- caDSR Integration: Submitted metadata is now validated against Common Data Element (CDE) Permissible Values.
- Operations Dashboard: Introduced a new dashboard for internal staff to monitor data submissions and operations effectively.
- CLI Binary Distribution: The Uploader CLI now supports binary downloads for quicker setup.
- Automated Data Archiving: All submitted data in Data Submissions are automatically archived upon completion.
- CRDC_ID Uniqueness Checks: Verifies that CRDC_IDs are unique within the Submission Portal, preventing duplication.
- Manage Study Admin Tool: Administrators can now view, add, and edit registered studies directly within the Submission Portal.
- Enhanced Data Upload CLI Tool: The Uploader CLI now supports AWS bucket-to-bucket data uploads.
- Data Submission Collaborators: Submitters can now add collaborators to work on their data submissions.
- Federal Monitor Role: Add a new role for federal staff, allowing them to monitor and oversee data submissions within their assigned studies.
- Data Commons Data Curators: Data Curators are now associated with specific Data Commons
- Submission Access Requests: Authenticated users can now request data submission access for their associated organization.
- DCF Manifest File Integration: The metadata release package now includes the DCF manifest file, facilitating automatic transfer to the Data Commons.
- Submission Request PDF Export: Users can now export submission requests as PDFs.
- Data Submissions Table Improvements: Supports configurable display columns and a compact table view for improved user experience
- Support for Multiple Data Model Files: The system now accommodates an arbitrary number of model files for each data model, offering enhanced flexibility.
- Support for ICDC and CTDC Data Models and Submissions
- Data View feature to explore content within data submissions
- Cross-validation support for multiple submissions under the same study
- Automatic transfer of curated submissions to Data Commons repositories
- Auto-sync of the latest data model with Data Commons
- Support for DELETE-type submissions to remove previously released data
- Default configuration file for the Uploader CLI tool
- Submitters can submit data using APIs
- Generate CRDC_ID for selected nodes
- Support for individual submission templates (one per node type)
- Data Activity view to monitor data upload activities
- Submitters can perform data validations and view results through the web interface
- Visual display of submission nodes, data counts, and validation status
- Release data submission packages to downstream Data Commons repositories
- Enhanced the existing Data Loader to process released data submission packages for downstream Data Commons
- Data Model Navigator to review and download submission templates
- Support for CDS Data Models and Submissions
- Data Submission dashboard for submitters to submit study metadata and data files
- End-to-end workflow for data submission (from New to Complete)
- Automated email notifications during each data submission status change
- Data Uploader CLI tool for updating data files and metadata
- Admin tool to manage organizations
- Submitters can download validation results from the standalone Data Loader
- Enhanced existing CRDC Data Loader for the down-streamed Data Commons to process the released package from Data Hub using Prefect
- Implement Government Shutdown banner using Adobe Launch
- Support for NIH and Login.gov authentication
- Role-based access controls
- Online form for CRDC Submission Requests
- Workflow to review submission requests (from New to Approved/Rejected)
- Admin tools to manage users and their access
- Auto-delete submission requests after 45 days of inactivity
- System-triggered email notifications for approved, rejected, or deleted requests