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Installing open-source tools for ARTIX-7 FPGAs

There are two possible toolchains for ARTIX-7, either symbiflow (all-in-one, integrated, easier to install) or yosys + xray + nextpnr-xilinx (more complicated to install, but more up to date, and uses nextpnr instead of the heavier vpr).


Step 1: yosys

Follow setup instructions from yosys website


Install prerequisites:

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential clang bison flex \
  libreadline-dev gawk tcl-dev libffi-dev git \
  graphviz xdot pkg-config python3 libboost-system-dev \
  libboost-python-dev libboost-filesystem-dev zlib1g-dev

If you want the GUI, you will need also to install:

$ sudo apt-get install libboost-python1.67.0-py38 

Get the sources:

$ git clone

Compile and install it:

$ cd yosys
$ make
$ sudo make install

Step 2: prjxray

Either generate the database (but you need Vivado) or use a pre-generated one. OK, let's use the pre-generated one.

Follow the README from prjxray.


$ git clone
$ cd prjxray
$ export PRJXRAY=`pwd`
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ make build
$ sudo python3 $PRJXRAY/ install
$ sudo python3 $PRJXRAY/third_party/fasm/ install
$ ./
$ sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/nextpnr/
$ sudo cp -r database /usr/share/nextpnr/prjxray-db
$ sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip python3-yaml

Step 3: nextpnr-xilinx

Did not manage to build it with the gui, because on my box it gives a missing symbol error in boost-python, so I deactivated it.

$ git clone
$ cd nextpnr-xilinx
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ make
$ sudo make install

One more thing, you will need to generate the chipdb (whatever that means, I do not understand everything here...). Learnt that from the 'building the Arty example' of this webpage). Needs to be adapted if you have a 100t instead of 35t.

$ cd nextpnr-xilinx
$ python3 xilinx/python/ --device xc7a35tcsg324-1 --bba xilinx/xc7a35t.bba
$ build/bbasm --l xilinx/xc7a35t.bba xilinx/xc7a35t.bin
$ sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/nextpnr/xilinx-chipdb
$ sudo cp xilinx/xc7a35t.bin /usr/share/nextpnr/xilinx-chipdb/

Now set $PRJXRAY and $LEARN_FPGA in your .bashrc and make sure $PRJXRAY/utils/ is in the PATH (so that is found).

Here we go ! Now time to


Symbiflow documentation is here.

Step 1: Install symbiflow

To do that, a (custom) version of symbiflow-magic is bundled with FemtoRV. Symbiflow-magic is a makefile that downloads and configures a pre-compiled version of symbiflow for ARTIX-7. The version bundled with FemtoRV fixes a couple of issues.

$ cd learn-fpga/FemtoRV
$ sh -f TOOLS/

It will download and install several packages (takes a while...)

Step 2: post-install step

Add anaconda initialization to your shell startup file as follows:

$ $HOME/opt/symbiflow/xc7/conda/bin/conda init $SHELL

Add the following line to your shell startup file (.bashrc if you use bash).

export PATH=/home/blevy/opt/symbiflow/xc7/install/bin/:$PATH
conda activate xc7

Start a new terminal window. If everything went well, the prompt should start with (xc7).

Edit learn_fpga/FemtoRV/Makefile, comment the line with and uncomment the one with