- flags library function to provide on/off flags that only take up one bit of memory
- removed obsolete SCENERY_PE support from Parser (use metro_scenery instead)
- order of end message more Infocom like now
- other minor Parser changes
- constant ENABLE_NUMBERPARSING to activate numeral recognition
- number parsing logic ported from Inform 6.2 lib
- backported NumberWord() and TryNumber() routines
- added special_number globals
- number token implementation for grammar definitions
- updated codebase to use the standard Inform 6 compiler (6.34 or newer)
- inheritance of RT_Err disabled by default
- constant ENABLE_INFORM_RT_ERR to force Inform 6 runtime error inheritance
- constant ENABLE_WEAR activates clothing and wearable objects
- inference can be deactivated with DISABLE_INFERENCE constant
- lib function WordInPropery() has been backported
- the player / selfObject has now add_to_scope support
- add_to_scope empty stack bugfix backported
- bugfix in PrintCommand (Parser) affecting v3 dict. entries > 6 chars
- compass objects can be disabled using WITHOUT_DIRECTIONS constant
- hardcoded wall objects removed from compass implementation
- examining directions is recognized and triggers general response
- metro_scenery lib function for flexible, memory efficient, non-object consuming scenery
- custom abbreviations definition supported with CUSTOM_ABBREVIATIONS constant
- forked from mInform 1.1