display\": \"Never Married\",\r\n \"userSelected\": false\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"text\": \"Single\"\r\n },\r\n \"contact\": [\r\n {\r\n \"relationship\": [\r\n {\r\n \"coding\": [\r\n {\r\n \"system\": \"https://fhir.cerner.com/e8a84236-c258-4952-98b7-a6ff8a9c587a/codeSet/351\",\r\n \"code\": \"1159\",\r\n \"display\": \"Next of Kin\",\r\n \"userSelected\": true\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"system\": \"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0131\",\r\n \"code\": \"N\",\r\n \"display\": \"Next-of-Kin\",\r\n \"userSelected\": false\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"text\": \"Next of Kin\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"name\": {\r\n \"id\": \"CI-12846756-0\",\r\n \"use\": \"official\",\r\n \"text\": \"HILL, ORANGE\",\r\n \"family\": \"HILL\",\r\n \"given\": [\r\n \"ORANGE\"\r\n ],\r\n \"period\": {\r\n \"start\": \"2023-09-01T13:38:07.000Z\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n \"telecom\": [\r\n {\r\n \"extension\": [\r\n {\r\n \"valueUrl\": \"(816)555-1234\",\r\n \"url\": \"http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/iso21090-TEL-address\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"system\": \"phone\",\r\n \"value\": \"8165551234\",\r\n \"use\": \"home\",\r\n \"rank\": 1,\r\n \"period\": {\r\n \"start\": \"2023-09-01T13:38:07.000Z\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"extension\": [\r\n {\r\n \"valueUrl\": \"(816)111-2222\",\r\n \"url\": \"http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/iso21090-TEL-address\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"system\": \"phone\",\r\n \"value\": \"8161112222\",\r\n \"use\": \"mobile\",\r\n \"rank\": 1,\r\n \"period\": {\r\n \"start\": \"2023-09-01T13:38:07.000Z\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"address\": {\r\n \"use\": \"home\",\r\n \"text\": \"551 MAIN ST\\nKANSAS CITY, MO 64030\\nUS\",\r\n \"line\": [\r\n \"551 MAIN ST\"\r\n ],\r\n \"city\": \"KANSAS CITY\",\r\n \"district\": \"Jackson\",\r\n \"state\": \"MO\",\r\n \"postalCode\": \"64030\",\r\n \"country\": \"US\",\r\n \"period\": {\r\n \"start\": \"2023-08-29T14:57:48.000Z\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n \"gender\": \"female\",\r\n \"period\": {\r\n \"start\": \"2023-09-01T13:38:07.000Z\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"relationship\": [\r\n {\r\n \"coding\": [\r\n {\r\n \"system\": \"https://fhir.cerner.com/e8a84236-c258-4952-98b7-a6ff8a9c587a/codeSet/351\",\r\n \"code\": \"1159\",\r\n \"display\": \"Next of Kin\",\r\n \"userSelected\": true\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"system\": \"http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0131\",\r\n \"code\": \"N\",\r\n \"display\": \"Next-of-Kin\",\r\n \"userSelected\": false\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"text\": \"Next of Kin\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"name\": {\r\n \"id\": \"CI-12846635-1\",\r\n \"use\": \"official\",\r\n \"text\": \"HILL, ORANGE\",\r\n \"family\": \"HILL\",\r\n \"given\": [\r\n \"ORANGE\"\r\n ],\r\n \"period\": {\r\n \"start\": \"2023-08-29T16:00:28.000Z\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n \"telecom\": [\r\n {\r\n \"extension\": [\r\n {\r\n \"valueUrl\": \"(816)111-2222\",\r\n \"url\": \"http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/iso21090-TEL-address\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"system\": \"phone\",\r\n \"value\": \"8161112222\",\r\n \"use\": \"mobile\",\r\n \"rank\": 1,\r\n \"period\": {\r\n \"start\": \"2023-08-29T16:00:27.000Z\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"address\": {\r\n \"use\": \"home\",\r\n \"text\": \"551 Main St\\nKansas City, MO 64030\\nUS\",\r\n \"line\": [\r\n \"551 Main St\"\r\n ],\r\n \"city\": \"Kansas City\",\r\n \"district\": \"Jackson\",\r\n \"state\": \"MO\",\r\n \"postalCode\": \"64030\",\r\n \"country\": \"US\",\r\n \"period\": {\r\n \"start\": \"2023-08-29T14:57:48.000Z\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n \"gender\": \"female\",\r\n \"period\": {\r\n \"start\": \"2023-08-29T16:00:27.000Z\",\r\n \"end\": \"2023-09-01T13:38:07.000Z\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"communication\": [\r\n {\r\n \"language\": {\r\n \"coding\": [\r\n {\r\n \"system\": \"https://fhir.cerner.com/e8a84236-c258-4952-98b7-a6ff8a9c587a/codeSet/36\",\r\n \"code\": \"151\",\r\n \"display\": \"English\",\r\n \"userSelected\": true\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"system\": \"urn:ietf:bcp:47\",\r\n \"code\": \"en\",\r\n \"display\": \"English\",\r\n \"userSelected\": false\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"text\": \"English\"\r\n },\r\n \"preferred\": true\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"generalPractitioner\": [\r\n {\r\n \"id\": \"CI-490339987-0\",\r\n \"reference\": \"Practitioner/769942\",\r\n \"display\": \"Cerner Test, Physician - Neonatology Cerner\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n}",
+ "raw": "{\r\n \"resourceType\": \"Patient\",\r\n \"id\": \"475032B\",\r\n \"identifier\": [\r\n {\r\n \"use\": \"official\",\r\n \"system\": \"http://hospital.smarthealthit.org\",\r\n \"value\": \"67890\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"use\": \"usual\",\r\n \"system\": \"http://hospital.smarthealthit.org/mrn\",\r\n \"value\": \"MRN123456\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"name\": [\r\n {\r\n \"use\": \"official\",\r\n \"family\": \"Smith\",\r\n \"given\": [\r\n \"Mango\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"telecom\": [\r\n {\r\n \"system\": \"phone\",\r\n \"value\": \"555-123-4567\",\r\n \"use\": \"home\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"address\": [\r\n {\r\n \"use\": \"home\",\r\n \"line\": [\r\n \"123 Fake Street\"\r\n ],\r\n \"city\": \"Faketown\",\r\n \"state\": \"CA\",\r\n \"postalCode\": \"12345\",\r\n \"country\": \"USA\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"gender\": \"female\",\r\n \"birthDate\": \"2024-07-12\"\r\n}",
"options": {
"raw": {
"language": "json"
@@ -220,13 +250,18 @@
"url": {
- "raw": "{{base_url}}/api/query?fhir_server=CernerHelios: eHealthExchange&use_case=newborn-screening",
- "host": ["{{base_url}}"],
- "path": ["api", "query"],
+ "raw": "{{base_url}}/api/query?fhir_server=HELIOS Meld: Direct&use_case=newborn-screening",
+ "host": [
+ "{{base_url}}"
+ ],
+ "path": [
+ "api",
+ "query"
+ ],
"query": [
"key": "fhir_server",
- "value": "CernerHelios: eHealthExchange"
+ "value": "HELIOS Meld: Direct"
"key": "use_case",
@@ -234,7 +269,7 @@
- "description": "# Set Up\n\nThis API request demonstrates the TEFCA Query Connector's ability to query a Qualified Health Information Network (QHIN) for a given patient and return data relevant to a case investigation. The query represents a connection between a public health agency and a healthcare organization via a QHIN.\n\nThe **Body** tab shows FHIR patient resource to be submitted to the TEFCA Query Connector. In addition to the FHIR patient resource, the TEFCA Query Connector requires users to submit `fhir_server` and `use_case` parameters to specify where to make the query and to determine which relevant data should be returned to the user.\n\nFor this example API call, the user wants to make a query to the CernerHelios server via the eHealthExchange QHIN. The request is for data relevant to a newborn screening for a particular patient whose demographic data is sent in the Body of the request. To make this request, the API includes the following query parameters: `?fhir_server=CernerHelios: eHealthExchange&use_case=newborn-screening`. This information is also viewable in the **Params** tab.\n\nAfter hitting **Send** on the request, we can check the **Response** at the bottom of the page to see the returned FHIR resources that are relevant to this patient's newborn screening. For example, the returned results include a Patient resource and relevant Observation resources.\n\n# Expected Response\n\nThe expected response of a query is a FHIR bundle containing a Patient resource and resources that are specific to the use case query as indicated by the presence of a relevant LOINC, SNOMED, and/or RxNorm code. For example, a newborn screening query will only return observation resources that contain LOINC codes that are pertinent to a newborn screening query. If a resource is not present, e.g., if there are no Observation resources with newborn-screening-relevant LOINC codes, the response will not contain any Observation resources.\n\n## Expected resources returned from newborn screening query\n\n- Patient\n \n- Observations\n \n\n## LOINC codes included in newborn screening query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 73700-7 | CCHD newborn screening interpretation |\n| 73698-3 | Reason CCHD oxygen saturation screening not performed |\n| 54108-6 | Newborn hearing screen of Ear - left |\n| 54109-4 | Newborn hearing screen of Ear - right |\n| 58232-0 | Hearing loss risk indicators \\[Identifier\\] |\n| 57700-7 | Hearing loss newborn screening comment/discussion |\n| 73739-5 | Newborn hearing screen reason not performed of Ear - left |\n| 73742-9 | Newborn hearing screen reason not performed of Ear - right |\n| 2708-6 | Cannabinoids \\[Presence\\] in Vitreous fluid |\n| 8336-0 | Body weight \\[Percentile\\] Per age |\n\n## SNOMED codes included in newborn screening query\n\nNot applicable for this use case\n\n## RxNorm codes included in newborn screening query\n\nNot applicable for this use case"
+ "description": "# Set Up\n\nThis API request demonstrates the Query Connector's ability to directly query a server for a given patient and return data relevant to a case investigation. The direct query represents a point-to-point connection between a public health agency and a healthcare organization.\n\nThe **Body** tab shows FHIR patient resource to be submitted to the Query Connector. In addition to the FHIR patient resource, the Query Connector requires users to submit `fhir_server` and `use_case` parameters to specify where to make the query and to determine which relevant data should be returned to the user.\n\nFor this example API call, the user wants to make a direct query to the HELIOS Meld server. The request is for data relevant to a newborn screening for a particular patient whose demographic data is sent in the Body of the request. To make this request, the API includes the following query parameters: `?fhir_server=HELIOS Meld: Direct&use_case=newborn-screening`. This information is also viewable in the **Params** tab.\n\nAfter hitting **Send** on the request, we can check the **Response** at the bottom of the page to see the returned FHIR resources that are relevant to this patient's newborn screening. For example, the returned results include a Patient resource and relevant Observation resources.\n\n# Expected Response\n\nThe expected response of a query is a FHIR bundle containing a Patient resource and resources that are specific to the use case query as indicated by the presence of a relevant LOINC, SNOMED, and/or RxNorm code. For example, a newborn screening query will only return observation resources that contain LOINC codes that are pertinent to a newborn screening query. If a resource is not present, e.g., if there are no Observation resources with newborn-screening-relevant LOINC codes, the response will not contain any Observation resources.\n\n## Expected resources returned from newborn screening query\n\n- Patient\n \n- Observations\n \n\n## LOINC codes included in newborn screening query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 73700-7 | CCHD newborn screening interpretation |\n| 73698-3 | Reason CCHD oxygen saturation screening not performed |\n| 54108-6 | Newborn hearing screen of Ear - left |\n| 54109-4 | Newborn hearing screen of Ear - right |\n| 58232-0 | Hearing loss risk indicators \\[Identifier\\] |\n| 57700-7 | Hearing loss newborn screening comment/discussion |\n| 73739-5 | Newborn hearing screen reason not performed of Ear - left |\n| 73742-9 | Newborn hearing screen reason not performed of Ear - right |\n| 2708-6 | Cannabinoids \\[Presence\\] in Vitreous fluid |\n| 8336-0 | Body weight \\[Percentile\\] Per age |\n\n## SNOMED codes included in newborn screening query\n\nNot applicable for this use case\n\n## RxNorm codes included in newborn screening query\n\nNot applicable for this use case"
"response": []
@@ -253,46 +288,18 @@
"url": {
- "raw": "{{base_url}}/api/query?fhir_server=Helios Meld: eHealthExchange&use_case=newborn-screening",
- "host": ["{{base_url}}"],
- "path": ["api", "query"],
+ "raw": "{{base_url}}/api/query?fhir_server=HELIOS Meld: eHealthExchange&use_case=newborn-screening",
+ "host": [
+ "{{base_url}}"
+ ],
+ "path": [
+ "api",
+ "query"
+ ],
"query": [
"key": "fhir_server",
- "value": "Helios Meld: eHealthExchange"
- },
- {
- "key": "use_case",
- "value": "newborn-screening"
- }
- ]
- },
- "description": "# Set Up\n\nThis API request demonstrates the TEFCA Query Connector's ability to query a Qualified Health Information Network (QHIN) for a given patient and return data relevant to a case investigation. The query represents a connection between a public health agency and a healthcare organization via a QHIN.\n\nThe **Body** tab shows FHIR patient resource to be submitted to the TEFCA Query Connector. In addition to the FHIR patient resource, the TEFCA Query Connector requires users to submit `fhir_server` and `use_case` parameters to specify where to make the query and to determine which relevant data should be returned to the user.\n\nFor this example API call, the user wants to make a query to the HELIOS Meld server via the eHealthExchange QHIN. The request is for data relevant to a newborn screening for a particular patient whose demographic data is sent in the Body of the request. To make this request, the API includes the following query parameters: `?fhir_server=HELIOS Meld: eHealthExchange&use_case=newborn-screening`. This information is also viewable in the **Params** tab.\n\nAfter hitting **Send** on the request, we can check the **Response** at the bottom of the page to see the returned FHIR resources that are relevant to this patient's newborn screening. For example, the returned results include a Patient resource and relevant Observation resources.\n\n# Expected Response\n\nThe expected response of a query is a FHIR bundle containing a Patient resource and resources that are specific to the use case query as indicated by the presence of a relevant LOINC, SNOMED, and/or RxNorm code. For example, a newborn screening query will only return observation resources that contain LOINC codes that are pertinent to a newborn screening query. If a resource is not present, e.g., if there are no Observation resources with newborn-screening-relevant LOINC codes, the response will not contain any Observation resources.\n\n## Expected resources returned from newborn screening query\n\n- Patient\n \n- Observations\n \n\n## LOINC codes included in newborn screening query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 73700-7 | CCHD newborn screening interpretation |\n| 73698-3 | Reason CCHD oxygen saturation screening not performed |\n| 54108-6 | Newborn hearing screen of Ear - left |\n| 54109-4 | Newborn hearing screen of Ear - right |\n| 58232-0 | Hearing loss risk indicators \\[Identifier\\] |\n| 57700-7 | Hearing loss newborn screening comment/discussion |\n| 73739-5 | Newborn hearing screen reason not performed of Ear - left |\n| 73742-9 | Newborn hearing screen reason not performed of Ear - right |\n| 2708-6 | Cannabinoids \\[Presence\\] in Vitreous fluid |\n| 8336-0 | Body weight \\[Percentile\\] Per age |\n\n## SNOMED codes included in newborn screening query\n\nNot applicable for this use case\n\n## RxNorm codes included in newborn screening query\n\nNot applicable for this use case"
- },
- "response": []
- },
- {
- "name": "Newborn Screening - HELIOS Meld: Direct",
- "request": {
- "method": "POST",
- "header": [],
- "body": {
- "mode": "raw",
- "raw": "{\r\n \"resourceType\": \"Patient\",\r\n \"id\": \"475032B\",\r\n \"identifier\": [\r\n {\r\n \"use\": \"official\",\r\n \"system\": \"http://hospital.smarthealthit.org\",\r\n \"value\": \"67890\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"use\": \"usual\",\r\n \"system\": \"http://hospital.smarthealthit.org/mrn\",\r\n \"value\": \"MRN123456\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"name\": [\r\n {\r\n \"use\": \"official\",\r\n \"family\": \"Smith\",\r\n \"given\": [\r\n \"Mango\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"telecom\": [\r\n {\r\n \"system\": \"phone\",\r\n \"value\": \"555-123-4567\",\r\n \"use\": \"home\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"address\": [\r\n {\r\n \"use\": \"home\",\r\n \"line\": [\r\n \"123 Fake Street\"\r\n ],\r\n \"city\": \"Faketown\",\r\n \"state\": \"CA\",\r\n \"postalCode\": \"12345\",\r\n \"country\": \"USA\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"gender\": \"female\",\r\n \"birthDate\": \"2024-07-12\"\r\n}",
- "options": {
- "raw": {
- "language": "json"
- }
- }
- },
- "url": {
- "raw": "{{base_url}}/api/query?fhir_server=HELIOS Meld: Direct&use_case=newborn-screening",
- "host": ["{{base_url}}"],
- "path": ["api", "query"],
- "query": [
- {
- "key": "fhir_server",
- "value": "HELIOS Meld: Direct"
+ "value": "HELIOS Meld: eHealthExchange"
"key": "use_case",
@@ -300,7 +307,7 @@
- "description": "# Set Up\n\nThis API request demonstrates the TEFCA Query Connector's ability to query a Qualified Health Information Network (QHIN) for a given patient and return data relevant to a case investigation. The direct query represents a point-to-point connection between a public health agency and a healthcare organization.\n\nThe **Body** tab shows FHIR patient resource to be submitted to the TEFCA Query Connector. In addition to the FHIR patient resource, the TEFCA Query Connector requires users to submit `fhir_server` and `use_case` parameters to specify where to make the query and to determine which relevant data should be returned to the user.\n\nFor this example API call, the user wants to make a query to the HELIOS Meld server directly. The request is for data relevant to a newborn screening for a particular patient whose demographic data is sent in the Body of the request. To make this request, the API includes the following query parameters: `?fhir_server=HELIOS Meld:Direct&use_case=newborn-screening`. This information is also viewable in the **Params** tab.\n\nAfter hitting **Send** on the request, we can check the **Response** at the bottom of the page to see the returned FHIR resources that are relevant to this patient's newborn screening. For example, the returned results include a Patient resource and relevant Observation resources.\n\n# Expected Response\n\nThe expected response of a query is a FHIR bundle containing a Patient resource and resources that are specific to the use case query as indicated by the presence of a relevant LOINC, SNOMED, and/or RxNorm code. For example, a newborn screening query will only return observation resources that contain LOINC codes that are pertinent to a newborn screening query. If a resource is not present, e.g., if there are no Observation resources with newborn-screening-relevant LOINC codes, the response will not contain any Observation resources.\n\n## Expected resources returned from newborn screening query\n\n- Patient\n \n- Observations\n \n\n## LOINC codes included in newborn screening query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 73700-7 | CCHD newborn screening interpretation |\n| 73698-3 | Reason CCHD oxygen saturation screening not performed |\n| 54108-6 | Newborn hearing screen of Ear - left |\n| 54109-4 | Newborn hearing screen of Ear - right |\n| 58232-0 | Hearing loss risk indicators \\[Identifier\\] |\n| 57700-7 | Hearing loss newborn screening comment/discussion |\n| 73739-5 | Newborn hearing screen reason not performed of Ear - left |\n| 73742-9 | Newborn hearing screen reason not performed of Ear - right |\n| 2708-6 | Cannabinoids \\[Presence\\] in Vitreous fluid |\n| 8336-0 | Body weight \\[Percentile\\] Per age |\n\n## SNOMED codes included in newborn screening query\n\nNot applicable for this use case\n\n## RxNorm codes included in newborn screening query\n\nNot applicable for this use case"
+ "description": "# Set Up\n\nThis API request demonstrates the Query Connector's ability to query a Qualified Health Information Network (QHIN) for a given patient and return data relevant to a case investigation. The query represents a connection between a public health agency and a healthcare organization via a QHIN.\n\nThe **Body** tab shows FHIR patient resource to be submitted to the Query Connector. In addition to the FHIR patient resource, the Query Connector requires users to submit `fhir_server` and `use_case` parameters to specify where to make the query and to determine which relevant data should be returned to the user.\n\nFor this example API call, the user wants to make a query to the HELIOS Meld server via the eHealthExchange QHIN. The request is for data relevant to a newborn screening for a particular patient whose demographic data is sent in the Body of the request. To make this request, the API includes the following query parameters: `?fhir_server=HELIOS Meld: eHealthExchange&use_case=newborn-screening`. This information is also viewable in the **Params** tab.\n\nAfter hitting **Send** on the request, we can check the **Response** at the bottom of the page to see the returned FHIR resources that are relevant to this patient's newborn screening. For example, the returned results include a Patient resource and relevant Observation resources.\n\n# Expected Response\n\nThe expected response of a query is a FHIR bundle containing a Patient resource and resources that are specific to the use case query as indicated by the presence of a relevant LOINC, SNOMED, and/or RxNorm code. For example, a newborn screening query will only return observation resources that contain LOINC codes that are pertinent to a newborn screening query. If a resource is not present, e.g., if there are no Observation resources with newborn-screening-relevant LOINC codes, the response will not contain any Observation resources.\n\n## Expected resources returned from newborn screening query\n\n- Patient\n \n- Observations\n \n\n## LOINC codes included in newborn screening query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 73700-7 | CCHD newborn screening interpretation |\n| 73698-3 | Reason CCHD oxygen saturation screening not performed |\n| 54108-6 | Newborn hearing screen of Ear - left |\n| 54109-4 | Newborn hearing screen of Ear - right |\n| 58232-0 | Hearing loss risk indicators \\[Identifier\\] |\n| 57700-7 | Hearing loss newborn screening comment/discussion |\n| 73739-5 | Newborn hearing screen reason not performed of Ear - left |\n| 73742-9 | Newborn hearing screen reason not performed of Ear - right |\n| 2708-6 | Cannabinoids \\[Presence\\] in Vitreous fluid |\n| 8336-0 | Body weight \\[Percentile\\] Per age |\n\n## SNOMED codes included in newborn screening query\n\nNot applicable for this use case\n\n## RxNorm codes included in newborn screening query\n\nNot applicable for this use case"
"response": []
@@ -320,8 +327,13 @@
"url": {
"raw": "{{base_url}}/api/query?fhir_server=HELIOS Meld: Direct&use_case=social-determinants",
- "host": ["{{base_url}}"],
- "path": ["api", "query"],
+ "host": [
+ "{{base_url}}"
+ ],
+ "path": [
+ "api",
+ "query"
+ ],
"query": [
"key": "fhir_server",
@@ -333,7 +345,7 @@
- "description": "# Set Up\n\nThis API request demonstrates the TEFCA Query Connector's ability to directly query a server for a given patient and return data relevant to a case investigation. The direct query represents a point-to-point connection between a public health agency and a healthcare organization.\n\nThe **Body** tab shows FHIR patient resource to be submitted to the TEFCA Query Connector. In addition to the FHIR patient resource, the TEFCA Query Connector requires users to submit `fhir_server` and `use_case` parameters to specify where to make the query and to determine which relevant data should be returned to the user.\n\nFor this example API call, the user wants to make a direct query to the Helios Meld server. The request is for data relevant to a cancer query for a particular patient whose demographic data is sent in the Body of the request. To make this request, the API includes the following query parameters: `?fhir_server=HELIOS Meld: Direct&use_case=social-determinants`. This information is also viewable in the **Params** tab.\n\nAfter hitting **Send** on the request, we can check the **Response** at the bottom of the page to see the returned FHIR resources that are relevant to this patient's social determinants of health follow-up. For example, the returned results include a Patient resource and relevant Observation resources.\n\n# Expected Response\n\nThe expected response of a query is a FHIR bundle containing a Patient resource and resources that are specific to the use case query as indicated by the presence of a relevant LOINC, SNOMED, and/or RxNorm code. In the case of social determinants of health queries, the query returns Observation resources where the category is `social-history` only. If an Observation resource does not have the category label `social-history`, it will not be returned as part of the response.\n\n## Expected resources returned from social determinants query\n\n- Patient\n \n- Observations where the `category` = `social-history`\n \n\n## LOINC codes included in social determinants query\n\nNot applicable for this use case\n\n## SNOMED codes included in social determinants query\n\nNot applicable for this use case\n\n## RxNorm codes included in social determinants query\n\nNot applicable for this use case"
+ "description": "# Set Up\n\nThis API request demonstrates the Query Connector's ability to directly query a server for a given patient and return data relevant to a case investigation. The direct query represents a point-to-point connection between a public health agency and a healthcare organization.\n\nThe **Body** tab shows FHIR patient resource to be submitted to the Query Connector. In addition to the FHIR patient resource, the Query Connector requires users to submit `fhir_server` and `use_case` parameters to specify where to make the query and to determine which relevant data should be returned to the user.\n\nFor this example API call, the user wants to make a direct query to the Helios Meld server. The request is for data relevant to a cancer query for a particular patient whose demographic data is sent in the Body of the request. To make this request, the API includes the following query parameters: `?fhir_server=HELIOS Meld: Direct&use_case=social-determinants`. This information is also viewable in the **Params** tab.\n\nAfter hitting **Send** on the request, we can check the **Response** at the bottom of the page to see the returned FHIR resources that are relevant to this patient's social determinants of health follow-up. For example, the returned results include a Patient resource and relevant Observation resources.\n\n# Expected Response\n\nThe expected response of a query is a FHIR bundle containing a Patient resource and resources that are specific to the use case query as indicated by the presence of a relevant LOINC, SNOMED, and/or RxNorm code. In the case of social determinants of health queries, the query returns Observation resources where the category is `social-history` only. If an Observation resource does not have the category label `social-history`, it will not be returned as part of the response.\n\n## Expected resources returned from social determinants query\n\n- Patient\n \n- Observations where the `category` = `social-history`\n \n\n## LOINC codes included in social determinants query\n\nNot applicable for this use case\n\n## SNOMED codes included in social determinants query\n\nNot applicable for this use case\n\n## RxNorm codes included in social determinants query\n\nNot applicable for this use case"
"response": []
@@ -353,8 +365,13 @@
"url": {
"raw": "{{base_url}}/api/query?fhir_server=HELIOS Meld: eHealthExchange&use_case=social-determinants",
- "host": ["{{base_url}}"],
- "path": ["api", "query"],
+ "host": [
+ "{{base_url}}"
+ ],
+ "path": [
+ "api",
+ "query"
+ ],
"query": [
"key": "fhir_server",
@@ -366,7 +383,7 @@
- "description": "StartFragment\n\n# Set Up\n\nThis API request demonstrates the TEFCA Query Connector's ability to query a Qualified Health Information Network (QHIN) for a given patient and return data relevant to a case investigation. The query represents a connection between a public health agency and a healthcare organization via a QHIN.\n\nThe **Body** tab shows FHIR patient resource to be submitted to the TEFCA Query Connector. In addition to the FHIR patient resource, the TEFCA Query Connector requires users to submit `fhir_server` and `use_case` parameters to specify where to make the query and to determine which relevant data should be returned to the user.\n\nFor this example API call, the user wants to make a query to the HELIOS Meld server via the eHealthExchange QHIN. The request is for data relevant to a cancer query for a particular patient whose demographic data is sent in the Body of the request. To make this request, the API includes the following query parameters: `?fhir_server=HELIOS Meld: eHealthExchange&use_case=social-determinants`. This information is also viewable in the **Params** tab.\n\nAfter hitting **Send** on the request, we can check the **Response** at the bottom of the page to see the returned FHIR resources that are relevant to this patient's cancer follow-up. For example, the returned results include a Patient resource and relevant Observation resources.\n\n# Expected Response\n\nThe expected response of a query is a FHIR bundle containing a Patient resource and resources that are specific to the use case query as indicated by the presence of a relevant LOINC, SNOMED, and/or RxNorm code. In the case of social determinants of health queries, the query returns Observation resources where the category is `social-history` only. If an Observation resource does not have the category label `social-history`, it will not be returned as part of the response.\n\n## Expected resources returned from cancer query\n\n- Patient\n \n- Observations where the `category` = `social-history`\n \n\n## LOINC codes included in cancer query\n\nNot applicable for this use case\n\n## SNOMED codes included in cancer query\n\nNot applicable for this use case\n\n## RxNorm codes included in cancer query\n\nNot applicable for this use case"
+ "description": "StartFragment\n\n# Set Up\n\nThis API request demonstrates the Query Connector's ability to query a Qualified Health Information Network (QHIN) for a given patient and return data relevant to a case investigation. The query represents a connection between a public health agency and a healthcare organization via a QHIN.\n\nThe **Body** tab shows FHIR patient resource to be submitted to the Query Connector. In addition to the FHIR patient resource, the Query Connector requires users to submit `fhir_server` and `use_case` parameters to specify where to make the query and to determine which relevant data should be returned to the user.\n\nFor this example API call, the user wants to make a query to the HELIOS Meld server via the eHealthExchange QHIN. The request is for data relevant to a cancer query for a particular patient whose demographic data is sent in the Body of the request. To make this request, the API includes the following query parameters: `?fhir_server=HELIOS Meld: eHealthExchange&use_case=social-determinants`. This information is also viewable in the **Params** tab.\n\nAfter hitting **Send** on the request, we can check the **Response** at the bottom of the page to see the returned FHIR resources that are relevant to this patient's cancer follow-up. For example, the returned results include a Patient resource and relevant Observation resources.\n\n# Expected Response\n\nThe expected response of a query is a FHIR bundle containing a Patient resource and resources that are specific to the use case query as indicated by the presence of a relevant LOINC, SNOMED, and/or RxNorm code. In the case of social determinants of health queries, the query returns Observation resources where the category is `social-history` only. If an Observation resource does not have the category label `social-history`, it will not be returned as part of the response.\n\n## Expected resources returned from cancer query\n\n- Patient\n \n- Observations where the `category` = `social-history`\n \n\n## LOINC codes included in cancer query\n\nNot applicable for this use case\n\n## SNOMED codes included in cancer query\n\nNot applicable for this use case\n\n## RxNorm codes included in cancer query\n\nNot applicable for this use case"
"response": []
@@ -386,8 +403,13 @@
"url": {
"raw": "{{base_url}}/api/query?fhir_server=HELIOS Meld: Direct&use_case=syphilis",
- "host": ["{{base_url}}"],
- "path": ["api", "query"],
+ "host": [
+ "{{base_url}}"
+ ],
+ "path": [
+ "api",
+ "query"
+ ],
"query": [
"key": "fhir_server",
@@ -399,7 +421,7 @@
- "description": "# Set Up\n\nThis API request demonstrates the TEFCA Query Connector's ability to directly query a server for a given patient and return data relevant to a case investigation. The direct query represents a point-to-point connection between a public health agency and a healthcare organization.\n\nThe **Body** tab shows FHIR patient resource to be submitted to the TEFCA Query Connector. In addition to the FHIR patient resource, the TEFCA Query Connector requires users to submit `fhir_server` and `use_case` parameters to specify where to make the query and to determine which relevant data should be returned to the user.\n\nFor this example API call, the user wants to make a direct query to the Helios Meld server. The request is for data relevant to a cancer query for a particular patient whose demographic data is sent in the Body of the request. To make this request, the API includes the following query parameters: `?fhir_server=HELIOS Meld: Direct&use_case=syphilis`. This information is also viewable in the **Params** tab.\n\nAfter hitting **Send** on the request, we can check the **Response** at the bottom of the page to see the returned FHIR resources that are relevant to this patient's cancer follow-up. For example, the returned results include a Patient resource and relevant Observation resources.\n\n# Expected Response\n\nThe expected response of a query is a FHIR bundle containing a Patient resource and resources that are specific to the use case query as indicated by the presence of a relevant LOINC, SNOMED, and/or RxNorm code. For example, a syphilis query will only return observation resources that contain LOINC codes that are pertinent to a syphilis case investigation. If a resource is not present, e.g., if there are no Observation resources with syphilis -relevant LOINC codes, the response will not contain any Observation resources.\n\n## Expected resources returned from syphilis query\n\n- Patient\n \n- Conditions\n \n- Diagnostic Reports\n \n- Encounters\n \n- Medication Requests\n \n- Observations\n \n\n## LOINC codes included in syphilis query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n|-----------|------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n| LP70657-9 | RPR | \n| 53605-2 | Treponema pallidum DNA [Presence] in Blood by NAA with probe detection |\n\n\n## SNOMED codes included in syphilis query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n|-----------|------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n| 76272004 | Syphilis |\n| 186847001 | Primary genital syphilis |\n\n\n## RxNorm codes included in syphilis query\n\nNot applicable for this use case\n"
+ "description": "# Set Up\n\nThis API request demonstrates the Query Connector's ability to directly query a server for a given patient and return data relevant to a case investigation. The direct query represents a point-to-point connection between a public health agency and a healthcare organization.\n\nThe **Body** tab shows FHIR patient resource to be submitted to the Query Connector. In addition to the FHIR patient resource, the Query Connector requires users to submit `fhir_server` and `use_case` parameters to specify where to make the query and to determine which relevant data should be returned to the user.\n\nFor this example API call, the user wants to make a direct query to the Helios Meld server. The request is for data relevant to a cancer query for a particular patient whose demographic data is sent in the Body of the request. To make this request, the API includes the following query parameters: `?fhir_server=HELIOS Meld: Direct&use_case=syphilis`. This information is also viewable in the **Params** tab.\n\nAfter hitting **Send** on the request, we can check the **Response** at the bottom of the page to see the returned FHIR resources that are relevant to this patient's cancer follow-up. For example, the returned results include a Patient resource and relevant Observation resources.\n\n# Expected Response\n\nThe expected response of a query is a FHIR bundle containing a Patient resource and resources that are specific to the use case query as indicated by the presence of a relevant LOINC, SNOMED, and/or RxNorm code. For example, a syphilis query will only return observation resources that contain LOINC codes that are pertinent to a syphilis case investigation. If a resource is not present, e.g., if there are no Observation resources with syphilis -relevant LOINC codes, the response will not contain any Observation resources.\n\n## Expected resources returned from syphilis query\n\n- Patient\n \n- Conditions\n \n- Diagnostic Reports\n \n- Encounters\n \n- Medication Requests\n \n- Observations\n \n\n## LOINC codes included in syphilis query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n|-----------|------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n| LP70657-9 | RPR | \n| 53605-2 | Treponema pallidum DNA [Presence] in Blood by NAA with probe detection |\n\n\n## SNOMED codes included in syphilis query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n|-----------|------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n| 76272004 | Syphilis |\n| 186847001 | Primary genital syphilis |\n\n\n## RxNorm codes included in syphilis query\n\nNot applicable for this use case\n"
"response": []
@@ -418,9 +440,14 @@
"url": {
- "raw": "dibbs.cloud/api/query?fhir_server=HELIOS Meld: eHealthExchange&use_case=syphilis",
- "host": ["dibbs", "cloud"],
- "path": ["api", "query"],
+ "raw": "{{base_url}}/api/query?fhir_server=HELIOS Meld: eHealthExchange&use_case=syphilis",
+ "host": [
+ "{{base_url}}"
+ ],
+ "path": [
+ "api",
+ "query"
+ ],
"query": [
"key": "fhir_server",
@@ -432,7 +459,7 @@
- "description": "# Set Up\n\nThis API request demonstrates the TEFCA Query Connector's ability to query a Qualified Health Information Network (QHIN) for a given patient and return data relevant to a case investigation. The query represents a connection between a public health agency and a healthcare organization via a QHIN.\n\nThe **Body** tab shows FHIR patient resource to be submitted to the TEFCA Query Connector. In addition to the FHIR patient resource, the TEFCA Query Connector requires users to submit `fhir_server` and `use_case` parameters to specify where to make the query and to determine which relevant data should be returned to the user.\n\nFor this example API call, the user wants to make a query to the HELIOS Meld server via the eHealthExchange QHIN. The request is for data relevant to a cancer query for a particular patient whose demographic data is sent in the Body of the request. To make this request, the API includes the following query parameters: `?fhir_server=HELIOS Meld: eHealthExchange&use_case=syphilis`. This information is also viewable in the **Params** tab.\n\nAfter hitting **Send** on the request, we can check the **Response** at the bottom of the page to see the returned FHIR resources that are relevant to this patient's syphilis case investigation. For example, the returned results include a Patient resource and relevant Observation resources.\n\n# Expected Response\n\nThe expected response of a query is a FHIR bundle containing a Patient resource and resources that are specific to the use case query as indicated by the presence of a relevant LOINC, SNOMED, and/or RxNorm code. For example, a syphilis query will only return observation resources that contain LOINC codes that are pertinent to a syphilis case investigation. If a resource is not present, e.g., if there are no Encounter resources with syphilis-relevant SNOMED codes, the response will not contain any Encounter resources.\n\n## Expected resources returned from syphilis query\n\n- Patient\n \n- Conditions\n \n- Diagnostic Reports\n \n- Encounters\n \n- Medication Requests\n \n- Observations\n \n\n## LOINC codes included in syphilis query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| LP70657-9 | RPR |\n| 53605-2 | Treponema pallidum DNA \\[Presence\\] in Blood by NAA with probe detection |\n\n## SNOMED codes included in syphilis query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 76272004 | Syphilis |\n| 186847001 | Primary genital syphilis |\n\n## RxNorm codes included in syphilis query\n\nNot applicable for this use case"
+ "description": "# Set Up\n\nThis API request demonstrates the Query Connector's ability to query a Qualified Health Information Network (QHIN) for a given patient and return data relevant to a case investigation. The query represents a connection between a public health agency and a healthcare organization via a QHIN.\n\nThe **Body** tab shows FHIR patient resource to be submitted to the Query Connector. In addition to the FHIR patient resource, the Query Connector requires users to submit `fhir_server` and `use_case` parameters to specify where to make the query and to determine which relevant data should be returned to the user.\n\nFor this example API call, the user wants to make a query to the HELIOS Meld server via the eHealthExchange QHIN. The request is for data relevant to a cancer query for a particular patient whose demographic data is sent in the Body of the request. To make this request, the API includes the following query parameters: `?fhir_server=HELIOS Meld: eHealthExchange&use_case=syphilis`. This information is also viewable in the **Params** tab.\n\nAfter hitting **Send** on the request, we can check the **Response** at the bottom of the page to see the returned FHIR resources that are relevant to this patient's syphilis case investigation. For example, the returned results include a Patient resource and relevant Observation resources.\n\n# Expected Response\n\nThe expected response of a query is a FHIR bundle containing a Patient resource and resources that are specific to the use case query as indicated by the presence of a relevant LOINC, SNOMED, and/or RxNorm code. For example, a syphilis query will only return observation resources that contain LOINC codes that are pertinent to a syphilis case investigation. If a resource is not present, e.g., if there are no Encounter resources with syphilis-relevant SNOMED codes, the response will not contain any Encounter resources.\n\n## Expected resources returned from syphilis query\n\n- Patient\n \n- Conditions\n \n- Diagnostic Reports\n \n- Encounters\n \n- Medication Requests\n \n- Observations\n \n\n## LOINC codes included in syphilis query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| LP70657-9 | RPR |\n| 53605-2 | Treponema pallidum DNA \\[Presence\\] in Blood by NAA with probe detection |\n\n## SNOMED codes included in syphilis query\n\n| **Code** | **Value** |\n| --- | --- |\n| 76272004 | Syphilis |\n| 186847001 | Primary genital syphilis |\n\n## RxNorm codes included in syphilis query\n\nNot applicable for this use case"
"response": []
@@ -443,7 +470,9 @@
"script": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"packages": {},
- "exec": [""]
+ "exec": [
+ ""
+ ]
@@ -451,7 +480,9 @@
"script": {
"type": "text/javascript",
"packages": {},
- "exec": [""]
+ "exec": [
+ ""
+ ]
@@ -462,4 +493,4 @@
"type": "string"
\ No newline at end of file