BostonHacks Registration Portal
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
serve -s dist OR firebase serve --only hosting
npm run lint
With an authenticated @firebase/app object,
import { functions } from "../firebase/init";
firebase.functions().httpsCallable("name-of-function")(input_data).then(data => {...})
For more info on the types of functions, visit the official Firebase Documentation.
With an authenticated @firebase/app object,
import { db } from "../firebase/init";
db.collection("name-of-collection").doc("doc-identifier").action().then(data => {...})
For more info on actions that can be performed, visit the official Firebase Documentation.
Run the following command after installing the Firebase CLI to deploy everything but the website.
firebase deploy --except hosting
To deploy functions,
npm run deploy
To deploy a specific function,
firebase deploy --only functions:(function name)
After running the buildscript, run the following command.
firebase deploy --only hosting:staging
After running the buildscript, run the following command.
firebase deploy --only hosting:production
To contribute to Cacioepepe, view our contribution guide.