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@byteclaw/visage-themes version License

Collection of themes for Visage Design System and utilities to create custom themes.



First decide what theme you want to use and then import it.

Docs theme

Default theme used in Visage docs

N-point and modular scale theme

Base theme that uses N-point grid and Modular scale for typography. This theme creator should be used to create completely custom theme.

import { createNPointModularScaleTheme, modularScaleFontRatios } from '@byteclaw/visage-themes';

const theme = createNPointModularScaleTheme({
  baseFontSize: 16,
  baseLineHeightRatio: 1.5,
  baseGridSize: 8,
  borderRadius: {
    // optional border radius for controls
    controlBorderRadius: 8,
    // any other name of border radius
  fontScaleRatio: modularScaleFontRatios.perfectFourth,
  colors: {
    /** Accent color to bring attention to design elements */
    accent: '#ccc';
    accentText: 'black';
    /** Used as background color for dark on light design or text color of inverted design */
    shades: 'white';
    shadesText: 'black';
    primary: 'black';
    primaryText: 'white';
    /** Uses as background for danger elements or as invalid color */
    danger: 'red';
    dangerText: 'white';
    /** Uses as background for info elements or as info text color */
    info: 'blue';
    infoText: 'white';
    neutral: '#ccc';
    neutralText: 'black';
    /** Uses as background for success elements or as success text color */
    success: 'green';
    successText: 'white';
    /** Uses as background for warning elements or as warning text color */
    warning: 'orange';
    warningText: 'white';
    // ... extra colors you want to use
  fontFamily: {
    // you are responsible to actually include these fonts to your HTML
    body: 'Rubik',
    heading: 'Luna',


  • baseFontSize
    • number - e.g. 16
    • number[] - e.g. [14,15,16] - this is suitable if you're using responsive design system and want to change base font size based on the device
  • baseLineHeightRatio
    • number - e.g. 1.5
      • ratio used to calculate line height
      • ratio is calculated based on modular scale and grid size. The point is to align it with grid size so you always have a multiplies of grid size used as line height.
  • baseGridSize
    • number - e.g. 8 - all spacings are caculated as multiplies of baseGridSize for example m: 1 will result to margin: 8, m: 0.5 is margin: 4 and m: -1 is margin: -8. - borderRadius
    • number - e.g. 8
    • string - e.g. 8px
    • { [name: string]: string | number } - named border radiuses so you can address them e.g. borderRadius: 'controlBorderRadius'.
  • fontScaleRatio
    • number - e.g. 1.4. This property is used by modular scale to compute font size.
  • colors
    • ColorPalette - each color can be a string or ScaleValue. Scale value supports dot (e.g. primary.-1 or primary.1) notation so you can have more than one shade of the color in your palette. ``fontFamily`
    • FontPalette
      • fonts used by visage, body and heading are required.

N-point and font scale theme

Base theme that uses N-point grid and font scale for typography. This theme creator should be used to create completely custom theme.

import { createNPointFontScaleTheme } from '@byteclaw/visage-themes';

const theme = createNPointFontScaleTheme({
  fontSize: { values: [10, 12, 16, 20, 28, 38], offset: 1 },
  lineHeights: { values: [14, 16, 20, 24, 32, 44], offset: 1 },
  baseGridSize: 8,
  borderRadius: {
    // optional border radius for controls
    controlBorderRadius: 8,
    // any other name of border radius
  colors: {
    /** Accent color to bring attention to design elements */
    accent: '#ccc';
    accentText: 'black';
    /** Used as background color for dark on light design or text color of inverted design */
    shades: 'white';
    shadesText: 'black';
    primary: 'black';
    primaryText: 'white';
    /** Uses as background for danger elements or as invalid color */
    danger: 'red';
    dangerText: 'white';
    /** Uses as background for info elements or as info text color */
    info: 'blue';
    infoText: 'white';
    neutral: '#ccc';
    neutralText: 'black';
    /** Uses as background for success elements or as success text color */
    success: 'green';
    successText: 'white';
    /** Uses as background for warning elements or as warning text color */
    warning: 'orange';
    warningText: 'white';
    // ... extra colors you want to use
  fontFamily: {
    // you are responsible to actually include these fonts to your HTML
    body: 'Rubik',
    heading: 'Luna',


  • fontSize
    • ScaleValue<number | number[]> - scale value
  • lineHeights
    • ScaleValue<number | number[]> - scale value
  • baseGridSize
    • number - e.g. 8 - all spacings are caculated as multiplies of baseGridSize for example m: 1 will result to margin: 8, m: 0.5 is margin: 4 and m: -1 is margin: -8. - borderRadius
    • number - e.g. 8
    • string - e.g. 8px
    • { [name: string]: string | number } - named border radiuses so you can address them e.g. borderRadius: 'controlBorderRadius'.
  • colors
    • ColorPalette - each color can be a string or ScaleValue. Scale value supports dot (e.g. primary.-1 or primary.1) notation so you can have more than one shade of the color in your palette. ``fontFamily`
    • FontPalette
      • fonts used by visage, body and heading are required.