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Image File Description @ Github Provides Definition File Archive
sra.sif SRAassembler SRAssembler SRAssembler SOAPdenovo2 ABySS
Vmatch BLAST+ GeneSeqer GenomeThreader SNAP
bioawk Samtools BOWTIE IGV MUSCLE
sra.def archived versions
SNPat.sif SNP analysis tools GATK SNPGenie freebayes BISCUIT biscuiteer BS-SNPer
SRAtoolkit UMI-tools FastQC
Samtools AGAT GFFRead
bedtools samblaster bcftools vcftools cyvcf2
SNPat.def archived versions
FMAB.sif tools used in Fundamental Models and Algorithms in Bioinformatics classes BLAST+ Vmatch FMAB.def archived versions
mRNAmarkup.sif mRNAmarkup mRNAmarkup mRNAmarkup BLAST+ MuSeqBox mRNAmarkup.def archived versions
bwasp.sif BWASP BWASP BWASP bwasp.def archived versions
bwaspr.sif BWASPR BWASPR BWASPR bwaspr.def archived versions
AllRice.sif Software for (rice) genome analyses AllRice FastQC Trimmomatic Porechop NanoFilt
SRAtoolkit UMI-tools Samtools SeqKit
Flye MaSuRCA Wengan Pilon POLCA QuORUM
bwa minimpa2 bowtie2 hisat2 STAR jellyfish
RagTag rmblast TRF RepeatMasker
R pafr RSEM EBseq DESeq2
BLAST+ MuSeqBox Vmatch GenomeThreader GenomeTools MUMmer ngsutilsj assembly-stats ufasta
AllRice.def archived versions
DDN.sif DiscovarDeNovo AllRice DiscovarDeNovo DDN.def archived versions