Miscellaneous materials
The first file that went up here was "facebook-dmcs-six4three-ocr.pdf", which is an OCR'd version of the document released by the UK Government's "Digital, Culture, Media and Sport select committee" in relation to Facebook and Six4Three (December 2018). The original PDF doc is as-referenced in this twitter chain: https://twitter.com/DamianCollins/status/1070324910109675525 - the only thing I've done is to push it through a commercial OCR package in order to make all the pages text-searchable (the OCRing has not been manually proofed).
For example, searching in the original PDF for (for example) "Ticketmaster" will not find anything. In this OCR'd version, at least some hits are properly found.
There was a second DCMS release on 19 Feb 2019 which has (belatedly) now been OCR'd and uploaded here (Further-selected-documents-ordered-from-Six4Three-Feb19-OCR.pdf). To fit that within Github's size limit for web-uploading the images have been re-compressed which makes them a little uglier - for pleasant reading/printing you may prefer to use the original (non-OCR) version at https://www.parliament.uk/documents/commons-committees/culture-media-and-sport/Further-selected-documents-ordered-from-Six4Three-Feb19.pdf
The other files apart from these two are extracts from a leaked release of broader scope. No we're not going to answer any questions about how they came in to our posession, don't be silly.
If you need to contact me, /u/BuxtonTheRed on Reddit is the most likely place I'll see anything (I am also @buxtonthered on twitter, but don't check that very often). If you don't know what that means, ask a nerd for help.
To keep up with news and developments, follow the twitter hashtag #six4threefiles and twitter accounts @dcampbell_iptv, @carolecadwalla and @williamrt.
- Matt / Buxton The Red