A PHP wrapper for BuiltByBit's HTTP API.
- Full coverage of the API.
- Type hinting used for IDE autocomplete & readability.
- Requests are dynamically stalled to stay within rate limiting rules.
- No dependencies other than cURL - clone this repository and go!
An extensive list of examples can be found under the /examples
require __DIR__ . "/../src/APIWrapper.php";
$token = new APIToken(TokenType::PRIVATE, "Find @ https://builtbybit.com/account/api");
$wrapper = new APIWrapper();
if ($error = $wrapper->initialise($token)->getError()) {
die("API initialisation error: ". $error["message"]);
echo $wrapper->members()->fetch(87939)->getData()["username"];
Whether you're wanting to report a bug you've come across during use of this wrapper or are seeking general help/assistance, please utilise the issues tracker and tag your issue appropriately during creation.
I try to respond to issues within a reasonable timeframe.